From: Regents Review Live

From: Regents Review Live
Susan Hamilton
General Review
1. The French Revolution inspired revolutions in what other region? Latin America
2. What governmental system emerged throughout Western Europe after the fall of Rome ?
3. List two ways Japan has sought to compensate for its lack of raw materials and
resources throughout history. Imperialism and industrialization.
4. What were the MAIN cause of WWI? Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism
5. With which time period do you associate with humanism? The Renaissance
6. What were the goals of the Congress of Vienna? Restore the balance of power in Europe
after Napoleon, restore monarchies to Europe.
7. What is the goal of OPEC? Control the supply and cost of oil.
8. What was the goal of NAFTA? North American Free Trade—make trade easier among
US, Mexico and Canada
9. What empire, made up of the eastern half of the Roman empire , retained Greco-Roman
culture and influenced Russian religion? Byzantine
10. What were the students calling for in Tiananmen Square in 1989? More democracy in
11. Korea served as a land bridge between which two nations allowing for cultural diffusion
between the two? China and Japan
12. What does Islamic fundamentalism mean? Strong belief in Islam and a desire to have a
theocratic form of government.
13. According to Buddhist philosophy, what is the source of all suffering? World desires
14. What three things did Lenin promise the people of Russia in 1917? Peace, bread and
15. Why was the Shah of Iran overthrown by Ayatollah Khomeini? Islamic fundamentalists
did not approve of his westernization of Iran.
16. What was the effect of the Protestant Reformation? It ended religious unity in Europe.
17. What are the Five Pillars of Islam? There is no god but God, Muhammad is the
messenger of God, prayer, giving charity to the poor, fasting during the month of
Ramadan, pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj).
18. What was the situation in Germany that allowed for the rise of Hitler? Treaty of Versailles
required Germany to pay reparations and take all blame for causing WWI; they were not
allowed to have a military, severe economic problems and high unemployment.
Global History and Geography
Strategies for Multiple Choices Questions
Positive/Negative: (REVIEW WORKSHEET ON THE RRL WEBSITE) first determine whether the
question is looking for a positive or a negative answer.
Example: Which basic belief characterized the totalitarian governments of Joseph Stalin and
Saddam Hussein?
1. Nations must have written constitutions
2. All religions are accepted
3. The needs of the state are more important than individual rights
4. Representatives of the people make the laws
Go With What You Know: Look for clues within the question that you know something about.
Examples: King Louis XIV of France, Peter the Great of Russia and Suleiman the Magnificent of
the Ottoman Empire were all considered absolute rulers because they…
broke from the Roman Catholic Church
helped feudal lords build secure castles
instituted programs that provided more power to their parliaments
determined government policies without consent of the people
Zheng He contributed to the prosperity of China under the Ming dynasty by
defeating the Manchu invaders
constructing the Great Wall along the northern frontier
expanding trade with nations of Asia and Africa
adopting the policy of isolation
Archaeological studies of the Indus Valley cities of Harrapa and Mohenjo-Daro show evidence of
dynastic rule
social equality
urban planning
Global History and Geography
Positive/ Negative/ Success/ Failure
Directions: Decide if the following are positive or negative OR a success or a failure, some may
be both. Explain your answer.
Example: Fascism: negative, the totalitarian aggressive government of Hitler and Mussolini.
1. Roman law: positive-12 Tables-written laws to follow
2. Meiji Restoration: success-Japan westernized and modernized
3. Cultural Revolution: failure, in China, included censorship
4. Boxer Rebellion: failure of the Boxers in China to get rid of foreign influence
5. One-child policy: Success in China to limit population growth
6. Camp David Accords: success-Peace between Egypt and Israel
7. Sepoy Mutiny: failure-Sepoys in India rebelled; it was the first step towards Indian
independence, but resulted in more restrictions
8. Great Leap Forward: failure-really a great step backward—China did not meet the needs
of its people.
9. Magna Carta: positive—first document to limit government in Great Britain
10. Glorious Revolution: positive-William and Mary of England became king and queen after
agreeing to abide by the English Bill of Rights.
11. Industrial Revolution: initially negative because of poor working conditions and pollution;
however ultimately resulted in a stronger middle class
12. Renaissance: positive-rebirth of arts-focus now on individual acheivements
13. Enlightenment: positive-change in the way people thought about government-power is
derived from the people (consent of the governed); people have natural rights (life, liberty
and property), and power should not be absolute (separation of powers)
14. Tiananmen Square : failure-Chinese students in 1989 protested and wanted more
15. Caste system: negative; strict social class system in India; was outlawed
16. Stalin: negative; totalitarian ruler of the Soviet Union; censorship, violence and torture
used to control Soviets. More than 20 million were killed.
