Application for Released Teaching (Released Time)
Laurie Morley
School or College
______ Date
Faculty Rank: _____Associate Professor_______________Years at EWU Currently in yr 4
Name of course to be revised:
Health & Fitness Program_________________________________________________
Select with a checkmark the support for which you are applying. (See a description of possible
combinations of support in the document entitled “Faculty Support for Teaching with Technology”
available on the Teaching & Learning Center web site at http://tlc.ewu.edu/title3facsupport.html.)
___ One quarter of Reduced Teaching to combine with one quarter of Title III Professional Leave
Reduced Teaching quarter: _________________________________________________
Quarter you will teach revised course: ________________________________________
Professional Leave quarter: _________________________________________________
___ One quarter of Reduced Teaching to combine with a Title III Summer Stipend
Reduced Teaching quarter: __________________________________________________
Quarter you will teach revised course: _________________________________________
Summer Stipend year: ______________________________________________________
__X_ Two quarters of Reduced Teaching
Reduced Teaching quarter: _Spring ‘04
Quarter you will teach revised course: _Summer ’04 (Pilot)
2nd Reduced Teaching quarter: Fall ‘04
___ One quarter of Reduced Teaching
Reduced Teaching quarter: ___________________________________________________
Briefly Describe the Technological Enhancements Planned for Your Revised Course During Your
Course Release
The primary reasons for implementing electronic portfolios into the Health & Fitness
program is two fold. The first involves the need to verify that our Health & Fitness
program is meeting the mandated Health & Fitness teacher education program standards
being handed down from the State Board of Education as specified in Chapter 180-82A
WAC. These standards will begin being enforced in the fall ’05. Secondly, our program
also seeks to obtain the National Association of Sport and Physical Education
(NASPE)/NCATE accreditation for our teacher education program by providing evidence
that our teacher candidates are demonstrating an acceptable level of performance relative
to each standard similar to those adapted by the State Board of Education.
Please initial to indicate that your teaching schedule will allow you to abide by the “Support Pattern” as
described in the document “Faculty Support for Teaching with Technology.” (The document is available on the
Teaching & Learning Center web site at http://tlc.ewu.edu/title3facsupport.html.) (Initial)___________________
Please initial to indicate you are aware that the Reduced Teaching award is contingent on your being
employed as a faculty member at EWU during the period of the award and that granting the award does
not imply that the University is committed to employing you during the period of the award or anytime in
the future. (Initial)___________
This Reduced Teaching proposal is being submitted in collaboration by Dr. Laurie
Morley, Department of Physical Education, Health & Recreation; and Dr. Linda Kieffer,
Department of Computer Science. This proposal is being submitted in hopes of soliciting
funding and release time for both faculty members to development a health & fitness
program electronic portfolio CD.
Overview of Programs
Health & Fitness Program
Mission Statement of the Physical Education, Health and Recreation Department
The Department of Physical Education, Health, and Recreation is committed to enhancing quality of life
through the promotion of wellness. Our mission is accomplished by educating students who are
professionally and academically prepared and dedicated to addressing the wellness of a diverse society in a
variety of environments. The Department will use a global approach to wellness while providing services
to the University and broader communities.
Description of Health & Fitness Major BAE program
The Health & Fitness BAE program prepares students to be certified to instruct health
and fitness (physical education) at the K-12 level. Currently, there are approximately 147
declared health & fitness majors.
Goals of the Health & Fitness Program (5 Year)
Enhancing Teaching Effectiveness & Curricula
To furnish a challenging academic environment that nurtures innovation and commitment
To provide students with the fundamental knowledge and skills essential for being
effective health & fitness instructors and coaches
To advise and mentor students effectively
To furnish continuing support structure for our graduates
To promote a safe and diversity-sensitive learning environment that respects the rights,
dignity, and well-being of all students, faculty, and staff
To ensure the delivery of a high quality academic program through systematic curriculum
review and development
To seek NASPE/NCATE accreditation
To promote an active learning environment utilizing emerging technologies
Related Objectives:
The Health & Fitness faculty develop and implement innovative assignments that are
challenging and require students to apply themselves
The Health & Fitness faculty successfully assist health & fitness majors with obtaining an
understanding of the state and NASPE standards
The Health & Fitness faculty treat students with respect and provide students with
adequate advise by remaining current of state and university academic requirements
The Health & Fitness faculty successfully create student-center classrooms that are
sensitive to each student’s needs and interest
The Health & Fitness faculty will conduct annual reviews of the curriculum and make
appropriate adjustments to the curriculum to meet students needs
The Health & Fitness program will be successfully accredited by NASPE/NCATE during
the next NCATE accreditation review process
The Health & Fitness faculty will successfully utilize technology within their classrooms
to enhance their teaching effectiveness and to assist their students in inquiring their own
technology knowledge and skills
Goals of the Health & Fitness Program (10 Years)
To emerge as the elite regional health & fitness teacher preparation program as well as
being recognized as a elite state-wide program
To emerge as the elite regional health & fitness teacher preparation program that
effectively prepares their students in utilizing instructional technology
To emerge as the elite regional health & fitness teacher preparation program that
effectively prepares its graduates to be leaders within the field of health & fitness
To emerge as the elite regional health & fitness resource center for continue education for
health & fitness in-service teachers and instructional technology utilization in health &
Related Objectives:
Enrollment of Health & Fitness majors and Pedagogy graduate students both increase by
Health & Fitness graduates successfully integrate technology within their classrooms
Job placement of Health & Fitness majors within the field is 80%
Multimedia and Web Programming Program
The Multimedia and Web Programming Program had two components:
1). an undergraduate BA degree - Computer Science BA/Multimedia
Programming Option
2). an interdisciplinary masters degree program integrating courses from the
Technology department and the Computer Science department.
