Global History and Geography - ndhs-ss

Global History and Geography
General Review
1. The French Revolution inspired revolutions in what other region?
Latin America
2. What governmental system emerged throughout Western Europe after the fall of Rome ?
3. List two ways Japan has sought to compensate for its lack of raw materials and
resources throughout history.
Invading and Imperializing Korea and Manchuria
4. What were the MAIN causes of WWI?
Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism
5. With which time period do you associate with humanism?
6. What were the goals of the Congress of Vienna?
Restore Monarchies in Europe
7. What is OPEC?
Group of Oil Producing Countries in the Middle East, control the selling and prices of Oil
9. What empire, made up of the eastern half of the Roman empire, retained Greco-Roman
culture and influenced Russian religion?
The Byzantine Empire
10. What were the students calling for in Tiananmen Square in 1989?
End of communism and democracy in China
11. Korea served as a land bridge between which two nations allowing for cultural diffusion
between the two?
China and Japan
12. What does Islamic fundamentalism mean?
Believe in returning to the basic values of Islam and are against Western culture and values
13. What are the three monotheistic religions?
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam
14. What three things did Lenin promise the people of Russia in 1917?
Peace, Land and Bread
15. Why was the Shah of Iran overthrown by Ayatollah Khomeini?
He did not agree with the way the Shah was westernizing Iran.
16. What was the effect of the Protestant Reformation?
Decrease in power of the Catholic Church and the formation of new sects of Christianity.
17. What are the Five Pillars of Islam?
1. Only believe in Allah and his prophet Muhammad
2. Pray 5 times a day facing Mecca
3. Give to the Poor
4. Fast during Ramadan
5. Pilgrimage to Mecca
18. What was the situation in Germany that allowed for the rise of Hitler?
Economic Depression from losses in the Treaty of Versailles
19. What were the natural rights of all people that were established during the
Life, Liberty and Property
20. What happened at the Berlin Conference?
European countries carved up the continent of Africa.
Global History and Geography
Positive/ Negative/ Success/ Failure
Directions: Decide if the following are positive or negative OR a success or a failure, some may
be both. Explain your answer.
Example: Fascism: negative, the totalitarian aggressive government of Hitler and Mussolini.
1. Roman law:
2. Meiji Restoration:
3. Cultural Revolution:
4. Boxer Rebellion:
5. One-child policy:
6. Camp David Accords:
7. Sepoy Mutiny:
8. Great Leap Forward:
9. Magna Carta:
10. Glorious Revolution:
11. Industrial Revolution:
12. Renaissance:
13. Enlightenment:
14. Tiananmen Square :
15. Caste system:
16. Stalin:
17. Ethnic cleansing:
18. Deforestation:
19. Containment:
20. Boxer Rebellion:
21. Totalitarianism:
22. Treaty of Versailles :
23. Berlin Conference:
24. Apartheid:
25. Byzantine Empire :
26. Glasnost:
27. Taliban:
28. Imperialism:
29. Pol Pot:
30. Monsoons:
Global History and Geography
Key Vocabulary
Identify the vocabulary word associated with the following definitions:
1. Policy of mass murder of a particular group:
2. An economic system in which the government makes all economic decisions:
3. Irrational hatred of Jews:
Anti- Semitism
4. Granting concessions to an aggressor to avoid a conflict:
5. A movement to create a Jewish homeland
6. U.S. Cold War policy of preventing Soviet power and influence from spreading to noncommunist nations:
7. The policy of racial segregation and legal discrimination against non-whites in South
Africa :
8. A foreign policy during the Cold War in which developing nations did not take sides with
either the US or the USSR ( India , for example):
9. Mass movement of people into cities
10. An economic policy in which a government does not become involved in business affairs:
Laissez-Faire Economics
11. The easing of Cold War tensions between the US and USSR :
12. Domination by one country over another country or region:
13. Belief in one god:
14. When people began to settle and farm in a specific area.
Neolithic Revolution
15. The period of peace in Ancient Rome
Pax Romana
16. Devotion to your nation, especially its independence:
17. Gorbachev’s policy of restructuring the Soviet economy
18. Gorbachev’s policy of openness that allowed free expression:
19. A refusal to obey unjust laws:
Civil Disobedience
20. The Civilization that developed in the Andes Mountains and practiced terrace farming
Global History and Geography
Word Association
Directions: Using word association, write the thing, event or person to which each group of words
Example: 1789, Reign of Terror, Louis XVI, estates, guillotine, Robespierre: FRENCH
1. Britain , factory system, child labor, Marxist socialism:
Industrial Revolution
2. Martin Luther, shatters religious unity in Europe , 95 Thesis:
Protestant Reformation
3. Egypt recognized Israel , Sadat, Begin:
Camp David Accords
4. Iron Curtain, Soviet satellite nations, tensions between US and USSR :
Cold War
5. Openness in Soviet Union, Gorbachev, ends communism in Eastern Europe :
Fall of the Soviet Union
6. Euro, common market, free trade in Europe :
European Union
7. Eastern Orthodoxy, influenced Russia , Constantinople :
Byzantine Empire
8. Land and labor system in Latin America , European rule:
Encomienda System
9. Reason, natural law, challenged absolute monarchy:
Enlightenment, John Locke
10. Military alliance between democratic nations, post-WWII, Warsaw Pact:
NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
11. Hindu soldiers, put down by British, animal grease on guns, war of independence:
Sepoy Mutiny
12. Scramble for Africa , 1884, disregard for natives, European colonies:
Berlin Conference
13. Anti-Semitism, Poland , Hitler, genocide:
The Holocaust
14. Permanent settlements, farming, domestication of animals:
Neolithic Revolution
15. Mecca , Five Pillars of Wisdom, Middle East :
16. Middle Passage, seeds of bitterness, encomienda system:
Atlantic Slave Trade
17. South Africa , Mandela, segregation, ends in 1990:
18. Chinese, social order, filial piety, education:
19. The Prince, “ends justify the means”, absolute monarchies:
20. Vietnamese, nationalist, communist:
Ho Chi Minh
21. Indian, nationalist, civil disobedience, Salt March, Homespun Movement:
Mohandas Ghandi
22. Chinese leader, 1949, communist, Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution:
Mao Zedong
23. The Wealth of Nations, laissez-faire capitalism:
Adam Smith
26. Cuban leader, communist, 1959:
Fidel Castro
29. Holy wars, increased trade, cultural diffusion, rise of absolute monarchies:
30. Manorialism, land, lords, vassals, three field system:
Feudalism, Middle Ages