Anatomy and Physiology Rabbit Dissection Pre Lab 12.12.2015 Objective: To compare and contrast the skeletal muscles of a cat and those of a human being. Today, I need you to work hard and get ready by reviewing the following items and completing the following tasks from the Rabbit Dissection Laboratory Guide. Your Task: To create a rabbit dissection notebook similar to the shark dissection notebook for part of your final grade (yes, we still have a final exam too) A. Anatomical Terminology Refresher: In order to begin please write the meanings of the following terms: AnteriorPosteriorProximalDistalSuperiorInferiorPelvic- SagittalCoronalFrontalDorsalVentralCranialBranchial- AxialAppendicularLateralSuperficialDeepScapular-Medial- Rabbit Dissection Notebook 1. Please start by Reviewing Sections: External anatomy, Skeleton, Sense organs, and become familiar with the steps and structures. A. Superficial Muscles: Please draw and label the following muscle structures before you begin to dissect. Biceps brachii Extensor digitorum lateralis Extensor carpi ulnaris Triceps (long, medial, and lateral heads) Acromiotrapezius Spinodeltoideus Latissimus dorsi Spinotrapezius Gluteus medius Gluteus maximus Tensor fascia latae Biceps femoris Semimebranosus B.Deep Muscles/Dorsal view Rhomboideus (major and minor) Acromiotrapezius Internal oblique Longissimus lumborum Multifidus Gluteus medius Vastus lateralis Adductor magnus Adductor longus Superficial muscles: ventral view: Mylohyoideus Digastric Sternomastoideus Masseter Cleidomastoideus Cleidodeltoideus Biceps Branchii Pectoralis major Latissimus dorsi Extnernal oblique Rectus femoris Vastus medialis Sartorius Gracilis Semimembranosus Deep Muscles: Ventral View Geniohyoideus Thyrohyoideus Brachialis Triceps (long, medial, and lateral heads) Pectoralis quartis Teres major Teres minor Rectus abdominus Transverseabdominis Internal oblique Adductor brevis Adductor longis Adductor magnus Become familiar with the following structures and systems: Thoracic Cavity Circulatory System Abdominal Cavity and Digestive System Urogenital Systems Nervous System