Both programs prepare students to be Multimedia media and web programmers. One of
the major components of the programs is real world experiences. The goal of these
Provide an opportunity for Service Learning
Provide portfolio pieces the students to use in seeking employment
Provide opportunity to learn how the real world operates.
The Health and Fitness Portfolio Project provides an opportunity for all three.
Rational for Implementing Electronic Portfolios into the Health & Fitness Program
The primary reasons for implementing electronic portfolios into the Health & Fitness
program is two fold. The first involves the need to verify that our Health & Fitness
program is meeting the mandated Health & Fitness teacher education program standards
being handed down from the State Board of Education as specified in Chapter 180-82A
WAC. These standards will begin being enforced in the fall ’05. Secondly, our program
also seeks to obtain the National Association of Sport and Physical Education
(NASPE)/NCATE accreditation for our teacher education program by providing evidence
that our teacher candidates are demonstrating an acceptable level of performance relative
to each standard similar to those adapted by the State Board of Education.
Project Description
Project Timeline
Spring Quarter ‘03
o Began researching electronic portfolio samples within Physical Education
Teacher Education (PETE) Programs
o Began dialogue between Drs Morley and Dr.Kieffer, about collaborating
to develop an electronic portfolio CD
Fall Quarter ‘03
o Dialogued continued between both faculty members
o Continued researching about electronic portfolios
o Began developing the framework for the Health & Fitness program
electronic portfolio CD
Winter Quarter ‘04
o Continue developing electronic portfolio CD framework and collaborating
and began working with a computer science graduate student assigned by
Dr. Kieffer to work on the project
Spring Quarter ’04 (Proposed First Quarter of Released-Time for Laurie)
o Continue developing the Health & Fitness electronic portfolio CD
o Begin developing the supplemental materials (i.e., downloadable
handbook; introductory outline for EDUC 200; assessment tools)
Summer Quarter ’04 (Proposed Implementation Quarter)
o Pilot electronic portfolio in PHED 367 – Teaching Methods in Physical
Fall ’04 (Proposed Second Quarter of Released-Time for Laurie and only Quarter for
o Revise and continue piloting electronic portfolio CD prototype in several
additional courses (i.e., PHED 367 – Teaching Methods in Physical
Education and PHED 490 – Capstone in Health & Fitness)
Winter ‘05
o Full implementation of the electronic portfolio CD into the Health &
Fitness Program
Project Impact on Health & Fitness Program Faculty & Students
o Provide for program review
 Assist in satisfying the State Board of Education, NASPE/NCATE,
and the university mandated end-of-program assessment external
review requirements
 Assist Health & Fitness faculty in being able to keep track more
efficiently of individual Health & Fitness majors development thru
various course checkpoints and periodic advisor reviews as well as
determining the overall success of the Health & Fitness program
by receiving positive alumni survey responses and a high job
placement rating of our majors within the field
o Help students grow professionally
 Assist students in participating in a self-assessment process of
reviewing and reflecting on their accomplishments which would
foster lifelong professional development thru identifying
professional short and long-term goals
 Assist students in becoming an reflective, inquiry-oriented
practitioner who knows the physical education discipline and
applies content and pedagogy that is sensitive to individual learner
o Enhance Employment Opportunities
 Method for verifying the wide range of knowledge, skills, and
dispositions they have acquired through their coursework, field
experiences, community involvements, student teaching
 Assist students with a method for best reflecting their achieved
competences, individuality, and creativity as a professional health
& fitness educator
 Assist students in demonstrating that they are fully competent to
assume the role of a beginning health & fitness teacher by being
able to successful reflect on their teaching, on their instructional
decisions, on their instructional problems and solutions to the
problems, on their students instructional needs, and on the
processes of teaching and learning.
