Help You can make your own vocabulary, it to

You can make your own vocabulary, download it to your mobile, update, extend and share it with
your friends and students. By using your mobile phone, you can learn and practise words and
sentences, you can do tests, use vocabulary cards or simply view vocabulary. You can edit your
vocabulary notebook in a Google document from which you can simply upload it to your mobile.
Vocabulary Use:
The application is suitable for various vocabularies. They may be in different languages, so you can
upload, for example, your English-German or English-French vocabulary notebooks. The structure of
the vocabulary lines looks like this: the word in the first language (e.g. English), the meaning of the
word in the second language (e.g. French), and one or two keywords linked to the entry. More than
one keyword can be linked to a word. Keywords are used to group words; with their help, you can
choose vocabulary according to topics during practice. The function of keywords can be the
identification of topics, for example, health, daily routine, family and colours, or parts of speech such
as verb, noun, adjective, or even school book topics and units 1, 2 3.
Special vocabularies:
- Vocabulary of incorrect words: In the Test function, you can mark the incorrectly guessed
words, later you can practise them by opening the vocabulary of Incorrect words. Clearing
out the vocabulary can be done by the help of the Deleting vocabulary function in the
Managing vocabularies main menu.
- Denoted words: words indicated in the menu of Word card come in this vocabulary. Clearing
out the vocabulary can be done by the help of the Deleting vocabulary function in the
Managing vocabularies main menu.
In the main screen, the keywords of the actually uploaded vocabulary notebooks can be seen.
(Uploading a new vocabulary can be done in the menu of Managing vocabularies.) By selecting one,
more or all keywords, you can identify words meant to be practised.
Upon selecting the keywords, choose the desired function from the menu options. Practising
vocabularies is supported by the “Test” (
), “Vocabulary listing” (
can adjust the parameters of operation by the help of the “Settings” (
), “Word card” functions. You
) main menu option.
main menu option
The programme supports pairing-like tests. You have to do the matching of 5 words randomly
selected. Touch on the word then its pair. By pressing the “Checking” (
results. Your choice after pressing “Checking” (
icon allows you to get 5 new words.
) icon, you can check your
) cannot be changed. Pressing the “New test” (
Pressing the “Add”( ) icon lets you add the incorrectly guessed words to the vocabulary of
“Incorrect words”. You can practise the incorrectly guessed words later.
Vocabulary listing
main menu option:
You can view the words of your selected vocabulary in their original order. Listing displays 5 word
pairs default. In the “Settings” (
5 and 10.
) main menu, you can change the order of displayed lines between
Word card
main menu option:
In the Word card function, we divided the screen into two. In the upper part, a word appears, then
by pressing the “Reveal” ( ) icon, the dictionary pair of it is also displayed. With the forward and
backward icons, you can move from one word to another. With the Word card option of the
“Settings” ( ) main menu, you can set if in the upper part of your screen, the word listed in either
the first or second column should appear. Thus during practice, you can adjust in which language the
word or expression should come first. You can set the “Random order” function as well here. Default,
displaying the word cards takes place in the order of the uploaded vocabulary, in case of “Random
order”, the words appear randomly.
Managing vocabularies ( ) main menu option
After selecting the main menu, the uploaded vocabulary notebooks are displayed. Choose the one
you wish to use in case of more vocabularies. After selecting the vocabulary, the below functions are
available from the menu:
“Selecting vocabulary” ( ) – using the vocabulary. After moving back, you now can see the
keywords of the selected vocabulary.
“Deleting vocabulary”: The highlighted vocabulary can be deleted from the database. Provided that
you delete a vocabulary by mistake, you can replace it by repeatedly uploading it.
“Adding a new vocabulary”:
We recommend the “Importing from Google document” function, which is considerably easier than
the use of the 2.0 programme version.
The file created according to the instructions of “Making vocabulary in Excel” can be uploaded in this
menu option. Before applying this function, copy the vocabulary file from your computer to the SDcard of your mobile phone. You have to select the file name of the vocabulary when using the
“Adding a new vocabulary” function. If you upload a vocabulary with the name of an already existing
one, it will just overwrite its last version. The program stores the route of the vocabulary file. The
updating of the vocabulary becomes simplified since if you copy the modified vocabulary file to the
same place on the SD-card (and its name does not change), the “Vocabulary update” searches it and
loads the new version up.
“Importing from Google document”:
In your Google account, create a vocabulary based on the description of “Making vocabulary
notebook as a Google table”. The importing function lists Google tables in the Google account linked
to the mobile phone. In order to import, you need WIFI or access to a mobile Internet service. Select
the Google table containing your vocabulary notebook. The application stores that the vocabulary
was uploaded from a Google table. The “Vocabulary update” function will automatically update
through the Google account in case of such vocabulary.
“Vocabulary update”: Automatic update of the selected vocabulary notebook. It does not work in
case of vocabularies uploaded in a version before the 2.0 one, therefore, these should be deleted
and uploaded again. Upon uploading, the system stores the source of the vocabulary notebook.
Select one vocabulary, and then start updating. The update will search the vocabulary file either on
the SD-card or in a Google account depending on where the original source was.
How can you create your own vocabulary notebook?
“Making vocabulary notebook as a Google table”
Using the 2.0 version or beyond, managing vocabulary notebooks gets considerably simplified. In
case of Internet connection (WIFI or 3G), the vocabulary notebook can be downloaded and
synchronised from the Google account directly.
Create a Google account. Of course, the already existing Google account can be used, too.
Enter your Google account, then the Google Drive.
Create a new Google document whose type is a „Spreadsheet” table.
In the “File” menu option “Rename” submenu, give the table a name, e.g. ModelVocabulary.
In the first row of the table, in the A column letter A, in the B column letter B and in the C
column letter C should be written.
6) In the second row:
In Column A – the name of the Google document, e.g. ModelVocabulary.
In Column B – the actual name of the vocabulary, e.g. English-French should be
In Column C – the type of vocabulary: If it contains words, put 0; if sentences, put 1.
7) Write the words from the third row on:
In Column A – the word in the first language, e.g. English words,
In Column B – the word in the second language, e.g. French equivalent,
In Column C – topics/keywords belonging to the word (or sentence) separated by a
colon (:) should be written.
“Making vocabulary in Excel”
1 Create a Microsoft Excel file.
2 The first row of the table contains the following (per columns):
The name of the would be file, e.g. ModelVocabulary.txt
The actual name of the vocabulary, e.g. English-French
The type of the vocabulary:
- If it contains words, put 0.
If it contains sentences, put 1.
3 The rest of the table rows contain the following (per columns):
- The word in the first language, e.g. English words,
- The word in the second language, e.g. French equivalent,
- In the third column, topics/keywords belonging to the word (or sentence) separated by a
colon (:).
4 After filling in the Excel table, save it in a "Unicode text" format. This file will be called the
vocabulary file from now on.
5 Copy the vocabulary file onto the SD-card of the mobile phone. The vocabulary file copied onto the
SD-card can be uploaded according to the instructions under the menu option of “Add new
6 If you modify the vocabulary file, copy the new version onto the SD-card. Start the Vocabulary
notebook application, select the Managing vocabularies menu option, select the vocabulary
notebook then start the Vocabulary update function from the menu.
Scripts of system messages and function keys:
First language at the top
Random language at the top
Vocabulary reloading
For the 'Vocabulary reloading' function, first normal importing of the vocabulary
is needed.
Error occurred
File not found
More files with identical names found.
Network error occurred
No words in the vocabulary
Including into "Incorrect words”
Including into "Denoted words”
Incorrect words
Denoted words
Screen turning permission
Importing from Google document