Human Body Poetry Booklet

When you think of systems,
think of parts of a whole,
working together,
with one common goal.
The inputs go in,
the outputs go out,
and inside the system,
transformations come about.
When energy is transferred,
like when matter changes phase,
mass must be conserved,
this law everything obeys.
Transformation / Energy Transfers
Transformations – what are they?
A change in what you see –
from chemical reactions
to leaves falling from a tree.
When you think of systems,
think of parts of a whole,
working together,
with one common goal.
The inputs go in,
the outputs go out,
and inside the system,
transformations come about.
I Know a Necessary Body System
I know a necessary body system
A food-processing body system
A system that breaks down food
And releases important nutrients
With six parts to travel through
And enzymes to aid in digestion
Peristalsis moves the food along
And eliminates the waste
I know the digestive body system
A food processing body system
A system that breaks down food
And releases important nutrients
6 parts:
Processing =
Nutrients =
Peristalsis =
Eliminates =
A bolus is a bite of food
That’s chewed and soft and roundish.
It is mixed with your saliva
Which sounds down right, dog-gone houndish.
Bolus Diagram:
Saliva =
Chyme is a pulpy mixture
Of food and gastric juice
Combined within the stomach
It’s a liquid soon put to good use.
Chyme Diagram:
Pulpy =
Peristalsis Bugaloo
By S. A. Radford
I’m a bolus of food and I’m here today,
To travel through the digestive tract and show you the way.
I start in the mouth with a salivary lube,
Then into the esophagus – a muscular tube.
Peristalsis – Mouth to
Squeeze, squeeze, through and through,
Doing the peristalsis bugaloo.
Out through a sphincter with a giant splash,
Into the stomach for an acidic enzyme bath.
No longer a bolus, I’m a liquid called chyme,
Spelled C-H-Y-M-E, it rhymes with dime.
Peristalsis – Into the
Squeeze, squeeze, through and through,
Doing the peristalsis bugaloo.
Through another sphincter doorway at the lower stomach end,
Into the small intestines which bend and bend.
Chemical digestion releases nutrients,
And into the blood, those nutrients are sent.
Peristalsis – Through the
Small Intestine
Squeeze, squeeze, through and through,
Doing the peristalsis bugaloo.
I pass the appendix; the large intestine’s next,
It keeps the body balanced, but don’t be perplexed.
Absorbing the water, the minerals too,
That bolus of food, has turned into poo.
Peristalsis – Through the
Large Intestine
Squeeze, squeeze, through and through,
Doing the peristalsis bugaloo.
final stop is in the rectum,
feces leave your body and go out through your bum.
exit hole is called the anus.
journey is done, though it might seem heinous.
Peristalsis – End of the
Squeeze, squeeze, through and through,
Doing the peristalsis bugaloo.
Squeezing the food along bit by bit,
The process requires energy, but it doesn’t require wit.
Even standing on your head, it moves the food along,
Peristalsis is a process worthy of a song.
Squeeze, squeeze, through and through,
Doing the peristalsis bugaloo.
Salivary =
Feces =
Anus =
Heinous =
Sphincter Diagram
A sphincter is a muscle ring
Found in the digestive tract
Open when the ring’s relaxed
Closed tight when the muscle contracts.
Carbohydrate Illustrations
A carbohydrate
Could be starch or fiber
An instant energy source
Potatoes and rice
And vegetable fiber
And sugary fruit, of course!
Indicator Results
To show the presence of a thing
We use an indicator:
Yes or no – it tells us so,
A chemical translator!
Yellow/Orange =
Iodine will indicate
if starch is there or not.
Yellow means there’s nothing
While blue-black means there’s a lot.
Black/Purple/Green =
Benedict’s Solution
Benedict’s solution A blue sugar detector.
From blue, there’s none, to green there’s some,
To red – a candy nectar.
Blue =
Green =
Yellow =
Orange =
Red-Orange =
Red =
Enzymes Here, Enzymes There
By Susan Radford
Enzymes here, enzymes there,
Enzymes, enzymes everywhere!
Enzyme Locations
Clear enzymes cutting,
Acidic enzymes snipping,
Digestive enzymes ripping,
Chemical enzymes clipping!
