ACS RELAY FOR LIFE OF SOUTHBRIDGE 2010 TEAM FUNDRAISER PUBLICITY FORMS Return to Faye Fulone Sweeney, 76 Osgood Rd., Charlton, MA 01507 or E-mail information to - Please put “Team Fundraiser” in subject line Please have the information to me at least 4 weeks prior to the event, if possible. I will do my best to get the information into as many newspapers as possible, but I will be sure to get it into the Southbridge Evening News. Of course, it is up to the editor of the “News” whether or not the information will be published. The “News” has been a great supporter of the Relay and is our major media sponsor. Feel free to call me at 508-735-5206 if you have any questions. TEAM NAME: __________________________________________________________ CONTACT PERSON: _____________________________________________________ CONTACT PHONE #_______________________ E-MAIL______________________ (List whichever you would like used in publicity… phone and/or e-mail) FUNDRAISER NAME: ___________________________________________________ FUNDRAISER LOCATION: _______________________________________________ FUNDRAISER DATE: ____________________________________________________ FUNDRAISER TIME: ____________________________________________________ COST: ______________ OTHER INFORMATION: ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Thank you! Let's "Strike Out Cancer" Together