17. Ethnic cleansing: negative-genocide-killing a people of a certain ethnic background
18. Deforestation: negative-loss of forests for other uses
19. Containment: during the Cold War, an attempt to stop the spread of Communism
20. Boxer Rebellion:
21. Totalitarianism:
22. Treaty of Versailles : failure-helped lead to WWII
23. Berlin Conference: negative-control of Africa was carved up by Europeans
24. Apartheid: negative-legal , expreme, segregation in South Africa
25. Byzantine Empire : positive; preserved Greek and Roman culture
26. Glasnost:positive-Gorbachev’s new policy of openness in the Soviet Union
27. Taliban: negative-radical terrorist group
28. Imperialism: negative-takeover of weaker country by a stronger nation for their natural
resources and new markets
29. Pol Pot: negative-led the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia-destroyed western influences and
slaughtered millions of Cambodians
30. Monsoons: seasonal wind in India that brings hot, dry weather in the winter and heavy
rain in the summer
Global History and Geography
Key Vocabulary
Identify the vocabulary word associated with the following definitions:
1. Policy of mass murder of a particular group: genocide
2. An economic system in which the government makes all economic decisions: command
3. Irrational hatred of Jews: anti-Semite
4. Granting concessions to an aggressor to avoid a conflict: appeasement
5. A movement to create a Jewish homeland: Zionism
6. U.S. Cold War policy of preventing Soviet power and influence from spreading to noncommunist nations: containment
7. The policy of racial segregation and legal discrimination against non-whites in South
Africa : apartheid
8. A foreign policy during the Cold War in which developing nations did not take sides with
either the US or the USSR ( India , for example): nonalignment
9. Mass migration to the city: urbanization
10. An economic policy in which a government does not become involved in business affairs:
11. The easing of Cold War tensions between the US and USSR : detente
12. The system in which land and labor was granted to Spanish settlers in the Americas :
econmienda system
13. Domination by one country over another country or region: imperialism
14. Economic system in which nations develop a favorable balance of trade by exporting
more than importing: mercantilism
15. Belief in one god: monotheism
16. Devotion to your nation, especially its independence: nationalism
17. Gorbachev’s policy of restructuring the Soviet economy;perestroika
18. Gorbachev’s policy of openness that allowed free expression: glasnost
19. A refusal to obey unjust laws: civil disobedience
20. The ability of a nation to chose its own type of government: self-determination
Global History and Geography
Word Association
Directions: Using word association, write the thing, event or person to which each group of words
Example: 1789, Reign of Terror, Louis XVI, estates, guillotine, Robespierre: FRENCH
1. Britain , factory system, child labor, Marxist socialism: Industrial Revolution
2. Martin Luther, shatters religious unity in Europe , 95 Thesis: Protestant Reformation
3. Egypt recognized Israel , Sadat, Begin: Camp David Accords
4. Iron Curtain, Soviet satellite nations, tensions between US and USSR : cold war
5. Openness in Soviet Union, Gorbachev, ends communism in Eastern Europe : glasnost
6. Euro, common market, free trade in Europe : European Union
7. Eastern Orthodoxy, influenced Russia , Constantinople : Byzantine Empire
8. Land and labor system in Latin America , European rule: ecomienda system
9. Reason, natural law, challenged absolute monarchy: Enlightenment
10. Military alliance between democratic nations, post-WWII, Warsaw Pact: NATO
11. Hindu soldiers, put down by British, animal grease on guns, war of independence: Sepoy
12. Scramble for Africa , 1884, disregard for natives, European colonies: Berlin Conference
13. Anti-Semitism, Poland , Hitler, genocide: Holocaust
14. Permanent settlements, farming, domestication of animals: Neolithic Revolution
15. Mecca , Five Pillars of Wisdom, Middle East : Islam
16. Middle Passage, seeds of bitterness, encomienda system: Triangle trade-slave
17. South Africa , Mandela, segregation, ends in 1990: apartheid
18. Chinese, social order, filial piety, education: Confucius
19. The Prince, “ends justify the means”, absolute monarchies: Machiavelli
20. Vietnamese, nationalist, communist: Ho Chi Minh
21. Indian, nationalist, civil disobedience, Salt March, Homespun Movement: Gandhi
22. Chinese leader, 1949, communist, Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution: Mao
23. The Wealth of Nations, laissez-faire capitalism: Adam Smith
24. Cambodian leader, Khmer Rouge, genocide: Pol Pot
25. Iranian leader, ousted in 1979, pro-western: Shah of Iran
26. Cuban leader, communist, 1959: Fidel Castro
27. Chinese leader, communist, Tiananmen Square, market economy: Deng Xiaoping
28. French leader, nationalist, war, social equity: Napoleon
29. Holy wars, increased trade, cultural diffusion, rise of absolute monarchies: The Crusades
30. Manorialism, land, lords, vassals, three field system: Feudalism