Enzymes in saliva,
Enzymes in your mouth,
Enzymes in your stomach,
And enzymes in your gut!
Enzyme Action Illustrations
Enzymes here, enzymes there,
Enzymes, enzymes everywhere!
Enzymes! Enzymes! Enzymes!
I Know A Digestive Enzyme – Part 1
By Susan Radford
I know a digestive enzyme,
A clear digestive enzyme,
That’s found in your mouth,
And breaks down starch.
Small chemical scissors,
Cutting up the carbs,
Snipping big starches,
Releasing small sugars.
I know a digestive enzyme,
A salivary digestive enzyme,
That’s found in your spit,
And breaks down starch.
I know a digestive enzyme,
A salivary digestive enzyme,
And the name of that enzyme,
Is amylase, amylase, amylase!
Amylase Illustrations
I Know A Digestive Enzyme – Part 2
By Susan Radford
I know a digestive enzyme,
A chemical digestive enzyme,
That’s part of the gastric juices,
Found in the stomach.
With hydrochloric acid,
For just the right pH,
The enzyme cuts up protein,
And makes a stomach stew.
I know a digestive enzyme,
An acidic digestive enzyme,
That breaks apart proteins,
Releasing amino acids.
Gastric Juice =
Hydrochloric Acid =
pH =
Amino Acids =
I know a digestive enzyme,
That works at body temperature.
It’s found in the stomach.
It’s pepsin, pepsin, pepsin!
Proteins are a type of food Meats like beef and veal;
Used for building muscles
And for helping wounds to heal.
Protein Illustrations
Starch and Protein Sound-Off
Starch is a big old molecule.
Amylase breaks it into fuel.
Sugar is the fuel released.
It fuels the body and energy’s increased.
Sound off - Digestion
Sound off - Enzymes
Sound off - one, two, three, four, OUR FUEL!
Proteins are some mighty molecules.
Pepsin breaks them into fuels.
Amino acids are the building blocks,
Makes your muscles and heart solid as a rock.
Sound off - Digestion
Sound off - Enzymes
Sound off - one, two, three, four, OUR FUEL!
Foods are broken into nutrients.
Into the body those nutrients are sent.
To pass into the cell they must be small,
Or they’ll bounce off the membrane like a rubber ball.
Starch to Sugar Diagram
Protein to Amino Acids
Diffusion of Small vs. Large
Molecules Diagram
Sound off - Digestion
Sound off - Enzymes
Sound off - one, two, three, four, OUR FUEL!
To the tune of the “Sleep Country USA” ad:
The enzyme amylase - Why cut your starch with anything else?
To the theme song of Cops (“Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do…”)
Enzymes, Enzymes. What they gonna do?
What they gonna do? They’re gonna cut up food!
© Susan Radford 2006
I Know an Increase In Surface Area
I know a change in surface area,
From the chewing and grinding of food;
Pieces getting smaller and smaller
While the surface area gets larger.
With teeth for mechanical munching,
And enzymes for chemical cutting,
Peristalsis keeps squeezing the food along
Which mechanically mushes it too!
I know a change in surface area
From the biting and slicing of food;
Pieces getting smaller and smaller,
While the surface area grows.
Mechanical Digestion =
Chemical Digestion =
10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm Cube
Cut the 10 cm cube into 1 cm cubes
Surface area =
Surface area of each 1 cm cube =
Surface area of all the cubes combines =
The Diffusion Bugaloo
Thermal =
There are needed molecules, and I’m here today,
To explain diffusion and show you the way.
Diffusion is a cell process.
Do the molecules move? The answer’s YES!
Molecules =
Diffusing, spreading, throughout you,
Doing the diffusion bugaloo.
Thermal energy is the key,
For molecules moving in you and me.
The molecules start where there’s a lot Molecules concentrated in one spot.
Concentrated =
Microvilli =
Gradient =
Diffusing, spreading, throughout you,
Doing the diffusion bugaloo.
Spread Out
Bouncing, moving all about,
The molecules move and then spread out.
The small intestine is quite a place,
With nutrients packed into one great space.
Diffusing, spreading, throughout you,
Doing the diffusion bugaloo.
Microvilli Diagram
Microvilli is the name,
Surface area is the game.
The nutrients diffuse on through,
Through the microvilli to the blood in you.
