最新文献报导 2009 年第 1 期(总第 22 期) 1 2009 中国科学院西安光机所网络信息中心 2009 年 3 月 前 言 根据所领导关于加强我所文献情报服务工作的安排,网络信息中心在 征求部分专家和科技人员对文献的需求和意见后,从 2004 年起,按照我 所的学科布局,不定期地检索和编印《最新文献报导》,在所局域网上发 布并出印刷版本发到各研究室,供有关科技人员参考。在每期的检索与编 辑过程中,我们将广泛听取各方面专业人员的意见,并根据我所学科发展 中有关专业的变化,对文献报导的内容和重心随时调整。您若有最新需 求,请通过 E-mail(ljf@opt.ac.cn)告诉我们,以便随时改进我们的工作。 主办:网络信息中心文献情报服务 编辑:李晋芳 地址:祖同楼 406 房间 电话:88887562 Email:ljf@opt.ac.cn 《最新文献报导》2009 年第 1 期 目 次 光电跟踪 ..................................................... 1 光纤激光陀螺 ................................................. 4 成像光谱 ..................................................... 7 太阳能电池 ................................................... 9 Femtosecond and Attosecond Pulse................................................. 11 High-Power Laser and Solid-State Laser .......................................... 17 Laser Application ................................................................................ 21 Nonlinear Optics ................................................................................. 25 Space Optical System ......................................................................... 29 Imaging Spectrometry ........................................................................ 34 Tracking of The Moving Target .......................................................... 38 Ultraviolet Imaging\Detection ............................................................. 43 Optical tweezers/ Photochromic ........................................................ 48 Fiber Amplifier ..................................................................................... 50 Optic Communication ......................................................................... 54 Large Aperture Mirror ......................................................................... 57 XIOPM latest Documents Report 光电跟踪 [1]光电跟踪仪多传感器数据采集研究 刘建平;陆培国;成莉;许丽蓉;郝利锋;, 应用光学, 2009,(01), 60-64 光电跟踪仪数据采集是利用 DSP 处理技术及多总线结构,实现电视跟踪通道、红外跟踪通道、激光测距 机、光纤陀螺仪等多传感器数据的提取,并采用 CPCI 总线技术结合双端口存储器(双端口 RAM)实现系统中信息 的快速传输,为光电跟踪仪伺服控制系统提供可靠的数据信息。介绍数据采集系统的设计思想及工作原理,重点 研究系统中各传感器的控制方式和接口设计等,并简要说明各系统之间的信息传输方式。 [2]一种提高跟踪精度的动态积分控制方法 侯云海;侯云海;王建立;董二宝;陈娟;陈娟;, 微计算机信息, 2009,(04), 20-21 动态高型控制在形式上相当于积分分离的 PI 控制器,按控制理论中经典的 PID 控制的解释,积分环节提高了 系统的无静差度,从而提高了系统的稳态精度。本文从其它角度对动态高型控制在理论和仿真实验两个方面进行 了深入研究,基于光电跟踪伺服系统,设计出一个高精度的动态 III 型控制系统。仿真中,当目标的最大加速度、最 大速度时,两个高型控制环节随时间逐次动态加入,使该动态 III 型系统稳态时最大跟踪误差达到了 1.3"。 [3]两轴周视光电跟踪天际线焦平面像的解析表达 江涛;陈方斌;王小齐;王红红;刘小强;, 应用光学, 2009,(01), 20-24 鉴于动基座周视光电跟踪系统的基座俯仰和横滚角会造成天际线在红外焦平面阵列上所成的像不再与反射 镜面俯仰轴在焦平面阵列上的投影平行,建立了动基座两轴周视光电跟踪系统的五自由度数学模型。重构了包含 目标信息的天际平面在大地坐标系下的方程,推导得出了天际线在焦平面阵列上成像的解析表达式,并将其与反 射镜面俯仰轴在焦平面阵列上的投影表达式进行了对比。天际线焦平面阵列成像的解析表达式可为目标可测、 天际线不可测情况下,沿像的方向向量及其正交方向进行方位、俯仰补偿及目标方位解算提供理论前提。 [4]一种用于“蛇形”机动目标的跟踪方法研究 王晓天;贾宇;陈方斌;, 应用光学, 2009,(01), 65-68 为了满足光电跟踪系统中对"蛇形"机动目标跟踪的要求,针对以前应用的 Singer 模型的缺陷,根据"蛇形"机动 目标运动规律,提出一种机动目标转弯模型,结合扩展卡尔曼滤波算法,对典型"蛇形"机动目标进行跟踪。通过 Monte Carlo 仿真,实现了在平面内对"蛇形"机动目标位置的准确跟踪,并且距离均方根误差(RMSE)比 Singer 模型 要小很多,从而验证了该方法的有效性。 [5]数字温度传感器在测色系统中的应用 李婷;谷玉海;徐小力;, 现代电子技术, 2009,(02), 183-185+188 光电积分式测色系统中一般使用硅光电池作为光电探测器,硅光电池的温度漂移特性会影响测量的稳定性。 为达到更好的性能指标,需要对测色系统进行适当的电压补偿。通常采用分时间段对电压值进行线性补偿,实际 上待测电压值并不是严格按照时间线性变化的,而是按照温度线性变化的。使用数字温度传感器 DS18B20 跟踪 实时温度,分析温度与待测电压值的线性关系,获取温度补偿系数,通过软件对测色系统进行电压补偿。当引入温 度传感器后,测色系统的测色色差ΔE 均小于 0.15,完全达到了国家计量院规定的要求,实验结果表明该方法在测 色系统的实际应用中是切实可行的。 [6]基于粒子滤波和数据关联的多目标跟踪算法 向桂英;艾斯卡尔·艾木都拉;于伟俊;地里木拉提·吐尔逊;, 光电子.激光, 2009,(02), 244-247 针对图像序列中低信噪比条件下的点状多目标跟踪问题,在已获得各个目标初始信息的基础上,结合粒子滤 波和联合概率数据关联(JPDA),研究了一种基于单帧检测的实时多目标跟踪算法。介绍了其基本思想和具体算法 实现步骤,并在 MATLAB 仿真环境下实现了该跟踪算法。实验仿真结果表明,该算法能够准确跟踪作任意轨迹运 动的多个点状动目标,具有良好的实时性与准确性。 [7]导引头随动系统中信号处理延迟的影响及其补偿算法 赵超;, 红外与激光工程, 2008,(06), 1066-1069 新体制导引头的信号处理方式越来越复杂,造成了非常明显的信号处理延迟,这种纯延迟环节又严重影响着 导引头随动系统的跟踪能力。首先采用相位裕度的概念定量分析了延迟大小对随动系统带宽的影响,然后针对目 标、导弹、导引头空间运动关系的特点,介绍了一种基于机动目标"当前"统计模型和自适应 Kalman 预测滤波的 探测器信号处理延迟补偿方案,采用探测器输出的跟踪误差和电位器输出的角度信息重构视线运动量测值,利用 Kalman 滤波获得当前时刻视线角位置的最优估计,进而得到当前时刻跟踪误差的预测值,取代被延迟的跟踪误差 进行随动系统的闭环控制,仿真表明本方案有效可行。 [8]激光对红外制导导弹干扰仿真与效果评估 李海燕;朱敏;何友金;任建存;, 红外与激光工程, 2008,(06), 1034-1037+1078 最新文献报导 1 XIOPM latest Documents Report 以红外制导导弹为典型代表的光电精确制导武器在军事上的广泛应用,促进了与之相应的光电干扰技术的迅 速发展。如何消弱敌方红外制导导弹的攻击效果,是海军作战中迫切需要解决的问题。激光武器以其独特的性能 成为对抗红外制导导弹的理想武器,为准确评估激光干扰红外制导导弹的效果,对某红外制导导弹的巡航段弹道 建立了导弹运动学模型、寻的/跟踪器模型、导引处理器模型和碰撞检测模型。以脱靶量为最终输出参量进行干 扰评估,同时给出了命中概率的下降情况。仿真结果表明:激光能够有效地干扰该型红外制导导弹,使其脱靶量发 生大幅度变化。随着干扰距离的增大,导弹的命中概率也迅速下降。结果证明干扰时机的选取对干扰效果的好坏 有着至关重要的作用。 [9]人眼微动机制实时红外图像边缘提取 李志军;贺明;王巨海;商文忠;张晗;, 光电工程, 2008,(12), 117-121 图像边缘特征提取是视频跟踪和目标提取的关键步骤,其性能和处理时间直接影响了后续图像处理的性能及 视觉系统的整体响应时间。本文研究了一种基于人眼固视微动的实时图像边缘提取算法,针对算法具有边缘识别 能力强,但运算量大的特点。通过采用并行处理结构及流水线技术在 FPGA 内实现了该算法,试验结果说明该算 法在 FPGA 内实现具有与视频流同步的实时性,并且边缘提取的效果很好。在图像目标实时跟踪系统中应用,极 大提高了目标的跟踪精度和稳定性。 [10]光电跟踪伺服系统的频率特性测试与模型辨识 王帅;陈涛;李洪文;王建立;, 光学精密工程, 2009,(01), 78-84 基于光电跟踪伺服系统全数字化的特点,提出了一种新型频率特性测试方法,并对该方法所使用的激励信 号、数据采集方式、幅值和相位提取算法、模型辨识算法进行了研究。利用数字运动控制器产生离散的正弦扫 频信号,同时采集响应信号并存储在磁盘上,对其进行测试后,将文件导入 Matlab 进行数据预处理;然后,采用相关 分析方法计算输入输出信号的幅度比和相位差;最后,利用递阶辨识算法将测量得到的数据转化为高精度的传递 函数。实验结果表明,测试信号基本可以覆盖伺服控制系统的频带宽度,在系统的中频段可以获得幅度±0.5 dB 和相位±1°的辨识精度,在高频段也可以使用双二节滤波器拟合出机械谐振频率,证明了该方法的有效性和实用 性。 [11]机载光电跟踪系统连续帧图像快速识别定位 王国富;欧阳缮;刘庆华;丁勇;, 光电工程, 2009,(01), 36-40 针对机载光电跟踪系统连续帧图像快速识别、准确定位的要求,本文在深入分析连续图像序列特性和机载光 电跟踪系统特点的基础上,结合精密转台的运动变化信息,提出了基于转角信息的连续帧图像处理算法。该方法 根据精密转台的转角变化信息,采用连续的图像序列进行多帧间差值运算以获得目标残差图,残差图之间相乘除 去大部分随机噪声点,结合中值滤波和自适应波门跟踪算法,大大的减小了运算量,实现了运动目标的快速跟踪定 位。通过对目标实测图像序列的试验,结果表明,该算法具有快速、稳定等优点,能满足机载光电跟踪系统实时图 像跟踪的要求。 [12]基于 DDR 模组阵列的超高速数字图像存储技术 徐启明;张启衡;陈强;, 光学精密工程, 2009,(01), 231-235 为了实现光电跟踪测量系统高精度测量中图像数据的超高速实时存储,提出了基于双数据率(DDR)模组阵列 的超高速数字图像存储方案。采用大容量 DDR 双列直插式内存模组(DIMM)阵列作存储介质,现场可编程门阵列 (FPGA)作 DDR 模组阵列控制器,设计了存储系统。介绍了存储系统的总体设计框图,给出了 DDR 模组阵列控制 器的各模块设计和图像数据的输入、输出方法。测试中完成了数据速率为 1 000 MB/s 的高速图像实时存储;分 析表明其最高数据存储速率可达 1 828 MB/s,可满足光电跟踪测量系统高精度测量对高帧频、大靶面图像传感器 输出图像数据超高速实时存储的需求。 [13]四象限光电探测器在激光光学系统中的典型应用分析 刘宁;柴金华;, 光机电信息, 2009,(01), 43-49 分析了四象限光电探测器在激光制导、光镊、扫描探针显微镜和空间光通信等激光光学系统中的典型应 用。结果表明,四象限光电探测器应用在激光制导中具有高制导精度的优势;应用在光镊系统和扫描探针显微镜 中具有纳米级分辨率;应用在空间光通信中具有较高跟踪和定位精度。 [14]光电跟踪设备中液压缓冲限位器的设计 张春林;赵丽;宋立维;, 机床与液压, 2009,(01), 88-89+82 介绍了液压缓冲器工作原理及其在光电跟踪设备中的工作状态。建立了光电跟踪设备中冲击载荷的力学模 型,提出了该类设备中液压缓冲限位器的设计计算方法。 [15]模糊自适应 PID 控制在高精度光电跟踪伺服系统中的应用 陈益;薄煜明;邹卫军;, 火炮发射与控制学报, 2008,(04), 33-36 光电跟踪伺服系统在运行时不可避免地会受到摩擦力、机械谐振等非线性和不确定因素的影响,运用常规 PID 控制往往不能解决跟踪的快速性和稳定精度之间的矛盾。将模糊自适应 PID 控制应用于系统控制器设计中, 最新文献报导 2 XIOPM latest Documents Report 在模糊推理的基础上,根据不同时刻的误差和误差变化率对 PID 控制器参数进行在线自整定,充分发挥了模糊控 制和 PID 控制在系统动、静态性能上的互补性,而且不需要建立被控对象的精确数学模型。进行了实物仿真和跟 踪实验,实验结果表明,该设计方法很好地满足了系统对快速性、平稳性以及稳定精度的要求,有效地增强了系统 的鲁棒性。 [16]空间目标监视用地基高分辨率光电成像望远镜总体需求及关键技术分析 王建立;陈涛;, 中国光学与应用光学, 2008,(Z1), 36-48 科学技术的进步和我国空间科学的发展对研制地基大口径高分辨率成像望远镜提出了迫切需求。本文阐述 了发展地基高分辨率光电成像望远镜的意义和国内外发展现状,对地基高分辨光电成像望远镜的总体设计进行了 综述。介绍了空间目标的特点,讨论了望远镜的总体技术指标,分析了大气扰动对望远镜分辨率的影响以及空间 目标高分辨成像时对自适应光学系统的要求。最后,给出了研制高分辨率光电成像望远镜涉及的关键技术,包括 光学镜面制造技术、主动光学技术、自适应光学技术和大型跟踪架的结构等。 [17]Zibbee 技术下动目标的定位技术研究 邓皓;侯龙;, 中国新技术新产品, 2009,(01), 17 简要介绍无线传感器网络在目标定位方面的应用,并比较了几种主流无线定位技术的主要性能,并针对条件 限制可能造成的目标漏检,提出一种运用自组织特征映射(SOM)神经网络的算法,对漏检目标的移动路径进行分 析与估算。 [18]基于 DSP 和 ARM 的光电跟踪系统伺服控制器设计及实现 陈益;邹卫军;赵高鹏;, 计算机工程与设计, 2009,(01), 19-21 针对光电跟踪系统伺服控制高精度、高实时性的要求,设计了一种基于 TMS320F2812DSP 和 LPC2214ARM 嵌入式微处理器的双 CPU 伺服控制器,利用 LPC2214 完成外设数据的采集和预处理、外设的管理、系统时序协 调、人机接口等功能,DSP 实现电机控制算法。详细介绍了控制器结构和主要硬件模块,并给出了软件设计流 程。野外跟踪试验结果表明设计系统能够快速准确地跟踪预定运动目标,达到了系统的设计要求。 [19]一种用于快速捕获目标的可见光电视跟踪系统设计 刘晓明;田雁;许朝晖;智伟;, 弹箭与制导学报, 2008,(06), 38-40 针对可见光电视跟踪系统中,处理数据量大、处理时间有限这一问题,提出了一种基于 DSP+FPGA 架构的可 见光电视跟踪系统。实验证明,该系统在进行复杂算法和多目标提取方面比以前的单独 DSP 处理系统更容易满 足实时性要求,提高了系统的整体性能,有一定的实用价值。 [20]机载光电探测与对抗系统发展浅析 王合龙;陈洪亮;何磊;黄庆;, 红外与激光工程, 2008,(S3), 315-318 简要论述了机载光电探测与对抗系统的发展历史,重点关注了目前国内外机载红外无源探测告警系统和主动 干扰对抗系统相关产品的技术状态,最后结合国外情况给出了下一步的发展方向。 [21]机载光电平台动态检测装置设计 陈琦;何煦;韩冰;, 光学精密工程, 2008,(12), 2503-2509 以某型机载平台的实际检测需求为出发点,在机载平台实验室条件下,进行跟踪误差、捕获性能等动态性能 检测,从理论上分析了以模拟地物目标进行动态精度检测的可行性。结合现有的工程实际与工艺水平讨论了动态 检测装置地物目标仿真器(动态精度检测的核心测试设备)的工程化原理与设计,并进行了三维建模实践。在此基 础上,重点论述了对测试精度起关键作用的摩擦传动器的设计过程,最终得到了符合动态测试需求的新型检测设 备设计方案。实验结果表明:仪器的水平轴系精度<10″,光学投影系统指向精度<15″。 [22]光电经纬仪引导测试中几个问题探讨 李斌;刘刚;孙春莹;, 红外与激光工程, 2008,(S1), 151-154 提出快速度、短时间目标的多台光电经纬仪的引导测试方法,对引导测试的关键问题进行了分析、讨论,使 之成为目标轨迹跟踪测量的有效方法。 [23]可见光测量电视系统设计及视轴精度分析 刘满林;郝斌;熊仁生;刘俊奇;, 光电技术应用, 2008,(06), 49-52+59 可见光电视测量系统主要用于对可见光波段的目标进行实时测量,即将视场中目标偏离光轴的角度大小检测 出来,送伺服系统,形成闭环,由跟踪架带动电视测量系统跟踪目标,使得脱靶量减少,将目标始终锁定在电视视场之 中.详细介绍 800 mm 可见光测量电视分系统的各个部分的机械结构设计,并对其视轴精度进行了定性分析,得出 了视轴误差公式和产生视轴误差的误差源. [24]预测技术在经纬仪高精度控制系统中的应用 胡啸;徐继明;刘守义;, 弹箭与制导学报, 2008,(06), 287-290 最新文献报导 3 XIOPM latest Documents Report 详细地介绍了两种常用的速度预测方法。利用预测得到的目标运动速度作为顺馈加到速度回路构成等效的 复合控制系统以克服由于电视脱靶量滞后产生的误差,提高系统的跟踪精度。然后应用 Matlab 进行系统的仿真 设计,结合经纬仪控制系统在任务中实战检验,得出并运用了有效的预测方法,使系统得到了理想的跟踪效果。 [25]视频序列中动目标快速跟踪新算法的研究 焦安霞;姜弢;, 应用科技, 2008,(12), 7-10 准确性和实时性是视频序列图像中运动目标跟踪算法研究的重要内容.为了克服传统的模板匹配跟踪算法运 算量大、跟踪速度慢的缺点,提出了一种基于多分辨率的 Kalman 滤波快速跟踪算法.首先利用 Kalman 滤波的预 测功能,预先估计出目标中心点坐标,然后在该坐标为中心的区域内进行多分辨率相关匹配,最终找到最佳匹配位 置.该算法具有运算量小、跟踪速度快的优点.同时还采用了自适应更新记忆滤波算法解决发散问题,提高了跟踪 精度. 光纤激光陀螺 [26]四频差动激光陀螺小抖动稳频工作模式判别技术研究 杨建强;张庆华;, 激光与红外, 2009,(02), 141-144 为避免传统光强差稳频方式的缺陷,提出了四频差动激光陀螺小抖动稳频方法。从四频陀螺工作原理出发, 分析了小抖动稳频的可行性,其中工作模式判别问题是技术难点。提出三种解决方法:改变左右旋模频率间隔、 光强差稳频方式的扫模电路结合、根据陀螺零漂数据来判别,为进一步研究提供了参考。 [27]光纤激光陀螺的实验研究 张明;陈淑芬;付雷;饶范钧;, 北京理工大学学报, 2009,(01), 44-46 分析了光纤激光陀螺系统的工作原理和基本构成,采用单向泵浦光纤复合谐振腔结构的光学系统设计方案, 通过调整光学系统结构参数,实现了窄线宽单模激光输出.在此基础上实现双向功率匹配,并最终获得稳定的角速 率旋转电压信号.结果表明,该实验装置具有可行性,通过转台实验测得光纤激光陀螺的灵敏度为 0.02°/s. [28]光纤陀螺随机游走系数模型的修正和实验研究 张桂才;闾晓琴;刘凯;李祖国;, 压电与声光, 2009,(01), 18-20 通过考虑探测器的带宽,对光纤陀螺随机游走系数(RWC)模型进行了修正,由修正后的随机游走系数模型计 算出的理论 RWC 值与实际测量值一致。研究还表明,采用多点采样技术可以进一步降低随机游走系数,使陀螺精 度更接近散粒噪声和光源相对强度噪声所限制的最小检测灵敏度极限,但最大采样点数的选择仍受探测器带宽限 制。 [29]基于 Bayes 规则的测斜通信误码率估计算法 王蕊;高爽;林铁;王基亮;, 电子测量技术, 2009,(01), 36-39 根据光纤陀螺测斜仪数字通信信道的特点,提出了将 Bayes 规则应用于误码率(BER)估计的算法。在基于 Bayes 规则误码率后验统计模型的基础上,推导了误码率的单侧置信区间估计与双侧置信区间估计表达式。仿真 结果表明:在 EI-LOG 成套测井仪器常规通信速率(300 Kbit/s)下,当选取置信度为 95%时,使用该算法仅需 51 s 的 时间即可得出 FOG 测斜仪通信误码率。该算法易于硬件实现,能够实时、快速的估计出信道误码率,满足光纤陀 螺测斜仪的实际工程需求。 [30]全数字开环光纤陀螺调制信号的产生方法 陈宇中;宋章启;阳明晔;胡永明;, 光电工程, 2008,(12), 78-81 开环光纤陀螺在工作时需要对其工作点进行控制,这就要求能够用数字的方法产生一个幅度可调的正弦波调 制信号。首先对光纤陀螺调制信号的数学描述进行了分析,在此基础上提出了三种幅度可调调制信号的产生方法, 即直接波表法、乘法调幅法、两级波表法,并分析了三种方法各自的优缺点。比较了用不同方法产生调制信号进 行工作点控制的实验结果。在大多数情况下,两级波表法是较好的选择,它可在存储容量及计算资源都有限的情 况下实现工作点的精确控制。 [31]消除 FOG-ARW 对初始对准影响的研究 张小跃;张春熹;宋凝芳;朱奎宝;, 压电与声光, 2008,(06), 664-666+670 光纤陀螺(FOG)作为光学惯性敏感器,与传统机械陀螺相比,具有角度随机游走(ARW)等一些特有的性能指 标,ARW 对导航系统性能具有重要影响。从光纤陀螺的光路、电路结构分析随机游走产生的机理,并从数学的角 度阐述角度随机游走的定义;分析角度随机游走对初始对准的影响;提出利用卡尔曼滤波器有效消除角度随机游 走对初始对准影响的方案并通过仿真验证了此方案的有效性。 [32]基于压电陀螺的测斜仪硬件研究与设计 程正富;杨守良;, 压电与声光, 2008,(06), 667-670 最新文献报导 4 XIOPM latest Documents Report 提出了基于压电陀螺的矿井测斜系统,以解决磁强计或传统测斜惯性仪表在小井径或套管井测量领域的受限 性。介绍了陀螺测斜仪的系统集成方案,并采用 TMS320F281X DSP 实现了数据采集、数字滤波和实时解算。所 设计的试验样机倾斜方向角测量范围 0°~360°,误差在±0.2°以内,倾斜角测量范围 0°~15°,误差在±0.04° 以内,达到探矿用井的测量要求,并具有体积小,成本低,性能稳定的特点,具有完全实用的工程应用价值。 [33]光纤陀螺双方波调制方法及其实验研究 许文渊;张春熹;张晞;李琳;, 光电工程, 2009,(01), 63-67 零偏稳定性是评价光纤陀螺性能的一个重要指标,Y 波导的 2π电压准确度和电路中的交叉干扰大小在一定 程度上决定了零偏稳定性。常用的方波调制在零转速附近对 2π电压的调整缓慢,导致 2π电压准确度无法保证, 同时引入了较大的交叉干扰,在高精度陀螺中已经很难满足性能要求。本文提出的双方波调制解调方法,能够在 任意转速下快速调整 2π电压,在零转速附近调整时间由方波调制的 300s 缩短到 1s,使陀螺在全工作温度范围内 正常工作;同时,运用相干检测理论对方波调制和双方波调制的交叉干扰特性进行了深入研究,得到双方波调制可 以抑制交叉干扰的结论,实验表明陀螺零位偏差由方波调制的 0.22o/h 减小到 0.06o/h,改善了陀螺的零偏稳定性。 [34]基于 LS-SVM 的开环光纤陀螺误差补偿方法 周战馨;余志勇;张延顺;, 数据采集与处理, 2008,(S1), 158-162 针对开环光纤陀螺标度因数是非线性的,而且随着输入角速度增大,光纤陀螺线性度误差也越大的问题,提出 采用基于最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)的分段误差补偿方法。以 LS-SVM 和直接近似法补偿误差大小为依据, 确定分段门限值。采用实测转台上光纤陀螺 VG 941 在全量程范围内的输入输出数据为训练和检验样本。结果 表明分段误差补偿方法使光纤陀螺最大线性度误差由 15%降至 2‰,验证了方法的可行性和有效性,提高了开环 光纤陀螺的精度。 [35]机械抖动激光陀螺抖动参数扫描仪的研制 冯先旺;谢元平;, 工业控制计算机, 2008,(12), 85-86+89 根据机械抖动激光陀螺中抖动机构的传递函数,给出了抖动机构谐振频率、品质因数的测试方法;完成了抖 动参数扫描仪的硬件和软件设计;通过对几个不同型号的机械抖动激光陀螺的扫描实验,验证了抖动参数扫描仪 的功能。 [36]基于 DSP 的谐振式光纤陀螺检测算法的研究 方迎联;李如春;, 电子测量与仪器学报, 2009,(01), 42-46 针对双频率数字调制的谐振式光纤陀螺的特点,文章提出一种基于 DSP 的检测算法。采用将探测器输出信 号每半个周期求平均,再利用正负半周的平均信号相减的方法实现相关检测。对于探测器输出光强和谐振频差的 关系,在谐振点附近是线性的。若在其他区域,通过一定的算法将工作点逐步移入线性区内,以便实现线性转换。 文章利用 MATLAB 软件对此算法进行了验证,通过建立实际的实验平台获得了测试结果。 [37]单轴旋转对惯导系统误差特性的影响 于旭东;王宇;张鹏飞;汤建勋;龙兴武;, 中国惯性技术学报, 2008,(06), 643-648 分析了单轴旋转惯导系统自动补偿的基本原理,对陀螺和加速度计常值漂移、安装误差、标度因数误差等因 素在单轴旋转下的调制情况进行了研究。通过仿真分析了转动速度对各种误差的影响规律,指出了实际系统旋转 速度和方式的选择要综合考虑陀螺的常值漂移和标度因数误差的影响。利用激光捷联惯导系统在实验室中进行 了单轴旋转 IMU 实验,其定位精度优于 1nm/24h。研究结果可以为单轴旋转惯导系统的进一步优化和工程设计 提供理论参考。 [38]数字闭环光纤陀螺频率特性分析与测试 吴衍记;刘淑荣;, 中国惯性技术学报, 2008,(06), 730-734 系统的闭环带宽严重影响光纤陀螺在振动、急转弯等环境条件下的测试精度,闭环光纤陀螺的实际带宽高达 几 kHz,无法采用一般的角振动台进行全频带频率特性测试,因此,频率特性的分析与测试成为了闭环光纤陀螺研 究的一项重要内容。针对这种需求,根据系统的结构框图及工作原理,建立了数字闭环光纤陀螺的动态模型,推导 出了系统的传递函数;在此基础上对数字闭环光纤陀螺的频率特性进行了分析,指出了改善系统动态特性的方法; 最后,利用数字闭环光纤陀螺的闭环工作原理,通过在反馈阶梯波上直接叠加激励信号,实现了光纤陀螺阶跃响应 和频率响应的测试,得出了系统闭环带宽高达 9kHz 的结论。 [39]光纤陀螺的热分析与热设计方法 贾明;晁代宏;张春熹;, 中国惯性技术学报, 2008,(06), 725-729 光纤陀螺随温度变化产生的热噪声及热致非互易性相移误差直接影响其使用精度。为解决温度问题,分析了 光纤陀螺工作的热环境,根据光纤陀螺的体积功率密度选择了自然冷却方法,包括导热、自然对流和辐射换热的 单独作用或组合。通过分析光纤线圈及其他光电器件的温度特性及温度变化产生误差的机理,指出热设计的目的 是控制光纤陀螺内部的温度场分布及最高温度,并对光纤陀螺的热设计方法进行研究,包括光纤线圈的热设计、 光电器件的安装方式、控制电路的热设计等。由最后热仿真与测试结果可知,热设计方法合理可行。 最新文献报导 5 XIOPM latest Documents Report [40]外场标定条件下捷联惯导系统误差状态可观测性分析 杨晓霞;黄一;, 中国惯性技术学报, 2008,(06), 657-664 为了适应惯导系统的长期稳定使用和避免从机组上拆装的麻烦,实现惯组的外场标定是非常有意义的。在不 依赖转台等设备的条件下,分析了仅依靠速度误差和位置误差信息时激光陀螺捷联惯组的误差参数的可观测性问 题。首先从外场条件下系统误差的动态方程出发分析了捷联惯组的误差状态(姿态误差以及陀螺和加速度计的 六个常值漂移)的可观测性并且进一步分析了误差状态估计的收敛速度以及受观测噪声的影响程度。分析表明, 单一位置条件下在没有精确初始姿态误差信息的情况下惯性仪表零偏是不可观测的,为了较精确地估计出惯组的 误差系数需至少将惯组摆放三个位置。最后对理论分析结果进行了仿真验证。 [41]光强外调制法抑制相对强度噪声 徐建营;王学锋;李超;高峰;, 中国惯性技术学报, 2008,(06), 740-743 针对高精度光纤陀螺超荧光光纤光源的相对强度噪声(RIN),阐述了光强外调制法抑制 RIN 系统构成。系统 利用集成光学强度调制器及其反馈控制回路将光纤光源的强度变化作为调制信号,通过负反馈消除光源的 RIN。 文中给出了反馈回路中增益非平坦型带通滤波器的实现方法。实验结果表明,在 10kHz~800kHz 范围内,光强外 调制法使单位带宽内信噪比改善了 15~5dB。 [42]Y 波导调制器耦合处在低温冲击下的 ANSYS 模拟 王羽;张小玲;吕长志;张光沉;王同庆;, 半导体光电, 2008,(06), 844-846+850 使用 ANSYS 有限元分析软件,对 Y 波导调制器在受到从室温降至-55℃的低温冲击时,光纤与波导耦合处的 应力分布和弹性位移进行了模拟。将计算结果与实验数据进行了对比。分析表明,由于材料性质的差异导致耦合 处的受温形变是其低温下工作参数退化的主要原因之一,为器件温度特性的研究提供了有效参考。 [43]基于 SoC 的激光陀螺检测电源 杨金涛;宋晓梅;王娟;海志华;, 电子设计应用, 2009,(01), 69-71 本文设计了基于 SoC 的激光陀螺检测电源,以混合信号系统级芯片 C8051F005 为核心,由输入调理、数据采 集处理、键盘控制、显示模块和远程通信模块组成。软件部分主要完成了对激光陀螺检测电源的本地控制和监 控编程,以及远程控制和监控的本地通讯协议编程,实现了对激光陀螺的自动控制。 [44]光纤陀螺温度与标度因数非线性建模与补偿 王新龙;马闪;, 北京航空航天大学学报, 2009,(01), 28-31 研究了光纤陀螺 FOG(Fiber Optic Gyroscope)温度效应和标度因数非线性误差的复合建模及补偿方法.分析 了热作用于光纤环引起光路非互易性的机理,针对由温度和标度因数非线性引起的严重非线性漂移误差,提出了 一种改进的实用精确补偿 FOG 温度和标度因数漂移的分段复合建模方法.通过对 VG951 型 FOG 全温度和全角 速率范围内实际测试数据进行建模及处理表明,经分段复合模型补偿后,陀螺漂移从 4.4()°/h 减小到 0.1()°/h,较 传统补偿方法的精度得到大幅度提高,实验验证了建模方法的精确性及补偿方法的有效性. [45]激光陀螺谐振腔损耗与相位差测量 田海峰;李路且;, 红外与激光工程, 2008,(S1), 180-182 将频率可调激光注入谐振腔,使之产生受迫振荡。用光电探测器接收振荡功率信号,输入计算机分析,绘出谐 振腔的功率谱线图。通过测量谱线半波宽度、纵模间隔,计算出谐振腔的损耗及相位差。 [46]激光仿真导引头陀螺稳定控制的研究 魏文俭;秦石乔;战德军;李华;张宝东;, 红外与激光工程, 2008,(S3), 298-302 分析和研究了某激光仿真导引头陀螺稳定系统的结构、特点、作用及其进动原理。分析和讨论了陀螺转子 所受的各种力矩。在理论分析的基础上,根据陀螺技术方程建立了陀螺运动的数学模型以及 Matlab 仿真框图。 利用 Matlab 仿真软件对陀螺运动进行了多种条件下的仿真。通过讨论和分析不同条件下的仿真结果,得到了一 些关于此导引头陀螺控制的重要结论。 [47]应力分析仪在光纤陀螺传感环圈测量中的应用 向强;吴衍记;徐广海;李红越;, 红外与激光工程, 2008,(S1), 260-262 光纤传感环圈是光纤陀螺的核心敏感部件,其内部应力分布对陀螺整体性能有不可忽视的影响。对应力分析 仪的测量原理——受激布里渊散射(SBS)进行了分析,并介绍了 STA202 型应力分析仪的主要性能指标。使用该 应力分析仪对多个不同的光纤陀螺传感环圈进行了测试,观察到了环圈内部存在的多种应力分布状况,并对其产 生原因进行了初步分析。测试结果表明:应力分析仪能够测量光纤环圈内部的应力分布,了解环圈缠绕的均匀性, 并为改进光纤陀螺环圈的缠绕工艺、提高环圈质量提供有力的支持。 [48]结构谐振对闭环光纤陀螺振动性能的影响 刘淑荣;吴衍记;徐磊;, 红外与激光工程, 2008,(S1), 256-259 振动性能是体现光纤陀螺环境适应性的一项重要指标。结构谐振是引起光纤陀螺振动误差的主要因素之 一。在描述了光纤传感环圈骨架谐振对陀螺振动性能影响的试验现象的基础上,通过环圈骨架的有限元分析,以 最新文献报导 6 XIOPM latest Documents Report 及光纤陀螺振动误差模型的推导,得出了环圈骨架谐振频率与陀螺振动输出零位漂移最大点的频率相吻合的结 论。针对环圈骨架的薄弱环节进行改进设计及实验验证,结果表明消除结构谐振后的陀螺在 0~2000Hz 之间振 动,输出不再发生明显漂移,振动过程中陀螺的零偏变化不超过 0.2(o)/h。 [49]惯性导航技术的新进展及发展趋势 张炎华;王立端;战兴群;翟传润;, 中国造船, 2008,(S1), 134-144 阐述了惯性导航技术的发展历史,总结了惯性传感器的最新发展现状,并列举出代表当前最高技术水平的新 型惯性器件及其技术指标。同时,概括了惯性技术的应用领域,特别是在舰船导航领域的应用现状。最后指出,随 着新型惯性器件的涌现和完善,以惯性导航为基础的组合导航系统将成为未来导航系统的主要发展方向。 成像光谱 [49]空间光学仪器及其校准检测技术 第四讲 光学遥感仪器的辐射定标 杨照金;, 应用光学, 2009,(01), 177-180 讲座较系统地介绍了空间探测遥感中使用的空间光学仪器如航天相机、成像光谱仪、光谱辐射计、激光主 动遥感系统等的工作原理、评价参数和参数校准检测技术。也介绍了为校准空间光学设备而专用的太阳模拟 器、地球模拟器以及遥感器辐射定标系统等问题。 [50]基于模糊聚类的 MODIS 云检测算法研究 潘聪;夏斌;陈彧;陈红顺;, 微计算机信息, 2009,(04), 124-125+131 云检测是遥感图像处理的一大难点,同时也是图像预处理的必要环节。本文使用基于模糊集合理论的模糊 C 均值聚类法,对中分辨率成像光谱仪图像的四个波段进行聚类,以检测出云和下垫面。通过我国典型区域在不同 季节不同时相的数据,结合多光谱综合法和目视解译的对比检验,证明该算法适用于区域性的云检测,能检测出一 些小面积的云点像元。此外,该算法在一定程度上改善了需要根据先验知识设定阈值的传统云检测算法,是一种 简易可行的非监督云检测算法,为下一步云的剔除工作奠定良好的基础。 [51]基于现场光谱数据的珠江口 MERIS 悬浮泥沙分段算法 刘汾汾;陈楚群;唐世林;刘大召;, 热带海洋学报, 2009,(01), 9-14 利用珠江口海域 4 个航次共 59 个站位的实测遥感反射比和悬浮泥沙数据(悬浮泥沙浓度范围为 4—140g.m3),建立了利用 MERIS 遥感数据反演珠江口悬浮泥沙浓度的分段算法。算法以 Rrs(620)/Rrs(560)=0.9 为阈值,当 Rrs(620)/Rrs(560)<0.9 时,红绿波段比值可以较好地反演悬浮泥沙浓度。随着悬浮泥沙浓度的增 加,Rrs(620)/Rrs(560)>0.9,红绿比值趋于饱和,对悬浮泥沙的变化响应不敏感,此时采用包含红波段和近红外波段的 波段比值提取水体的悬浮泥沙浓度。利用该分段算法从 MERIS 遥感图像中提取珠江口水体的悬浮泥沙浓度分 布,得到较好的结果。 [52]基于区域分割的红外与可见光图像融合算法的研究(英文) 刘坤;郭雷;李晖晖;陈敬松;, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2009,(01), 75-80 由于红外图像和可见光图像的成像特点不同,因此在航空监视领域红外图像和可见光图像融合有重要的研究 意义。由于非下采 Contourlet 变换具有更好的方向性、较高的逼近精度和更好的稀疏表达性能,能有效的提取图 像的特征信息。因此我们在非下采 Contourlet 域,以空间频率为度量标准对红外图像进行阈值分割,经过分割将红 外图像和可见光图像分别划分为目标区域以及背景,随后对红外图像和可见光图像进行边缘检测从而得到边缘区 域,针对三个不同区域分别选择不同的融合规则进行融合。通过两组不同灰度差异的红外与可见光图像的实验, 将基于像素点,窗口策略的融合算法和本文所提出基于区域算法进行了主观和客观的对比,试验结果表明基于区 域分割的红外与可见光图像融合算法不仅能有效提取出红外图像中的目标信息还能有效的保持可见光图像的所 反映的光谱信息,因此本文提出的算法是一种有效且可行的图像融合算法。 [53]基于组合 Wollaston 棱镜成像光谱仪的视场扩大原理分析 吴海英;张淳民;赵葆常;, 物理学报, 2009,(02), 930-935 论述了视场扩大型成像光谱仪的核心部件——组合 Wollaston 棱镜的结构和分光机理;应用波法线追迹法分 析了光在任意方位入射面内,以任意角入射时组合 Wollaston 棱镜中的波矢传播规律;推导出了光在棱镜中的传播 方向及出射点坐标;给出了传播过程中 e 光和 o 光之间光程差的理论表达式;采用计算机模拟,给出了光程差随入 射角和入射面方位角的变化曲线;在此基础上对组合 Wollaston 棱镜扩大光谱仪视场的原理进行了深入分析和讨 论.上述研究对偏振干涉成像光谱技术的理论研究与技术创新,对自行设计的稳态大视场偏振干涉成像光谱仪的 研制和应用都有着十分重大的理论与实践意义. [54]全向激光告警系统的探测灵敏度分析 应家驹;王永仲;何永强;周冰;周中亮;, 红外与激光工程, 2008,(06), 1038-1042 最新文献报导 7 XIOPM latest Documents Report 阐述了全向激光告警系统的结构特点,阐明了成像型全向激光告警系统的两个限制因素:光学系统像面照度 均匀性和大视场角之间的矛盾;大视场接收和窄带光谱滤波技术之间的矛盾。分析了鱼眼镜头像面照度的均匀性, 以及窄带干涉滤光片对于不同入射角的透射率。综合鱼眼镜头、窄带滤光片和面阵探测器 3 个硬件之间相互关 系,给出激光全向告警探测灵敏度的估算公式,并通过实验验证了其准确性。最后得出结论,为了保证像面的均匀 性及系统探测灵敏度,鱼眼镜头和滤光片的参数要配合得当:在选择鱼眼镜头时,需酌情考虑其最大像方出射角;窄 带光谱滤光片需满足一定的透射率要求,则要求鱼眼镜头出射光线的最大像方出射角要控制在滤光片有较高透射 率的入射角范围之内。对全向激光探测告警系统的器件选择,使器件组合达到最佳的探测性能具有指导意义。 [55]光谱移位对成像光谱仪辐射测量的影响 冯玉涛;向阳;, 红外与激光工程, 2008,(06), 1083-1086 棱镜色散成像光谱仪由于光谱弯曲或者装调等原因会使探测器上产生一定的光谱移位,为了研究光谱移位对 系统采集到的光谱辐射能量的影响,首先给出探测器像元采集辐射能量的表达式。再结合棱镜色散成像光谱仪在 短波红外(1.0~2.5μm)谱段的光谱采样特性,计算当光谱偏离量为 0.01d、0.1d 和 0.5d(d 为探测器像元尺寸)时,系 统采集到的辐射能量与没有光谱偏离情况下系统采集到的辐射能量的归一化差值。结果表明:探测器上的光谱偏 离导致系统辐射测量精度发生变化,与没有光谱偏离的情况相比,系统采集到的光谱辐射能量在大气吸收带的边 缘出现了明显的偏差,且差值随光谱偏离量的增大而增大。当光谱分辨率提高时,一些较弱的吸收峰附近也会出 现明显的辐射能量偏差。光谱分辨率为 10nm,对于 0.1d 的光谱偏离量,归一化的辐射能量偏差 PV 值达到 0.011; 对于 0.5d 的光谱偏离量,归一化的光谱偏离量 PV 值达到 0.04。相对能量偏差达到 50%以上。实际应用中必须校 正由于光谱移位给辐射能量采集带来的偏差,以满足成像光谱仪光谱辐射测量一致性的要求。 [56]可见光/近红外图像传感器列阵 高;, 红外, 2009,(02), 14 <正>美国专利 US7436038 (2008 年 10 月 14 日授权)本发明提供一种可在包括红外谱段在内的宽光谱范围内 进行高性能成像的 MOS 或 CMOS 传感器。由于这些宽光谱范围可能还包括可见光的一部分或者全部 [57]红外热释电薄膜探测器敏感元的研究 李杨;张拓;郑海川;叶成根;李建康;, 红外, 2009,(02), 20-23 红外探测器不论是在军事还是在民用方面都有非常重要的应用。非致冷热释电红外探测器由于具有光谱响 应宽、无需致冷等显著优点,近年来成为红外成像领域的研究热点,其结构中最关键的部分是敏感元。本文采用 半导体光刻工艺和化学腐蚀的方法成功地对钛酸铅(PT)铁电薄膜进行了刻蚀,同时采用剥离技术对相应的电极实 现了图形化。 [58]基于彩色 CCD 测量火焰温度场的算法误差分析 符泰然;杨臧健;程晓舫;, 中国电机工程学报, 2009,(02), 81-86 电荷耦合器件(charge coupled device,CCD)成像技术在火焰温度场测量中有广泛的应用,讨论基于 CCD 测量 火焰温度场的反演计算误差。彩色 CCD 的三基色波段响应输出往往被简化为 3 个单色波长输出,并通过黑体实 验或具体的 CCD 光谱响应函数标定简化引起的偏差,然而标定处理不能保障 3 个基色波长假设在非灰性介质测 量中的准确性。因此,以具有特定发射率表现的火焰诊断温度场测量为例,通过数值模拟计算,定量分析计算温度 和发射率参数的相对误差分布规律。结果表明,发射率参数的计算相对误差要远远大于温度的相对误差。结论有 利于采用 CCD 成像技术进行火焰温度场测量的计算准确性的改善。 [59]谱线弯曲对成像光谱仪辐射信号采集的影响 冯玉涛;向阳;, 光学精密工程, 2009,(01), 20-25 为了研究谱线弯曲对棱镜色散成像光谱仪光谱辐射信号采集的影响,结合复合棱镜的色散特性,在可见近红 外光谱区(400~1 000 nm)内,分析了当光谱偏离量为 0.01、0.1 和 0.5d(d 为探测器像元尺寸)时系统采集到的辐射 信号与没有谱线弯曲情况下采集到的辐射信号的偏差,以衡量谱线弯曲下系统辐射测量的变化。实验结果表明: 谱线弯曲引起的探测器上的光谱偏离会导致系统辐射信号采集发生变化。与没有谱线弯曲的情况相比,采集到的 景物辐射信号在大气吸收带的边缘出现明显的偏差,且信号的差值随光谱偏离量的增大而增大;当光谱分辨率提 高时,一些较弱的吸收峰附近也会出现明显的信号偏差。对于光谱分辨率平均为 10 nm 的成像光谱仪,谱线弯曲 引起的光谱偏离量应控制在 0.3nm 以内。 [60]光学遥感图像大气校正的算法设计 苏礼坤;陈怀新;, 电讯技术, 2009,(01), 8-12 采用光学遥感图像大气校正黑暗像元法和典型大气条件下光谱透过率分布曲线,设计了基于简单大气模型的 光学遥感图像自动校正算法。将读取的彩色光学遥感图像的红绿蓝设定一像素数判定标准值,找到红绿蓝三分量 的强度最小值,作为近似的红绿蓝三分量的程辐射值校正,再进行红绿蓝各个典型波长通过整层大气的透过率校 正,恢复出地面最终图像。根据算法原理编制的 MATLAB 自动校正程序计算表明,本算法设计思路合理,处理遥 感图像的效果优于传统的黑暗像元法。 最新文献报导 8 XIOPM latest Documents Report [61]基于四通道多光谱图像采集系统的光谱估计算法 杨晓莉;杨卫平;戴志福;杨卫国;张培;冯洁;孙波;石俊生;, 光电子.激光, 2009,(01), 113-116 采用双 CMOS 多光谱成像系统来采集图像颜色信息,在以往的 R,G,B 三色通道系统的基础上通过 1 个黑白 CMOS 增加了 1 个灰度通道。通过实验研究发现,增加灰度通道后灰度信息加强,光谱重建精度提高,证明了四通 道系统较优于三通道系统。特别是在加了适当的滤波片后,效果更明显,在训练样本的数据结果评议中,四通道系 统与三通道系统相比较,均方根差平均值降低 1.66%,相对误差平均值降低 10.49%;在待测样本的评议中,均方根差 平均值降低 2.14%,相对误差平均值降低 12.92%。此结果说明,黑白 CMOS 的增加是有效果的。 [62]辐射源 CCD 焦平面阵列的非均匀性校正 洪新华;殷世民;张淳民;, 湛江师范学院学报, 2008,(03), 48-51 对辐射源定标焦平面阵列非均匀性进行了研究,导出了适于成像光谱仪应用的相关算法,分析了成像光谱仪 的成像特点.对相应的算法实验结果进行了对比,表明此校正算法能有效提高成像光谱仪干涉图的成像质量,也显 著提高了光谱复原的精确性. [63]基于传感器光谱特性的全色与多光谱图像融合 徐佳;关泽群;何秀凤;胡俊伟;, 遥感学报, 2009,(01), 97-102 提出了一种基于传感器光谱特性的全色与多光谱影像融合方法。该方法主要基于快速 IHS 融合方法的思想, 在充分考虑各波段成像传感器的相对光谱响应的基础上,对强度分量的构造和空间细节信息的注入方式 2 个方面 进行了改进。改进后的方法有效地改善了光谱畸变问题,且能同时对所有的光谱波段进行融合。分别对 IKONOS、ETM+影像进行融合实验,结果表明该方法在光谱信息损失最少的情况下,较大地提高了影像的空间分 辨率,与其他方法相比具有更好的综合性能。 太阳能电池 [64]用光伏之眼看待晶体硅材料标准化 向磊;, 中国有色金属, 2009,(04), 28-30 针对太阳能级晶体硅产业发展所面临的情况和我国硅材料生产技术路线,指出对于太阳能级晶体硅材料标准 的制修订,需以用户的最大需求为基本要求,提出了现阶段的标准化工作框架,对今后晶体硅材料标准化工作提出 了具体的研究方向。 [65]叠层太阳能电池研究进展和发展趋势 伍沛亮;王红林;陈砺;, 科技导报, 2009,(03), 95-98 叠层太阳能电池结构可以拓宽吸收光谱,最大限度地将光能变成电能,提高了太阳能电池的能量转换效率,这 类太阳能电池是目前研究的热点。本文集中介绍了非晶硅叠层太阳能电池、多元化合物叠层太阳能电池和染料 敏化叠层太阳能电池的研究现状,对它们的结构、性能指标和效率等做了介绍和评估,指出了各自的优缺点,分析 了阻碍叠层太阳能电池进一步发展和应用的制约因素主要有两个:很难找到两种晶格匹配良好的半导体晶体;对 环境友好,价格合理,来源丰富的太阳能电池材料很稀少。非晶硅系叠层太阳能电池对材料纯度要求较高,价格贵; 化合物太阳能电池虽然转换效率高,但是电池材料对环境造成污染;而染料敏化叠层太阳能电池制作工艺简单,电 池材料来源丰富,必将是今后发展的趋势。 [66]治金法制备太阳能级多晶硅技术发展动态 马文会;, 精细与专用化学品, 2009,(02), 16-18+2 冶金法等多晶硅制备新方法是一个机遇,对我国多晶硅技术的自主创新及太阳能电。池行业的健康发展具有 重要的科学意义。 [67]高速公路太阳能供电系统的设计 刘振全;, 中国交通信息产业, 2009,(02), 97-98 <正>特大桥梁和枢纽立交桥一般远离收费站或服务区,有的甚至超过 5 公里,中间可能还经过一些中小型桥 梁、挖方路段,如果外场监控设备采用电缆直接供电,整体费用非常高,施工难度也很大,辽宁省近两年开通的路段 就遇到了几 [68]提高太阳能电池效率有新法可使光电转换率提高 50% 电子元件与材料, 2009,(02), 26 <正>美国麻省理工学院研究人员通过计算机模拟和实验室测试,找到了能极大提高太阳能光电池效率的新 途径。据悉,利用计算机模型和先进的芯片制造技术,由物理学家和工程师共同组成的麻省理工学院研究小组,成 功地在 [69]美国科学家设计出“太阳能窗户” 最新文献报导 9 XIOPM latest Documents Report 墙材革新与建筑节能, 2009,(02), 69 <正>美国麻省理工学院一个科研小组近日发表论文称,研究人员利用混合染色技术,开发出一种新型太阳能 转换系统,可以利用建筑物的窗户把太阳能转换为电能。 [70]冶金法太阳能级多晶硅的制取 何允平;, 精细与专用化学品, 2009,(02), 19-21+2 <正>硅行业是个有着复杂产业链的行业,而工业硅产业是整个硅产业链中的源头产业和基础产业;多晶硅及 光伏产业是最具发展前景和近一、二年发展最快的产业。工业硅产业和多晶硅及光伏产业是同属于硅产业链的 上下游产品行业,彼此存在着数量和质量间紧密的制约关系。 [71]英国发现制造薄膜太阳能电池的新技术 大众科技, 2009,(02), 8 <正>英国索耳福大学(Salford University)某研究小组声称已发现制造薄膜太阳能电池的新技术,对新兴行业 而言可降低成本和提高可靠性。由该大学材料研究所 ArthurHill 教授带领的研究小组,改造了一种在玻璃行业中 被广为使用、 [72]太阳能技术应用与产业化对策研究 刘钧哲;鞠振河;, 沈阳工程学院学报(自然科学版), 2009,(01), 14-17 介绍了太阳能光电转化和光热转化技术的现状以及存在的问题,强调了太阳能储存技术的必要性和重要性. 指出太阳能应用是一个包括转化、储存、再利用等环节的系统工程,在加强转化储存技术研究的同时,既要重视 与其他可再生能源的有机结合,也要注重与用户终端的对接.最后,指出太阳能产业的发展需要国家的引导和扶持, 并提出了建议. [73]我国玻璃行业的新型代表——纳米自清洁太阳能玻璃 赵曙光;, 阳光能源, 2009,(01), 24-25 <正>根据中科院江雷博士首创的"二元协同纳米界面结构理论",中科赛纳玻璃技术有限公司(以下简称中科 赛纳)率先开发出了真正意义上的、可实现工 [74]新型色素增感型太阳能电池提高发电效率 崔晓楠;, 今日电子, 2009,(01), 29 <正>日本产业技术综合研究所(AIST)新开发出一种高性能色素增感型太阳能电池,其发电效率高,耐久性好, 而且生产成本低。所谓色素增感型太阳能电池,是指在玻璃基板或塑料基板上的两片透明电极的基板之间加入色 素和电解液的电池,这种技术可以制造出透明电池及各种颜色的电池。 [75]太阳能光热光电结合一体机浅谈 窦新民;孔德霞;刘俊义;, 阳光能源, 2009,(01), 44-45 本文简述了太阳能热水器与光伏技术相结合的原理与系统构成,介绍了在太阳能热水器技术基础上加上光伏 技术在照明工程中的应用,并对其成本及存在问题作了简要的分析。 [76]欧盟研发出光效为 39.7%的太阳电池 程立文;, 电源技术, 2009,(01), 5-6 <正>来自欧盟委员会资助的项目 Fullspectrum 的科学家研发出了光伏转换效率达 39.7%的太阳电池。据说, 这是欧盟目前所能达到的最高光效。目前光伏系统规模化的最大障碍是较高的生产成本,需要较高的投资。目前 的焦点是降低制造成本和提高光效。现在晶硅光伏电池一般的光效为 17%,相当于一小部分太阳能光谱的能 量。 [77]染料敏化太阳能电池光阳极及其敏化研究进展 王青;夏咏梅;何祖明;李新丽;乜伟;徐莺歌;, 科技导报, 2009,(01), 90-95 染料敏化太阳能电池是近十几年来发展起来的新型的高效率、低成本的光电池。起负载敏化剂以及收集和 传输电子作用的光阳极是关系到该电池性能的重要部件,且其敏化的效果是整个光电池光电转换效率的关键。本 文介绍染料敏化纳米晶 TiO2 太阳能电池的基本结构和工作原理,从原理上指出了光阳极提高和改进的目标所 在。综述了作为光阳极的纳米晶 TiO2 薄膜的分类及常用的制备方法和敏化方法。在制备技术方面,指出丝网印 刷技术由于其大面积制备的可操作性,是实现未来工业化的手段,但它依然需要改进和优化;在染料敏化上,寻找低 成本、高性能的敏化剂将是今后研究的重点。通过光敏化,获得具有好的光收集效率、快速的电荷传输以及优越 的抑制电荷复合性能的多孔膜,将是未来染料敏化纳米晶 TiO2 太阳能电池光阳极研究的方向。 [78]上转换发光在染料敏化太阳能电池中的应用 李树全;林建明;吴季怀;黄妙良;张秀坤;李彪;徐波;, 无机化学学报, 2009,(01), 60-64 以水热和高温煅烧相结合的方法制备了掺 Er3+的 TiO2 上转换发光层,并将其组装在染料敏化太阳能电池 (DSSC)中。通过 XRD﹑荧光光谱﹑UV-Vis 和电池的光电性能测试,分析了上转换发光层的发光机理及其加入后 最新文献报导 10 XIOPM latest Documents Report 对染料敏化太阳能电池性能的影响。结果表明,上转换发光层的引入有效地提高了 DSSC 的光电性能,在 80mW·cm-2 红外光照射下最高光电转换效率达到了 0.14‰,比未加上转换发光层的 DSSC 提高了 160%。 Femtosecond and Attosecond Pulse 79 Author(s): Vardanyan, AO (Vardanyan, A. O.); Oganesyan, DL (Oganesyan, D. L.) Title: Generation of terahertz radiation upon filtration of a supercontinuum produced during the propagation of a femtosecond laser pulse in a GaAs crystal Source: QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 38 (11): 1070-1077 NOV 2008 Abstract: The results of a theoretical study of the formation of a supercontinuum produced due to the interaction of femtosecond laser pulses with an isotropic nonlinear medium are presented. The system of nonlinear Maxwell's equations was numerically integrated in time by the finite-difference method. The interaction of mutually orthogonal linearly-polarised 1.98-mu m, 30-fs, 30-nJ pulses propagating along the normal to the < 110 > plane in a I-mm-long GaAs crystal was considered. In the nonlinear part of the polarisation medium, the inertialless second-order nonlinear susceptibility was taken into account. The formation process of a terahertz pulse obtained due to the supercontinuum filtration was studied. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------80 Author(s): Shtyrina, O (Shtyrina, Olga); Fedoruk, M (Fedoruk, Mikhail); Turitsyn, S (Turitsyn, Sergey); Herda, R (Herda, Robert); Okhotnikov, O (Okhotnikov, Oleg) Title: Evolution and stability of pulse regimes in SESAM-mode-locked femtosecond fiber lasers Source: JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS, 26 (2): 346-352 FEB 2009 Abstract: We examine the impact of the recovery time of a semiconductor saturable absorber together with the value of its saturation fluence, total net gain, and cavity dispersion on femtosecond pulse generation by mode-locked fiber lasers resulting in a massive optimization of the system performance. Stable regimes of asymptotic single-pulse generation have been identified as zones in a parameter map. We demonstrate that a stable single-pulse regime leads to formation of pulses with chirp, width, and peak power strongly varying during one cavity round trip while slowly oscillating with a period that is much longer than a round trip. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------81 Author(s): Mansten, E (Mansten, E.); Dahlstrom, JM (Dahlstrom, J. M.); Mauritsson, J (Mauritsson, J.); Ruchon, T (Ruchon, T.); L'Huillier, A (L'Huillier, A.); Tate, J (Tate, J.); Gaarde, MB (Gaarde, M. B.); Eckle, P (Eckle, P.); Guandalini, A (Guandalini, A.); Holler, M (Holler, M.); Schapper, F (Schapper, F.); Gallmann, L (Gallmann, L.); Keller, U (Keller, U.) Title: Spectral Signature of Short Attosecond Pulse Trains - art. no. 083002 Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 102 (8): 3002-3002 FEB 27 2009 Abstract: We report experimental measurements of high-order harmonic spectra generated in Ar using a carrier-envelope-offset (CEO) stabilized 12 fs, 800 nm laser field and a fraction (less than 10%) of its second harmonic. Additional spectral peaks are observed between the harmonic peaks, which are due to interferences between multiple pulses in the train. The position of these peaks varies with the CEO and their number is directly related to the number of pulses in the train. An analytical model, as well as numerical simulations, support our interpretation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------82 Author(s): Hong, W (Hong, W.); He, Y (He, Y.); Wen, T (Wen, T.); Du, H (Du, H.); Teng, J (Teng, J.); Qing, X (Qing, X.); Huang, Z (Huang, Z.); Huang, W (Huang, W.); Liu, H (Liu, H.); Wang, X (Wang, X.); Huang, X (Huang, X.); Zhu, Q (Zhu, Q.); Ding, Y (Ding, Y.); Peng, H (Peng, H.) Title: Spatial and temporal characteristics of X-ray emission from hot plasma driven by a relativistic femtosecond laser pulse Source: LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS, 27 (1): 19-26 MAR 2009 Abstract: We present the temporal and spatial characterization of X-ray Sources (at similar to 1 keV) driven by a 200 TW, 30 fs, 800 run laser pulse on SILEX-I laser facility at Research Center of Laser Fusion. For laser copper foil interaction with laser intensity between 6 x 10(18) W/cm(2) and 3 x 10(19) W/cm(2), the X-ray images show cone-like jet structures. While the yield of X-rays is strongly dependent on the laser intensity, the plasma expansion length is weakly dependent on the laser intensity, and the open angle of the cone-like jet is not Correlated to the laser intensity. The formation of the 最新文献报导 11 XIOPM latest Documents Report jet Structure is attributed to the plasma transverse confine by the self-induced quasi-static magnetic field. An X-ray pedestal 4 ns preceding the main pulse was observed. The correlation between X-ray pedestal and collimated proton beam generation vas found. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------83 Author(s): Wang, LX (Wang Lu-Xia); Fan, F (Fan Fei) Title: Computational study of heterogeneous absorption spectra under femtosecond laser pulse Source: ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 58 (2): 1326-1331 FEB 2009 Abstract: Ultrafast heterogeneous electron transfer, including direct transition from the surface attached molecule into the semiconductor band states, is introduced with the focus on a system of perylene on TiO2. The contribution of intramolecule transition and direct electron transition to the absorption spectra are analysed theoretically. By comparing with the intramolecule transition contributions, the ultrafast direct transition contributions to the absorption spectra with different physical parameters are analysed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------84 Author(s): Yang, JP (Yang, J. -P.) Title: Femtosecond Two-Pulse Cross Correlation in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Evedence of Intersubband Transitions and Role of G-Band-Assisted Transitions Source: JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 9 (2): 1479-1482 Sp. Iss. SI FEB 2009 Abstract: By femtosecond pump-probe absorption spectroscopy we demonstrated intersubband and phonon-assisted transitions in single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). After resonant excitations of specific tube types, electrons are promoted from the ground state to the second excitonic state (EX2) in PLV-prepared SWNTs or to vibrational excited levels of the first excitonic state (EX1) in HiPco-prepared SWNTs. At time-zero delay a [1 + 1] resonant cross-correlation due to short lifetimes of higher excited states or phonon modes can be observed. These results suggest that intersubband transitions between the excitonic states in SWNTs are allowed. The interpretation of the temporal profiles at pump/probe combinations implies that the G-band mode, which is known to have a high Raman intensity, plays an important role for the interpretation of both femtosecond cross-correlation measurements and photoluminescence spectra. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------85 Author(s): Hansel, T (Hansel, Thomas); Steinmeyer, G (Steinmeyer, Guenter); Grunwald, R (Grunwald, Ruediger); Falldorf, C (Falldorf, Claas); Bonitz, J (Bonitz, Jens); Kaufmann, C (Kaufmann, Christian); Kebbel, V (Kebbel, Volker); Griebner, U (Griebner, Uwe) Title: Synthesized femtosecond laser pulse source for two-wavelength contouring with simultaneously recorded digital holograms Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 17 (4): 2686-2695 FEB 16 2009 Abstract: A dual-wavelength femtosecond laser pulse source and its application for digital holographic single-shot contouring are presented. The synthesized laser source combines sub-picosecond time scales with a wide reconstruction range. A center wavelength distance of the two separated pulses of only 15 nm with a high contrast was demonstrated by spectral shaping of the 50 nm broad seed spectrum centered at 800 nm. Owing to the resulting synthetic wavelength, the scan depth range without phase ambiguity is extended to the 100-mu m-range. Single-shot dual-wavelength imaging is achieved by using two CMOS cameras in a Twyman-Green interferometer, which is extended by a polarization encoding sequence to separate the holograms. The principle of the method is revealed, and experimental results concerning a single axis scanner mirror operating at a resonance frequency of 0.5 kHz are presented. Within the synthetic wavelength, the phase difference information of the object was unambiguously retrieved and the 3D-shape calculated. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that single-shot two-wavelength contouring on a sub-ps time scale is reported. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------86 Author(s): Didenko, NV (Didenko, Nikita V.); Konyashchenko, AV (Konyashchenko, Alexander V.); Losev, LL (Losev, Leonid L.); Pazyuk, VS (Pazyuk, Vladimir S.); Tenyakov, SY (Tenyakov, Sergey Yu.) Title: Femtosecond pulse compression based on second harmonic generation from a frequency chirped pulse Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 282 (5): 997-999 MAR 1 2009 Abstract: A 49 fs pulse at the wavelength of 800 nm was converted to a 26 fs pulse at the wavelength of 400 nm by temporal stretching (frequency chirping) and second harmonic generation from a chirped pulse with subsequent compression. The energy conversion efficiency of 35% was achieved. