Rock a thon Info Letter and Permission Form

Dear Parents/Guardians:
The OPMS Rock-a-thon fundraiser will be held on Friday, February 12th from 6 PM – Midnight. The Rock-a-thon is
an all night lock-in in the Oak Park cafeteria. Students will need to be dropped off by 6 pm on Friday and picked
up by Midnight that night. Students will be divided into teams prior to Rock-a-thon. They are to remain in their
teams and be “rocking” all night long. Their team will be responsible for setting up and cleaning up their area
during the evening. We will be playing games and having contests during the night. Students may wear pajamas
to this event but they must meet school dress code – no tank tops/spaghetti straps, and no short-shorts. Students
must be in shoes for the duration of this event – you may wear slippers as long as they have rubber tread on the
Attached is the fundraiser pledge sheet for Rock-a-thon. Pledges/sponsorships may be made by time increment
or in one increment for the entire night. All money must be collected before Rock-a-thon. All fundraiser money is
due to Mrs. Hutto no later than Wednesday, February 10th 2016.
Please note that this is a school function and students are subject to all Lake County School rules and
regulations. If there are any problems during the evening, you will be called to pick up your child. Thank you for
your help and understanding in this matter.
To participate in Rock-a-thon students must:
* turn in the attached permission form – DUE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5th
* have consistently good behavior in band
* have all forms, fees and fundraiser money up-to-date (medical waiver/handbook form, etc.)
* All students participating in Rock-a-thon must turn in a pledge sheet and their money collected.
*The goal for each student is at least $20.00.
All students should bring the following items:
* chairs/blankets/bean bags, etc
* food/drinks – you should bring a labeled cooler
* sweatshirt/jacket – the cafeteria usually gets cold!
Students MAY bring the following items:
* game systems and games
(ie: playstation, xbox, wii)
* ipods, mp3 players, cell phones
* TVs
* board games, cards, etc.
*extension cords/power strips will be necessary
Students MAY NOT bring the following:
* Energy drinks (ie: Red Bull, Monster,
***It is highly suggested that all items brought be labeled with your name, especially electronics! The band/school
is not responsible for lost or stolen items***
If you have any questions, please email or call 787-1578.
Musically yours,
Brooke Hutto
Director of Bands
-----------------------------------------Return to Mrs. Hutto by FRIDAY FEBRUARY 5th --------------------------------------------____ Yes My child has permission to participate in the Spring Rock a thon on Friday, February 12th at Oak Park. I
am aware that drop off time is 6:00 PM that evening and that I MUST pick up my child no by Midnight that night. I
understand that if my child does not follow the rules and regulations that evening I will be responsible for picking
them up early from the event.
Student Name ______________________________________________________
Parent Name _______________________________________________________
Parent Signature ____________________________________________________ Date _________________
Emergency Contact Number for that evening ____________________________________________________
-------------------------- CHAPERONES ONLY – SIGN AND RETURN BY FRIDAY FEBRUARY 5th -----------------------------------____ I am interested in chaperoning Rock-a-thon. Rock-a-thon chaperones must be registered as a volunteer
through Lake County Schools.
Chaperone Name ______________________________________________
Chaperone Signature ___________________________________________ Date _________________________
Cell Phone _____________________________________Home Phone _________________________________