Diffusing, spreading, throughout you,
Doing the diffusion bugaloo.
The cells are in need of the nutrients,
Which pass along a gradient.
Concentrated in the blood,
Then diffusing to the cells - a nutrient flood.
Diffusing, spreading, throughout you,
Doing the diffusion bugaloo.
Capillary (Blood Vessel) Diagram
The large intestine’s another place,
Where molecules diffuse at a certain pace.
Water’s mixed in with the waste,
It diffuses out to make your poop like paste.
Large Intestine Diagram
Diffusing, spreading, throughout you,
Doing the diffusion bugaloo.
And the lungs are known to have their share,
Of molecules diffusing to and from the air.
Oxygen in and CO2 out,
Diffusion is needed without a doubt.
Lung Diagram
Diffusing, spreading, in and out of you,
Doing the diffusion bugaloo.
To the Queen song, “We will, we will, rock you! Rock you!”
We will, we will, di-ffuse! Di-ffuse!
(On the “di-“ syllable, clap your hands once. On the “-ffuse” syllable, turn your
hands palm down and spread your hands apart while you wiggle your fingers.)
Small Villi
To the tune of the Beattles “Yellow Submarine”
Small intestines are lined with small villi,
lined with small villi,
lined with small villi.
They absorb the nutrients,
Which diffuse into the moving blood.
The villi must cover much
Surface area - it is a must.
Small intestines are lined with small villi,
lined with small villi,
lined with small villi.
Small intestines are lined with small villi,
lined with small villi,
lined with small villi.
Oxidation Illustrations
When things combine with oxygen
We call it oxidation;
Like rusting iron and burning wood
And cellular respiration.
Combustion is the rapid form
Of simple oxidation.
It really means to burn something That’s the simple explanation.
Combustion Illustration
Respiration Bugaloo
by Susan Radford and Suzanne Cowper
I am oxygen and I’m here today,
To travel through the body and show you the way.
First to the lungs to the alveoli,
I jump in the blood and I’m off on my ride.
Alveoli Diagram
Inhale, exhale, exchange too,
Doing the respiration bugaloo.
Off to a cell, I hold on tight,
My hemoglobin hold is oh so right.
Once at the cell, I diffuse on through,
A chain reaction – energy for you.
Red Blood Cell Diagram
Inhale, exhale, exchange too,
Doing the respiration bugaloo.
Oxygen in, and CO2 out.
Get rid of that waste without a doubt.
Back to the blood to the alveoli,
Up through the bronchioles and up to the sky.
Inhale, exhale, exchange too,
Doing the respiration bugaloo.
Alveoli =
Inhale =
Exhale =
Respiration =
Hemoglobin =
Diffuse =
Bronchioles =
I Know The Alveoli
Requisite =
I know the alveoli,
Air-sac clusters in the lungs,
Air-sac clusters in the lungs,
A requisite for respiration.
Capillaries =
With capillaries wrapping the air sacks
Carrying red blood cells to and fro
The oxygen moves by diffusion
And binds to hemoglobin in the red cells
Capillary-Wrapped Alveoli Diagram
I know the alveoli,
Air-sac clusters in the lungs,
Air-sac clusters in the lungs,
Providing oxygen with every breath.
With CO2 in the blood
Needing to be removed
Diffusing through the capillary
Into the alveoli.
I know the alveoli,
Air-sac clusters in the lungs,
Air-sac clusters in the lungs,
Exchanging oxygen for CO2.
Diagram of Oxygen and CO2 Movement
Cellular Respiration Sound-Off
Inputs for Cellular Respiration
Here’s a process that you need;
Burning fuel is quite a deed.
Happening in every cell It keeps you alive and feeling well.
Sound off – cellular
Sound off – respiration
Sound off – one, two, three, four, ENERGY!
From your blood come many things,
Like the oxygen and nutrients of which we sing.
The nutrients react with the oxygen,
Making heat energy for all women and men.
Sound off – cellular
Sound off – respiration
Sound off – one, two, three, four, ENERGY!
Carbon dioxide is produced as waste
That you must get rid of without haste.
It diffuses out of every cell.
This ends the process of which we tell.
Sound off – cellular
Sound off – respiration
Sound off – one, two, three, four, ENERGY!
Outputs of Cellular Respiration