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 最新文献报导 12 XIOPM latest Documents Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------87 Author(s): Zhang, QB (Zhang Qing-Bin); Hong, WY (Hong Wei-Yi); Lan, PF (Lan Peng-Fei); Yang, ZY (Yang ZhenYu); Lu, PX (Lu Pei-Xiang) Title: Control of attosecond pulse generation with modulated polarization gating Source: ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 57 (12): 7848-7854 DEC 2008 Abstract: A new method is proposed to generate extreme ultraviolet supercontinuum. to intensify the ellipticity dependence of high harmonic signal, and the addition of a second harmonic field is used for modulating the ionization ratio. Calculations show that a fundamental pulse up to 6 optical cycles (32.4 fs) in duration can be applied to confine the efficient high harmonic generation to half an optical cycle. This feature allows us to produce an extreme ultraviolet supercontinuum with the bandwidth of about 280 eV which supports generating a Fourier-transform-limited pulse of 10 as. By selecting one part of the supercontinuum, a 100 as pulse is obtained directly. In addition, the intensity utilizing efficiency of fundamental pulses can be increased by making the delay between the two pulses which compose the polarization gating smaller, when the modulated polarization gating is employed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------88 Author(s): Bree, C (Bree, C.); Demircan, A (Demircan, A.); Steinmeyer, G (Steinmeyer, G.) Title: Asymptotic pulse shapes in filamentary propagation of intense femtosecond pulses Source: LASER PHYSICS, 19 (2): 330-335 FEB 2009 Abstract: Self-compression of intense ultrashort laser pulses inside a self-guided filament is discussed. The filament self-guiding mechanism requires a balance between diffraction, plasma self-defocusing and Kerr-type self-focusing, which gives rise to asymptotic intensity profiles on axis of the filament. The asymptotic solutions appear as the dominant pulse shaping mechanism in the leading part of the pulse, causing a pinch of the photon density close to zero delay, which substantiates as pulse compression. The simple analytical model is backed up by numerical simulations, confirming the prevalence of spatial coupling mechanisms and explaining the emerging inhomogeneous spatial structure. Numerical simulations confirm that only spatial effects alone may already give rise to filament formation. Consequently, selfcompression is explained by a dynamic balance between two optical nonlinearities, giving rise to soliton-like pulse formation inside the filament. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------89 Author(s): Sakabe, S (Sakabe, Shuji); Hashida, M (Hashida, Masaki); Tokita, S (Tokita, Shigeki); Namba, S (Namba, Shin); Okamuro, K (Okamuro, Kiminori) Title: Mechanism for self-formation of periodic grating structures on a metal surface by a femtosecond laser pulse - art. no. 033409 Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 79 (3): 3409-3409 JAN 2009 Abstract: Periodic grating structures self-formed on a metal surface under the irradiation of a femtosecond laser pulse are characterized by grating spaces which are shorter than the laser wavelength, as well as by dependence on the laser fluence. This Brief Report presents a different interpretation of these features in terms of the process of parametric decay of laser light to surface plasma waves. Depending on the electron density, grating spaces with lengths of 680 nm to as short as 400 nm can be produced for 800 nm laser wavelength as a result of the interaction of laser pulses with laser-produced surface plasma. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------90 Author(s): Wang, X (Wang, Xuan); Nie, SH (Nie, Shouhua); Park, H (Park, Hyuk); Li, JJ (Li, Junjie); Clinite, R (Clinite, Rick); Li, RK (Li, Renkai); Wang, XJ (Wang, Xijie); Cao, JM (Cao, Jianming) Title: Measurement of femtosecond electron pulse length and the temporal broadening due to space charge - art. no. 013902 Source: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 80 (1): 13902-13902 JAN 2009 Abstract: The temporal width of ultrashort electron pulses as a function of beam intensity was measured on the femtosecond time scale with a customized streak camera. The results show that the temporal profile of an electron pulse is Gaussian at low beam intensity and progressively evolves to a top-hat shape due to space charge broadening as the beam intensity increases. The strong correlation between the pulse width and beam intensity observed in our streaking measurements agrees very well with the mean-field calculation and supports the main conclusion of previous theoretical studies that the space charge broadening plays a determinant role. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 最新文献报导 13 XIOPM latest Documents Report 91 Author(s): Berkelbach, TC (Berkelbach, Timothy C.); Colgan, J (Colgan, James); Abdallah, J (Abdallah, Joseph, Jr.); Faenov, AY (Faenov, Anatoly Ya.); Pikuz, TA (Pikuz, Tatiana A.); Fukuda, Y (Fukuda, Yuji); Yamakawa, K (Yamakawa, Koichi) Title: Modeling energy dependence of the inner-shell x-ray emission produced by femtosecond-pulse laser irradiation of xenon clusters - art. no. 016407 Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 79 (1): 6407-6407 Part 2 JAN 2009 Abstract: We employ the Los Alamos suite of atomic physics codes to model the inner-shell x-ray emission spectrum of xenon and compare results with those obtained via high-resolution x-ray spectroscopy of xenon clusters irradiated by 30 fs Ti:Sapphire laser pulses. We find that the commonly employed configuration-average approximation breaks down and significant spin-orbit splitting necessitates a detailed level accounting. We reproduce an interesting spectral trend for a series of experimental spectra taken with varying pulse energy for fixed pulse duration. To simulate the experimental measurements at increasing beam energies, we find that spectral modeling requires an increased hot electron fraction, but decreased atomic density and bulk electron temperature. We believe these latter conditions to be a result of partial cluster destruction due to the increased energy in the laser prepulse. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------92 Author(s): Ferreira, PHD (Ferreira, Paulo Henrique D.); Silva, DL (Silva, Daniel L.); Misoguti, L (Misoguti, Lino); Mendonca, CR (Mendonca, Cleber R.) Title: MEH-PPV photobleaching control by femtosecond pulse shaping Source: PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, 206 (1): 126-130 JAN 2009 Abstract: In the work reported here we were able to control the photobleaching of poly[2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4phenylene vinylene] (MEH-PPV), excited by two-photon absorption, using femtosecond pulse shaping. By applying a cosine-like spectral phase mask, we observe a reduction of three times in the photobleaching rate, while the fluorescence in-tensity decreases by 20%, in comparison to the values obtained with a Fourier-transform-limited pulse. These results demonstrate an interesting trade-off between photobleaching rate and nonlinear fluorescence intensity. The possible mechanism behind this process is discussed in terms of the pulse spectral profile and the absorbance band of MEH-PPV. (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Veriag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim -------------------------------------------------------------------------------93 Author(s): Zhao, SF (Zhao, Song-Feng); Zhou, XX (Zhou, Xiao-Xin); Li, PC (Li, Peng-Cheng); Chen, ZJ (Chen, Zhangjin) Title: Isolated short attosecond pulse produced by using an intense few-cycle shaped laser and an ultraviolet attosecond pulse - art. no. 063404 Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 78 (6): 3404-3404 Part B DEC 2008 Abstract: An efficient method to generate a short attosecond pulse is presented by using intense few-cycle shaped infrared (ir) laser in combination with an ultraviolet (uv) attosecond (as) pulse. We show that high-order harmonic generation (HHG) plateau near the cutoff is enhanced by one order of magnitude compared with the shaped laser case and the HHG supercontinuum spectrum is generated by adding a uv attosecond pulse to the few-cycle shaped ir laser at a proper time. By enhancing the long quantum path and suppressing the short one corresponding to one major return, an isolated 57-as pulse with a bandwidth of 62 eV is obtained directly. The time-frequency characteristics of the HHG are analyzed in detail by means of the wavelet transform of the time-dependent induced dipole acceleration. In addition, we also perform classical trajectory simulation of the strong-field electron dynamics and electron return map. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------94 Author(s): Hong, WY (Hong, Weiyi); Lu, PX (Lu, Peixiang); Lan, PF (Lan, Pengfei); Li, QG (Li, Qianguang); Zhang, QB (Zhang, Qingbin); Yang, ZY (Yang, Zhenyu); Wang, XB (Wang, Xinbing) Title: Method to generate directly a broadband isolated attosecond pulse with stable pulse duration and high signal-tonoise ratio - art. no. 063407 Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 78 (6): 3407-3407 Part B DEC 2008 Abstract: A method to generate a broadband isolated attosecond pulse with stable pulse duration and high signal-to-noise ratio is proposed. By adopting a few-cycle driving pulse combined with its second-harmonic field of which the polarization angle is pi/3 with respect to the driving pulse, the short path is well selected and a smooth supercontinuum with the bandwidth of about 50 eV is observed, which leads to 100-as single attosecond pulse generation with high signal-tonoise ratio. More surprisingly, the intensity variation of the second-harmonic field can hardly affect the location and the 最新文献报导 14 XIOPM latest Documents Report bandwidth of the generated supercontinuum but only slightly reduce its phase-locking degree. For the intensity of the second-harmonic field higher than 10(14) W/cm(2), a pure isolated attosecond pulse with duration of about 100 as can be generated by directly filtering out a supercontinuum from 85-125 eV, which facilitates the experimental implement of the isolated attosecond pulse generation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------95 Author(s): Frei, F (Frei, F.); Galler, A (Galler, A.); Feurer, T (Feurer, T.) Title: Space-time coupling in femtosecond pulse shaping and its effects on coherent control - art. no. 034302 Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 130 (3): 34302-34302 JAN 21 2009 Abstract: We present a Fourier optical analysis of a typical femtosecond pulse shaping apparatus and derive analytic expressions for the space-time dependence of the emerging waveform after the pulse shaper and in the focal volume of an additional focusing element. For both geometries the results are verified experimentally. Hereafter, we analyze the influence of space-time coupling on nonlinear processes, specifically second harmonic generation, resonant interaction with an atomic three-level system, and resonant excitation of a diatomic molecule. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------96 Author(s): Altucci, C (Altucci, Carlo); Esposito, R (Esposito, Rosario); Tosa, V (Tosa, Valer); Velotta, R (Velotta, Raffaele) Title: Single isolated attosecond pulse from multicycle lasers Source: OPTICS LETTERS, 33 (24): 2943-2945 DEC 15 2008 Abstract: We propose a now experimental scheme to produce clean isolated pulses lasting a few hundreds of attoseconds. It is based on high harmonics generation and uses the polarization gating technique combined with the ionization dynamics and the spatial filtering provided by the three-dimensional field propagation. The proposed method is easy to implement, robust against laser parameter fluctuations, and shows to be effective up to a 25 fs pulse duration. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------97 Author(s): Misochko, OV (Misochko, Oleg V.); Kitajima, M (Kitajima, Masahiro); Ishioka, K (Ishioka, Kunie) Title: Comment on "Small Atomic Displacements Recorded in Bismuth by the Optical Reflectivity of Femtosecond Laser-Pulse Excitations" - art. no. 029701 Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 102 (2): 9701-9701 JAN 16 2009 Abstract: A Comment on the Letter by D. Boschetto et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 027404 (2008). The authors of the Letter offer a Reply. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------98 Author(s): Ge, YC (Ge Yu-Cheng) Title: Quantum interference in laser-assisted photo-ionization excited by a femtosecond x-ray pulse Source: CHINESE PHYSICS B, 17 (12): 4492-4497 DEC 2008 Abstract: The photoelectron energy spectra (PESs) excited by monochromatic femtosecond x-ray pulses in the presence of a femtosecond laser are investigated. A PES is composed of a set of separate peaks, showing interesting comb-like structures. These structures result from the quantum interferences between photoelectron wave packets generated at different times. The width and the localization of each peak as well as the number of peaks are determined by all the laser and x-ray parameters. Most of peak heights of the PES are higher than the classical predictions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------99 Author(s): Parker, DSN (Parker, D. S. N.); Nunn, ADG (Nunn, A. D. G.); Minns, RS (Minns, R. S.); Fielding, HH (Fielding, H. H.) Title: Frequency doubling and Fourier domain shaping the output of a femtosecond optical parametric amplifier: easy access to tuneable femtosecond pulse shapes in the deep ultraviolet Source: APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 94 (2): 181-186 FEB 2009 Abstract: Tuneable, shaped, ultraviolet (UV) femtosecond laser pulses are produced by shaping and frequency doubling the output of a commercial optical parametric amplifier (OPA). A reflective mode, folded, pulse shaping assembly employing a spatial light modulator (SLM) shapes femtosecond pulses in the visible region of the spectrum. The shaped visible light pulses are frequency doubled to generate phase- and amplitude-shaped, ultrashort light pulses in the deep ultraviolet. 最新文献报导 15 XIOPM latest Documents Report This approach benefits from a simple experimental setup and the potential for tuning the central frequency of the shaped ultraviolet waveform. A number of pulse shapes have been synthesised and characterised using cross-correlation frequency resolved optical gating (XFROG). This pulse shaping method can be employed for coherent control experiments in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum where many organic molecules have strong absorption bands. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------100 Author(s): Jamshidi-Ghaleh, K (Jamshidi-Ghaleh, Kazem) Title: Intense femtosecond laser pulse interaction with ultra-low expansion glass: nonlinear responses and optical limiting effect - art. no. 015202 Source: JOURNAL OF OPTICS A-PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS, 11 (1): 15202-15202 JAN 2009 Abstract: In this study, the nonlinear responses and optical limiting behaviour of titanium doped silicate glass (7.5TiO(2)92.5SiO(2)), known as ultra-low expansion (ULE) glass, are investigated. The measurements were performed by use of the Z-scan technique and monitoring of the transmitted energy of 200 fs Ti:sapphire laser pulses at a central wavelength of 800 nm. The optical power limiting threshold was measured to be about 37 mu J (peak intensity of 0.55 x 10(12) W cm(-2)) in this sample. The decrease of transmitted intensity was about 60% compared to the theoretical linear transmission for incident pulse energies of 320 mu J (peak intensity of 21 x 10(12) W cm(-2)). For the prediction of the experimental nonlinear behaviour results, we used the three-photon absorption and three-photon-generated free-carrier absorption model within the sample. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------101 Author(s): Aleksandrov, NL (Aleksandrov, N. L.); Bazelian, EM (Bazelian, E. M.); Bogatov, NA (Bogatov, N. A.); Kiselev, AM (Kiselev, A. M.); Stepanov, AN (Stepanov, A. N.) Title: Initiation of high-voltage discharge in air by a plasma filament produced by an intense femtosecond laser pulse Source: PLASMA PHYSICS REPORTS, 34 (12): 1059-1066 DEC 2008 Abstract: High-voltage discharge initiated in air by a plasma filament produced by an intense femtosecond laser pulse was studied experimentally. It is found that the threshold of a laser-induced discharge decrease three-fold as compared to that of a discharge in undisturbed air. It is shown that the formation time of a laser-induced discharge decreases by almost three orders of magnitude as the applied voltage increases by a factor of 2. A numerical model of the discharge process is developed that adequately describes the experimental results. In particular, simulations reproduce the experimentally observed steep dependence of the formation time of a laser-induced discharge on the applied voltage, as well as typical values of the electric field required for such a breakdown. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------102 Author(s): Xu, H (Xu, Han); Xiong, H (Xiong, Hui); Fu, YX (Fu, Yuxi); Yao, JP (Yao, Jinping); Zhou, ZH (Zhou, Zenghui); Cheng, Y (Cheng, Ya); Xu, ZZ (Xu, Zhizhan); Chin, SL (Chin, See Leang) Title: Formation of X-waves at fundamental and harmonics by infrared femtosecond pulse filamentation in air - art. no. 241104 Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 93 (24): 41104-41104 DEC 15 2008 Abstract: We experimentally observe the formation of X-waves at fundamental, third harmonic, and fifth harmonic wavelengths by infrared (central wavelength at similar to 1500 nm) femtosecond laser pulse filamentation in air. By fitting the angularly resolved spectra of the fundamental and harmonic waves using X-wave relations, we confirm that all the Xwaves have nearly the same group velocity, indicating that they are locked in space and time during their propagation in filament. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------103 Author(s): Wu, J (Wu, Jian); Cai, H (Cai, Hua); Zeng, HP (Zeng, Heping); Couairon, A (Couairon, Arnaud) Title: Femtosecond filamentation and pulse compression in the wake of molecular alignment Source: OPTICS LETTERS, 33 (22): 2593-2595 NOV 15 2008 Abstract: We numerically demonstrate that femtosecond filamentation in a molecular gas can be controlled in the wake of molecular alignment following impulsive rotational Raman excitation with a weak pump pulse. The succeeding filamentation dynamics of the collinearly propagating probe pulse is significantly influenced by the spatiotemporally modulated refractive index at the revivals of molecular alignment. The length of the filament generated by the probe pulse can be efficiently increased to obtain an ultrabroad spectrum and a few-cycle pulse via self-compression by tuning its delay to match the molecular alignment revivals. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America 最新文献报导 16 XIOPM latest Documents Report High-Power Laser and Solid-State Laser 104 Author(s): Ellman, M (Ellman, M.); Rodriguez, A (Rodriguez, A.); Perez, N (Perez, N.); Echeverria, M (Echeverria, M.); Verevkin, YK (Verevkin, Y. K.); Peng, CS (Peng, C. S.); Berthou, T (Berthou, T.); Wang, Z (Wang, Z.); Olaizola, SM (Olaizola, S. M.); Ayerdi, I (Ayerdi, I.) Title: High-power laser interference lithography process on photoresist: Effect of laser fluence and polarisation Source: APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 255 (10): 5537-5541 MAR 1 2009 Abstract: High throughput and low cost fabrication techniques in the sub-micrometer scale are attractive for the industry. Laser interference lithography (LIL) is a promising technique that can produce one, two and three-dimensional periodical patterns over large areas. In this work, two- and four-beam laser interference lithography systems are implemented to produce respectively one- and two- dimensional periodical patterns. A high-power single pulse of similar to 8 ns is used as exposure process. The optimum exposure dose for a good feature patterning in a 600 nm layer of AZ-1505 photoresist deposited on silicon wafers is studied. The best aspect ratio is found for a laser fluence of 20 mJ/cm(2). A method to control the width of the sub-micrometer structures based on controlling the resist thickness and the laser fluence is proposed. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------105 Author(s): Lu, YF (Lu Yuan-Fu); Xie, SY (Xie Shi-Yong); Bo, Y (Bo Yong); Cui, QJ (Cui Qian-Jin); Zong, N (Zong Nan); Gao, HW (Gao Hong-Wei); Peng, QJ (Peng Qin-Jun); Cui, DF (Cui Da-Fu); Xu, ZY (Xu Zu-Yan) Title: A high power quasi-continuous-wave yellow laser based on intracavity sum-frequency generation Source: ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 58 (2): 970-974 FEB 2009 Abstract: This paper reports a high-power all-solid-state yellow laser based on intracavity KTP crystal sum-frequency generation. In order to achieve high output power,three key techniques are used: Firstly, the system is designed to operate in a pulsed mode to increase the beam quality and optical-to-optical conversion efficiency under the same pump level. Secondly, thermal near-unstable resonator design and two-rod birefringence compensation is used to acquire large fundamental mode size in Nd:YAG rod. Thirdly, by optimizing an L-shaped co-folding-arm plane-concave symmetrical cavity, the two fundamentals have a high spatial overlap in the sum-frequency crystal and satisfy the power ratio requirement. As a result of the applications of these techniques, a quasi-continuous-wave yellow laser with output power of 7.6 W and repitition frequency of 1.1 kHz is obtained. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest yellow laser output power produced by an intracavity sum-frequency Nd: YAG laser. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------106 Author(s): Cheng, XK (Cheng Xian-Kun); Zhou, Y (Zhou Yong); Cui, QJ (Cui Qian-Jin); Yang, F (Yang Feng); Bo, Y (Bo Yong); Peng, QJ (Peng Qin-Jun); Cui, DF (Cui Da-Fu); Xu, ZY (Xu Zu-Yuan) Title: Stable High Power and High Beam Quality Diode-Side-Pumped Continuous-Wave Intracavity FrequencyDoubled Nd:YAG Laser - art. no. 034201 Source: CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 26 (3): 34201-34201 MAR 2009 Abstract: We report a stable high power and high beam quality diode-side-pumped cw green laser from intracavity frequencydoubled Nd:YAG laser with KTP. By using a L-shaped concave-convex resonator, designed with two Nd: YAG rods birefringence compensation, a large fundamental mode size in the laser crystal and a tight focus in the nonlinear crystal could be obtained simultaneously. The green laser delivers a maximum 532nm output power of 23.2 W. Under 532nm output power of 20.9 W, the beam quality factor is measured to be 4.1, and the fluctuation of the output power is less than 1.4% in an hour. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------107 Author(s): Williams, C (Williams, Charles); Quinlan, F (Quinlan, Franklyn); Delfyett, PJ (Delfyett, Peter J.) Title: Injection-Locked Mode-Locked Laser With Long-Term Stabilization and High Power-per-Combline Source: IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 21 (1-4): 94-96 JAN-FEB 2009 Abstract: A novel method is presented to provide long-term stabilization of an injection-locked harmonically mode-locked laser to a narrow linewidth continuous-wave (CW) source for the first time. The method, based on the Pound-Drever-Hall method of laser frequency stabilization, exploits the phase shift across a laser cavity mode resonance to detect the offset between the CW frequency and the combline frequency desired for injection-locking. Longterm suppression of the radio-frequency supermode noise spurs is shown as well as 36-dB suppression of optical supermodes. Significant 最新文献报导 17 XIOPM latest Documents Report reductions in phase and amplitude noise are also shown due to injection. Postamplification noise results are presented, showing an increase in optical power per combline with no degradation in pulse-to-pulse energy fluctuation or timing jitter. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------108 Author(s): Mildren, RP (Mildren, R. P.); Coutts, DW (Coutts, D. W.); Spence, DJ (Spence, D. J.) Title: All-solid-state parametric Raman anti-Stokes laser at 508 nm Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 17 (2): 810-818 JAN 19 2009 Abstract: We report a parametric anti-Stokes Raman laser using potassium gadolinium tungstate, generating output chiefly at the first anti-Stokes at 508 nm. The compact 4.5 cm long device is pumped by a Q-switched 532 nm laser and uses an offaxis Stokes resonator to provide non-collinear phase matching between the pump and the generated Stokes and antiStokes fields. Anti-Stokes output energies up 0.27 mJ were obtained at a conversion efficiency from the pump of 0.46%. Second-and third-order anti-Stokes lines at 486 nm and 465 nm were also observed. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------109 Author(s): Yan, XP (Yan, X. P.); Liu, Q (Liu, Q.); Gong, M (Gong, M.); Wang, DS (Wang, D. S.); Fu, X (Fu, X.) Title: Over 8 W high peak power UV laser with a high power Q-switched Nd:YVO4 oscillator and the compact extracavity sum-frequency mixing Source: LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 6 (2): 93-97 FEB 2009 Abstract: Continuous wave (CW) and acousto-optical (AO) Q-switch operation of Tm (5 at %), Ho (0.3 at %): YAP laser at 2.13 mu m wavelength were reported in this paper. The Tm.Ho:YAP crystal was cooled by liquid nitrogen and double-endpumped by a 14.2 W fiber-coupled laser diode at 798 nm. Different resonator lengths and output couplers for the pump power were tried. A maximum conversion efficiency of 31.3% and a maximum slope efficiency of 35.2% were acquired with CW output power of 4.45 W. Average power of 4.21 W was obtained at pulse repetition frequency (PRF) of 15kHz, corresponding to an optical-to-optical conversion efficiency of 29.6% and a slope efficiency of 32.4%. The energy per pulse of 2.3 mJ in 64 ns was achieved at 1.5kHz with the peak power of 35.8 kW. Q 2009 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------110 Author(s): Echkina, EY (Echkina, E. Y.); Inovenkov, IN (Inovenkov, I. N.); Esirkepov, TZ (Esirkepov, T. Zh.); Fukuda, Y (Fukuda, Y.); Koga, J (Koga, J.); Bulanov, SV (Bulanov, S. V.) Title: Propagation of the high power laser pulse in multicomponent cluster targets Source: LASER PHYSICS, 19 (2): 228-230 FEB 2009 Abstract: We present the results of 3D PIC and 2D PIC simulations of the ultra short high irradiance laser pulse interaction with targets where the plasma containing multicomponent cluster targets and multicluster cloud is imbedded in an underdense plasma. In both cases the laser radiation expels the electrons from the clusters and ejects them into the wake plasma wave generated by the ultrashort laser pulse in the underdense plasma. This provides a novel mechanism for the electron injection into the wake field for acceleration. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------111 Author(s): Ohtomo, T (Ohtomo, Takayuki); Sudo, S (Sudo, Seiichi); Otsuka, K (Otsuka, Kenju) Title: Three-channel three-dimensional self-mixing thin-slice solid-state laser-Doppler measurements Source: APPLIED OPTICS, 48 (3): 609-616 JAN 20 2009 Abstract: We report successful real-time three-channel self-mixing laser-Doppler measurements with extreme optical sensitivity using a laser-diode-pumped thin-slice Nd:GdVO4 laser in the carrier-frequency-division-multiplexing scheme with three pairs of acoustic optical modulators (i.e., frequency shifters) and a three-channel FM-wave demodulation circuit. We demonstrate (1) simultaneous independent measurement of three different nanometer-vibrating targets, (2) simultaneous measurements of small particles in Brownian motion from three directions, and (3) identification of the velocity vector of small particles moving in water flowing in a small-diameter glass pipe. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------112 Author(s): Yu, HH (Yu, Haohai); Zhang, HJ (Zhang, Huaijin); Wang, ZP (Wang, Zhengping); Wang, JY (Wang, Jiyang); Yu, YG (Yu, Yonggui); Shi, ZB (Shi, Zibin); Zhang, XY (Zhang, Xingyu); Jiang, MH (Jiang, Minhua) 最新文献报导 18 XIOPM latest Documents Report Title: High-power dual-wavelength laser with disordered Nd:CNGG crystals Source: OPTICS LETTERS, 34 (2): 151-153 JAN 15 2009 Abstract: We demonstrate the high-power dual-wavelength laser output with disordered Nd:CNGG laser crystals. Continuouswave output power of 4.03 W was obtained under the incident pump power of 15.62 W. In the passively Q-switched operation, the shortest pulse width, largest pulse energy, and highest peak power were achieved to be 12.9 ns, 173.16 mu J, and 12.3 kW, respectively, with Cr4+:YAG crystals as the saturable absorbers. By spectral analysis, the output lasers were found to have dual wavelengths. We believed that the passively Q-switched dual-wavelength laser should be possible to be used as a source for the generation of terahertz radiation. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------113 Author(s): Cromer, CL (Cromer, Christopher L.); Hurst, KE (Hurst, Katherine E.); Li, XY (Li, Xiaoyu); Lehman, JH (Lehman, John H.) Title: Black optical coating for high-power laser measurements from carbon nanotubes and silicate Source: OPTICS LETTERS, 34 (2): 193-195 JAN 15 2009 Abstract: We describe a coating based on potassium silicate, commonly known as water glass, and multiwall carbon nanotubes. The coating has a high absorbance (0.96 at 1064 nm in wavelength) and a laser damage threshold that is comparable to that of ceramic coatings presently used for commercial thermopiles for high-power laser measurements. In addition to a potassium silicate-based coating we discuss sodium silicate, lithium silicate, and a commercially available ceramic coating. We document the coating process and experiments that demonstrate that the laser damage threshold at 1064 nm is 15 kW/cm(2). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------114 Author(s): Jones-Bey, HA (Jones-Bey, Hassaun A.) Title: SOLID-STATE LASERS CVD growth methods enable diamond Raman laser Source: LASER FOCUS WORLD, 45 (1): 22-23 JAN 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------115 Author(s): Cheng, SC (Cheng, Sy-Chyi); Cheng, TL (Cheng, Tain-Lu); Chang, HC (Chang, Hui-Chiu); Shiea, J (Shiea, Jentaie) Title: Using Laser-Induced Acoustic Desorption/Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry To Characterize Small Organic and Large Biological Compounds in the Solid State and in Solution Under Ambient Conditions Source: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 81 (3): 868-874 FEB 1 2009 Abstract: We have coupled laser-induced acoustic desorption (LIAD) with electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry (LIAD/ESI/MS) to characterize molecules in the solid state and in solution under ambient conditions. To perform an LIAD/ESI analysis, the sample droplet is deposited on the surface of a thin aluminum foil by a micropipette; the rear side of the foil with the sample spot is then irradiated with a pulse from a Nd:YAG IR laser. The resulting shockwave and heat cause the sample on the rear side to change from the condensed phase to the gas phase. The desorbed species then move upward to enter an ESI plume to react with charged solvent species (methanol- and water-related ions and droplets), forming singly or multiply charged analyte ions. A quadrupole/time-of-flight (Q-TOF) mass analyzer attached to the LIAD/ESI source detects the analyte ions to obtain an ESI-like mass spectrum. Both small organic and large biological compounds (including amino acids, peptides, and proteins) were successfully ionized and detected by the LIAD/ESI/MS system. Although native and denatured myoglobin ions were both detected from a liquid sample solution, only the denatured myoglobin ions were detected from a dried sample. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------116 Author(s): Otsuka, K (Otsuka, Kenju); Chu, SC (Chu, Shu-Chun) Title: Generation of vortex array beams from a thin-slice solid-state laser with shaped wide-aperture laser-diode pumping Source: OPTICS LETTERS, 34 (1): 10-12 JAN 1 2009 Abstract: We demonstrate vortex array-beam generations from a thin-slice, wide-aperture, solid-state laser with laser-diode endpumping. Radial and rectangular vortex arrays were found to be formed in a controlled fashion with symmetric and asymmetric pump-beam profiles, respectively. Most of these vortices exhibited single-frequency oscillations arising from a spontaneous process of transverse mode locking of degenerate or nearly degenerate modes assisted by the laser nonlinearity. Single-frequency rectangular array beams consisting of a large number of vortices, e.g., closely packed 25, 最新文献报导 19 XIOPM latest Documents Report 36, or 46 vortex pixels, were generated, originating from Ince-Gaussian modes excited by the asymmetric pumping. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------117 Author(s): Maulini, R (Maulini, R.); Dunayevskiy, I (Dunayevskiy, I.); Lyakh, A (Lyakh, A.); Tsekoun, A (Tsekoun, A.); Patel, CKN (Patel, C. K. N.); Diehl, L (Diehl, L.); Pflugl, C (Pfluegl, C.); Capasso, F (Capasso, F.) Title: Widely tunable high-power external cavity quantum cascade laser operating in continuous-wave at room temperature Source: ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 45 (2): 107-U30 JAN 15 2009 Abstract: A grating-coupled external cavity quantum cascade laser operating in continuous-wave at room temperature is reported. Single-frequency operation tunable over more than 160 cm(-1) around the centre wave-length of 4.6 mu m has been observed at a chip temperature of 300 K. The maximum optical power at the gain peak was 300 mW, corresponding to a wall-plug efficiency of 6%. Observed power output at the gain bandwidth edges was in excess of 125 mW. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------118 Author(s): Jeong, Y (Jeong, Y.); Jauregui, C (Jauregui, C.); Richardson, DJ (Richardson, D. J.); Nilsson, J (Nilsson, J.) Title: In situ spatially-resolved thermal and Brillouin diagnosis of high-power ytterbium-doped fibre laser by Brillouin optical time domain analysis Source: ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 45 (3): 153-154 JAN 29 2009 Abstract: An in situ spatially-resolved diagnosis of thermal and Brillouin characteristics of a double-clad ytterbium-doped fibre (YDF) laser operating at 1.09 mu m is demonstrated. For this a Brillouin optical time domain analysis technique based on 1.55 mu m Brillouin pump and probe beams is utilised. A 2.4 K temperature difference across the YDF laser when it was running with 6.5 W pump power has been measured and resolved. Based on the measured thermal and Brillouin characteristics of it is expected the YDF, that the effective Brillouin gain coefficient would decrease by 20% for 1.09 mu m radiation if an 80 K temperature variation is built up across it, as a result of the quantum-heating by the pump power. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------119 Author(s): He, Y (He, Y.); An, H (An, H.); Cai, J (Cai, J.); Galstad, C (Galstad, C.); Macomber, S (Macomber, S.); Kanskar, M (Kanskar, M.) Title: 808 nm broad area DFB laser for solid-state laser pumping application Source: ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 45 (3): 163-164 JAN 29 2009 Abstract: Wavelength stabilised 808 nm broad area distributed feedback (DFB) diode lasers with high continuous-wave (CW) output have been realised. The centre wavelength was locked at the Bragg condition with narrow spectral widths of 0.3 nm FWHM and shifted at a rate of 0.062 nm/degrees C. The 2 mm-long laser showed a record high 57% wall-plug efficiency and more than 4W CWoutput power at 25 degrees C heat-sink temperature. It is an ideal source for pumping solid-state lasers such as Nd-doped YAG and YVO4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------120 Author(s): Liu, BW (Liu, B. -W); Hu, ML (Hu, M. -L.); Fang, XH (Fang, X. -H.); Wu, YZ (Wu, Y. -Z); Song, YJ (Song, Y-J.); Chai, L (Chai, L.); Wang, CY (Wang, C-Y); Zheltikov, AM (Zheltikov, A. M.) Title: High-power wavelength-tunable photonic-crystal-fiber-based oscillator-amplifier-frequency-shifter femtosecond laser system and its applications for material microprocessing Source: LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 6 (1): 44-48 JAN 2009 Abstract: A high-power wavelength-tunable femtosecond fiber laser source is developed based on photonic-crystal fiber technology. Laser ocillator and amplifier stages in this system employ diode-pumped ytteribum-doped singlepolarization large-mode-area photonic-crystal fibers in a stretcher-free configuration, delivering laser pulses with an average power of 10.4 W, a pulse width of 52 fs, and a peak power of 4 MW at a repetition rate of 50 MHz after pulse compression. Nonlinear transformation of such laser pulse in a highly nonlinear photonic-crystal fiber yields light pulses smoothly tunable within the range of wavelengths from 1.0 to 1.4 mu m and allows the generation of supercontinuum stretching from 450 to at least 1750 nm. We report experiments on silicon microprocessing and chromium nanofilm pattering at a high repetition rate, demonstrating the potential of the developed fiber-laser source for fast micromachining, micro-fabrication and microprocessing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------121 最新文献报导 20 XIOPM latest Documents Report Author(s): Zhou, R (Zhou, Rui); Ruan, SH (Ruan, Shuanghen); Du, CL (Du, Chenlin); Yao, JQ (Yao, Jianquan) Title: High-power continuous-wave diode-end-pumped intracavity-frequency-doubled Nd:GdVO4/LBO red laser Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 282 (4): 605-610 FEB 15 2009 Abstract: A high-power continuous-wave (CW) diode-end-pumped intracavity-frequency-doubled red laser is reported here. The laser consists of a 0.3 at.% Nd:GdVO4 crystal as laser gain medium, a type II non-critical phase-matched (NCPM) LBO crystal or a type I critical phase-matched (CPM) LBO crystal as frequency-doubler, and a three-mirror-folded cavity. At incident pump power of about 41 W, maximum output powers of 3.8 W and 3 W at 671 nm are obtained with corresponding optical-to-optical conversion efficiency of 9.3% and 7.5%, respectively. During half an hour, the instability of the red beam is less than 3% at output of 3 W. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------122 Author(s): Schellhorn, M (Schellhorn, M.); Ngcobo, S (Ngcobo, S.); Bollig, C (Bollig, C.) Title: High-power diode-pumped Tm:YLF slab laser Source: APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 94 (2): 195-198 FEB 2009 Abstract: A 2% Tm3+-doped LiYF4(Tm:YLF) slab is double-end-pumped by two laser diode stacks. The pumped volume has a rectangular cross section. The Tm:YLF laser produced 148 W of continuos-wave output at 1912 nm in a beam with M (x) (2) a parts per thousand 199 and M (y) (2) a parts per thousand 1.7 for 554 W of incident pump power. The slope efficiency with respect to the incident pump power was 32.6%, and the optical-to-optical efficiency was 26.7%. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------123 Author(s): Rogers, MS (Rogers, Matthew S.); Grigoropoulos, CP (Grigoropoulos, Costas P.); Minor, AM (Minor, Andrew M.); Mao, SS (Mao, Samuel S.) Title: Absence of amorphous phase in high power femtosecond laser-ablated silicon - art. no. 011111 Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 94 (1): 11111-11111 JAN 5 2009 Abstract: As femtosecond lasers emerge as viable tools for advanced microscale materials processing, it becomes increasingly important to understand the characteristics of materials resulting from femtosecond laser microablation or micromachining. We conducted transmission electron microscopy experiments to investigate crater structures in silicon produced by repetitive high power femtosecond laser ablation. Comparable experiments of nanosecond laser ablation of silicon were also performed. We found that an amorphous silicon layer that is typically produced in nanosecond laser ablation is absent when the material is irradiated by high power femtosecond laser pulses. Instead, only a defective single crystalline layer was observed in the high power femtosecond laser-ablated silicon crater. Possible mechanisms underlying the formation of the defective single crystalline phase are discussed. Laser Application 124 Author(s): Ganeev, RA (Ganeev, R. A.); Tugushev, RI (Tugushev, R. I.); Usmanov, T (Usmanov, T.) Title: Application of the nonlinear optical properties of platinum nanoparticles for the mode locking of Nd:glass laser Source: APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 94 (4): 647-651 MAR 2009 Abstract: We analyzed the saturated absorption of a platinum nanoparticle suspension using 1064-nm, 50-ps pulses at different intensities of laser radiation. The concurrence of reverse saturated absorption and saturated absorption at high intensities allowed for defining the saturated intensity for different suspensions of Pt nanoparticles (5x10(9) W cm(-2)). This suspension was used for the mode locking of laser radiation in a Nd:glass oscillator (lambda=1054 nm). We achieved a stable generation of picosecond pulse trains with pulse duration of 5 ps using the mode locker based on the platinum nanoparticle suspension. The comparison of this nanoparticle-based mode locker with the conventional dye films showed the better stability of picosecond pulse generation and longer lifetime in the former case. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------125 Author(s): Fernandez-Menchero, L (Fernandez-Menchero, L.); Kirchner, T (Kirchner, T.); Ludde, HJ (Luedde, H. J.) Title: Extension of the basis generator method for application to laser-molecule interactions - art. no. 023416 Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 79 (2): 3416-3416 FEB 2009 Abstract: We present an extension of the basis generator method, which was successfully used for ion-atom collisions in previous works, and apply it to a laser-molecule problem. As test system, we have chosen the one-electron, diatomic and 最新文献报导 21 XIOPM latest Documents Report asymmetric molecule HeH2+ in a short (approximately fs) intense laser field. Due to the asymmetry of the molecule, excitation and ionization probabilities are different if the main peak of the laser pulse is parallel or antiparallel to the molecular dipole moment. Our results are in fair agreement with previous calculations for this system. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------126 Author(s): Mann, G (Mann, Guido); Vogel, J (Vogel, Jens); Zoheidi, M (Zoheidi, Mohammadali); Eberstein, M (Eberstein, Markus); Kruger, J (Krueger, Joerg) Title: Breakdown limits of optical multimode fibers for the application of nanosecond laser pulses at 532 nm and 1064 nm wavelength Source: APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 255 (10): 5519-5522 MAR 1 2009 Abstract: For many applications, optical multimode fibers are used for the transmission of powerful laser radiation. High light throughput and damage resistance are desirable. Laser-induced breakdown at the end faces of fibers can limit their performance. Therefore, the determination of laser-induced damage thresholds (LIDT) at the surface of fibers is essential. Nanosecond (1064 nm and 532 nm wavelength) single-shot LIDT were measured according to the relevant standard on SiO2 glass preforms (Suprasil F300) as basic materials of the corresponding fibers. For 10 kinds of fused silica fibers (FiberTech) with core diameters between 180 mm and 600 mm, an illumination approach utilizing a stepwise increase of the laser fluence on a single spot was used. For both wavelengths, the LIDT values (0% damage probability) obtained by means of the two methods were compared. The influence of surface preparation (polishing) on damage resistance was investigated. For equal surface finishing, a correlation between drawing speed of the fibers and their surface LIDT values was found. In addition to the surface measurements, bulk LIDT were determined for the preform material. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------127 Author(s): Dyer, PE (Dyer, P. E.); Walton, CD (Walton, C. D.); Zakaria, R (Zakaria, R.) Title: Interference effects in 157 nm laser ablated cones in polycarbonate and application to spatial coherence measurement Source: APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 95 (2): 319-323 MAY 2009 Abstract: Conical structures formed in 157 nm laser-ablated polycarbonate exhibit a well-defined fringe structure with a period of a few 100 nm surrounding the cone base. Experiments and modelling studies of the interference produced by these micro-conical mirrors are shown to provide a means of measuring the spatial coherence of the highly multi-mode 157 nm laser. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------128 Author(s): Entwistle, JA (Entwistle, J. A.); McCaffrey, KJW (McCaffrey, K. J. W.); Abrahams, PW (Abrahams, P. W.) Title: Three-dimensional (3D) visualisation: the application of terrestrial laser scanning in the investigation of historical Scottish farming townships Source: JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 36 (3): 860-866 MAR 2009 Abstract: Recent developments in digital technologies are heralding significant changes in the way we acquire, visualise and analyse archaeological data. Terrestrial laser scanners can be used to create photo-realistic virtual copies of landscapes, and archaeological features, and offer the potential to improve our understanding of three-dimensional (3D) spatial relationships at study sites. Here we present a methodology for the integration of a high-resolution 3D site model with soil chemical data obtained from an abandoned settlement site located in the Central Highlands of Scotland. At this site, the multi-element concentration in Soil, co-visualised within a topographic setting, has an important role to play in elucidating settlement layout and activity. The methods described here are also of significance in archiving sites of archaeological/historical importance where development activities and/or environmental processes may destroy remains, or where access to held sites is restricted. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------129 Author(s): Yun, D (Yun, Dong); Lu, HJ (Lu, Haojie); Yang, PY (Yang, Pengyuan); He, FC (He, Fuchu) Title: Spectral quality assessment and application for gel-based matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight tandem mass spectrometer Source: ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA, 634 (2): 158-165 FEB 23 2009 Abstract: Gel-based matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight tandem mass spectrometer (MALDI TOF/TOF MS) is one of the dominant methods of current proteomics, utilizing both peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) and peptide 最新文献报导 22 XIOPM latest Documents Report fragment fingerprinting (PFF) for protein identification on a spot-to-spot basis. However, the unique impact of the quality of the corresponding mass spectrometry spectra remains largely unreported, and has motivated the development and use of an automatic spectra-assessment method. In this study, a multi-variant regression approach has been utilized to assess spectral quality for both PMF and PFF spectra obtained from MALDI TOF/TOF MS. The assessment index has been applied to investigations of MASCOT search results. Systematic examination of two large-scale sets of human liver tissue data has proved that spectral quality was a key factor in significant matching. Based on large-scale investigations on individual PMF search, individual PFF search and their combination, respectively, the filtering of bad quality spectra or spots proves to be an efficient way to improve search efficiency of all search modes in MASCOT. Meanwhile, a validation method based on score differences between normal and decoy (reverse or random) database searches is proposed to precisely define the positive matches. Further analysis showed that spectral quality assessment was also efficient in representing the quality of 2-DE gel spots and promoted the discovery of potential post-translation modifications. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------130 Author(s): Luo, PF (Luo, Perng-Fei); Pan, SP (Pan, Shan-Peng); Lee, CL (Lee, Chi-Lung) Title: Application of computer vision and laser interferometer to two-dimensional inspection - art. no. 123601 Source: OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 47 (12): 23601-23601 DEC 2008 Abstract: A laser interferometer, vision system, and 2-D precision translation stage are used to develop a high precision measuring station with a working range of 18 x 18 mm. The vision system is installed at the z axis of a coordinate measuring machine (CMM), and the laser, the split and reflection mirrors, and the x-y stage are mounted on the platform of the CMM. The object inspected by the laser-and-vision system is moved using an x-y table so that the camera can take images of the feature points (such as corners) of the object at two different positions. Meanwhile, the displacement of the x-y table is measured using a laser interferometer. Putting these two feature points in one image, the distance between them can be evaluated under the image plane coordinate system. By adding the displacement measured by the laser interferometer, the real distance between these two feature points is obtained. The developed 2-D laser-and-vision measuring system is used to measure the geometric size of several Olympus specimens. Experimental results indicate that the measured values are in good agreement with the Olympus measurements. (c) 2008 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------131 Author(s): Batusov, V (Batusov, V.); Budagov, J (Budagov, J.); Khubua, J (Khubua, J.); Lasseur, C (Lasseur, C.); Lyablin, M (Lyablin, M.); Russakovich, N (Russakovich, N.); Sissakian, A (Sissakian, A.); Topilin, N (Topilin, N.) Title: Laser beam fiducial line application for metrological purposes Source: PHYSICS OF PARTICLES AND NUCLEI, 40 (1): 115-129 JAN 2009 Abstract: The possibility for a collimated one-mode laser beam used as a fiducial line is considered. The technology for an "extended" laser beam formation and application for a much-extended fiducial line is proposed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------132 Author(s): Wang, CC (Wang, Chen-Chia); Trivedi, S (Trivedi, Sudhir); Jin, F (Jin, Feng); Swaminathan, V (Swaminathan, V.); Rodriguez, P (Rodriguez, Ponciano); Prasad, NS (Prasad, Narasimha S.) Title: High sensitivity pulsed laser vibrometer and its application as a laser microphone - art. no. 051112 Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 94 (5): 51112-51112 FEB 2 2009 Abstract: We experimentally demonstrate a high sensitivity pulsed laser vibrometer that is capable of detecting optically rough surfaces vibrating with the displacement value of 75 pm as well as its application as a laser microphone. By directing the probe light beam repeatedly onto the vibrating diaphragm and/or pressure sensing interface, the sensitivity of the pulsed laser vibrometer in detecting the displacement of the vibrating diaphragm is significantly improved down to an estimated value of less than 4 pm In this paper, we present the principles of operation of this new kind of laser microphone together with experimental validations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------133 Author(s): Benedetti, LR (Benedetti, Laura Robin); Farber, DL (Farber, Daniel L.); Kavner, A (Kavner, Abby) Title: The great wedge: Quantifying chromatic aberration in imaging spectroscopy systems and application to temperature measurements in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell - art. no. 023517 Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 105 (2): 23517-23517 JAN 15 2009 Abstract: 最新文献报导 23 XIOPM latest Documents Report To aid in evaluating spatial and spectral imaging abilities of any imaging spectroradiometer system, we developed a spectral intensity gradient standard based on the behavior of a birefringent wedge imaged between cross polarizers. By comparing calculated with observed images of the wedge, a chromatic scrambling kernel was measured to generally estimate chromatic aberrations in any spectral imaging optical system. This technique provides a quantitative method to compare spectral imaging quality of different optical systems and also provides a quick test for severe misalignments in the optical path. Applying this method to the spectroradiometric measurement of temperature and temperature gradients in the laser-heated diamond cell, the observed scrambling kernel is used to infer original hotspot information from measured behavior, to provide a quantitative evaluation of the ability to measure a temperature gradient in any spectral system, and to yield an objective determination of precision of spectroradiometric temperature measurements. The birefringent wedge method and its application described in this paper are simple and inexpensive enough to be used on any spectroradiometric system. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------134 Author(s): Mitscherling, C (Mitscherling, Christoph); Maul, C (Maul, Christof); Veselov, A (Veselov, Alexei A.); Gericke, KH (Gericke, Karl-Heinz) Title: Laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy of 14N18O and its application to breath analysis Source: ISOTOPES IN ENVIRONMENTAL AND HEALTH STUDIES, 45 (1): 59-67 2009 Abstract: Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy is an efficient tool for the detection of low nitric oxide (NO) concentrations down to the parts per trillion (ppt) range. The isotopic selectivity of this method provides a broad potential of applications. Whereas 14N16O and 15N16O have been described extensively this is not the case for the 14N18O isotopologue. A (1+1) resonance enhanced multiphoton excitation time-of-flight mass spectrometer has been used for the simultaneous detection of 14N16O, 15N16O and 14N18O isotopologues. Regions with single 14N18O transitions have been studied in more detail by the LIF device. Electronic excitation of the A-X transition in the UV provides fluorescence which is monitored around 247nm from A2+(v'=0)X2(v''=2). This transition has been used for an isotope specific online detection of 14N18O from exhaled air. The detection limit for 14N18O is 7.31.8ppt. With respect to 18O-labelled drugs and amino acids this denotes a novel extension to NO research. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------135 Author(s): Goh, SH (Goh, S. H.); Sheppard, CJR (Sheppard, C. J. R.); Quah, ACT (Quah, A. C. T.); Chua, CM (Chua, C. M.); Koh, LS (Koh, L. S.); Phang, JCH (Phang, J. C. H.) Title: Design considerations for refractive solid immersion lens: Application to subsurface integrated circuit fault localization using laser induced techniques - art. no. 013703 Source: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 80 (1): 13703-13703 JAN 2009 Abstract: With fast scaling and advancement of integrated circuit (IC) technology, circuitries have become smaller and denser. New materials and more sophisticated designs have evolved. These changes reduced the effectiveness of conventional laser induced fault localization techniques. Since IC fault localization is the most critical step in failure analysis, there are strong motivations to improve both spatial resolution and sensitivity of such systems to meet the new challenges from advanced technology. Refractive solid immersion lens (RSIL) is well known to enhance the laser spot size which directly affects resolution and sensitivity in back side fault localizations. In practice, it is difficult to operate RSIL at the ideal configurations to obtain the smallest spot resolution. It is necessary to understand the resolution performance at the other design focal planes. Besides resolution, there are also other factors that affect sensitivity in a RSIL enhanced system. This paper identifies and characterizes key RSIL design parameters to optimize RSIL performance on laser induced techniques. We report that the most efficient conditions are achieved close to aplanatic RSIL design to within 20-25 mu m (for a 1 mm diameter lens), and the backing objective should be the minimum numerical aperture required for optimum resolution performance. The size of the mechanical clear aperture opening should be large enough (>80%) to exploit the advantage of aplanatic RSIL. RSIL is developed on a laser scanning optical microscope in this work, and a resolution of 0.3 mu m (for a wavelength of 1340 nm) was achieved over a range of operating conditions. A quantitative resolution of 0.25 mu m is achieved and a pitch structure of 0.4 mu m is easily resolvable. Close to 15 times enhancement in laser induced signal is obtained. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------136 Author(s): Paramonov, GK (Paramonov, G. K.); Saalfrank, P (Saalfrank, Peter) Title: Time-evolution operator method for non-Markovian density matrix propagation in time and space representation: Application to laser association of OH in an environment - art. no. 013415 Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 79 (1): 3415-3415 JAN 2009 Abstract: 最新文献报导 24 XIOPM latest Documents Report An efficient method for the numerical solution of a non-Markovian, open-system density matrix equation of motion in coordinate representation is developed. We apply the scheme to model simulations of the laser-assisted O+H -> OH association reaction in an environment. The suggested approach is based on the application of the time-evolution operator to the "closed-system" part of the overall Hamiltonian and transformation of the open-system equation of motion to the Heisenberg picture suitable for numerical propagation. A dual role of the system-environment coupling with respect to the infrared (ir) laser-driven association of OH is demonstrated: the association probability is increased due to the coupling at relatively weak laser fields, but decreased at strong laser fields. Moreover, at a certain strength of the ir laser field, the association probability does not depend on the strength of the system-bath coupling at all. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------137 Author(s): Ganeev, RA (Ganeev, Rashid A.); Suzuki, M (Suzuki, Masayuki); Baba, M (Baba, Motoyoshi); Kuroda, H (Kuroda, Hiroto) Title: Application of beryllium plasma for the harmonic generation of Ti:sapphire laser radiation Source: JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS, 25 (12): 2096-2100 DEC 2008 Abstract: We report the studies of the low- and high-order harmonic generation (HHG) in beryllium plasma using the Ti:sapphire laser radiation (790 nm) and its second harmonic (395 nm). We achieved the tuning of HHG spectra by tuning the nonlinear optical crystal used for the second harmonic generation of fundamental radiation. The role of restricting factors during the HHG in a beryllium plume is discussed. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------138 Author(s): He, Y (He, Y.); An, H (An, H.); Cai, J (Cai, J.); Galstad, C (Galstad, C.); Macomber, S (Macomber, S.); Kanskar, M (Kanskar, M.) Title: 808 nm broad area DFB laser for solid-state laser pumping application Source: ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 45 (3): 163-164 JAN 29 2009 Abstract: Wavelength stabilised 808 nm broad area distributed feedback (DFB) diode lasers with high continuous-wave (CW) output have been realised. The centre wavelength was locked at the Bragg condition with narrow spectral widths of 0.3 nm FWHM and shifted at a rate of 0.062 nm/degrees C. The 2 mm-long laser showed a record high 57% wall-plug efficiency and more than 4W CWoutput power at 25 degrees C heat-sink temperature. It is an ideal source for pumping solid-state lasers such as Nd-doped YAG and YVO4. Nonlinear Optics 139 Author(s): Voss, T (Voss, Tobias); Kudyk, I (Kudyk, Iryna); Wischmeier, L (Wischmeier, Lars); Gutowski, J (Gutowski, Juergen) Title: Nonlinear optics with ZnO nanowires Source: PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, 246 (2): 311-314 FEB 2009 Abstract: Second-harmonic generation and two photon induced photo-luminescence from arrays ZnO nanowires and single nanowires under excitation with femtosecond pulses is experimentally studied. The ratio of relevant components of the nonlinear chi((2)) tensor is obtained. The excitation of the nanowire array with femtosecond laser pulses induces significant heating of the free standing nanowires. The heat distribution is analyzed in phenomenological finite element studies. Two-photon excitation of a broad internal photoluminescence in single ZnO nanowires is used to perform a single-nanowire transmission experiment. From the transmitted intensity, the band gap shift in the excited nanowire is obtained. (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim -------------------------------------------------------------------------------140 Author(s): Dudley, JM (Dudley, John M.); Taylor, JR (Taylor, J. Roy) Title: Ten years of nonlinear optics in photonic crystal fibre Source: NATURE PHOTONICS, 3 (2): 85-90 FEB 2009 Abstract: The year 2009 marks the tenth anniversary of the first report of white- light supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal fibre. This result had a tremendous impact on the field of nonlinear fibre optics and continues to open up new horizons in photonic science. Here we provide a concise and critical summary of the current state of nonlinear optics in photonic crystal fibre, identifying some of the most important and interesting recent developments in the field. We also 最新文献报导 25 XIOPM latest Documents Report discuss several emerging research directions and point out links with other areas of physics that are now becoming apparent. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------141 Author(s): Hillery, M (Hillery, Mark) Title: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE QUANTUM THEORY OF NONLINEAR OPTICS Source: ACTA PHYSICA SLOVACA, 59 (1): 1-80 2009 Abstract: This article is provides an introduction to the quantum theory of optics in nonlinear dielectric media. We begin with a short summary of the classical theory of nonlinear optics, that is nonlinear optics done with classical fields. We then discuss the canonical formalism for fields and its quantization. This is applied to quantizing the electromagnetic field in free space. The definition of a nonclassical state of the electromagnetic field is presented, and several examples are examined. This is followed by a brief introduction to entanglement in the context of field modes. The next task is the quantization of the electromagnetic field in an inhomogeneous, linear dielectric medium. Before going on to field quantization in nonlinear media, we discuss a number of commonly employed phenomenological models for quantum nonlinear optical processes. We then quantize the field in both nondispersive and dispersive nonlinear media. Flaws in the most commonly used methods of accomplishing this task are pointed out and discussed. Once the quantization has been completed, it is used to study a multimode theory of parametric down conversion and the propagation of quantum solitons. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------142 Author(s): Lin, XS (Lin, Xinsong); Zhang, G (Zhang, Ge); Ye, N (Ye, Ning) Title: Growth and Characterization of BaGa4S7: A New Crystal for Mid-IR Nonlinear Optics Source: CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 9 (2): 1186-1189 FEB 2009 Abstract: The new nonlinear optical (NLO) crystal BaGa4S7 for the mid-infrared (IR) has been grown by a BridgmanStockbarger technique. Polycrystalline materials with stoichiometric composition were synthesized from BaS, Ga, and S as the initial materials by solid-state reactions. The ultraviolet (UV) and IR transmittance of the crystal was determined with polished crystal pieces. The UV and IR optical absorption edges were found to be at 350 nm and 13.7 mu m, respectively. From optical measurements of second harmonic generation on powders, the NLO coefficient d(33) was determined to be 12.6 pm/V. The laser damage threshold of a single crystal reached about 1.2 J/cm(2) at 1.064 mu m. The Vickers-hardness value of the crystal is 327.5 HV5, which is equivalent to Mohs' hardness of about 5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------143 Author(s): Vukics, A (Vukics, Andras); Niedenzu, WG (Niedenzu, Wolfgang); Ritsch, H (Ritsch, Helmut) Title: Cavity nonlinear optics with few photons and ultracold quantum particles - art. no. 013828 Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 79 (1): 3828-3828 JAN 2009 Abstract: The light force on particles trapped in the field of a high-Q cavity mode depends on the quantum state of field and particle. Different photon numbers generate different optical potentials and different motional states induce different field evolution. Even for negligible internal particle excitation, which yields linear polarizability, the quantum character of particle motion generates nonlinear field dynamics. We derive a corresponding effective field Hamiltonian containing all the powers of the photon number operator, which predicts nonlinear phase shifts and squeezing even at the fewphoton level. Simulations of the full particle-field dynamics confirm this and show significant particle-field entanglement. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------144 Author(s): Song, H (Song, H.); Vdovin, G (Vdovin, G.); Fraanje, R (Fraanje, R.); Schitter, G (Schitter, G.); Verhaegen, M (Verhaegen, M.) Title: Extracting hysteresis from nonlinear measurement of wavefront-sensorless adaptive optics system Source: OPTICS LETTERS, 34 (1): 61-63 JAN 1 2009 Abstract: In many scientific and medical applications wavefront-sensorless adaptive optics (AO) systems are used to correct the wavefront aberration by optimizing a certain target parameter, which is nonlinear with respect to the control signal to the deformable mirror (DM). Hysteresis is the most common nonlinearity of DMs, which can be corrected if the information about the hysteresis behavior is present. We report a general approach to extract hysteresis from the nonlinear behavior of the adaptive optical system, with the illustration of a Foucault knife test, where the voltageintensity relationship consists of both hysteresis and some memoryless nonlinearity. The hysteresis extracted here can be used for modeling and linearization of the AO system. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America 最新文献报导 26 XIOPM latest Documents Report -------------------------------------------------------------------------------145 Author(s): Sahraoui, B (Sahraoui, B.); Luc, J (Luc, J.); Meghea, A (Meghea, A.); Czaplicki, R (Czaplicki, R.); Fillaut, JL (Fillaut, J-L); Migalska-Zalas, A (Migalska-Zalas, A.) Title: Nonlinear optics and surface relief gratings in alkynyl-ruthenium complexes - art. no. 024005 Source: JOURNAL OF OPTICS A-PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS, 11 (2): 24005-24005 FEB 2009 Abstract: Generally, the organometallic complexes rich in carbon and containing pi-conjugated chains are materials interesting for the study of electronic transfer processes. Currently, the ruthenium-acetylide organometallic complexes form part of the most studied organometallic compounds in nonlinear optics. In this work, we highlight the nonlinear optical properties and the photo-induced structure of new organometallic complexes containing a ruthenium-acetylide donor fragment able to compete with the strongest organic donors. We determine, using various experimental techniques (degenerate fourwave mixing, second and third harmonic generation), the influence of the functionalization of these molecular structures on the improvement of their second-and third-order nonlinear optical properties exploiting in particular the nature of the acceptor fragment and the pi-conjugated transmitter. Also we present the dynamics of formation of photo-induced surface relief gratings using a transmission holographic technique and the atomic force microscopy on rutheniumacetylide complexes containing an azobenzene fragment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------146 Author(s): Kivshar, YS (Kivshar, Yuri S.) Title: Nonlinear optics: The next decade Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 16 (26): 22126-22128 DEC 22 2008 Abstract: This paper concludes the Focus Serial assembled of invited papers in key areas of nonlinear optics (Editors: J. M. Dudley and R. W. Boyd), and it discusses new directions for future research in this field. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------147 Author(s): Kim, H (Kim, Hwi); Min, SW (Min, Sung-Wook); Lee, B (Lee, Byoungho) Title: Geometrical optics analysis of the structural imperfection of retroreflection corner cubes with a nonlinear conjugate gradient method Source: APPLIED OPTICS, 47 (34): 6453-6469 DEC 1 2008 Abstract: Geometrical optics analysis of the structural imperfection of retroreflection corner Cubes is described. In the analysis, a geometrical optics model of six-beam reflection patterns generated by an imperfect retroreflection corner cube is developed, and its structural error extraction is formulated as a nonlinear optimization problem. The nonlinear conjugate gradient method is employed for solving the nonlinear optimization problem, and its detailed implementation is described. The proposed method of analysis is a mathematical basis for the nondestructive optical inspection of imperfectly fabricated retroreflection corner cubes. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------148 Author(s): Esembeson, B (Esembeson, Bweh); Scimeca, ML (Scimeca, Michelle L.); Michinobu, T (Michinobu, Tsuyoshi); Diederich, F (Diederich, Francois); Biaggio, I (Biaggio, Ivan) Title: A High-Optical Quality Supramolecular Assembly for Third-Order Integrated Nonlinear Optics Source: ADVANCED MATERIALS, 20 (23): 4584-4587 DEC 2 2008 Abstract: A high-quality organic thin film for integrated nonlinear optics is produced by Molecular beam deposition of a compact molecule that has a high specific third-order polarizability. The resulting dense, homogenous, amorphous supramolecular assembly with a large third-order nonlinearity and high-optical quality enables novel applications in integrated nonlinear optics. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------149 Author(s): Hsieh, CT (Hsieh, C. -T.); Lin, MW (Lin, M. -W.); Chang, CL (Chang, C-L); Ho, YC (Ho, Y. -C.); Chen, SY (Chen, S. -Y.); Wang, J (Wang, J.); Chou, MC (Chou, M. -C.); Lin, JY (Lin, J. -Y.); Pai, CH (Pai, C. -H.); Lin, PH (Lin, P. -H.); Tai, LC (Tai, L. -C.); Chen, SH (Chen, S. -H.); Tsaur, GY (Tsaur, G. -Y.); Kuo, CC (Kuo, C. -C.); Chien, TY (Chien, T. -Y.) Title: Applications of Laser-Fabricated Plasma Structures in Laser-Wakefield Accelerators, X-ray Lasers and Plasma Nonlinear Optics Source: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, 53 (6): 3719-3725 Part 1 Sp. Iss. SI DEC 2008 最新文献报导 27 XIOPM latest Documents Report Abstract: A general method for fabricating transient plasma structures with high-intensity laser pulses is developed to gain fine control over laser-plasma interactions. These structures have been used as programmable photonic devices in the development of laser-wakefield accelerators, soft X-ray lasers and plasma nonlinear optics driven by multi-terawatt laser pulses. Plasma ramps are used to control electron injection in laser-wakefield accelerators, plasma waveguides are used to enhance the efficiency of soft X-ray lasers by orders of magnitude and periodic plasma structures are used to achieve quasi-phase matching in relativistic harmonic generation. By scanning the interaction length with the same plasma, fabrication method, tomographic measurements are carried out to resolve the injection/acceleration process in laser-wakefield accelerators and amplification processes in X-ray lasers and relativistic harmonic generation. A theoretical analysis and a computer simulation are also carried out to provide insightful pictures of these processes. These research works show that by controlling plasma structures with optical fabrication methods, laser-plasma interaction can be engineered to expand and enrich the frontier of high-field physics. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------150 Author(s): Xiong, Y (Xiong, Ying); Tang, HD (Tang, Hongding); Zhang, JD (Zhang, Jidong); Wang, ZY (Wang, Zhi Yuan); Campo, J (Campo, Jochen); Wenseleers, W (Wenseleers, Wini); Goovaerts, E (Goovaerts, Etienne) Title: Functionalized Picolinium Quinodimethane Chromophores for Electro-Optics: Synthesis, Aggregation Behavior, and Nonlinear Optical Properties Source: CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 20 (24): 7465-7473 DEC 23 2008 Abstract: A new series of functionalized and thermally stable zwitterionic picolinium (dicyano)esterquinodimethane (PeQDM) chromophores have been synthesized in one step from 7,8-di(methoxycarbonyl)-7,8-dicyanoquinodimethane (DMCQ) and various picolinium salts in methanol in nearly 50% overall yields. Hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS) measurements at 1.07 mu m show very large near-resonant molecular first hyperpolarizabilities beta up to 1800 x 10(-30) esu, despite the fact that, compared to previously studied zwitterionic NLO chromophores, one of the strong CN acceptor groups is substituted by a weaker ester group to allow for further functionalization. The ester functionality can be further utilized for attachment of solubility-imparting groups, cross-linkers, and reactive groups for grafting the chromophore onto a polymer. To optimize the electro-optic (EO) activity in the polymer matrix, the aggregation behavior of the PeQDM chromophores is studied. X-ray crystallographic analysis confirms the charge-separated ground-state of PeQDM and reveals the formation of a face-to-face, antiparallel H-aggregation with a large slip angle (theta = 64.5 degrees) between the chromophores. In a less polar polymer matrix, PeQDM chromophores can form H- and/or J-aggregates and only Jaggregates Could contribute to the EO activity if the monomeric chromophores released during the thermally induced JH transformation could be captured and effectively poled. In a more polar polymer host, chromophores are well dissolved as monomers and effectively poled. A large and stable EO activity (r(33) = 110 pm/V) has been achieved with a polyethersulfone film doped with 5 wt % of N-benzyl picolinium (dicyano)estetquinodimethane (PeQDM-Ben). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------151 Author(s): Ferrera, M (Ferrera, M.); Razzari, L (Razzari, L.); Duchesne, D (Duchesne, D.); Morandotti, R (Morandotti, R.); Yang, Z (Yang, Z.); Liscidini, M (Liscidini, M.); Sipe, JE (Sipe, J. E.); Chu, S (Chu, S.); Little, BE (Little, B. E.); Moss, DJ (Moss, D. J.) Title: Low-power continuous-wave nonlinear optics in doped silica glass integrated waveguide structures Source: NATURE PHOTONICS, 2 (12): 737-740 DEC 2008 Abstract: Photonic integrated circuits are a key component(1) of future telecommunication networks, where demands for greater bandwidth, network flexibility, and low energy consumption and cost must all be met. The quest for all-optical components has naturally targeted materials with extremely large nonlinearity, including chalcogenide glasses(2) and semiconductors, such as silicon(3) and AlGaAs (ref. 4). However, issues such as immature fabrication technology for chalcogenide glass and high linear and nonlinear losses for semiconductors motivate the search for other materials. Here we present the first demonstration of nonlinear optics in integrated silica-based glass waveguides using continuouswave light. We demonstrate four-wave mixing, with low (5 mW) continuous-wave pump power at lambda = 1,550 nm, in high-index, doped silica glass ring resonators(5). The low loss, design flexibility and manufacturability of our device are important attributes for low-cost, high-performance, nonlinear all-optical photonic integrated circuits. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------152 Author(s): Scheuer, J (Scheuer, Jacob) Title: Annular Bragg resonators - the ultimate device for sensing, nonlinear optics and cavity quantum electrodynamics art. no. 011675 Source: JOURNAL OF NANOPHOTONICS, 1: 11675-11675 2007 Abstract: 最新文献报导 28 XIOPM latest Documents Report Circular resonators are key elements, essential for research involving highly confined fields and strong photon-atom interactions such as cavity QED, as well as for practical applications in optical communication systems, biochemical sensing and more. The main characteristics of such resonators are the Q-factor, the free spectral range (FSR) and the modal volume, where the last two are primarily determined by the resonator radius. The Total-Internal-Reflection (TIR) mechanism employed in "conventional" resonators couples between these characteristics and limits the ability to realize compact devices exhibiting large FSR, small modal volume and high Q. Recently, a new class of annular resonator, based on a single defect surrounded by radial Bragg reflectors, has been proposed and analyzed. The radial Bragg confinement decouples the modal volume and the Q and paves a new way for the realization of compact and low loss resonators. Such properties as well as the unique mode profile of the annular Bragg resonators (ABRs) make this class of devices an excellent tool for ultra-sensitive biochemical detection as well as for studies in nonlinear optics. Space Optical System 153 Author(s): Ursu, C (Ursu, C.); Gurlui, S (Gurlui, S.); Focsa, C (Focsa, C.); Popa, G (Popa, G.) Title: Space- and time-resolved optical diagnosis for the study of laser ablation plasma dynamics Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 267 (2): 446-450 JAN 2009 Abstract: The dynamics of transient plasmas generated by high-fluence nanosecond laser ablation has been investigated by means of optical methods (time- and space-resolved emission spectroscopy and fast ICCD imaging). Systematic measurements have been carried out on plasma produced in vacuum (10(-8) Torr residual pressure) by Nd:YAG laser (10 ns, 532 nm) irradiation of Aluminum targets. Al neutral atoms and different charge state ions have been monitored through the evolution of corresponding spectral lines. The study evidenced the presence of two different groups of particles, tentatively related to two distinct ejection mechanisms. This behavior has been confirmed by the fast ICCD (20 ns gate) recording of the total optical emission of the plume. The application of the relative line intensity method to the study of the excitation temperature axial profile is equally discussed. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------154 Author(s): Miyazaki, E (Miyazaki, Eiji); Yamagata, I (Yamagata, Ichiro) Title: Results of Space-Environment Exposure of the Flexible Optical Solar Reflector Source: JOURNAL OF SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS, 46 (1): 28-32 JAN-FEB 2009 Abstract: This paper presents exposure results for the flexible optical solar reflector, a sample material in the International Space Station Service Module/Micro-Particles Capturer and Space Environment Exposure Device experiment mission. The flexible optical solar reflector, which has a conductive layer and a mirror layer coated on a polyetherimide base film, is a thermal control film material for spacecraft. It achieves low solar absorptance and high infrared emittance. Results indicate a mass increase: the flexible optical solar reflector was not eroded by atomic oxygen in low Earth orbit. Thermo-optical properties show no significant change. In fact, flexible optical solar reflector is confirmed to retain its initial properties after exposure on an International Space Station orbit for 46 months. Transmission electron microscopy observation of the cross sections including the exposed surface showed that a new layer had formed over the flight sample. Qualitative analysis of the new layer indicates that the layer mainly comprises silicon and oxygen. The layer is chemically produced by deposited silicone contamination and atomic oxygen, which would be SiO2. This experiment also provides actual quantitative contamination data on the International Space Station, contributing to improvement of contamination control on the International Space Station in the future. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------155 Author(s): Schumacher, S (Schumacher, Stefan); Kwong, NH (Kwong, N. H.); Binder, R (Binder, R.); Smirl, AL (Smirl, Arthur L.) Title: Optical instabilities in semiconductor quantum-well systems driven by phase-space filling Source: PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, 246 (2): 307-310 FEB 2009 Abstract: Four-wave mixing (FWM) is one of the best known phenomena in semiconductor optics. Recent experimental results of FWM instabilities and optical switching in atomic systems have renewed the interest in FWM and possible related instabilities in semiconductors. We have recently performed theoretical investigations of FWM instabilities in a variety of semiconductor quantum well systems (single quantum wells, Bragg spaced multiple quantum wells, and planar semiconductor microcavities) and shown that different systems require different physical processes that potentially can 最新文献报导 29 XIOPM latest Documents Report give rise to FWM instabilities, in this contribution, we concentrate on the simple (and largely academic) finding that phase-space filling together with spatial exciton dispersion can lead to FWM instabilities in single quantum wells. (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim -------------------------------------------------------------------------------156 Author(s): Tan, Y (Tan, Ying); Guo, JZ (Guo, Jian-Zhong); Ai, Y (Ai, Yong) Title: Iterative Coded Modulation With Code Rate Flexibility for Optical Space Communications Source: IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 21 (1-4): 67-69 JAN-FEB 2009 Abstract: We propose an iterative coded modulation technique with code rate flexibility for optical space communications., It is a modified version of the existing SCPPM, which consists of the serial concatenation of an outer convolutional code, an interleaver, a bit-accumulator, and pulse-position modulation (PPM), and has been demonstrated to give the best performance on an optical link modeled as PPM/Poisson channels. The primary modification is to add a single-paritycheck (SPC) code. We refer to the coded modulation as SPC-SCPPM. The two codes are decoded with an iterative demodulator-decoder, using standard turbo-decoding techniques. We compare the two coded modulation techniques on a PPM/Poisson channel. The rate-1/2 SPC-SCPPM provides performance similar to the SCPPM of the same parameters. However, SPC-SCPPM has been shown to possess code rate flexibility for all rates higher than 1/2/ in contrast to SCPPM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------157 Author(s): Appourchaux, T (Appourchaux, Thierry); Burston, R (Burston, Raymond); Chen, YB (Chen, Yanbei); Cruise, M (Cruise, Michael); Dittus, H (Dittus, Hansjoerg); Foulon, B (Foulon, Bernard); Gill, P (Gill, Patrick); Gizon, L (Gizon, Laurent); Klein, H (Klein, Hugh); Klioner, S (Klioner, Sergei); Kopeikin, S (Kopeikin, Sergei); Kruger, H (Krueger, Hans); Lammerzahl, C (Laemmerzahl, Claus); Lobo, A (Lobo, Alberto); Luo, XL (Luo, Xinlian); Margolis, H (Margolis, Helen); Ni, WT (Ni, Wei-Tou); Paton, AP (Paton, Antonio Pulido); Peng, QH (Peng, Qiuhe); Peters, A (Peters, Achim); Rasel, E (Rasel, Ernst); Rudiger, A (Ruediger, Albrecht); Samain, E (Samain, Etienne); Selig, H (Selig, Hanns); Shaul, D (Shaul, Diana); Sumner, T (Sumner, Timothy); Theil, S (Theil, Stephan); Touboul, P (Touboul, Pierre); Turyshev, S (Turyshev, Slava); Wang, HT (Wang, Haitao); Wang, L (Wang, Li); Wen, LQ (Wen, Linqing); Wicht, A (Wicht, Andreas); Wu, J (Wu, Ji); Zhang, XM (Zhang, Xiaomin); Zhao, C (Zhao, Cheng) Title: Astrodynamical Space Test of Relativity Using Optical Devices I (ASTROD I)-A class-M fundamental physics mission proposal for Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Source: EXPERIMENTAL ASTRONOMY, 23 (2): 491-527 MAR 2009 Abstract: ASTROD I is a planned interplanetary space mission with multiple goals. The primary aims are: to test general relativity with an improvement in sensitivity of over three orders of magnitude, improving our understanding of gravity and aiding the development of a new quantum gravity theory; to measure key solar system parameters with increased accuracy, advancing solar physics and our knowledge of the solar system; and to measure the time rate of change of the gravitational constant with an order of magnitude improvement and the anomalous Pioneer acceleration, thereby probing dark matter and dark energy gravitationally. It is an international project, with major contributions from Europe and China and is envisaged as the first in a series of ASTROD missions. ASTROD I will consist of one spacecraft carrying a telescope, four lasers, two event timers and a clock. Two-way, two-wavelength laser pulse ranging will be used between the spacecraft in a solar orbit and deep space laser stations on Earth, to achieve the ASTROD I goals. A second mission, ASTROD (ASTROD II) is envisaged as a three-spacecraft mission which would test General Relativity to 1 ppb, enable detection of solar g-modes, measure the solar Lense-Thirring effect to 10 ppm, and probe gravitational waves at frequencies below the LISA bandwidth. In the third phase (ASTROD III or Super-ASTROD), larger orbits could be implemented to map the outer solar system and to probe primordial gravitational-waves at frequencies below the ASTROD II bandwidth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------158 Author(s): Uttam, S (Uttam, Shikhar); Goodman, NA (Goodman, Nathan A.); Neifeld, MA (Neifeld, Mark A.); Kim, C (Kim, Changsoon); John, R (John, Renu); Kim, J (Kim, Jungsang); Brady, D (Brady, David) Title: Optically multiplexed imaging with superposition space tracking Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 17 (3): 1691-1713 FEB 2 2009 Abstract: We describe a novel method to track targets in a large field of view. This method simultaneously images multiple, encoded sub-fields of view onto a common focal plane. Sub-field encoding enables target tracking by creating a unique connection between target characteristics in superposition space and the target's true position in real space. This is accomplished without reconstructing a conventional image of the large field of view. Potential encoding schemes include spatial shift, rotation, and magnification. We discuss each of these encoding schemes, but the main emphasis of 最新文献报导 30 XIOPM latest Documents Report the paper and all examples are based on one-dimensional spatial shift encoding. System performance is evaluated in terms of two criteria: average decoding time and probability of decoding error. We study these performance criteria as a function of resolution in the encoding scheme and signal-to-noise ratio. Finally, we include simulation and experimental results demonstrating our novel tracking method. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------159 Author(s): Belmonte, A (Belmonte, Aniceto); Kahn, JM (Kahn, Joseph M.) Title: Capacity of coherent free-space optical links using atmospheric compensation techniques Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 17 (4): 2763-2773 FEB 16 2009 Abstract: We analyze the ergodic capacity and epsilon-outage capacity of coherent optical links through the turbulent atmosphere. We consider the effects of log-normal amplitude fluctuations and Gaussian phase fluctuations, in addition to local oscillator shot noise, for both passive receivers and those employing active modal compensation of wavefront phase distortion. We study the effect of various parameters, including the ratio of receiver aperture diameter to wavefront coherence diameter, the strength of the scintillation index, and the number of modes compensated. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------160 Author(s): Pan, WQ (Pan, Weiqing); Zhu, YJ (Zhu, Yongjian) Title: The impulse response function of apertured and misaligned ABCD optical system in phase-space Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 282 (5): 752-756 MAR 1 2009 Abstract: By expanding the aperture into complex Gaussian functions, the approximate analytical impulse response function of apertured and misaligned ABCD optical system in phase-space is determined, which allows us to formulate the inputoutput relation completely in terms of Wigner distribution functions. Its shown that the hard-aperture placed before the optical system will change the shape of output signal Wigner distribution and the misalignment of optical system will introduce the output Wigner distribution function a coordinate shift in phase-space. For examining the analytical results some numerical simulation are done and the graphical results as well as the absolute errors between analytical results and numerical integral ones are presented. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------161 Author(s): Yang, CC (Yang, Chao-Chin) Title: Optical CDMA Coding Scheme with a Large Size of Code Space Source: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, 13 (2): 145-147 FEB 2009 Abstract: One new wavelength-time coding scheme is proposed for high-speed optical code division multiple access(OCDMA) networks, and a large number of new codes with asymptotically optimal cardinalities can be generated by this coding scheme. This makes the codeword patterns more random and thus the resulting OCDMA networks are more robust against the eavesdroppers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------162 Author(s): Yuksel, M (Yuksel, Murat); Akella, J (Akella, Jayasri); Kalyanaraman, S (kalyanaraman, Shivkumar); Dutta, P (Dutta, Partha) Title: Free-space-optical mobile ad hoc networks: Auto-configurable building blocks Source: WIRELESS NETWORKS, 15 (3): 295-312 APR 2009 Abstract: Existence of line of sight (LOS) and alignment between the communicating antennas is one of the key requirements for free-space-optical (FSO) communication. To ensure uninterrupted data flow, auto-aligning transmitter and receiver modules are necessary. We propose a new FSO node design that uses spherical surfaces covered with transmitter and receiver modules for maintaining optical links even when nodes are in relative motion. The spherical FSO node provides angular diversity in 3-dimensions, and hence provides an LOS at any orientation as long as there are no obstacles in between the communicating nodes. For proof-of-concept, we designed and tested an auto-configurable circuit, integrated with light sources and detectors placed on spherical surfaces. We demonstrated communication between a stationary and a mobile node using these initial prototypes of such FSO structures. We also performed the necessary theoretical analysis to demonstrate scalability of our FSO node designs to longer distances as well as feasibility of denser packaging of transceivers on such nodes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------163 Author(s): Liu, X (Liu, Xian) 最新文献报导 31 XIOPM latest Documents Report Title: Free-Space Optics Optimization Models for Building Sway and Atmospheric Interference Using Variable Wavelength Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, 57 (2): 492-498 FEB 2009 Abstract: The performance of free-space optics (FSO) communication systems are affected by building sway and atmospheric interference. These adverse effects can be mitigated by appropriately adjusting the system parameters. In this paper, two optimization models are established and solved. The desirable transmitter power, transmitter wavelength, transmitter telescope gain, and receiver telescope gain can be determined accordingly. The solution feasibility relies on using the quantum cascade laser (QCL) in transmitters. Details of the numerical experiments are also reported. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------164 Author(s): Yang, YG (Yang, Yaguang) Title: Analytic Solution of Free Space Optical Beam Steering Using Risley Prisms Source: JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 26 (21-24): 3576-3583 NOV-DEC 2008 Abstract: This paper provides some mathematical formulae for Risley beam steer control system that is used for free space optical interconnection system. Given the prisms' orientations, the analytic formulae can be used to calculate the pointing position. For the inverse problem, i.e., given the desired pointing position, the required prisms' orientations can be obtained efficiently by applying any numerical method for systems of nonlinear equations related to the formulae. Unlike some existing methods, these formulae are not first-order approximation but an accurate closed analytical form. It does not need a good initial guess on the motor positions required by some other methods. It also does not need a feedback loop to get the correct pointing position but it can be used in feedback implementation. This feature is especially important for systems that need to slew the beam to the desired position quickly and accurately. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------165 Author(s): Russell, J (Russell, J.); Ryan, RE (Ryan, R. E., Jr.); Cohen, SH (Cohen, S. H.); Windhorst, RA (Windhorst, R. A.); Waddington, I (Waddington, I.) Title: OPTICAL MORPHOLOGIES OF MILLIJANSKY RADIO GALAXIES OBSERVED BY THE HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE AND IN THE VERY LARGE ARRAY FIRST SURVEY Source: ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 179 (2): 306-318 DEC 2008 Abstract: We report on a statistical study of 51 radio galaxies at the millijansky flux level selected from the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty cm survey, including their optical morphologies and structure obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Our optical imaging is significantly deeper (similar to 2 mag) than previous studies with the superior angular resolution of space-based imaging. We that find 8/51 (16%) of the radio sources have no optically identifiable counterpart to AB similar to 24 mag. For the remaining 43 sources, only 25 are sufficiently resolved in the HST images to reliably assign a visual classification: 15 (60%) are elliptical galaxies, two (8%) are late-type spiral galaxies, one (4%) is an S0, three (12%) are pointlike objects (quasars), and four (16%) are merger systems. We find a similar distribution of optical types with measurements of the Sersic index. The optical magnitude distribution of these galaxies peaks at I similar or equal to 20: 7 +/- 0: 5 AB mag, which is similar to 3 mag brighter than the depth of our typical HST field and is thus not due to the WFPC2 detection limit. This supports the luminosity-dependent density evolutionary model, where the majority of faint radio galaxies typically have L*-optical luminosities and a median redshift of z similar or equal to 0.8 with a relatively abrupt redshift cutoff at z greater than or similar to 2. We discuss our results in the context of the evolution of elliptical galaxies and active galactic nuclei. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------166 Author(s): Elhawil, A (Elhawil, A.); Koers, G (Koers, G.); Zhang, L (Zhang, L.); Stiens, J (Stiens, J.); Vounckx, R (Vounckx, R.) Title: Comparison between two optimisation algorithms to compute the complex permittivity of dielectric multilayer structures using a free-space quasi-optical method in W-band Source: IET SCIENCE MEASUREMENT & TECHNOLOGY, 3 (1): 13-21 JAN 2009 Abstract: Two optimisation algorithms utilised in calculating the complex permittivity and the thickness of individual dielectric layers of multilayer structures are described. The algorithms are the genetic algorithm and the sequential quadratic programming (SQP) based on the quasi-Newton method (Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno) (BFGS-SQP); the setup procedure of both algorithms is presented. The reflection and the transmission coefficients are measured by a quasioptical system in the W-band. The performance of the measurement setup is first checked using different single-layer slabs. Moreover, a detailed comparison between the algorithms is reported. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 最新文献报导 32 XIOPM latest Documents Report 167 Author(s): Elhawil, A (Elhawil, A.); Koers, G (Koers, G.); Zhang, L (Zhang, L.); Stiens, J (Stiens, J.); Vounckx, R (Vounckx, R.) Title: Reliable method for material characterisation using quasi-optical free-space measurement in W-band Source: IET SCIENCE MEASUREMENT & TECHNOLOGY, 3 (1): 39-50 JAN 2009 Abstract: An extension to the Nicolson-Ross-Weir (NRW) algorithm to retrieve complex permittivity and permeability from both reflection and transmission coefficients is presented. This new numerical retrieval approach solves the phase ambiguity problem associated with the NRW algorithm. A free-space quasi-optical two-port measurement setup is employed to obtain the scattering parameters of different samples in the W-band frequency range. The results of different samples with various thicknesses are presented. The advantages and limitations of the method are also discussed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------168 Author(s): Barbary, K (Barbary, K.); Dawson, KS (Dawson, K. S.); Tokita, K (Tokita, K.); Aldering, G (Aldering, G.); Amanullah, R (Amanullah, R.); Connolly, NV (Connolly, N. V.); Doi, M (Doi, M.); Faccioli, L (Faccioli, L.); Fadeyev, V (Fadeyev, V.); Fruchter, AS (Fruchter, A. S.); Goldhaber, G (Goldhaber, G.); Goobar, A (Goobar, A.); Gude, A (Gude, A.); Huang, X (Huang, X.); Ihara, Y (Ihara, Y.); Konishi, K (Konishi, K.); Kowalski, M (Kowalski, M.); Lidman, C (Lidman, C.); Meyers, J (Meyers, J.); Morokuma, T (Morokuma, T.); Nugent, P (Nugent, P.); Perlmutter, S (Perlmutter, S.); Rubin, D (Rubin, D.); Schlegel, D (Schlegel, D.); Spadafora, AL (Spadafora, A. L.); Suzuki, N (Suzuki, N.); Swift, HK (Swift, H. K.); Takanashi, N (Takanashi, N.); Thomas, RC (Thomas, R. C.); Yasuda, N (Yasuda, N.) Group Author(s): Supernova Cosmology Project; Supernova Cosmology Project Title: DISCOVERY OF AN UNUSUAL OPTICAL TRANSIENT WITH THE HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE Source: ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 690 (2): 1358-1362 JAN 10 2009 Abstract: We present observations of SCP 06F6, an unusual optical transient discovered during the Hubble Space Telescope Cluster Supernova Survey. The transient brightened over a period of similar to 100 days, reached a peak magnitude of similar to 21.0 in both i(775) and z(850), and then declined over a similar timescale. There is no host galaxy or progenitor star detected at the location of the transient to a 3 sigma upper limit of i(775) >= 26.4 and z(850) >= 26.1, giving a corresponding lower limit on the flux increase of a factor of similar to 120. Multiple spectra show five broad absorption bands between 4100 angstrom and 6500 angstrom, and a mostly featureless continuum longward of 6500 angstrom. The shape of the light curve is inconsistent with microlensing. The transient's spectrum, in addition to being inconsistent with all known supernova types, does not match any spectrum in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey database. We suggest that the transient may be one of a new class. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------169 Author(s): Denic, SZ (Denic, Stojan Z.); Djordjevic, I (Djordjevic, Ivan); Anguita, J (Anguita, Jaime); Vasic, B (Vasic, Bane); Neifeld, MA (Neifeld, Mark A.) Title: Information Theoretic Limits for Free-Space Optical Channels With and Without Memory Source: JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 26 (17-20): 3376-3384 SEP-OCT 2008 Abstract: The availability of Channel State Information (CSI) and the effects of channel memory on the capacities and the achievable rates of free-space optical communication channels are investigated. For memoryless channels, the capacities and achievable rates are computed and compared for both uniform and "positive" Gaussian inputs subject to different assumptions on the CSI availability. For the strong turbulence regime, it is shown that the knowledge of CSI both at the transmitter and the receiver increases the achievable rates for low-to-moderate Signal-to-Noise Ratios (SNRs) in comparison to the cases for which the CSI is known only at the receiver. For the weak turbulence regime however, the availability of CSI at both ends of the link does not provide any improvement over a system with CSI known at the receiver alone, and we find that a simple channel inversion technique suffices. In addition, for low SNRs, Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) with M >= 4 levels outperforms Gaussian-distributed inputs regardless of the knowledge of CSI at the transmitter. For high SNRs, a Gaussian distribution gives superior results, implying the need for new, more efficient positive signal constellations. For channels with memory and without knowledge of CSI, a change in the channel quasifrequency has negligible effects on the capacity for any turbulence regime. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------170 Author(s): Bureau, B (Bureau, Bruno); Maurugeon, S (Maurugeon, Sebastien); Charpentier, F (Charpentier, Frederic); Adam, JL (Adam, Jean-Luc); Boussard-Pledel, C (Boussard-Pledel, Catherine); Zhang, XH (Zhang, Xiang-Hua) Title: Chalcogenide Glass Fibers for Infrared Sensing and Space Optics Source: FIBER AND INTEGRATED OPTICS, 28 (1): 65-80 2009 Abstract: 最新文献报导 33 XIOPM latest Documents Report This review deals with chalcogenide glasses and fibers. Chemical compositions and physical properties are given for specific glasses well suited for fiber drawing. Fabrication techniques of glass perform are described. Single-index and step-index single-mode fibers are characterized in terms of optical losses in the infrared. Examples of applications of chalcogenide fibers are given, as well as optical sensors in the fields of environment, microbiology and health, and as mode-filters for infrared interferometry in space. Imaging Spectrometry 171 Author(s): Weidner, SM (Weidner, Steffen M.); Falkenhagen, J (Falkenhagen, Jana) Title: Imaging mass spectrometry for examining localization of polymeric composition in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization samples Source: RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, 23 (5): 653-660 MAR 2009 Abstract: The localization of polymeric composition in samples prepared for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) analysis has been investigated by imaging mass spectrometry. Various matrices and solvents were used for sample spot preparation of a polybutyleneglycol (PBG 1000). It was shown that in visibly homogeneous spots, prepared using the 'dried droplet' method, separation between matrix and polymer takes place. Moreover, using alpha-cyano-4hydroxycinnamic acid (CCA) as matrix and methanol as solvent molecular mass separation of the polymer homologues in the spots was detectable. In contrast to manually spotted samples, dry spray deposition results in homogeneous layers showing no separation effects. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------172 Author(s): Qiao, H (Qiao, Hui); Piyadasa, G (Piyadasa, Gamini); Spicer, V (Spicer, Victor); Ens, W (Ens, Werner) Title: Analyte distributions in MALDI samples using MALDI imaging mass spectrometry Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, 281 (1-2): 41-51 MAR 15 2009 Abstract: The analyte distributions in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) samples have been studied using MALDI imaging at better than 10 mu m spatial resolution in an orthogonal-injection TOF instrument. The technique is demonstrated by mapping the analyte distribution in typical preparations of MALDI samples using the common matrices 2,5-dihydroxybenzonic acid (2,5-DHB), sinapinic acid and 4-hydroxy-alpha-cyanocinnamic acid (alphaHCCA). These results show evidence of exclusion of impurities, and confirm that smaller matrix crystal size gives better reproducibility from spot to spot. Large single crystals of DHB and sinapinic acid were grown to examine the incorporation of analytes within the crystals. Purified protein analytes were found to be homogenously incorporated in both types of crystal, with no evidence for preferred crystal faces. The distributions of analytes in simple mixtures in single crystals of DHB were also examined. Segregation of some species was observed and appeared to correlate with analyte hydrophobicity, and to a lesser extent analyte mass or mobility. Similar segregation phenomena were observed with fluorescence microscopy of analytes labeled with fluorescent dyes in large 2,5-DHB single crystals, and in smaller crystals grown by fast evaporation. The above investigations may shed some light on optimizing sample preparation with different matrices. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------173 Author(s): Wu, B (Wu, Bei); Zoriy, M (Zoriy, Miroslav); Chen, YX (Chen, Yingxu); Becker, JS (Becker, J. Sabine) Title: Imaging of nutrient elements in the leaves of Elsholtzia splendens by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) Source: TALANTA, 78 (1): 132-137 APR 15 2009 Abstract: Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) was used for the quantitative imaging of nutrient elements (such as K, Mg, Mn, Cu, P, S and B) in the leaves of Elsholtzia splendens. The plant leaves were scanned directly with a focused Nd:YAG laser in the laser ablation chamber. The ablated material was transported with argon as carrier gas to a quadrupole-based ICP-MS (ICP-QMS), and the ion intensities of K-39(+), Mg-24(+), Mn-55(+). Cu-63(+), P-31(+), S-34(+) and B-11(+) were measured by ICP-QMS to study the distribution of the elements of interest. The imaging technique using LA-ICP-MS on plant leaves does not require any sample preparation. Carbon (C13(+)) Was Used as an internal standard element to compensate for the difference in the amount of material ablated. Additional experiments were performed in order to study the influence of the water content of the analyzed leaves on the intensity signal of the analyte. For quantification purposes, standard reference material (NIST SRM 1515 Apple Leaves) was selected and doped with standard solutions of the analytes within the concentration range of 0.1-2000 mg 最新文献报导 34 XIOPM latest Documents Report L-1. The synthetic laboratory standards together with the samples were measured by LA-ICP-MS. The shape and structure of the leaves was clearly given by LA-ICP-MS imaging of all the elements measured. The elemental distribution varied according to the element, but with a high content in the veins for all the elements investigated. Specifically, Cu was located uniformly in the mesophyll with a slightly higher concentration in the main vein. High ion intensity was measured for S with a high amount of this element in the veins similar to the images of the metals, whereas most of the B was detected at the tip of the leaf. With synthetic laboratory standard calibration, the concentrations of elements in the leaves measured by LA-ICP-MS were between 20 mu g g(-1) for Cu and 14,000 mu g g(-1) for K. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------174 Author(s): Wu, B (Wu, Bei); Chen, YX (Chen, Yingxu); Becker, JS (Becker, J. Sabine) Title: Study of essential element accumulation in the leaves of a Cu-tolerant plant Elsholtzia splendens after Cu treatment by imaging laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) Source: ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA, 633 (2): 165-172 FEB 9 2009 Abstract: Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) was used for the quantitative imaging of Cu and other essential elements (such as K, Mg, Mn, P, S and B) in the leaves of a Cu-tolerant plant Elsholtzia splendens treated with the enriched Cu-65 isotope tracer (isotope abundance of 89.2%). The leaves (newly formed, fully grown and oldest) were scanned directly with a focused Nd:YAG laser in the laser ablation chamber. The ablated material was transported with argon as carrier gas to a quadrupole-based ICP-MS (ICP-QMS), and the ion intensities of Cu-65(+), K-39(+). Mg-24(+), Mn-55(+), P-31(+), S-34(+) and B-11(+) were measured by ICP-QMS to study the accumulation of Cu and other elements of interest. Standard reference material NIST SRM 1515 Apple Leaves doped with known concentrations of analytes (from 0.1 to 2000 mg L-1) was measured together with the samples by LA-ICPMS and was used for the quantification of the analytical data. Notable accumulation of Cu in the newly formed leaves was clearly identified by imaging LA-ICP-MS. The increased isotope ratios of Cu-65/Cu-63 measured by LA-ICP-MS demonstrated the path of Cu uptake and accumulation via the petiole and main veins in the leaves. Cu stress-induced accumulation of K, Mg, Mn, P and S in the newly formed leaves was observed, while B was not significantly affected. In the present study, the concentrations of K, Mg, Mn, P and S were not obviously changed in the fully grown leaves after short-term treatment. Along with the treatment, a visible decrease of K and P was found in the oldest leaves, while other elements were not influenced by Cu stress. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------175 Author(s): Marchetti-Deschmann, M (Marchetti-Deschmann, Martina); Allmaier, G (Allmaier, Guenter) Title: Allergenic compounds on the inner and outer surfaces of natural latex gloves: MALDI mass spectrometry and imaging of proteinous allergens Source: JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, 44 (1): 61-70 JAN 2009 Abstract: Natural latex gloves are the cause of a severe health problem to an increasing number of healthcare workers or patients due to the presence of protein allergens as Hevein or Rubber Elongation Factor (REF). One of the most challenging problems is the in situ localization of theses allergens in, e.g. gloves, to estimate the allergenic potential of the latex material. A sample preparation protocol applying a binary matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization(MALDI) matrix containing alpha-cyano-4-hydroxy cinnamic acid (CHCA) and 2,5-dihydroxy benzoic acid (DHB) on trifluoro acetic acid (TFA) etched latex glove surfaces allowed the direct determination (exact molecular weight) of Hevein, REF and a truncated form of REF (tREF) within nine different brands of natural latex gloves by means of MALDI-TOF-MS in the linear mode. MALDI mass spectrometry demonstrated that Hevein, tREF and REF were present on the inner surfaces (in direct contact with the skin) of many, but not all, investigated gloves without any prior extraction procedure. Additionally, different isoforms of the allergen Hevein were detected (exhibiting ragged C-termini). tREF and REF could always be detected beside each other, but were not observed on every latex glove sample, which contained Hevein. It was also demonstrated that there is a significant difference in terms of proteins and polymers between inner and outer surfaces of gloves, which helps to explain the different allergenic potential of these. MALDI imaging allowed for the first time the unambiguous localization of all three allergens in parallel and showed that Hevein was present on 36% of the investigated area of a latex glove with a certain localization, whereupon, tREF and REF were only found on 25% of the investigated material. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------176 Author(s): Nakata, Y (Nakata, Yoshihiko); Honda, Y (Honda, Yoshiro); Ninomiya, S (Ninomiya, Satoshi); Seki, T (Seki, Toshio); Aoki, T (Aoki, Takaaki); Matsuo, J (Matsuo, Jiro) Title: Matrix-free high-resolution imaging mass spectrometry with high-energy ion projectiles Source: JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, 44 (1): 128-136 JAN 2009 最新文献报导 35 XIOPM latest Documents Report Abstract: The importance of imaging mass spectrometry (MS) for visualizing the spatial distribution of molecular species in biological tissues and cells is growing. We have developed a new system for imaging MS using MeV ion beams, termed MeV-secondary ion mass spectrometry (MeV-SIMS) here, and demonstrated more than 1000-fold increase in molecular ion yield from a peptide sample (1154 Da), compared to keV ion irradiation. This significant enhancement of the molecular ion yield is attributed to electronic excitation induced in the near-surface region by the impact of high energy ions. In addition, the secondary ion efficiency for biologically important compounds (> 1 kDa) increased to more than 10(10) cm(-2), demonstrating that the current technique could, in principle, achieve micrometer lateral resolution. In addition to MeV-SIMS, peptide compounds were also analyzed with cluster-SIMS and the results indicated that in the former method the molecular ion yields increased substantially compared to the latter. To assess the capability of MeVSIMS to acquire heavy-ion images, we have prepared a micropatterned peptide surface and successfully obtained mass spectrometric imaging of the deprotonated peptides (m/z 1153) without any matrix enhancement. The results obtained in this study indicate that the MeV-SIMS technique can be a powerful tool for high-resolution imaging in the mass range from 100 to over 1000 Da. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------177 Author(s): Patel, SA (Patel, Soyab A.); Barnes, A (Barnes, Alan); Loftus, N (Loftus, Neil); Martin, R (Martin, Rachel); Sloan, P (Sloan, Philip); Thakker, N (Thakker, Nalin); Goodacre, R (Goodacre, Royston) Title: Imaging mass spectrometry using chemical inkjet printing reveals differential protein expression in human oral squamous cell carcinoma Source: ANALYST, 134 (2): 301-307 2009 Abstract: Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) is a recently developed technique that generates molecular profiles usually of peptide and protein signals directly from the surface of thin tissue sections and can be coupled with automation to generate two-dimensional ion density maps. This allows specific information to be obtained on the relative abundance and spatial distribution of the analytes of interest. The technique has potential for application in many diseases including cancer with respect to elucidating the molecular pathology and identifying potential biomarkers. In this proof-of-principle study we have evaluated inkjet printing of the sinapinic acid matrix used for MALDI-IMS directly onto the surface of human oral squamous cell carcinoma biopsy specimens. This MS profiling technique produced reproducible informative chemical images for clinical pathology. Analysis of the resulting protein profiles of highly expressed protein in squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue reveals spectral features at similar to 4500 and similar to 8360 Da. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------178 Author(s): Burnum, KE (Burnum, Kristin E.); Frappier, SL (Frappier, Sara L.); Caprioli, RM (Caprioli, Richard M.) Title: Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Imaging Mass Spectrometry for the Investigation of Proteins and Peptides Source: ANNUAL REVIEW OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 1: 689-705 2008 Abstract: Mass spectrometry (MS) is an excellent technology for molecular imaging because of its high data dimensionality. MS can monitor thousands of individual molecular data channels measured as mass-to-charge (m/z). We describe the use of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) MS for the image analysis of proteins, peptides, lipids, drugs, and metabolites ill tissues. We discuss the basic instrumentation and sample preparation methods needed to produce highresolution images and high image reproducibility Matrix-addition protocols are briefly discussed;along with normal operating procedures, mid selected biological and medical applications of MALDI imaging MS are described. We give examples of both two- and three-dimensional imaging, including normal mouse embryo implantation, sperm maturation ill mouse epididymis, protein distributions in brain sections, protein alterations is :1 result of drug administration,and protein changes in brain due to neurodegeneration and tumor formation. Advantages of this technology and future challenges for its improvement are discussed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------179 Author(s): Liu, Q (Liu, Qiang); Xiao, YS (Xiao, Yongsheng); Pagan-Miranda, C (Pagan-Miranda, Coral); Chiu, YM (Chiu, Yu Matthew); He, L (He, Lin) Title: Metabolite Imaging Using Matrix.-Enhanced Surface-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry (ME-SALDI-MS) Source: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY, 20 (1): 80-88 JAN 2009 Abstract: We describe here the use of a hybrid ionization approach, matrix-enhanced surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (ME-SALDI-MS) in bioimaging. ME-SALDI combines the strengths of traditional matrix-assisted 最新文献报导 36 XIOPM latest Documents Report laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) and SALDI and enables successful MS imaging of low-mass species with improved detection sensitivity. Using 1,2-dimyristoyl-sii-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) as the MS standard, MS performances of MALDI, SALDI, and ME-SALDI are systematically compared. The analyte desorption and ionization mechanism in ME-SALDI is qualitatively speculated based oil the observation of significantly reduced matrix background and improved survival yields of molecular ions. Improvements in detection sensitivity of low-mass species using ME-SALDI over MALDI in imaging are demonstrated with mouse heart and brain tissues. (J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2009, 20, 80-88) (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American Society for Mass Spectrometry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------180 Author(s): Brouard, M (Brouard, M.); Campbell, EK (Campbell, E. K.); Johnsen, AJ (Johnsen, A. J.); Vallance, C (Vallance, C.); Yuen, WH (Yuen, W. H.); Nomerotski, A (Nomerotski, A.) Title: Velocity map imaging in time of flight mass spectrometry - art. no. 123115 Source: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 79 (12): 23115-23115 DEC 2008 Abstract: A new variation on time of flight mass spectrometry is presented, which uses a fast framing charge coupled device camera to velocity map image multiple product masses in a single acquisition. The technique is demonstrated on two photofragmentation processes, those of CS2 and CH3S2CH3 (dimethyldisulfide) at a photolysis wavelength of 193 nm. In both cases, several mass fragments are imaged simultaneously, and speed distributions and anisotropy parameters are extracted that are comparable to those obtained by imaging each fragment separately in conventional velocity map imaging studies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------181 Author(s): Brunelle, A (Brunelle, Alain); Laprevote, O (Laprevote, Olivier) Title: Lipid imaging with cluster time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry Source: ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 393 (1): 31-35 JAN 2009 Abstract: This brief article provides an overview of the current state of the art in biological imaging mass spectrometry using cluster time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS). Recent and spectacular improvements in terms of sensitivity of TOF-SIMS imaging methods have allowed many biological applications to recently be successfully tested, such as mapping of lipid disorders in human muscles of a patient suffering from dystrophy, localization of surfactins after the swarming of bacteria on a surface, or lipid mapping over whole-body animal sections. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------182 Author(s): Becker, JS (Becker, J. Sabine); Zoriy, M (Zoriy, M.); Dressler, VL (Dressler, Valderi L.); Wu, B (Wu, Bei); Becker, JS (Becker, J. Susanne) Title: Imaging of metals and metal-containing species in biological tissues and on gels by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS): A new analytical strategy for applications in life sciences Source: PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY, 80 (12): 2643-2655 DEC 2008 Abstract: Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) has become. established as a very efficient and sensitive trace, ultratrace, and surface analytical technique in the life sciences. We have developed a new analytical imaging technique using LA-ICP-MS to study element distribution in biological tissues. Nowadays, imaging LA-ICPMS using double-focusing sector field (LA-ICP-SFMS) or quadrupole-based mass spectrometers (LA-ICP-QMS) can be applied as an exciting tool providing new information on the pathophysiology, pharmacology, and toxicology of elements of interest in biological systems. The quantitative determination of elements (e.g., Cu, Fe, Zn, Se, and others) in biological tissues is of growing interest especially in brain research (e.g., for studying neurode-generative diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease). LA-ICP-SFMS was employed to produce images of detailed regionally specific element distributions in thin tissue sections of different sizes (such as control human or rat brain tissues or tumor regions). In addition, imaging MS using LA-ICP-QMS was applied to study the uptake and transport of nutrient and toxic elements in plant tissues. Besides the quantitative imaging of essential and toxic elements in tissues, powerful analytical techniques are also required for the determination and characterization of phosphoproteins and metal-containing proteins within a large pool of proteins, after electrophoretic separation [e.g., blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)] into ID and 2D gels. LA-ICP-MS was used to detect metalloproteins in protein bands of ID gels or protein spots separated after 2D gel electrophoresis (2D-GE). In addition to elemental determination by LA-ICP-MS, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization, or MALDI-MS, was employed to identify metal-containing proteins. 最新文献报导 37 XIOPM latest Documents Report Recent progress will be discussed in applying LA-ICP-MS in the life sciences, including the imaging of thin slices of tissue and applications in proteome analysis in combination with MALDI-MS to investigate phosphoproteins and metalcontaining proteins. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------183 Author(s): Wucher, A (Wucher, Andreas); Cheng, J (Cheng, Juan); Zheng, LL (Zheng, Leiliang); Willingham, D (Willingham, David); Winograd, N (Winograd, Nicholas) Title: Three-dimensional molecular imaging using mass spectrometry and atomic force microscopy Source: APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 255 (4): 984-986 DEC 15 2008 Abstract: We combine imaging ToF-SIMS depth profiling and wide area atomic force microscopy to analyze a test structure consisting of a 300 nm trehalose film deposited on a Si substrate and pre-structured by means of a focused 15-keV Ga+ ion beam. Depth profiling is performed using a 40-keV C-60(+) cluster ion beam for erosion and mass spectral data acquisition. A generic protocol for depth axis calibration is described which takes into account both lateral and in-depth variations of the erosion rate. By extrapolation towards zero analyzed lateral area, an "intrinsic" depth resolution of about 8 nm is found which appears to be characteristic of the cluster-surface interaction process. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------184 Author(s): Nie, HY (Nie, H. -Y.); Francis, JT (Francis, J. T.); Taylor, AR (Taylor, A. R.); Walzak, MJ (Walzak, M. J.); Chang, WH (Chang, W. H.); MacFabe, DF (MacFabe, D. F.); Lau, WM (Lau, W. M.) Title: Imaging subcellular features of a sectioned rat brain using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and scanning probe microscopy Source: APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 255 (4): 1079-1083 DEC 15 2008 Abstract: Coronal sections of unfixed rat brain samples were prepared on a. at substrate in order to reveal hippocampal formation (CA1-4 pyramidal neurons) and adjacent neocortical white matter. We demonstrate the feasibility of using surface sensitive techniques such as time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) and scanning probe microscopy (SPM) to probe lipid distribution, as well as the subcellular features of neurons. In the same anatomical areas, the phase shift image in SPM is especially useful in revealing the cross-section of subcellular structures. We show that the phase shift images reveal distinctive subcellular features and ion images of CN and PO2 fragments from ToFSIMS appear to de. ne some of the subcellular features. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------185 Author(s): Astigarraga, E (Astigarraga, Egoitz); Barreda-Gomez, G (Barreda-Gomez, Gabriel); Lombardero, L (Lombardero, Laura); Fresnedo, O (Fresnedo, Olatz); Castano, F (Castano, Fernando); Giralt, MT (Giralt, Maria Teresa); Ochoa, B (Ochoa, Begona); Rodriguez-Puertas, R (Rodriguez-Puertas, Rafael); Fernandez, JA (Fernandez, Jose A.) Title: Profiling and Imaging of Lipids on Brain and Liver Tissue by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry Using 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole as a Matrix Source: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 80 (23): 9105-9114 DEC 1 2008 Abstract: 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT) is employed for the first time as a matrix for the analysis of lipids from tissue extracts using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. We demonstrate that the performance of MBT is superior to that of the matrixes commonly employed for lipids, due to its low vapor pressure, its low acidity, and the formation of small crystals, although because of the strong background at low m/z, it precludes detection of species below similar to 500 Da. This inconvenience can be partly overcome with the formation of Cs adducts. Using a polymer-based dual calibration, a mass accuracy of similar to 10 ppm in lipid extracts and of similar to 80 ppm in tissues is achieved. We present spectra from liver and brain lipid extracts where a large amount of lipid species is identified, in both positive and negative ion modes, with high reproducibility. In addition, the abovementioned special properties of MBT allow its employment for imaging mass spectrometry. In the present work, images of brain and liver tissues showing different lipid species are presented, demonstrating the advantages of the employment of MBT. Tracking of The Moving Target 186 Author(s): Jimenez Ruiz, ARJ (Jimenez Ruiz, Antonio Ramon); Granja, FS (Seco Granja, Fernando) 最新文献报导 38 XIOPM latest Documents Report Title: A Short-Range Ship Navigation System Based on Ladar Imaging and Target Tracking for Improved Safety and Efficiency Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, 10 (1): 186-197 MAR 2009 Abstract: A new maritime navigation system based on a laser rangefinder scanner for obstacle avoidance and precise maneuvering operations is described in this paper. The main novelty of this work is the adaptation and implementation of known technology for laser range finding and algorithms for target tracking into a system that operates in real time and has been tested in different natural sea and inland navigation scenarios. The principal components of this system, namely, 1) the laser range finder, 2) the scanning unit, and 3) the data processing and displaying unit, are described in detail. Ladar images are dense horizontally and sparse vertically as a compromise between capturing relevant features and quick frame formation. Images are processed for range outlier removal, and significant observable patterns are extracted. This multiple-target tracking problem is tackled using robust Kalman-filtering techniques for continuous tracking of each detected observation. We minimize unreliable track initializations and preserve tracks from deletion during temporal misobservations. The evaluation in open-sea and inland waterways gave good results, making the system valid for precise maneuvering, fluent navigation, and accident mitigation. Objects of interest, from boats to ships, are detected and robustly tracked; pier and lock chamber sketches are reliable; bridge height estimation is precise; and narrow waterways (river banks and bridge columns) are correctly detected. The prototype developed can be considered to be a very valuable complementary device to traditional radar-based techniques that are not totally valid for accurate shortrange exploration, improving efficiency and safety in ship operations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------187 Author(s): Yao, Y (Yao, Yi); Abidi, B (Abidi, Besma); Abidi, M (Abidi, Mongi) Title: 3D Target Scale Estimation and Target Feature Separation for Size Preserving Tracking in PTZ Video Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER VISION, 82 (3): 244-263 MAY 2009 Abstract: To achieve size preserving tracking, in addition to controlling the camera's pan and tilt motions to keep the object of interest in the camera's field of view (FOV), the camera's focal length is adjusted automatically to compensate for the changes in the target's image size caused by the relative motion between the camera and the target. The estimation accuracy of these changes determines the effectiveness of the resulting zoom control. The existing method of choice for real-time target scale estimation applies structure from motion (SFM) based on the weak perspective projection model. In this paper we propose a target scale estimation algorithm with a linear solution based on the more advanced paraperspective projection model, which improves the accuracy of scale estimation by considering center offset. Another key issue in SFM based algorithms is the separation of target and background features, especially when composite camera (pan/tilt/zoom) and target motions are involved. This paper designs a fast target feature separation/grouping algorithm, the 3D affine shape method. The resulting separation automatically adapts to the target's 3D geometry and motion and is able to accommodate a large amount of off-plane rotation, which most existing separation/grouping algorithms find difficult to achieve. Experimental results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed scale estimation and feature separation algorithms in tracking translating and rotating objects with a PTZ camera while preserving their sizes. In comparison with the leading size preserving tracking algorithm described by Tordoff and Murray, our algorithm is able to reduce the cumulative tracking error significantly from 17.4% to 3.3%. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------188 Author(s): Leven, WF (Leven, William F.); Lanterman, AD (Lanterman, Aaron D.) Title: Unscented Kalman Filters for Multiple Target Tracking With Symmetric Measurement Equations Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, 54 (2): 370-375 FEB 2009 Abstract: The symmetric measurement equation approach to multiple target tracking is revisited using the unscented Kalman filter. The performance of this filter is compared to the original symmetric measurement equation implementation using an extended Kalman filter. Counterintuitive results are presented and explained for two sets of symmetric measurement equations. We find that the performance of the SME approach is dependent on the interaction of the SME equations and filter used. Furthermore, an SME/unscented Kalman filter pairing is shown to have improved performance versus previous approaches while possessing simpler implementation and equivalent computational complexity. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------189 Author(s): Lyons, DM (Lyons, Damian M.); Hsu, DF (Hsu, D. Frank) Title: Combining multiple scoring systems for target tracking using rank-score characteristics Source: INFORMATION FUSION, 10 (2): 124-136 APR 2009 Abstract: 最新文献报导 39 XIOPM latest Documents Report Video target tracking is the process of estimating the current state, and predicting the future state of a target from a sequence of video sensor measurements. Multitarget video tracking is complicated by the fact that targets can occlude one another, affecting video feature measurements in a highly non-linear and difficult to model fashion. In this paper, we apply a multisensory fusion approach to the problem of multitarget video tracking with occlusion. The approach is based on a data-driven method (CFA) to selecting the features and fusion operations that improve a performance criterion. Each sensory cue is treated as a scoring system. Scoring behavior is characterized by a rank-score function. A diversity measure, based on the variation in rank-score functions, is used to dynamically select the scoring systems and fusion operations that produce the best tracking performance. The relationship between the diversity measure and the tracking accuracy of two fusion operations, a linear score combination and an average rank combination, is evaluated on a set of 12 video sequences. These results demonstrate that using the rank-score characteristic as a diversity measure is an effective method to dynamically select scoring systems and fusion operations that improve the performance of multitarget video tracking with occlusions. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------190 Author(s): Xu, YY (Xu, Yingyue); Qi, HR (Qi, Hairong) Title: Mobile agent migration modeling and design for target tracking in wireless sensor networks Source: AD HOC NETWORKS, 6 (1): 1-16 JAN 2008 Abstract: Computing paradigms play an important and fundamental role in collaborative processing in wireless sensor networks. The client/server based paradigm and the mobile agent based paradigm are two popular computing models used to facilitate collaboration among sensor nodes. In this paper, we study the key problem of determining the mobile agent itinerary for collaborative processing and model the dynamic mobile agent planning problem. We then present three itinerary planning algorithms, the static, the dynamic, and the predictive dynamic approaches to solve the target tracking problem in wireless sensor networks. We design three metrics (energy consumption, network lifetime, and the number of hops) and use simulation tools to quantitatively measure the performance of different itinerary planning algorithms. Simulation results show considerable improvement over the static itinerary and the dynamic itinerary approaches using the predictive dynamic itinerary algorithm. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------191 Author(s): Khedr, AM (Khedr, Ahmed M.) Title: A NEW MECHANISM FOR TRACKING A MOBILE TARGET USING GRID SENSOR NETWORKS Source: COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS, 27 (6): 853-873 2008 Abstract: Tracking moving targets is one of the important problems of wireless sensor networks. We have considered a sensor network where numerous sensor nodes are spread in a grid like manner. These sensor nodes are capable of storing data and thus act as a separate datasets. The entire network of these sensors act as a set of distributed datasets. Each of these datasets has its local temporal dataset along with Spatial data. and the geographical coordinates of a, given object or target. In this paper an algorithm is introduced that mines global temporal patterns from these datasets and results in the discovery of linear or nonlinear trajectories of moving objects tinder supervision. The main objective here is to perforin in-network aggregation between the data contained in the various datasets to discover global spatio-temporal patterns; the main constraint is that there should be minimal communication among the participating nodes. We present the algorithm and analyze it in terms of the communication costs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------192 Author(s): Hurtado, M (Hurtado, Martin); Xiao, JJ (Xiao, Jin-Jun); Nehorai, A (Nehorai, Arye) Title: Target Estimation, Detection, and Tracking A look at adaptive polarimetric design Source: IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE, 26 (1): 42-52 JAN 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------193 Author(s): Su, H (Su Hongtao); Shui, P (Shui Penglang); Liu, H (Liu Hongwei); Bao, Z (Bao Zheng) Title: Particle Filter Based Track-before-detect Algorithm for Over-the-horizon Radar Target Detection and Tracking Source: CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS, 18 (1): 59-64 JAN 2009 Abstract: A particle filter based Track-before-detect (TBD) algorithm for Over-the-horizon radar (OTHR) target detection and tracking is proposed in this paper. In the TBD algorithm the unthresholdod measurements are integrated over time, thus it can potentially detect and track targets with a much lower signal-to-noise ratio than conventional methods. Such a characteristic make the TBD technique adequate for OTHR target detection and tracking. The performance of the proposed algorithm employs different unthresholded measurements, such as complex measurements, amplitude 最新文献报导 40 XIOPM latest Documents Report measurements and power measurements, are compared and discussed. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is capable to detect and track dim targets for OTHR and the amplitude measurements are preferred for the proposed algorithm. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------194 Author(s): Zhao, W (Zhao Wei); Zhen, XY (Zhen Xinyan); Li, YS (Li Yangshi) Title: Tracking Maneuvering Ground Target with Variable Structure IMM Estimator Based on Dynamic Characteristic Source: CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS, 18 (1): 65-68 JAN 2009 Abstract: To track maneuverable ground target without topography information or road constraint, a Variable structure Interacting multiple model (VS-IMM) estimator based on target Dynamic characteristic (DC VS-IMM) was proposed. This estimator considered target maneuvers and divided target motion into several different mode segments. Suitable model set was designed for each mode segment. In tracking process, model sot switched depending on the estimated target state. The de-sign and implementation of this estimator to track a tank in a battlefield scenario without topography information was described. Simulation results show the benefits of this DC VS-IMM estimator over the standard IMM estimator. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------195 Author(s): Lan, J (Lan Jian); Mu, CD (Mu Chundi) Title: Input-Adaptive Models Based Multiple-Model Algorithm for Maneuvering Target Tracking Source: CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS, 18 (1): 84-88 JAN 2009 Abstract: The dynamic models with multilevel inputs are adopted in a kind of multiple model estimator for highly maneuvering target tracking. While the target maneuvers with the continuous time-varying accelerations, the estimator increases the levels to improve the percentage of coverage, which induces two problems: the increase of calculation burden and the decrease of the estimation precision due to the competition between the models. A multilevel Input-adaptive multiplemodel (IAMM) algorithm is proposed, in which the inputs are adjusted according to the prior value and the on-line estimated maneuver parameters by introducing a binary distribution. The adaptabilities of the inputs can depict the actual maneuver process better compared with the static multilevel inputs. The simulation proves the effectiveness of IAMM algorithm compared with the IMM (Interacting multiple-model) algorithm with models containing multilevel static inputs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------196 Author(s): Tartakovsky, AG (Tartakovsky, Alexander G.); Brown, J (Brown, James) Title: Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Filtering Methods for Clutter Removal and Target Tracking Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS, 44 (4): 1522-1537 OCT 2008 Abstract: In space-based infrared (IR) ballistic missile defense sensor systems, cluttered backgrounds are typically much more intense than the equivalent sensor noise or the targets being detected. Therefore, the development of efficient clutter removal and target preservation/enhancement algorithms is of crucial importance. To meet customer requirements, the advanced clutter rejection algorithms should provide more than 20 dB improvement in detection sensitivity. We propose an adaptive parametric spatial-temporal filtering technique together with the jitter compensation (scene stabilization). The results of simulations and processing of real data show that the developed adaptive spatial-temporal clutter suppression algorithms allow for efficient clutter rejection in all tested situations. Proposed algorithms completely remove heavy clutter in the presence of substantial jifter and do not require expensive subpixel jitter stabilizers. In contrast, spatial-only filters and temporal differencing methods can be used only for weak and relatively correlated clutter. A stand-alone simulator was developed to demonstrate capabilities and performance of various algorithmic approaches. Simulations model various geometries, resolutions, illuminations, and meteorological conditions for spacebased IR staring sensor systems. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------197 Author(s): Abbott, R (Abbott, Robert G.); Williams, L (Williams, Lance R.) Title: Multiple target tracking with lazy background subtraction and connected components analysis Source: MACHINE VISION AND APPLICATIONS, 20 (2): 93-101 FEB 2009 Abstract: Background subtraction, binary morphology, and connected components analysis are the first processing steps in many vision-based tracking applications. Although background subtraction has been the subject of much research, it is typically treated as a stand-alone process, dissociated from the subsequent phases of object recognition and tracking. This paper presents a method for decreasing computational cost in visual tracking systems by using track state estimates 最新文献报导 41 XIOPM latest Documents Report to direct and constrain image segmentation via background subtraction and connected components analysis. We also present a multiple target tracking application that uses the technique to achieve a large reduction in computation costs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------198 Author(s): Simonin, C (Simonin, Cecile); Le Cadre, JP (Le Cadre, Jean-Pierre); Dambreville, F (Dambreville, Frederic) Title: A hierarchical approach for planning a multisensor multizone search for a moving target Source: COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 36 (7): 2179-2192 JUL 2009 Abstract: This paper deals with a well-known problem in the general area of search theory: optimize the search resources sharing so as to maximize the probability of detection of a (moving) target. However, the problem we consider here considerably differs from the classical one. First, there is a bilevel search planning and we have to consider jointly discrete and continuous optimization problems. To this perspective original methods are proposed within a common framework. Furthermore, this framework is sufficiently general and versatile so as to be easily and successfully extended to the difficult problem of the multizone multisensor search planning for a Markovian target. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------199 Author(s): Claveau, D (Claveau, David); Wang, CY (Wang, Chunyan) Title: Space-variant motion detection for active visual target tracking Source: ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, 57 (1): 11-22 JAN 31 2009 Abstract: A biologically inspired approach to active visual target tracking is presented. The approach makes use of three strategies found in biological systems: space-variant sensing, a spatio-temporal-frequency-based model of motion detection and the alignment of sensory-motor maps. Space-variant imaging is used to create a I D array of elementary motion detectors (EMDs) that are tuned in such a way as to make it possible to detect motion over a wide range of velocities while still being able to detect motion precisely. The array is incorporated into an active visual tracking system. A method of analysis and design for such a tracking system is proposed. It makes use of a sensory-motor map which consists of a phase-plane plot of the continuous-time dynamics of the tracking system overlaid onto a map of the detection capabilities of the array of EMDs. This sensory-motor map is used to design a simple I D tracking system and several simulations show how the method can be used to control tracking performance using such metrics as overshoot and settling time. A complete ID active vision system is implemented and a set of simple target tracking experiments are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------200 Author(s): Huang, L (Huang, L.) Title: Velocity planning for a mobile robot to track a moving target - a potential field approach Source: ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, 57 (1): 55-63 JAN 31 2009 Abstract: Potential field method has been widely used for mobile robot path planning, but mostly in a static environment where the target and the obstacles are stationary. The path planning result is normally the direction of the robot motion. In this paper, the potential field method is applied for both path and speed planning, or the velocity planning, for a mobile robot in a dynamic environment where the target and the obstacles are moving. The robot's planned velocity is determined by relative velocities as well as relative positions among robot, obstacles and targets. The implementation factors such as maximum linear and angular speed of the robot are also considered. The proposed approach guarantees that the robot tracks the moving target while avoiding moving obstacles. Simulation studies are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------201 Author(s): Harmati, I (Harmati, Istvan); Skrzypczyk, K (Skrzypczyk, Krzysztof) Title: Robot team coordination for target tracking using fuzzy logic controller in game theoretic framework Source: ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, 57 (1): 75-86 JAN 31 2009 Abstract: This paper involves a collision free target tracking problem of multi-agent robot system. Target tracking requires team coordination to maintain a desired formation and to keep team-mates and target together. Every team-mate makes decisions on their moving direction that may spoil the tactical position of others and makes the global coordination task nontrivial. The contribution of the paper is twofold. First, the convergence of target tracking is improved by a new game theoretic concept using a semi-cooperative Stackelberg equilibrium point and a new formation component in the individual cost functions. To enhance the robustness, a PD like fuzzy controller tunes the cost function weights directly 最新文献报导 42 XIOPM latest Documents Report for the game theoretic solution and helps to achieve a prescribed value of cost function components. Simulation result for target tracking by a three-member robot team is presented. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------202 Author(s): Ender, JHG (Ender, Joachim H. G.); Gierull, CH (Gierull, Christoph H.); Cerutti-Maori, D (Cerutti-Maori, Delphine) Title: Improved Space-Based Moving Target Indication via Alternate Transmission and Receiver Switching Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 46 (12): 3960-3974 DEC 2008 Abstract: Ground moving target indication (GMTI) by space-based radar systems requires special antenna and data acquisition concepts to overcome the problem of discriminating target signals from clutter returns. Owing to the high satellite speed, the clutter contains a broad mixture of radial velocities within the antenna beam, leading to a large Doppler spread. Effective clutter suppression can solely be achieved by multiple aperture or phase center antennas. For space-based systems, however, the number of receiver channels connected to subapertures is very limited due to their weight, volume, and high data rates (current systems such as TerraSAR-X and RADARSAT-2 possess only two). This classical along-track interferometry architecture, in which the antenna is split into two halves, achieves only suboptimum GMTI performance. This paper presents and statistically analyzes an innovative approach to create additional independent phase centers to improve the GMTI performance considerably. The extra degrees of freedom are created by cyclical phase and amplitude switchings of the transmit/receive modules for transmitter and receiver between pulses, hence trading Doppler bandwidth for extra spatial diversity. In the first part of this paper, different strategies of spatialtemporal diversity are introduced and analyzed for realistic system parameters with respect to ambiguities and detection performance. The second part is concerned with the elaborate theoretical analysis of the relocation improvement for the spatial diversity approach. Ultraviolet Imaging\Detection 203 Author(s): Peng, L (Peng, Liang); Zhao, QD (Zhao, Qidong); Wang, DJ (Wang, Dejun); Zhai, JL (Zhai, Jiali); Wang, P (Wang, Ping); Pang, S (Pang, Shan); Xie, TF (Xie, Tengfeng) Title: Ultraviolet-assisted gas sensing: A potential formaldehyde detection approach at room temperature based on zinc oxide nanorods Source: SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 136 (1): 80-85 FEB 2 2009 Abstract: Zinc oxide nanorods were synthesized using a simple hydrothermal method. Form aldehyde-sensing characteristics were investigated without and with ultraviolet (UV) light irradiation. The gas response of nanorods to 110 ppm formaldehyde with UV light irradiation was about 120 times higher than that without UV light irradiation. The detection limit was as low as 1.8 ppm at room temperature. This high gas response under the UV light is attributed to photocatalytic oxidation. Furthermore, the significant improvements of the selectivity and recovery time were obtained after irradiating the nanorods with UV light. Our results demonstrated that applying UV light irradiation on the zinc oxide nanorods is an effective approach to achieve higher response and excellent selectivity to formaldehyde at room temperature. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------204 Author(s): Matsuda, Y (Matsuda, Yoshiyuki); Mikami, N (Mikami, Naohiko); Fujii, A (Fujii, Asuka) Title: Vibrational spectroscopy of size-selected neutral and cationic clusters combined with vacuum-ultraviolet onephoton ionization detection Source: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 11 (9): 1279-1290 2009 Abstract: Various vibrational spectroscopic techniques combined with vacuum-ultraviolet one-photon ionization mass spectrometry have recently been developed for jet-cooled molecules and clusters. These techniques open general applications of size-selected infrared and also Raman spectroscopies to neutral clusters by overcoming difficulties in the conventional vibrational spectroscopic methods for jet-cooled clusters. Their spectroscopic principles have been demonstrated by investigations for neutral clusters of simple protic molecules without an ultraviolet chromophore, which is necessary for the conventional vibrational spectroscopic methods of gas phase clusters based on the fluorescence or multiphoton ionization detection. In addition, the vacuum-ultraviolet photoionization detection scheme enables us to perform infrared predissociation spectroscopy of unstable cluster cations such as unprotonated cluster cations of protic molecules. In this Perspective, the spectroscopic principles and their applications for neutral and cationic clusters are reviewed. 最新文献报导 43 XIOPM latest Documents Report -------------------------------------------------------------------------------205 Author(s): Chowdhury, MH (Chowdhury, Mustafa H.); Ray, K (Ray, Krishanu); Gray, SK (Gray, Stephen K.); Pond, J (Pond, James); Lakowicz, JR (Lakowicz, Joseph R.) Title: Aluminum Nanoparticles as Substrates for Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence in the Ultraviolet for the Label-Free Detection of Biomolecules Source: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 81 (4): 1397-1403 FEB 15 2009 Abstract: We use finite-difference time-domain calculations to show that aluminum nanoparticles are efficient substrates for metal-enhanced fluorescence (MEF) in the ultraviolet (UV) for the label-free detection of biomolecules. The radiated power enhancement of the fluorophores in proximity to aluminum nanoparticles is strongly dependent on the nanoparticle size, fluorophore-nanoparticle spacing, and fluorophore orientation. Additionally, the enhancement is dramatically increased when the fluorophore is between two aluminum nanoparticles of a dimer. Finally, we present experimental evidence that functionalized forms of amino acids tryptophan and tyrosine exhibit MEF when spm-coated onto aluminum nanostructures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------206 Author(s): Alonso-Salces, RM (Alonso-Salces, Rosa Maria); Guillou, C (Guillou, Claude); Berrueta, LA (Berrueta, Luis A.) Title: Liquid chromatography coupled with ultraviolet absorbance detection, electrospray ionization, collision-induced dissociation and tandem mass spectrometry on a triple quadrupole for the on-line characterization of polyphenols and methylxanthines in green coffee beans Source: RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, 23 (3): 363-383 FEB 2009 Abstract: Liquid chromatography coupled with a photodiode array detector, electrospray ionization, collision-induced dissociation and tandem mass spectrometry (LC-DAD/ESI-CID-MS/MS) on a triple quadrupole (QqQ) has been used to detect and characterize polyphenols and methylxanthines in green coffee beans: three phenolic acids (caffeic acid, ferulic acid and dimethoxycinnamic acid), three isomeric caffeoylquinic acids (M-r 354), three feruloylquinic acids (M-r 368), one pcoumaroylquinic acid (M-r 338), three dicaffeoylquinic acids (M-r 516), three feruloyl-caffeoylquinic acids (M-r 530), four p-coumaroyl-caffeoylquinic acids (M-r 500), three diferuloylquinic acids (M-r 544), six dimethoxycinnamoylcaffeoylquinic acids (M-r 544), three dimethoxycinnamoyl-feruloylquinic acids (M-r 558), six cinnamoyl-amino acid conjugates, three cinnamoyl glycosides, and three methylxanthines (caffeine, theobromine and theophylline). Dimethoxycinnamic acid, three isomers of dimethoxycinnamoyl-caffeoylquinic acids and another three of dimethoxycinnamoyl-feruloylquinic acids, as well as the three cinnamoyl glycosides, had not previously been reported in coffee beans. Structures have been assigned on the basis of the complementary information obtained from UV-visible spectra, relative hydrophobicity, scan mode MS spectra, and fragmentation patterns in MS2 spectra (both in the positive and negative ion modes) obtained using a QqQ at different collision energies. A structure diagnosis scheme is provided for the identification of different isomers of polyphenols and methylxanthines. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------207 Author(s): Crisci, A (Crisci, Alexandre); Saubat-Marcus, B (Saubat-Marcus, Bernadette); Mermoux, M (Mermoux, Michel) Title: Deep Ultraviolet Raman Imaging with Micron Resolution: Application to Chemical-Vapor-Deposited Diamond Films Source: JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 47 (12): 8868-8870 DEC 2008 Abstract: Deep ultraviolet (DUV) confocal Raman spectroscopy with excitation at 244 and 229nm was used to examine a specific chemical-vapor-deposited diamond film. By scanning the surface of this film, it was possible to construct DUV Raman images with micron resolution. The results were compared with those obtained using more conventional excitations in the visible (514 nm) or near-UV (363 nm) spectral ranges, and analyzed in terms of sensitivity and selectivity. DUV Raman images with micron resolution are, to the best of our knowledge, presented for the first time. [DOI: 10.1143/JJAP.47.8868] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------208 Author(s): Nakano, M (Nakano, Masaki); Makino, T (Makino, Takayuki); Tsukazaki, A (Tsukazaki, Atsushi); Ueno, K (Ueno, Kazunori); Ohtomo, A (Ohtomo, Akira); Fukumura, T (Fukumura, Tomoteru); Yuji, H (Yuji, Hiroyuki); Nishimoto, Y (Nishimoto, Yoshio); Akasaka, S (Akasaka, Shunsuke); Takamizu, D (Takamizu, Daiju); Nakahara, K (Nakahara, Ken); Tanabe, T (Tanabe, Tetsuhiro); Kamisawa, A (Kamisawa, Akira); Kawasaki, M (Kawasaki, Masashi) 最新文献报导 44 XIOPM latest Documents Report Title: MgxZn1-xO-Based Schottky Photodiode for Highly Color-Selective Ultraviolet Light Detection - art. no. 121201 Source: APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS, 1 (12): 21201-21201 DEC 2008 Abstract: Spectral response of Schottky photodiodes consisting of a MgxZn1-xO (x <= 0.43) thin film and a transparent conducting polymer, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) poly(styrenesulfonate), was characterized under a zero-bias condition at room temperature. The cut-off wavelength in each photodiode was systematically tuned by Mg content (x), while its high quantum efficiency was kept near unity. The steepness in the photo-response around the cut-off wavelength was maintained for higher x samples, implying a small alloy broadening effect in this system. (C) 2008 The Japan Society of Applied Physics -------------------------------------------------------------------------------209 Author(s): Kiss, B (Kiss, Bela); Popa, DS (Popa, Daniela-Saveta); Bojita, M (Bojita, Marius); Loghin, F (Loghin, Felicia) Title: Development and Validation of a High-performance Liquid Chromatography Method with Ultraviolet Detection for the Determination of Flunitrazepam in Human Plasma Source: REVISTA DE CHIMIE, 59 (12): 1301-1304 DEC 2008 Abstract: A high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was developed and validated for determination of flunitrazepam in human plasma. After a simple liquid-liquid extraction, the analyses were carried out on a ODS column with diode array detection at 330nm. The mobile phase consisted in a mixture of potassium dihydrogene phosphate/acetonitrile (40/60, v/v). The method showed good linearity, accuracy and precision. Advantages of this validated assay include a simple plasma extraction method, short analysis time and good sensitivity (LLOQ = 5ng/mL). The stability data indicated a potential instability of flunitrazepam in plasma at room temperature. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------210 Author(s): Stern, SA (Stern, S. Alan); Slater, DC (Slater, David C.); Scherrer, J (Scherrer, John); Stone, J (Stone, John); Dirks, G (Dirks, Greg); Versteeg, M (Versteeg, Maarten); Davis, M (Davis, Michael); Gladstone, GR (Gladstone, G. Randall); Parker, JW (Parker, Joel W.); Young, LA (Young, Leslie A.); Siegmund, OHW (Siegmund, Oswald H. W.) Title: ALICE: The Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph Aboard the New Horizons Pluto-Kuiper Belt Mission Source: SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS, 140 (1-4): 155-187 OCT 2008 Abstract: The ALICE instrument is a lightweight (4.4 kg), low-power (4.4 watt) imaging spectrograph aboard the New Horizons mission to the Pluto system and the Kuiper Belt. Its primary job is to determine the relative abundances of various species in Pluto's atmosphere. ALICE will also be used to search for an atmosphere around Pluto's moon, Charon, as well as the Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) that New Horizons is expected to fly by after Pluto-Charon, and it will make UV surface reflectivity measurements of all of these bodies, as well as of Pluto's smaller moons Nix and Hydra. The instrument incorporates an off-axis telescope feeding a Rowland-circle spectrograph with a 520-1870 angstrom spectral passband, a spectral point spread function of 3-6 angstrom FWHM, and an instantaneous spatial field-of-view that is 6 degrees long. Two different input apertures that feed the telescope allow for both airglow and solar occultation observations during the mission. The focal plane detector is an imaging microchannel plate (MCP) double delay-line detector with dual solar-blind opaque photocathodes (KBr and CsI) and a focal surface that matches the instrument's 15cm diameter Rowland-circle. In this paper, we describe the instrument in greater detail, including descriptions of its ground calibration and initial in flight performance. New Horizons launched on 19 January 2006. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------211 Author(s): Palero, JA (Palero, Jonathan A.); de Bruijn, HS (de Bruijn, Henriette S.); van den Heuvel, AV (van den Heuvel, Angelique van der Ploeg); Sterenborg, HJCM (Sterenborg, Henricus J. C. M.); van Weelden, H (van Weelden, Huib); Gerritsen, HC (Gerritsen, Hans C.) Title: In vivo nonlinear spectral imaging microscopy of visible and ultraviolet irradiated hairless mouse skin tissues Source: PHOTOCHEMICAL & PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 7 (11): 1422-1425 2008 Abstract: We demonstrate the capability of nonlinear spectral imaging microscopy (NSIM) in investigating ultraviolet and visible light induced effects on albino Skh:HR-1 hairless mouse skin non-invasively. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------212 Author(s): Jayasinghe, RC (Jayasinghe, Ranga C.); Ariyawansa, G (Ariyawansa, Gamini); Dietz, N (Dietz, Nikolaus); Perera, AGU (Perera, A. G. Unil); Matsik, SG (Matsik, Steven G.); Yu, HB (Yu, Hongbo B.); Ferguson, IT (Ferguson, Ian T.); Bezinger, A (Bezinger, Andrew); Laframboise, SR (Laframboise, Svlvain R.); Buchanan, M (Buchanan, Margaret); Liu, HC (Liu, Hui Chun) 最新文献报导 45 XIOPM latest Documents Report Title: Simultaneous detection of ultraviolet and infrared radiation in a single GaN/GaAlN heterojunction Source: OPTICS LETTERS, 33 (21): 2422-2424 NOV 1 2008 Abstract: Results are presented for a dual-band detector that simultaneously detects UV radiation in the 250-360 nm and IR radiation in the 5-14 mu m regions with near zero spectral cross talk. In this detector having separate UV and IR-active regions with three contacts (one common contact for both regions) allows the separation of the UV and IR generated photocurrent components, identifying the relative strength of each component. This will be an important development in UV-IR dual-band applications such as fire-flame detection, solar astronomy, and military sensing, eliminating the difficulties of employing several individual detectors with separate electronics-cooling mechanisms. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------213 Author(s): Kozawa, T (Kozawa, Takahiro); Tagawa, S (Tagawa, Seiichi); Santillan, JJ (Santillan, Julius Joseph); Itani, T (Itani, Toshiro) Title: Latent image formation in chemically amplified extreme ultraviolet resists with low activation energy for deprotection reaction Source: JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, 26 (6): 2257-2260 NOV 2008 Abstract: The trade-off relationships between resolution, sensitivity, and line edge roughness have become a serious problem in device manufacturing as the minimum feature size is reduced. To solve this problem, the improvement of pattern formation efficiency is necessary. The efficiency of pattern formation is mainly determined by the efficiencies of incident radiation absorption, acid generation, and deprotection. The deprotection efficiency is the number of times an acid can induce catalytic reactions during the diffusion of a unit distance. The highest expected deprotection efficiency is achieved by a diffusion-controlled reaction. In this study, the authors investigated the feasibility of low-E-a resists for 22 nm fabrication. It was found that their efficiency is inadequate for 22 nm fine patterning even when a diffusioncontrolled rate is assumed. For 22 nm fabrication with 5-10 mJ cm(-2) exposure dose, increases in acid generation efficiency and polymer absorption are essential. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------214 Author(s): Kozawa, T (Kozawa, Takahiro); Tagawa, S (Tagawa, Seiichi) Title: Effects of Polymer Interference during Acid Generation on Latent Image Quality of Extreme Ultraviolet Resists Source: JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 47 (11): 8328-8332 NOV 2008 Abstract: The fluorination of polymers is a promising strategy for enhancing acid production in chemically amplified resists used for extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography. However. halogenated polymers are known to react with thermalized electrons and interfere with acid generation. In this study the effects of the polymer interaction with thermalized electrons oil the Went image quality were investigated using a simulation based oil the sensitization mechanisms of EUV radiation. The decrease in acid yield by the polymer interference during acid generation leads to an increase in line edge roughness (LER). An increase in the acid generator concentration is effective for suppressing the interference effect. At 20 wt % acid generator concentration. the reactivity of the polymer must be less than 2% of that Of triphenylsulfonium triflate (a typical acid generator) to Suppress the increase in LER to below 10%. [DOI: 10.1143/JJAP.47.8328] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------215 Author(s): Carbajo, PG (Carbajo, Paula Gorrotxategi); Smith, SC (Smith, Shona C.); Holloway, AL (Holloway, AnneLouise); Smith, CA (Smith, Carina A.); Pope, FD (Pope, Francis D.); Shallcross, DE (Shallcross, Dudley E.); OrrEwing, AJ (Orr-Ewing, Andrew J.) Title: Ultraviolet Photolysis of HCHO: Absolute HCO Quantum Yields by Direct Detection of the HCO Radical Photoproduct Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 112 (48): 12437-12448 DEC 4 2008 Abstract: Absolute quantum yields for the radical (H + HCO) channel of HCHO photolysis, Phi(HCO), have been measured for the tropospherically relevant range of wavelengths (lambda) between 300 and 330 nm. The HCO photoproduct was directly detected by using a custom-built, combined ultra-violet (UV) absorption and cavity ring down (CRD) detection spectrometer. This instrument was previously employed for high-resolution (spectral resolution similar to 0.0035 nm) measurements of absorption cross-sections of HCHO, sigma(HCHO)(lambda), and relative HCO quantum yields. Absolute Phi(HCO) values were measured at seven wavelengths, lambda = 303.70, 305.13, 308.87, 314.31, 320.67, 325.59, and 329.51 nm, using an independent calibration technique based on the simultaneous UV photolysis of HCHO and Cl-2. These Phi(HCO) measurements display greater variability as a function of wavelength than the current 最新文献报导 46 XIOPM latest Documents Report NASA-JPL recommendations for Phi(HCO). The absolute Phi(HCO)(lambda) determinations and previously measured sigma(HCHO)(lambda) were used to scale an extensive set of relative HCO yield measurements. The outcome of this procedure is a full suite of data for the product of the absolute radical quantum yield and HCHO absorption crosssection, Phi(HCO)(lambda)sigma(HCHO)(lambda), at wavelengths from 302.6 to 331.0 nm with a wavelength resolution of 0.005 nm. This product of photochemical parameters is combined with high-resolution solar photon flux data to calculate the integrated photolysis rate of HCHO to the radical (H + HCO) channel, J(HCO). Comparison with the latest NASA-JPL recommendations, reported at I nm wavelength resolution, suggests an increased J(HCO) of 25% at 0 degrees solar zenith angle (SZA) increasing to 33% at high SZA (80 degrees). The differences in the calculated photolysis rate compared with the current HCHO data arise, in part, from the higher wavelength resolution of the current data set and highlight the importance of using high-resolution spectroscopic techniques to achieve a complete and accurate picture of HCHO photodissociation processes. All experimental Phi(HCO)(lambda)sigma(HCHO)(lambda) data are available for the wavelength range 302.6-331.0 nm (at 294 and 245 K and under 200 Torr of N-2 bath gas) as Supporting Information with wavelength resolutions of 0.005, 0.1, and 1.0 nm. Equivalent data sets of Phi(H2+CO)(lambda)sigma(HCHO)(lambda) for the molecular (H-2 + CO) photofragmentation channel, produced using the measured Phi(HCO)(lambda) sigma(HCHO)(tau) values, are also provided at 0.1 and 1.0 nm resolution. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------216 Author(s): Brown, CM (Brown, Charles M.); Seely, JF (Seely, John F.); Feldman, U (Feldman, Uri); Holland, GE (Holland, Glenn E.); Weaver, JL (Weaver, James L.); Obenschain, SP (Obenschain, Steven P.); Kjornrattanawanich, B (Kjornrattanawanich, Benjawan); Fielding, D (Fielding, Drew) Title: High-resolution imaging spectrometer for recording absolutely calibrated far ultraviolet spectra from laserproduced plasmas - art. no. 103109 Source: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 79 (10): 3109-3109 OCT 2008 Abstract: An imaging spectrometer was designed and fabricated for recording far ultraviolet spectra from laser-produced plasmas with wavelengths as short as 155 nm. The spectrometer implements a Cassegrain telescope and two gratings in a tandem Wadsworth optical configuration that provides diffraction limited resolution. Spectral images were recorded from plasmas produced by the irradiation of various target materials by intense KrF laser radiation with 248 nm wavelength. Two pairs of high-resolution gratings can be selected for the coverage of two wavebands, one grating pair with 1800 grooves/mm and covering approximately 155-175 nm and another grating pair with 1200 grooves/mm covering 230-260 nm. The latter waveband includes the 248 nm KrF laser wavelength, and the former waveband includes the wavelength of the two-plasmon decay instability at 2/3 the KrF laser wavelength (165 nm). The detection media consist of a complementary metal oxide semiconductor imager, photostimulable phosphor image plates, and a linear array of 1 mm(2) square silicon photodiodes with 0.4 ns rise time. The telescope mirrors, spectrometer gratings, and 1 mm(2) photodiode were calibrated using synchrotron radiation, and this enables the measurement of the absolute emission from the laser-produced plasmas with temporal, spatial, and spectral resolutions. The spectrometer is capable of measuring absolute spectral emissions at 165 nm wavelength as small as 5x10(-7) J/nm from a plasma source area of 0.37 mm(2) and with 0.4 ns time resolution. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------217 Author(s): Ma, T (Ma, T.); Beg, FN (Beg, F. N.); MacPhee, AG (MacPhee, A. G.); Chung, HK (Chung, H. -K.); Key, MH (Key, M. H.); Mackinnon, AJ (Mackinnon, A. J.); Patel, PK (Patel, P. K.); Hatchett, S (Hatchett, S.); Akli, KU (Akli, K. U.); Stephens, RB (Stephens, R. B.); Chen, CD (Chen, C. D.); Freeman, RR (Freeman, R. R.); Link, A (Link, A.); Offermann, DT (Offermann, D. T.); Ovchinnikov, V (Ovchinnikov, V.); Van Woerkom, LD (Van Woerkom, L. D.) Title: Electron heated target temperature measurements in petawatt laser experiments based on extreme ultraviolet imaging and spectroscopy - art. no. 10E312 Source: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 79 (10): E312-E312 OCT 2008 Abstract: Three independent methods (extreme ultraviolet spectroscopy, imaging at 68 and 256 eV) have been used to measure planar target rear surface plasma temperature due to heating by hot electrons. The hot electrons are produced by ultraintense laser-plasma interactions using the 150 J, 0.5 ps Titan laser. Soft x-ray spectroscopy in the 50-400 eV region and imaging at the 68 and 256 eV photon energies give a planar deuterated carbon target rear surface preexpansion temperature in the 125-150 eV range, with the rear plasma plume averaging a temperature approximately 74 eV. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------218 Author(s): Windal, I (Windal, I.); Boxus, L (Boxus, L.); Hanot, V (Hanot, V.) Title: Validation of the analysis of the 15+1 European-priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by donnor-acceptor complex chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet/fluorescence detection 最新文献报导 47 XIOPM latest Documents Report Source: JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A, 1212 (1-2): 16-22 NOV 28 2008 Abstract: The European Commission recommends to monitor the 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) possessing both genotoxic and carcinogenic properties. Since robust analytical methods specific for this set of European PAH are lacking, a new method for their analysis in food is proposed. The donnor-acceptor complex chromatography (DACC) is used as dean-up step and high-performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet/fluorescence detection (HPLC-UV/FLD) is used for detection and quantification. The method has been validated for analysis of PAH in oil and in dried plants and bears very good results for all compounds. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Optical tweezers/ Photochromic 219 Author(s): Emin, SM (Emin, Saim M.); Sogoshi, N (Sogoshi, Norihito); Nakabayashi, S (Nakabayashi, Seiichiro); Fujihara, T (Fujihara, Takashi); Dushkin, CD (Dushkin, Ceco D.) Title: Kinetics of Photochromic Induced Energy Transfer between Manganese-Doped Zinc-Selenide Quantum Dots and Spiropyrans Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 113 (10): 3998-4007 MAR 12 2009 Abstract: Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is investigated with manganese-doped ZnSe nanoparticles (quantum dots) as long fluorescence lifetime donors and spiropyran molecules as acceptors. The kinetics of photochemical ringopening reaction of spiropyran upon UV-illumination. is exploited to achieve efficient quenching of the manganese fluorescence lifetimes at a low temperature of 78 K in methylcyclohexane/ isopentane mixture. Modulation of the acceptor structure from closed to open form allows us to investigate the temporal decrease in donor lifetime accompanied with an increase in the efficiency of FRET transfer. A theoretical model proposed by us describes very well the experimental data, thus providing the intimate parameters of FRET transfer in the system quantum dot-dye molecule. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------220 Author(s): Jayalatha, D (Jayalatha, Devaswithin); Balamurugan, R (Balamurugan, Rathinam); Kannan, P (Kannan, Palaninathan) Title: Synthesis and Characterization of Benzylidene and Azobenzene Based Photochromic Liquid-Crystalline Polymers Source: HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS, 21 (2): 139-154 APR 2009 Abstract: Two series of novel thermotropic main chain liquid crystalline polymers containing photocrosslinkable chalcone and photoisomerizable azobenzene moieties were synthesized from bis[4-(m-hydroxyalkoxy) benzylidene]cycloalkanones [m = 6,8,10] with 4,4'-azobenzene dicarbonylchloride. The chemical structure of the monomers and polymers were confirmed by spectral techniques. The mesophase properties were investigated using hot stage optical polarized microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. All the polymers exhibited liquid crystalline properties. The thermogravimetric analysis data revealed that the polymers were stable up to 220 degrees C and underwent two-stage decomposition. Photocrosslinking property of the polymers was investigated using UV spectroscopy. The cyclopentanone containing polymers showed faster photocrosslinkability than that of their cyclohexanone counterpart. In addition to the photocrosslinkability of cycloalkanone units, the azo moiety displayed E-Z (trans-cis) isomerization in the polymer backbone. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------221 Author(s): Lukyanova, MB (Lukyanova, M. B.); Tkachev, VV (Tkachev, V. V.); Lukyanov, BS (Lukyanov, B. S.); Aldoshin, SM (Aldoshin, S. M.); Utenyshev, AN (Utenyshev, A. N.); Bezuglyi, SO (Bezuglyi, S. O.); Minkin, VI (Minkin, V. I.); Kogan, VA (Kogan, V. A.) Title: Photo-and thermochromic spiranes 31.* Structure and photochromic properties of functionalized benzoxazine spiropyrans Source: CHEMISTRY OF HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS, 44 (11): 1384-1390 NOV 2008 Abstract: An X-ray diffraction study gave the structure of a 4-oxohydro-2H-1,3-benzoxazine spiropyran with molecular formula C28H25N3O7, in which the pi-electron-withdrawing formyl group is replaced with a chelatophoric hydrazine fragment containing a methoxy group. The structural parameters of this spiropyran were determined and compared with the data for similar spiropyrans. The photochromic properties of this compound in acetonitrile were studied in the presence of zinc ions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 最新文献报导 48 XIOPM latest Documents Report 222 Author(s): Johmoto, K (Johmoto, Kohei); Sekine, A (Sekine, Akiko); Uekusa, H (Uekusa, Hidehiro); Ohashi, Y (Ohashi, Yuji) Title: Elongated Lifetime of Unstable Colored Species by Intermolecular Hydrogen Bond Formation in Photochromic Crystals Source: BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 82 (1): 50-57 JAN 15 2009 Abstract: The crystallization of N-3,5-di-tert-butylsalicylidene-3-carboxyaniline (1) from a methanol solution gave three crystal forms, 1 alpha, 1 beta and 1 gamma. The colorless 1 alpha and pale yellow 1 beta turned red when they were irradiated with UV light whereas orange 1 gamma showed no color change. The lifetimes of the colored crystals were estimated to be 17 and 780 min at room temperature for 1 alpha and 1 beta, respectively, from IR spectra. The structure of the colored 1 alpha crystal was analyzed by X-ray at 93 K. In addition to the original enol form of 1, the trans-keto form appeared on the difference electron density map with an occupancy factor of 0. 117(2). This indicates that the color change was caused by the structural change from the enol to trans-keto form, which is the same as the color change previously reported in the crystal of N-3,5-di-tert-butylsalicylidene-3-nitroaniline (2) (lifetime, 1200 min). It was made clear from the structures of the trans-keto forms in the crystals of 1 alpha, 1 beta, and 2 that the lifetime of the unstable colored form should be determined by the possibility and the strength of the intermolecular hydrogen bond formation of the N-H group of the trans-keto form to the neighboring molecules. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------223 Author(s): Panchenko, TV (Panchenko, T. V.); Strelets, KY (Strelets, K. Yu.) Title: Photochromic effect in Bi12SiO20 crystals doped with molybdenum Source: PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE, 51 (2): 292-297 FEB 2009 Abstract: The steady-state and photoinduced absorption spectra of Bi12SiO20 crystals doped with molybdenum are investigated. It is demonstrated that the impurity absorption is associated with the Mo6+ and Mo5+ ions occupying the positions close to the tetrahedral Si4+ position. The mechanism of the photochromic effect is proposed. This mechanism involves the change in the charge state of molybdenum impurity ions according to the scheme Mo (Si) (6+) + e (-) -> Mo (Si) (5+) . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------224 Author(s): Sun, XD (Sun, Xiudong); Li, XC (Li, Xuecong); Zhang, JL (Zhang, Jianlong) Title: ORIENTATING MANIPULATION OF CYLINDRICAL PARTICLES WITH OPTICAL TWEEZERS Source: JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR OPTICAL PHYSICS & MATERIALS, 17 (4): 387-394 DEC 2008 Abstract: Orientating manipulations of cylindrical particles were performed by optical tweezers. Vertical and horizontal manipulations of Escherichia coli (E. coli) were carried out by changing the trapping depth and the focused laser beam shape. It was found that carbon nanotubes bundles (CNTBs) could be rotated in the linear polarized optical trap until it orientated its long axis along the linear polarization direction of the laser beam. However, E. coli could not be orientated in this way. Corresponding mechanisms were discussed based on the anisomeric electric characters of CNTBs. These orientation technologies of cylindrical objects with optical trap have potential applications in assembling nano-electric devices. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------225 Author(s): Qiao, Q (Qiao, Qian); Zhang, XT (Zhang, Xintong); Lu, ZF (Lu, Zifeng); Wang, LL (Wang, Lingling); Liu, YC (Liu, Yichun); Zhu, XF (Zhu, Xingfu); Li, JX (Li, Jixue) Title: Formation of holographic fringes on photochromic Ag/TiO2 nanocomposite films - art. no. 074104 Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 94 (7): 74104-74104 FEB 16 2009 Abstract: Silver nanoparticles deposited on TiO2 nanoporous films exhibited unique photochromic property under the irradiation of visible light. Here we investigated the application of photochromic Ag/TiO2 nanocomposite film in holographic data storage. Stable holographic fringes were formed on the Ag/TiO2 film using two coherent green lasers as writing beams, and these fringes could be erased with ultraviolet irradiation. These observations are consistent with the photochromism of Ag/TiO2 nanocomposite film and can be well explained by the visible light-stimulated dissolution and ultraviolet light-stimulated regeneration of silver nanoparticles in TiO2 matrix. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------226 Author(s): Zhu, H (Zhu Hua); Zhao, L (Zhao Li); Chen, M (Chen Mei); Yan, SN (Yan Shaning); Zhang, QL (Zhang Qinglong); Shen, Y (Shen Yi) 最新文献报导 49 XIOPM latest Documents Report Title: Synthesis and Photochromic Properties of Formaldehyde Induced WO3 Powder Source: ACTA CHIMICA SINICA, 67 (2): 174-178 JAN 28 2009 Abstract: The WO3 powder was prepared by a hydrothermal method using formaldehyde as an organic inducer, and characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM and BET. Furthermore, its photochromic properties were studied by a color difference meter. The results indicate that the WO3 is hexagonal and has a particular structure. Under the SEM and TEM observations, it was found that these WO3 microspheres induced by HCOH comprised many WO3 cubes. The edge lengths of the WO3 cube range from 20 to 50 nm, and the average diameter of these microspheres is 500 similar to 800 nm. Moreover, the special structure of this induced product provides a better proton diffusion path, thus resulting in its high photochromic properties. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------227 Author(s): Kushch, LA (Kushch, L. A.); Shilov, GV (Shilov, G. V.); Il'in, MA (Il'in, M. A.); Woike, T (Woike, T.); Schaniel, D (Schaniel, D.); Yagubskii, EB (Yagubskii, E. B.) Title: Synthesis, structure, and properties of the [RuNO(NH3)(5)][Co(CN)(6)] complex containing a photochromic cation Source: RUSSIAN CHEMICAL BULLETIN, 57 (3): 557-560 MAR 2008 Abstract: The salt of cobalt hexacyanide with the photochromic mononitrosyl cation [RuNO(NH3)(5)](3+) with the composition [RuNO(NH3)(5)][Co(CN)(6)] was synthesized. Single crystals of the salt were grown, and the crystal structure was solved. The photochromic properties were Studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------228 Author(s): Voloshin, NA (Voloshin, N. A.); Bezugliy, SO (Bezugliy, S. O.); Solov'eva, EV (Solov'eva, E. V.); Metelitsa, AV (Metelitsa, A. V.); Minkin, VI (Minkin, V. I.) Title: Photo- and thermochromic spiranes. 31.(*) Photochromic cationic spiropyrans with a pyridinium fragment in the aliphatic side chain(*2) Source: CHEMISTRY OF HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS, 44 (10): 1229-1237 OCT 2008 Abstract: Syntheses are reported for cationic indoline spiropyrans with a quaternized pyridinium fragment in the aliphatic side chain, which display photochromic properties in solution. The major effect of introducing a quaternized pyridinium fragment into the benzopyran part of the spiropyran entails a significant decrease in the rate of thermal relaxation processes. Fiber Amplifier 229 Author(s): Jiang, C (Jiang, C.); Jin, L (Jin, L.) Title: Modeling erbium-thulium-co-doped fiber amplifier for 1400-1650 nm band Source: APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 94 (4): 609-621 MAR 2009 Abstract: We present numerical models of tri-valence erbium ion and thulium ion-co-doped fiber amplifiers pumped by 800-nm and 980-nm lasers. The rate and power propagation equations of the models are numerically solved to analyze the gain as a function of co-doping concentrations, fiber length and signal wavelength. The results reveal that with 800-nm or 980-nm pump, gain competition exists between 1470- and 1530-nm bands, which may arise from the pump absorption competition and complicated energy transfer between the two types of active ions, and the results further show that the gain spectra may cover 305 nm (1375-1680 nm) for 800-nm pump and 160 nm (1400-1560 nm) for 980-nm pump. The doping concentrations and fiber length may be tuned to reduce the ripple of the gain spectra. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------230 Author(s): Zhang, ZY (Zhang, Zhiyao); Zhou, XJ (Zhou, Xiaojun); Sui, Z (Sui, Zhan); Wang, JJ (Wang, Jianjun); Li, HP (Li, Heping); Liu, YZ (Liu, Yongzhi); Liu, Y (Liu, Yong) Title: Numerical analysis of stimulated inelastic scatterings in ytterbium-doped double-clad fiber amplifier with multins-duration and multi-hundred-kW peak-power output Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 282 (6): 1186-1190 MAR 15 2009 Abstract: 最新文献报导 50 XIOPM latest Documents Report We investigate the stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) and the stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) in an ytterbiumdoped double-clad fiber amplifier that outputs optical pulses with multi-ns-duration and multi-hundred-kW peak-power. The ytterbium-doped double-clad fiber amplifier is simulated by a model which is composed of a set of propagation-rate equations. The simulated results show that SBS and SRS will deform the output signal pulse in both the time domain and the spectral domain, and degrade the performance of the ytterbium-doped double-clad fiber amplifier seriously. It is shown in our simulation that the troublesome SBS can be effectively suppressed by broadening the signal line-width to a critical value of 0.07 nm in our calculation, and the effect of SRS can be suppressed using a large-mode-area fiber with proper length. The model and the simulated results are very useful for designing an ultra-high-power ytterbiumdoped double-clad fiber amplifier. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------231 Author(s): Li, J (Li, Jia); Kuo, BPP (Kuo, Bill Ping-Piu); Wong, KKY (Wong, Kenneth Kin-Yip) Title: Ultra-Wideband Pulse Generation Based on Cross-Gain Modulation in Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifier Source: IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 21 (1-4): 212-214 JAN-FEB 2009 Abstract: A novel approach to generate ultra-wideband (UWB) monocycle or doublet pulse using cross-gain modulation in fiber optical parametric amplifier is demonstrated in a single experimental setup. The high-speed optical parametric process realizes the signal amplification, idler generation, and pump depletion simultaneously within femtosecond response time in the highly non-linear fiber. After the combination of the three lightwaves with a suitable time delay between them, UWB pulse is obtained. A selective generation of monocycle or doublet pulse can be made by altering the optical attenuators without changing the wavelengths or the powers of the pump and the signal. In our experiment, high-quality UWB monocycle and doublet pulses with a fractional bandwidth of 115% and 126% were generated. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------232 Author(s): Tanabe, T (Tanabe, Tadao); Ragam, S (Ragam, Srinivasa); Oyama, Y (Oyama, Yutaka); Sasaki, T (Sasaki, Tetsuo); Nishizawa, J (Nishizawa, Jun-ichi); Ohkado, M (Ohkado, Makoto); Yamada, N (Yamada, Naoyuki) Title: Two-Directional CW THz Wave Generation System by Pumping With a Single Fiber Amplifier of Near-IR Lasers Source: IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 21 (1-4): 260-262 JAN-FEB 2009 Abstract: We constructed a two-directional continuous-wave (CW) terahertz (THz) wave generation system with laser diode pumping. The generation method is based on difference frequency generation (DFG) of two near-infrared (NIR) lasers by excitation of phonon polaritons; in a Gal? crystal. The two NIR lasers for DFG are amplified simultaneously using one ytterbium-doped fiber amplifier (FA). Efficient beam overlapping of the NIR lasers was achieved on the Gal? crystal surface. This system consists of a simple optical design with a single FA. Narrow linewidth CW THz waves, which are generated in two directions, can be applied to high-resolution spectroscopy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------233 Author(s): Chen, HT (Chen, Haitao); Yang, WY (Yang, Wenyan); Wang, F (Wang, Fei) Title: Numerical study on adiabatic compression of ultrashort fundamental solitons in an erbium-doped fiber amplifier Source: OPTIK, 120 (4): 174-178 2009 Abstract: In this paper, the compression and amplification of fundamental solitons in an erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) are investigated by using the numerical method. The results show that the unchirped fundamental solitons can be compressed and amplified by selecting an appropriate length of the EDFA when the peak gain of the EDFA is fixed, and the compression and amplification satisfy the adiabatic condition. Furthermore, the fundamental solitons with appropriate positive chirp parameters can be compressed and amplified effectively by selecting an appropriate length of the EDFA, but the pulse compression cannot satisfy the adiabatic condition. Moreover, the compression of the fundamental solitons with negative chirp also cannot satisfy the adiabatic condition, and the compression effects are very poor. Thus, the chirp should be reduced before adiabatic compression using the EDFA. (C) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------234 Author(s): Shirakawa, A (Shirakawa, A.); Maruyama, H (Maruyama, H.); Ueda, K (Ueda, K.); Olausson, CB (Olausson, C. B.); Lyngso, JK (Lyngso, J. K.); Broeng, J (Broeng, J.) Title: High-power Yb-doped photonic bandgap fiber amplifier at 1150-1200 nm Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 17 (2): 447-454 JAN 19 2009 Abstract: 最新文献报导 51 XIOPM latest Documents Report Ytterbium-doped solid-core photonic bandgap fiber amplifiers operating at the long-wavelength edge of the ytterbium gain band are reported. The low-loss bandgap transmission window is formed in the very low gain region, whilst outside the bandgap, large attenuation inhibits the exponential growth of amplified spontaneous emission in the huge-gain 10301100 nm region. Hence parasitic-lasing-free, high-power amplification with a marked efficiency is enabled. A 32 W output at 1156 nm with a 66% slope efficiency and 30 W output at 1178 nm with a 58% slope efficiency were successfully obtained. To our knowledge, these are the highest output powers generating from active photonic bandgap fibers, as well as from ytterbium-doped fiber lasers at these wavelengths. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------235 Author(s): Rothhardt, J (Rothhardt, J.); Hadrich, S (Haedrich, S.); Limpert, J (Limpert, J.); Tunnermann, A (Tuennermann, A.) Title: 80 kHz repetition rate high power fiber amplifier flat-top pulse pumped OPCPA based on BIB3O6 Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 17 (4): 2508-2517 FEB 16 2009 Abstract: We present a high peak power optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier (OPCPA) seeded by a cavity dumped Ti:Sapphire oscillator. A frequency doubled high power Ytterbium-doped fiber amplifier is pumping the device. Temporal synchronization of the pump pulses is done via soliton generation in a highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber. This soliton is fiber amplified and spectrally filtered in several fiber amplifiers. A simple birefringent pulse shaper generates a flat-top temporal pump pulse profile. Direct amplification of these pulses in large mode area fibers without using a stretcher and compressor provides significantly reduced complexity. For the first time to our knowledge broadband amplification around 800 nm central wavelength is demonstrated in BIB3O6 ( BIBO) crystals. The stretched Ti: Sapphire oscillator pulses are amplified up to a pulse energy of 25 mu J. Recompression with a grating compressor yields 50.7 fs pulses with 16.2 mu J pulse energy. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------236 Author(s): Jiang, C (Jiang, Chun) Title: Modeling a Broadband Bismuth-Doped Fiber Amplifier Source: IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 15 (1): 79-84 JAN-FEB 2009 Abstract: In this paper, we present the energy level, transition configuration, and numerical model of a Bismuth-doped fiber amplifier for the first time, to the best of authors' knowledge. With a three-level system, the rate and power propagation equations of the model are solved to examine the effect of the fiber parameter and pump power on the bandwidth of the gain spectra. It can be predicted that when excited at wavelength in the 800-900 nm range, the amplifier can have a ultrabroad gain spectra in the 1.2-1.62 mu m range, which cover the low-loss windows of the all-wave fiber. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------237 Author(s): Lee, YW (Lee, Yin-Wen); Digonnet, MJF (Digonnet, Michel J. F.); Sinha, S (Sinha, Supriyo); Urbanek, KE (Urbanek, Karel E.); Byer, RL (Byer, Robert L.); Jiang, SB (Jiang, Shibin) Title: High-Power Yb3+-Doped Phosphate Fiber Amplifier Source: IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 15 (1): 93-102 JAN-FEB 2009 Abstract: We report on the development of novel high-power light sources utilizing a Yb3+-doped phosphate fiber as the gain element. This host presents several key benefits over silica, particularly much higher Yb2O3 concentrations (up to 26 wt%), a 50% weaker stimulated Brillouin scattering (SIBS) gain cross section, and the absence of observable photodarkening even at high population inversion. These properties result in a greatly increased SBS threshold compared to silica fibers, and therefore, potentially much higher output powers out of either a multimode large mode area or a single-mode fiber, which means in the latter case a higher beam quality. To quantify these predictions, we show through numerical simulations that double-clad phosphate fibers should produce as much as similar to 700 W of single-frequency output power in a step index, single-mode core. As a step in this direction, we report a short phosphate fiber amplifier doped with 12 wt% Yb2O3 that emits 16 W of single-frequency single-mode output. We also describe a single-mode phosphate fiber laser with a maximum output power of 57 W. The laser slope efficiency is currently limited by the fairly high fiber loss (similar to 3 dB/m). Measurements indicate that 77% of this loss originates from impurity absorption, and the rest from scattering. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------238 Author(s): Jiang, C (Jiang, Chun) Title: Ultrabroadband Gain Characteristics of a Quantum-Dot-Doped Fiber Amplifier Source: IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 15 (1): 140-144 JAN-FEB 2009 Abstract: 最新文献报导 52 XIOPM latest Documents Report In this paper, the energy level, transition configuration, and numerical model of a quantum dot (QD) doped fiber amplifier are presented using a two-level model for the first time. The results calculated using theoretical model are in good agreement with experimental results from literature. The rate and power propagation equations of the model are further solved to investigate, gate the effects of the QD concentration, fiber length, ambient temperature, and pump power on bandwidth of the gain spectra; the results show that when pumped at 1200 nm, the fiber can have ultrabroad room-temperature gain spectra in the range 1.21-1.62 mu m, which can utilize the low-loss bandwidth of the all-wave fiber without absorption peak caused by OH group. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------239 Author(s): Mukhopadhyay, PK (Mukhopadhyay, Pranab K.); Ozoren, K (Oezoeren, Kivanc); Budunoglu, IL (Budunoglu, I. Levent); Ilday, FO (Ilday, F. Oemer) Title: All-Fiber Low-Noise High-Power Femtosecond Yb-Fiber Amplifier System Seeded by an All-Normal Dispersion Fiber Oscillator Source: IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 15 (1): 145-152 JAN-FEB 2009 Abstract: We report an all-fiber, high-power, low-noise amplifier system seeded by an all-normal-dispersion-mode-locked Ybdoped fiber laser oscillator. Up to 10.6 W of average power is obtained at a repetition rate of 43 MHz with diffractionlimited beam quality. Amplified pulses are dechirped to sub-160-fs duration in a grating compressor. It is to our knowledge the first high-power source of femtosecond pulses with completely fiber-integrated amplification comprising commercially available components. Longterm stability is excellent. Short-term stability is characterized and an integrated laser intensity noise of <0.2% is reported. We also conclude that all-normal dispersion fiber oscillators are low-noise sources, suitable as seed for fiber amplifiers. Detailed numerical modeling of both pulse generation in the oscillator and propagation in the amplifier provide very good agreement with the experiments and allow us to identify its limitations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------240 Author(s): Luo, ZQ (Luo, Zhengqian); Zhong, WD (Zhong, Wen-De); Tang, M (Tang, Ming); Cai, ZP (Cai, Zhiping); Ye, C (Ye, Chenchun); Xiao, XS (Xiao, Xiaosheng) Title: Fiber-optic parametric amplifier and oscillator based on intracavity parametric pump technique Source: OPTICS LETTERS, 34 (2): 214-216 JAN 15 2009 Abstract: A cost-effective fiber optical parametric amplifier (FOPA) based on the laser intracavity pump technique has been proposed and demonstrated experimentally. The parametric process is realized by inserting a 1 km highly nonlinear dispersion-shifted fiber (HNL-DSF) into a fiber ring-laser cavity that consists of a high-power erbium-doped fiber (EDF) amplifier and two highly reflective fiber Bragg gratings. Compared with the conventional parametric pump schemes, the proposed pumping technique is free from a tunable semiconductor laser as the pump source and also the pump phase modulation. When the oscillating power of 530 mW in the EDF laser cavity is achieved to pump the HNL-DSF, a peak parametric gain of 27.5 dB and a net gain over 45 nm are obtained. Moreover, a widely tunable fiber-optic parametric oscillator is further developed using the FOPA as a gain medium. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------241 Author(s): Onodera, N (Onodera, Noriaki); Tsuji, K (Tsuji, Kenichiro); Oiwa, M (Oiwa, Masaki); Minami, S (Minami, Syunsuke); Saruwatari, M (Saruwatari, Masatoshi) Title: Picosecond optical switching of a 1.5 mu m active birefringent optical fiber loop filter using 1.3 mu m control optical pulses and a 1.3 mu m semiconductor optical amplifier Source: OPTICAL REVIEW, 16 (1): 22-25 JAN 2009 Abstract: Less than 100ps, polarization-independent switching operation of an active birefringent optical fiber loop filter using 1.3 mu m control optical pulses as well as a 1.3 mu m semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) has been demonstrated. In the proposed SOA-based active birefringent filter operating at 1.55 mu m wavelength, 1.3 mu m SOA is employed to control the polarization-mode dispersion in the loop part. By injecting 1.3 mu m ps gain-switched optical control pulses into the SOA, 1.5 mu m input signals can be switched from the transmission port to the reflection port with less than 100 ps rise time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------242 Author(s): Liu, BW (Liu, B. -W); Hu, ML (Hu, M. -L.); Fang, XH (Fang, X. -H.); Wu, YZ (Wu, Y. -Z); Song, YJ (Song, Y-J.); Chai, L (Chai, L.); Wang, CY (Wang, C-Y); Zheltikov, AM (Zheltikov, A. M.) Title: High-power wavelength-tunable photonic-crystal-fiber-based oscillator-amplifier-frequency-shifter femtosecond laser system and its applications for material microprocessing 最新文献报导 53 XIOPM latest Documents Report Source: LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, 6 (1): 44-48 JAN 2009 Abstract: A high-power wavelength-tunable femtosecond fiber laser source is developed based on photonic-crystal fiber technology. Laser ocillator and amplifier stages in this system employ diode-pumped ytteribum-doped singlepolarization large-mode-area photonic-crystal fibers in a stretcher-free configuration, delivering laser pulses with an average power of 10.4 W, a pulse width of 52 fs, and a peak power of 4 MW at a repetition rate of 50 MHz after pulse compression. Nonlinear transformation of such laser pulse in a highly nonlinear photonic-crystal fiber yields light pulses smoothly tunable within the range of wavelengths from 1.0 to 1.4 mu m and allows the generation of supercontinuum stretching from 450 to at least 1750 nm. We report experiments on silicon microprocessing and chromium nanofilm pattering at a high repetition rate, demonstrating the potential of the developed fiber-laser source for fast micromachining, micro-fabrication and microprocessing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------243 Author(s): Yeh, CH (Yeh, C. H.); Shih, FY (Shih, F. Y.); Wen, S (Wen, S.); Chow, CW (Chow, C. W.); Chi, S (Chi, S.) Title: Using C-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier with two-ring scheme for broadly wavelength-tuning fiber ring laser Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 282 (4): 546-549 FEB 15 2009 Abstract: In this demonstration, we propose and experimentally investigate a broad and stable wavelength-tuning fiber laser employing a C-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) and coupled-ring cavity scheme. Based on the proposed laser scheme, the wavelength-tuning range can be tuned in S- to C-bands (from 1510.0 to 1562.0 nm) due to the properly control of cavity loss. In addition, the performances of side-mode suppression ratio (SMSR), optical signal to noise ratio (OSNR), and output power and wavelength are also discussed and analyzed over the wavelength-tuning range. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V, All rights reserved. Optic Communication 244 Author(s): Zhang, B (Zhang, Bo); Yan, LS (Yan, Lianshan); Zhang, L (Zhang, Lin); Willner, AE (Willner, Alan E.) Title: Multichannel SBS Slow Light Using Spectrally Sliced Incoherent Pumping Source: JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 26 (21-24): 3763-3769 NOV-DEC 2008 Abstract: We propose and experimentally demonstrate the use of an incoherent spectrally sliced amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) source as the pump for broadband stimulated Brillouin scattering-based slow light. Both 2.5-Gb/s on-off-keyed and differential-phase-shift-keyed signals are continuously delayed by as much as 170 ps, with less than 4-dB power penalty at 10(-9) bit error rate. A 2-GHz and a 4-GHz spectrally sliced pump are compared, emphasizing the need of optimizing the slow-light spectral-width according to the signal bandwidth. Furthermore, independent and simultaneous delay on multiple data channels with different modulation formats; within a single slow-light medium is proposed and experimentally demonstrated by using a periodically spectrally sliced ASE source. Our approach might be useful in future heterogeneous multiformat, multibit-rate, and multichannel fiber-optic communication systems and networks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------245 Author(s): Mehrani, E (Mehrani, Ebrahim); Ayoub, A (Ayoub, Ashraf); Ayoub, A (Ayoub, Amir) Title: Evaluation of fiber optic sensors for remote health monitoring of bridge structures Source: MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 42 (2): 183-199 MAR 2009 Abstract: Health monitoring of civil infrastructure systems has recently emerged as a powerful tool for condition assessment of structural performance. With the widespread use of modern telecommunication technologies, structures could be monitored periodically from a central station located several miles away from the field. Sensors are placed at several critical locations along the structure, and send structural information to the central station. This remote capability allows immediate damage detection, so that necessary actions that ensure public safety are taken. The goal of this research work is to evaluate the use of Fiber Optic sensing technology as a tool for structural health monitoring. To perform this task, a case study involving installation of Fiber Optic Sensors on a selected bridge structure during its construction phase was conducted. The bridge is located in the state of Florida, USA and is considered the first smart structure in this state. Static and Dynamic testing of the bridge were performed using loaded SU4 trucks. A 3-dimensional analytical finite element model of the bridge was developed and its results were compared to the test data. The study confirmed the accuracy of the sensors in estimating the bridge behavior under heavy truck loads. In addition, the sensors were connected to a data acquisition system permanently installed on-site. The acquisition system could be accessed through 最新文献报导 54 XIOPM latest Documents Report remote communication, which permits the evaluation of the bridge behavior under live traffic loads. Currently, live structural data under traffic loading is being transmitted continuously to the central maintenance office. The study revealed that the proposed health monitoring technology will enable practical, cost-effective, and reliable maintenance of bridge structures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------246 Author(s): Kobayashi, NP (Kobayashi, Nobuhiko P.) Title: Nanometer-scale photonic passive and active components for future communications - art. no. 021765 Source: JOURNAL OF NANOPHOTONICS, 2: 21765-21765 2008 Abstract: The advancement of enabling photonic components developed for fiber-optic communication systems began nearly forty years ago while advantages of using light-wave communication in computing systems have been discussed for several decades. Following the history of microelectronics, the size of required photonic components for future communication systems will certainly need to be scaled down dramatically along a route of exploring higher system performance. The concept of photonic bandgap crystals has been around more than two decades. A line-defect within a two-dimensional photonic bandgap crystal provides efficient spatial confinement of light, which is a building block of a variety of routing and processing schemes of light. In contrast, silicon in the form of complementary metal semiconductor oxide (CMOS) platform has been a core in microelectronics. Silicon nanophotonics that allow CMOS platforms to handle light, thus, would offer a wide range of photonic functions that are required for CMOS platforms to further progress. While the photonic bandgap crystal and silicon nanophotonics are still subject to the diffraction limit of light, photonic devices that use surface plasmon polaritons and / or energy transfer mechanisms relying upon optical near-field interactions would pave the road toward ultimate photonic integration beyond the diffraction limit of light. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------247 Author(s): Andrew, PN (Andrew, Putilin N.) Title: 2-D FOCON arrays and their application in displays and planar illuminators Source: JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, 16 (8): 819-823 AUG 2008 Abstract: Focusing cones (FOCON) have been designed for fiber-optic communication systems as coupling devices. The main aim of these couplers is to match the spatial distribution of the light source or photodetector with the aperture configuration of light-guiding modes of the optical fibers. In this paper, the application of a 2-D array of FOCONs for collimating large-sized optical beams in display devices is proposed. The design of a light-efficient illumination unit for LCDs that can operate in the reflection mode as a backlight has been demonstrated. The approach proposed is based on the spatial separation of the light propagation in a FOCON array for reflected beams and light that comes from the backlight unit. The application of a FOCON array in backlight units and antiglare coatings has been demonstrated. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------248 Author(s): Lee, DH (Lee, Dong-Hoon); Kim, SK (Kim, Seung Kwan); Park, SN (Park, Seung-Nam); Park, HS (Park, Hee Su); Lee, JY (Lee, Jae Yong); Choi, SK (Choi, Sang-Kyung) Title: Continuous-wave 532 nm pumped MgO:PPLN optical parametric oscillator with external power regulation and spatial mode filtering Source: APPLIED OPTICS, 48 (1): 37-42 JAN 1 2009 Abstract: We report a continuous-wave (CW) optical parametric oscillator (OPO) based on a MgO-doped periodically poled LiNbO3 (MgO:PPLN) crystal. The 532 nm pump generates coherent radiation that is tunable from 800 to 920 nm for the signal and from 1250 to 1580 nm for the idler, respectively. The OPO output power exhibits a slowly varying instability that we attribute to a thermal effect induced by the pump. This instability is truncated by means of a low-pass servo that includes a single-mode fiber that filters the beam into a single spatial mode. The resulting output characteristics are promising for radiometric applications in the near infrared including most fiber-optic communication bands. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------249 Author(s): Karimi, M (Karimi, Mahdi); Nasiri-Kenari, M (Nasiri-Kenari, M.) Title: An Internally Coded TH/OCDMA Scheme for Fiber Optic Communication Systems and its Performance Analysis-Part II: Using Frame Time Hopping Code Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, 57 (1): 50-55 JAN 2009 Abstract: In Part I a new internally coded time hoping optical code division multiple access (TH/OCDMA) scheme for fiber optic communication systems has been proposed and its multiple access performance has been evaluated using optical 最新文献报导 55 XIOPM latest Documents Report orthogonal code (OOC). Due to low cardinality of OOCs with a correlation value of 1, the capability of the proposed scheme could not be utilized effectively for an increasing number of simultaneous users. In this part, we consider applying the internally coded technique introduced in part one to the frame time hopping/OCDMA scheme. We evaluate the multiple access performance of the system for the three detectors introduced in Part I. Our results demonstrate the capability of the internally coded TH/CDMA scheme to substantially increase the maximum number of simultaneous users when using FTH codes instead of OOCs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------250 Author(s): Tabataba, FS (Tabataba, F. S.); Nasiri-Kenari, M (Nasiri-Kenari, M.) Title: Internally coded time-hopping coherent ultra-short light pulse code division multiple access scheme with optical amplifier and its performance analysis using additive noise model Source: IET COMMUNICATIONS, 3 (1): 75-82 JAN 2009 Abstract: The internally coded time-hopping coherent ultra-short light pulse code division multiple access (CULP CDMA) scheme (recently introduced) with an optical amplifier is described and its performance in fibre-optic communication systems is analysed. In accordance with the important role of optical amplifiers in optical communication systems, a preamplifier at the input of the receiver is used in order to compensate the losses because of the spectral encoder, spectral decoder and optical fibre path. The authors evaluate the bit error rate of the system considering the effects of the multiple access interference, noise because of the optical amplifier and thermal noise using saddle point approximation, and compare the results with those of the conventional CULP CDMA system with and without an amplifier. The numerical results indicate a substantial improvement in the performance of the coded system in comparison with the uncoded one. In addition, the negative effect of amplifier noise in the proposed scheme is much less than that of the conventional CULP CDMA system. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------251 Author(s): Diaz, S (Diaz, Silvia); Abad, S (Abad, Silvia); Lopez-Amo, M (Lopez-Amo, Manuel) Title: Fiber-optic sensor active networking with distributed erbium-doped fiber and Raman amplification Source: LASER & PHOTONICS REVIEWS, 2 (6): 480-497 DEC 2008 Abstract: This work is meant to provide a review of different multiplexing topologies employing distributed erbium-doped fiber and Raman amplification to solve the problem of power-loss compensation in fiber-optic sensor (FOS) networks. This is a key parameter in large multiplexing networks. particularly when employing intensity-modulated sensors. These topologies are Studied both theoretically and experimentally, and a comparative analysis is carried out between them. The main parameters considered in the analysis are power budget, optical signal-to-noise ratios, scalability and architecture complexity. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------252 Author(s): Murshid, SH (Murshid, Syed H.); Chakravarty, A (Chakravarty, Abhijit) Title: Experimental results from copropagating analog channels of same wavelength over 600-meter-long standard step index multimode fiber - art. no. 105002 Source: OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 47 (10): 5002-5002 OCT 2008 Abstract: Spatial domain multiplexing is a new dimension in fiber optic multiplexing with the potential to greatly increase the data-carrying capacity of optical fiber communication systems. Spatially multiplexed channels follow helical paths inside the fiber and do not interfere with each other as optical energy from individual channels is distributed in the radial direction at different distances from the origin of the fiber. The resultant output appears as concentric circles when projected on a screen. The experimental setup and results for two spatially modulated analog channels of the same wavelength over approximately 600 m of standard 62.5/125-mu m multimode fiber, using 635-nm pigtail laser sources and 30-MHz sinusoidal modulation, are reported here. (C) 2008 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [DOI: 10.1117/1.3001790] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------253 Author(s): Blanche, PA (Blanche, Pierre-Alexandre); Tay, S (Tay, Savas); Voorakaranam, R (Voorakaranam, Ram); Saint-Hilaire, P (Saint-Hilaire, Pierre); Christenson, C (Christenson, Cory); Gu, T (Gu, Tao); Lin, W (Lin, Weiping); Flores, D (Flores, Donald); Wang, P (Wang, Peng); Yamamoto, M (Yamamoto, Michiharu); Thomas, J (Thomas, Jayan); Norwood, RA (Norwood, Robert A.); Peyghambarian, N (Peyghambarian, Nasser) Title: An Updatable Holographic Display for 3D Visualization Source: JOURNAL OF DISPLAY TECHNOLOGY, 4 (4): 424-430 DEC 2008 Abstract: 最新文献报导 56 XIOPM latest Documents Report Among the various methods to produce three-dimensional (31)) images, holography occupies a special niche. Indeed, holograms provide highly realistic 3D images with a large viewing angle capability without the need for special eyewear. Such characteristics make them valuable tools for a wide range of applications such as medical, industrial, military, and entertainment imaging. To be suitable for an updatable holographic display, a material needs to have a high diffraction efficiency, fast writing time, hours of image persistence, capability for rapid erasure, and the potential for large display area-a combination of properties that has not been realized before. Currently, there exist several media for recording holograms like photopolymers, silver halide films or dichromated gelatin, to name a few. However, in all of these media, the image is permanently written and cannot be refreshed. There also exist dynamic 3D display systems based on acousto-optic materials, liquid-crystals or microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), however they rely on massive wavefront computations that limit their image size capability. Inorganic crystals for hologram recording such as photorefractive crystals are extremely difficult to grow to larger than a few cubic centimeters in volume. Photorefractive polymers are dynamic holographic recording materials that allow for updating of images. They have been investigated over the last decade and have a wide range of applications including optical correlation, imaging through scattering media, and optical communication. Here, we report the details of the achievement of the first updatable holographic 3D display based on photorefractive polymers. With a 4 x 4 in(2) size, this is the largest photorefractive 3D display to date and is capable of recording and displaying new images every few minutes. The holograms can be viewed for several hours without the need for refreshing, and can be completely erased and updated whenever desired. Large Aperture Mirror 254 Author(s): Haque, MM (Haque, Md. Monirul); Yamada, H (Yamada, Hironari); Moon, A (Moon, Ahsa); Yamada, M (Yamada, Mami) Title: Performance of the far-IR beamline of the 6 MeV tabletop synchrotron light source Source: JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION, 16: 299-306 Part 2 MAR 2009 Abstract: The performance of the far-infrared (FIR) beamline of the 6 MeV tabletop synchrotron light source MIRRORCLE-6FIR dedicated to far-infrared spectroscopy is presented. MIRRORCLE-6FIR is equipped with a perfectly circular optical system (PhSR) placed around the 1 m-long circumference electron orbit. To illustrate the facility of this light source, the FIR output as well as its spectra were measured. The optimum optical system was designed by using the ray-tracing simulation code ZEMAX. The measured FIR intensity with the PhSR in place is about five times higher than that without the PhSR, which is in good agreement with the simulation results. The MIRRORCLE-6FIR spectral flux is compared with a standard thermal source and is found to be 1000 times greater than that from a typical thermal source at similar to 15 cm(-1). It is also observed that the MIRRORCLE-6FIR radiation has a highly coherent nature. The broadband infrared allows the facility to reach the spectral range from 10 cm(-1) to 100 cm(-1). MIRRORCLE-6FIR, owing to a large beam current, the PhSR mirror system, a large dynamic aperture and small ring energy, can deliver a bright flux of photons in the FIR/THz region useful for broadband spectroscopy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------255 Author(s): Labeyrie, A (Labeyrie, Antoine); Le Coroller, H (Le Coroller, Herve); Dejonghe, J (Dejonghe, Julien); Lardiere, O (Lardiere, Olivier); Aime, C (Aime, Claude); Dohlen, K (Dohlen, Kjetil); Mourard, D (Mourard, Denis); Lyon, R (Lyon, Richard); Carpenter, KG (Carpenter, Kenneth G.) Title: Luciola hypertelescope space observatory: versatile, upgradable high-resolution imaging, from stars to deep-field cosmology Source: EXPERIMENTAL ASTRONOMY, 23 (1): 463-490 MAR 2009 Abstract: Luciola is a large (1 km) "multi-aperture densified-pupil imaging interferometer", or "hypertelescope" employing many small apertures, rather than a few large ones, for obtaining direct snapshot images with a high information content. A diluted collector mirror, deployed in space as a flotilla of small mirrors, focuses a sky image which is exploited by several beam-combiner spaceships. Each contains a "pupil densifier" micro-lens array to avoid the diffractive spread and image attenuation caused by the small sub-apertures. The elucidation of hypertelescope imaging properties during the last decade has shown that many small apertures tend to be far more efficient, regarding the science yield, than a few large ones providing a comparable collecting area. For similar underlying physical reasons, radio-astronomy has also evolved in the direction of many-antenna systems such as the proposed Low Frequency Array having "hundreds of thousands of individual receivers". With its high limiting magnitude, reaching the m (v) = 30 limit of HST when 100 collectors of 25 cm will match its collecting area, high-resolution direct imaging in multiple channels, broad spectral coverage from the 1,200 A... ultra-violet to the 20 mu m infra-red, apodization, coronagraphic and spectroscopic capabilities, the proposed hypertelescope observatory addresses very broad and innovative science covering different 最新文献报导 57 XIOPM latest Documents Report areas of ESA's Cosmic Vision program. In the initial phase, a focal spacecraft covering the UV to near IR spectral range of EMCCD photon-counting cameras (currently 200 to 1,000 nm), will image details on the surface of many stars, as well as their environment, including multiple stars and clusters. Spectra will be obtained for each resel. It will also image neutron star, black-hole and micro-quasar candidates, as well as active galactic nuclei, quasars, gravitational lenses, and other Cosmic Vision targets observable with the initial modest crowding limit. With subsequent upgrade missions, the spectral coverage can be extended from 120 nm to 20 mu m, using four detectors carried by two to four focal spacecraft. The number of collector mirrors in the flotilla can also be increased from 12 to 100 and possibly 1,000. The imaging and spectroscopy of habitable exoplanets in the mid infra-red then becomes feasible once the collecting area reaches 6 m(2), using a specialized mid infra-red focal spacecraft. Calculations (Boccaletti et al., Icarus 145, 628636, 2000) have shown that hypertelescope coronagraphy has unequalled sensitivity for detecting, at mid infra-red wavelengths, faint exoplanets within the exo-zodiacal glare. Later upgrades will enable the more difficult imaging and spectroscopy of these faint objects at visible wavelengths, using refined techniques of adaptive coronagraphy (Labeyrie and Le Coroller 2004). Together, the infra-red and visible spectral data carry rich information on the possible presence of life. The close environment of the central black-hole in the Milky Way will be imageable with unprecedented detail in the near infra-red. Cosmological imaging of remote galaxies at the limit of the known universe is also expected, from the ultra-violet to the near infra-red, following the first upgrade, and with greatly increasing sensitivity through successive upgrades. These areas will indeed greatly benefit from the upgrades, in terms of dynamic range, limiting complexity of the objects to be imaged, size of the elementary "Direct Imaging Field", and limiting magnitude, approaching that of an 8-m space telescope when 1,000apertures of 25 cm are installed. Similar gains will occur for addressing fundamental problems in physics and cosmology, particularly when observing neutron stars and black holes, single or binary, including the giant black holes, with accretion disks and jets, in active galactic nuclei beyond the Milky Way. Gravitational lensing and micro-lensing patterns, including time-variable patterns and perhaps millisecond lensing flashes which may be beamed by diffraction from sub-stellar masses at sub-parsec distances (Labeyrie, Astron Astrophys 284, 689, 1994), will also be observable initially in the favourable cases, and upgrades will greatly improve the number of observable objects. The observability of gravitational waves emitted by binary lensing masses, in the form of modulated lensing patterns, is a debated issue (Ragazzoni et al., MNRAS 345, 100-110, 2003) but will also become addressable observationally. The technology readiness of Luciola approaches levels where low-orbit testing and stepwise implementation will become feasible in the 2015-2025 time frame. For the following decades beyond 2020, once accurate formation flying techniques will be mastered, much larger hypertelescopes such as the proposed 100 km Exo-Earth Imager and the 100,000 km Neutron Star Imager should also become feasible. Luciola is therefore also seen as a precursor toward such very powerful instruments. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------256 Author(s): Wu, F (Wu Feng); Wu, QY (Wu Quanying); Qian, L (Qian Lin) Title: Analysis of the characteristics of the Golay3 multiple-mirror telescope Source: APPLIED OPTICS, 48 (3): 643-652 JAN 20 2009 Abstract: The sparse aperture system gives a novel solution for the design of large telescopes with high angular resolution. Such systems utilize several smaller subapertures to simulate the full aperture but are more promising by virtue of their lighter weight and lower cost. Multiple-mirror telescopes (MMTs) and multiple-telescope telescopes (MTTs) are two types of sparse aperture systems. Here, the entrance pupil characteristics are derived for the Golay 3 MMT by studying the relationships between the submirrors on the primary mirror and the shapes of the subapertures on the entrance pupil with different relative apertures and conic constants of the primary mirror of the Golay 3 MMT Overlay and efficiency factors are proposed in order to obtain the optimal fill factor on the entrance pupil. Expressions for the point spread function (PSF) and the modulation transfer function (MTF) of the Golay 3 MMT are deduced, and the characteristics of the PSF and MTF are explored based on the derived equations and Matlab simulation. Designs for two Cassegrain telescopes with the Golay3 configuration have been developed. Based on the relationships between the fill factor and the overlay factor, optimal parameters for the submirrors on the primary mirror can be selected. The PSF and MTF for both Cassegrain MMT designs have been obtained by Zemax simulation to prove that our theoretical results are consistent with those of practical simulation. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------257 Author(s): Cheng, AF (Cheng, A. F.); Weaver, HA (Weaver, H. A.); Conard, SJ (Conard, S. J.); Morgan, MF (Morgan, M. F.); Barnouin-Jha, O (Barnouin-Jha, O.); Boldt, JD (Boldt, J. D.); Cooper, KA (Cooper, K. A.); Darlington, EH (Darlington, E. H.); Grey, MP (Grey, M. P.); Hayes, JR (Hayes, J. R.); Kosakowski, KE (Kosakowski, K. E.); Magee, T (Magee, T.); Rossano, E (Rossano, E.); Sampath, D (Sampath, D.); Schlemm, C (Schlemm, C.); Taylor, HW (Taylor, H. W.) Title: Long-Range Reconnaissance Imager on New Horizons 最新文献报导 58 XIOPM latest Documents Report Source: SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS, 140 (1-4): 189-215 OCT 2008 Abstract: The LOng-Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) is the high-resolution imaging instrument for the New Horizons mission to Pluto, its giant satellite Charon, its small moons Nix and Hydra, and the Kuiper Belt, which is the vast region of icy bodies extending roughly from Neptune's orbit out to 50 astronomical units (AU). New Horizons launched on January 19, 2006, as the inaugural mission in NASA's New Frontiers program. LORRI is a narrow-angle (field of view=0.29 degrees), high-resolution (4.95 mu rad pixels), Ritchey-Chretien telescope with a 20.8-cm diameter primary mirror, a focal length of 263 cm, and a three-lens, field-flattening assembly. A 1,024 x 1,024 pixel (optically active region), thinned, backside-illuminated charge-coupled device (CCD) detector is used in the focal plane unit and is operated in frame-transfer mode. LORRI provides panchromatic imaging over a bandpass that extends approximately from 350 nm to 850 nm. LORRI operates in an extreme thermal environment, situated inside the warm spacecraft with a large, open aperture viewing cold space. LORRI has a silicon carbide optical system, designed to maintain focus over the operating temperature range without a focus adjustment mechanism. Moreover, the spacecraft is thruster-stabilized without reaction wheels, placing stringent limits on the available exposure time and the optical throughput needed to satisfy the measurement requirements. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------258 Author(s): Zhao, XX (Zhao, Xiaoxia); Xie, YJ (Xie, Yongjun); Zhao, W (Zhao, Wei) Title: Broadband and wide field of view foveated imaging system in space - art. no. 103202 Source: OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 47 (10): 3202-3202 OCT 2008 Abstract: A new kind of optical remote camera with wide field of view in space is presented, which can work in broad wave bands with all-reflective optical systems. Microelectromechanical system deformable mirrors create a variety of image quality across the entire field of view and dynamically correct all the geometrical aberrations at any field angle. After correction, the performance of the system is close to the diffraction limit. The off-axis optical system with three mirrors is introduced to simplify and miniaturize the optical system. The variable resolution is used to reduce the difficulty of the high-resolution large-aperture reflective system and to minimize the bandwidth requirements for data transmission. (C) 2008 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [DOI: 10.1117/1.3000432] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------259 Author(s): Liu, F (Liu, Fei); Geary, JM (Geary, Joseph M.) Title: Novel method for measuring the spectral transmission of a photographic lens - art. no. 113602 Source: OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 47 (11): 13602-13602 NOV 2008 Abstract: We present a new approach of measuring the spectral transmission ratio of a lens under test (LUT). Three auxiliary optics are used to perform this test, including one focusing lens, one small prism, and one reflecting mirror, whose transmission or reflection properties need not be known. This method is able to measure the lens transmission ratio over the entire visible spectrum range, and covers a large portion of the lens pupil aperture. (C) 2008 Society of PhotoOptical Instrumentation Engineers. [DOI: 10.1117/1.3026107] 最新文献报导 59