Utilization of the Electronic Portfolio
The intent is to have the electronic portfolio CD be utilized, as a stand alone tool, by
Health & Fitness majors to cumulate their professional growth and achieved
competencies by using a systematic process to collect, select, and evaluate their portfolio
entries. To assist students with this process, checkpoints and periodic reviews will be in
place throughout the Health & Fitness program to (1) determine if students are meeting
expectations at key intervals, (2) decide whether a student can continue within the Health
& Fitness program, and (3) assist students in planning future directions within the
remaining program elements. Students will first be introduced to the electronic portfolio
CD during their EDUC 200 department advising visit and continue implementation will
be based upon some combination of advisor directed, course affiliation, and program
phases (i.e., student teaching).
Goals and Objectives for the Project
Provide students with a user friendly electronic portfolio CD that they can utilize
independently and purchase at the bookstore to successfully compile tangible pieces
of evidence for verifying the knowledge and skills they have acquired through their
coursework, field experiences, community involvement, and student teaching.
Develop a reliable and tangible assessment method that can assist Health & Fitness
faculty in keeping track of their advisee’s progress throughout their teacher training
program and the overall success of the Health & Fitness program.
Develop an effective method that students can utilize to demonstrate to future
employers that they are fully competent to assume the role of a beginning health &
fitness teacher.
Students will be provided with a user friendly electronic portfolio CD that they can
successfully utilize independently and purchase at the bookstore to gather evidence to
verify the wide range of knowledge, skills, and dispositions they have acquired
through their coursework, field experiences, community involvements, and student
Health & Fitness faculty will be provided with a reliable and tangible method they
can utilize to successfully track their advisee’s progress and overall program success.
Students will be provided with an effective method they can utilize to demonstrate to
future employees that are fully competent to assume the role of a beginning health &
fitness teacher
Assessment Plan
Health & Fitness Program
The ultimate tests of how effective the implementation of the Health & Fitness electronic
portfolio CD will be determined whether the Health & Fitness program successfully
satisfies both the State Board of Education and the NASPE/NCATE standards as well as
how many Health & Fitness majors successfully pass the West-E certification Exist exam
and become employed as K-12 Health & Fitness teachers.
To assure the successful implementation of the Health & Fitness electronic portfolio CD,
both formative and summative assessments will be inserted throughout the program to
provide both students and faculty with feedback (i.e., peer reflections, advisor
conferences, and interview simulation).
Primary Assessment Methods per Year:
Sophomore Year:
 Presentation – Presented in PHED 267 to the entire class introducing themselves
as a future health & fitness professional
Junior Year:
 Self-Reflection –
o Each artifact is thoughtfully examined to reveal its meaning and value to
the electronic portfolio relative to the nine beginning physical education
 Self-Assessment –
o Collection of artifacts are reviewed to determine how current portfolio
adheres to the teacher standards
 Look for ways to document a “missing” artifact or one that has
 Set goals and target dates where artifacts are needed
 Peer Conference –
o Shared with one other pre-service health & fitness teacher for feedback
Senior Year:
 Self-Reflection –
o Same as junior year
 Self-Assessment –
o Same as junior year
 Presentation –
o Present final portfolio in a poster-like session that is attended by faculty
and peers
 Peer/Faculty Reflection –
o Peer and faculty feedback will be provided following the poster-like
Peer/Advisor Conferences –
o The final portfolio is shared with other pre-service teachers and their
advisor for feedback purposes
Presentation –
o Participate in an interview simulation conducted by a role-playing team of
Multimedia and Web Programming Program
The assessment and revision of the electronic portfolio will determine its success.
First the portfolio will have to be tested for functionality. Does it function as
Next the user interface will be assessed. While a program may run properly, the
user interface is what allows a user to easily use the program.
Next the versatility of the program, does it run accurately on all platforms and
operating systems.
This assessment will be accomplished by several methods.
 The first functionality testing will be completed first the programmer, second by
the Health and Fitness Faculty and thirdly by a Health and Fitness grad student.
Each of these will use the program, trying to use each feature to see if it works
properly. A testing document will be provided which describes each feature and
its desired functionality.
 The second will be completed by the Health and Fitness Faculty and the Beta
class in Summer 04. Arrangements will be made to observe the students as they
work with the program to note any problem areas. A survey will also be given to
the Pilot class, to indicate in problem they experienced using the program.
 The program will be tested on all reasonable platforms and operating system to
determine its cross platform functionality. Standard platforms now used will
begin with Windows 98 and Mac OS9 and include all platforms and operating
systems to the most current.
Revisions will be made and assessed in the fall of 04 and the assessment, revision cycle
will continue until the portfolio is successfully implemented.
Dr. Linda Kieffer’s Involvement
While multimedia students will be involved in this project, the majority of the work will
have to be completed by a faculty in order to maintain consistency and schedule.