November 20th/21st: For Journal Entry #3 you should do the

November 20th/21st: For Journal Entry #3 you should do the following: Throughout the Great Depression there were
many photographs and stories that were recorded. Go to a search engine (Google, Bing, yahoo, etc.) Search for images
about the Great Depression. Choose one image. Then in your journal: include either a printout of your picture or a drawn
version of your image. Then, explain the story that your image is telling and the culture/life of the Great Depression (8
sentences). Due November 22nd (A day & 8th Period) & December 2nd (B day)
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1932 – 1944) didn’t take office until March 1933. The 20th Amendment to the
Constitution would change that date to January 20th. He didn’t have a concrete plan to end the depression but he
surrounded himself with leading intellectuals from academia as well as social activists like Perkins (the first woman
cabinet member who had previously been a settlement house worker). These people were known as his “Brain Trust”.
FDR’S 3 “R”s
3 “R”s Goals
Roosevelt’s New Deal
 During his campaign, Franklin Roosevelt had put forth a 15 measure
plan for restoring the economy called the _______________. Once he
was elected Congress passed all __________________
 The first measure was to shut down all ___________ and only allow
financially sound banks to reopen.
 In a series of ____________ chats FDR encouraged people to put money back into the
reopened banks.
 FDIC was established to insure deposits; in one month, $1,000,000,000 was deposited into
banks due to increased ____________________.
The First “Hundred Days” was when the banks closed for a “bank holiday”. The Emergency Banking Act:
Closed banks for four days and instituted the FDIC
Direct Relief for the Needy
 FDR then created the Federal Emergency Relief Administration and supplied them with
________________ for direct aid to the unemployed
 Half of the money was distributed to the states to establish work ________________, which
people often preferred to a simple handout
 The _____________________ Administration created jobs picking up litter and raking
leaves to provide jobs to some 4 million people.
 Young men were paid $30 a month working for the Civilian
Conservation Corps, often called the ___________.
The first part of the New Deal was to put people to work. The CCC employed young men (and a few women)
to work on road construction, flood control, and state parks.
AAA gave farmers direct payments or subsidies NOT to produce. This was later declared unconstitutional.
WPA put 8 million people to work on building bridges. They also hired artists and writers. This started the
Federal Writer’s Project and slave narrative collections.
Long Term Recovery Goals
 Although FDR saw relief efforts as short term remedies, he also
had a vision for the ________________ in a ‘long term’ sense.
 FDR created the Securities and Exchange __________________
to oversee the stock market. (SEC)
 The Public Works Administration began larger scale public works
projects including the building of public _________ and buildings.
 The Agricultural Adjustment Administration paid farmers to
reduce their __________, raising prices and making farming more
Racial Discrimination and the Depression
 The depression increased racial ______________ in the country, particularly in the South.
 Competition for jobs further slowed __________________ and Nativism continued as a
strong social issue.
 Although New Deal programs were offered to all races, often white and black workers were
___________________ and black wages were set lower
 FDR appointed more than 100 black leaders to posts in the federal ____________________.
His wife, Eleanor, was a known champion for ___________________.
 Congress passed the Indian Reorganization Act in 1933 to help tribes through the depression
African Americans weren’t devastated by the Great Depression like others were. “The negro was born in
depression. It didn’t mean that much to him. It only became official when it hit the white man”
2nd New Deal
 After Democrats increased their Congressional __________ in 1934, FDR was able to pass a
new series of long term economic ____________.
 The Works Progress Administration employed _______________ people that rebuilt
airports, public buildings, bridges and roads, as well as artists, musicians, and high school
 The _____________________ provided retirement accounts for workers over 65,
unemployment payments and money for the disabled.
Essential Vocabulary:
President F.D. Roosevelt: ________________________________________________________
The New Deal:________________________________________________________________