Lesson: Energy Flow Field Museum Extensions a. Related Exhibitions. 1. Native North Americans: Native Peoples of the Northern Woodlands. In this exhibit and others described below, students will brainstorm to find situations in which potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy. Also, students will make a list of all measurable characteristics that could be used in an equation to calculate the potential and/or kinetic energy. They should focus on tools, weapons, or part of an exhibit where a change is shown or described. For example, when an arrow is drawn back by a bow, the tension in the bowstring imparts a potential energy to the bow and arrow. This potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy when the bowstring is released. Measurable characteristics that could be used to calculate the potential energy of the bow and arrow include the length of the bow, the tension in the string, and the mass of the arrow. The kinetic energy would be calculated using the mass of the arrow and its speed. Tools used to grind grain are on display. The potential energy of the tool being used is greatest when the grinding stone is held highest above the dish. The transformation from potential energy to kinetic energy is complete when the grinding stone is just touching the grain. In this system, students should state that the energy transfer is not as simple as the energy transfer of a free-falling object. The grinding stone is not dropped but is moved in a controlled fashion over the grain. Therefore, the height of the stone and its mass cannot be used in a simple equation such as PE = mgh. Although mass, m, and height, h, would be variables to consider to calculate the potential energy, PE, a complex equation that includes the tension change in the operator’s arm would replace the gravitational acceleration constant, g. Some students may list a cooking fire shown in one of the exhibit’s dioramas as a situation where there is an energy transformation. Potential energy is the ability to change or cause change because of position or composition. So, the composition of the wood is a form of chemical potential energy that will be transferred to the kinetic energy of the gas molecules in the fire as well as the food and water particles in the cooking pot. (Temperature is related to the average kinetic energy of particles of matter, so whenever there is an increase in temperature, there is an increase in molecular kinetic energy.) An equation to calculate the kinetic energy increase would incorporate the temperature change, the mass of the material, and some factor related to the identity of the material. 2. Rocks and Minerals Exhibit—Weathering and Erosion. In this display, students can identify many changes in which there is a potential energy to kinetic energy transformation. For example, frost action that breaks down rock is an energy change. As water freezes in a confined space it starts to expand. As a result, huge stresses build in the rock and ice. This creates a high potential energy system. The energy change occurs when the stress is released as the rock breaks. The forces that build up and the distance the rock pieces are separated can be used to calculate an energy change called work (W = Force x distance). The work is both a potential energy decrease and a kinetic energy increase. Students may need to be reminded that if a kinetic energy increase cannot be easily calculated and therefore remains unknown, but a potential energy decrease can be readily calculated using measurable quantities, then the law of conservation of energy can be applied to determine the unknown. In the case above, neither the potential energy nor kinetic energy was calculated, but the energy transfer (called work) could be calculated. Often times, this is the case with energy conversions. For example, in the case of a temperature change, it is the energy transfer called heat that is calculated. Also in this exhibit are other examples of weathering. Students might identify these as forms of kinetic energy to potential energy transfers. The motion of wind or water breaks and separates particles. The “breaking” on the molecular level is a potential energy increase as bonded atoms, ions, and molecules are pulled apart. Until the bonds break, the potential energy increase is similar to the increase when a rubber band is stretched. Eventually, the bonds break and particles move, just like a rubber band snapping and moving. 3. Rocks and Minerals Exhibit—The Moving Earth. This exhibit shows tectonic plate movement during earth’s history. Over time, the continents have risen above and below sea level and have moved closer and farther away from each other. Students will study the movie and the model of the earth and its interior to try to identify energy changes. For example, students might identify the hot magma below the earth’s crust as a high potential energy system. The magma, because of its temperature, is buoyant. Until the magma starts to move, all of its ability to change is potential. The potential energy would be calculated using the mass and volume of the magma (a function of its temperature), as well as the density of the surroundings (also a function of temperature). As the magma rises, its kinetic energy is a function of its mass and speed. When the magma spreads out along the underside of the crustal plate, frictional forces cause the plate to move. Students might notice that the energy transfer from potential energy to kinetic energy is not complete. Some energy change is involved in changing temperatures. Also, the concept of entropy and the scientific law that no energy transfer is 100% efficient could be a part of the description of this exhibit. The three exhibits above are only a starting point for discussion of energy transfers. All changes involve energy transfers and every exhibit in the museum involves some types of change. Teachers should pick the exhibits that most interest them and their classes to discuss energy changes. Much of the same science described above would apply in those situations. b. Harris Educational Loan Center. 1. Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy Experience Box. Energy resources are simply high potential energy systems that can be harnessed to move machines, create electricity, or warm materials. In each of the situations, there is a potential energy to kinetic energy transformation. This Experience Box shows examples of energy resources that students can investigate for the type of energy transfer occurring. For example, for fossil fuels, the potential energy of coal, petroleum, or natural gas is transformed into the motion energy of air or water molecules (the temperature of the air or water increases). The energy transfer is called heat because it accompanies a temperature change. Usually, the high temperature material is confined to a small volume, which results in a pressure increase. The high-pressure gas is a high potential energy system. The potential energy of the gas is transferred to the kinetic energy of a turbine or a piston. When electricity is generated, the kinetic energy of the turbine moves magnets past copper wire. In and around the wire, the changes in the magnetic field create a high potential energy system. This potential energy is then changed into the kinetic energy of moving electrons in the wire. The moving electrons are electricity and this kinetic energy may be harnessed to do a variety of tasks. Students should investigate the differences between these energy changes and those that occur during use of a renewable energy. For example, instead of confining a hot gas inside of a boiler to turn the turbine, the high pressure, and therefore, high potential energy, of wind can be used to turn the blades of a turbine. Or instead of creating a hot gas by burning a fuel, the infrared light from the sun can be magnified in a solar heater. 2. The Moving Earth Video and Interior of the Earth Exhibit Case. The video is about plate movement over geologic time. This is the same video that students will see in the Rocks and Minerals exhibit. Energy changes can be analyzed by watching the video and by investigating the Interior of the Earth Exhibit Case. 3. Eskimo Hunting and Fishing Experience Box. This Experience Box includes tools such as spears and fishing gear used by Arctic Peoples. Students can analyze these for energy changes. Students should be reminded that every change (such as a spear being thrown) results from some energy transfer. So each of these tools, because they operate on some change, also incorporate a potential energy to kinetic energy change. For example, the fishing gear is a high potential energy system when the fishing rod is bent and the fishing line is taught. The potential energy is transferred into the kinetic energy of the hook (and fish). c. Field Museum Science/Website Resources. 1. Nature Unleashed Webpage http://www.fieldmuseum.org/natureunleashed/ Natural disasters are dramatic examples of energy transfer. Students should investigate the origins and effects of volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes to identify potential energy to kinetic energy transformations. For example, a tornado begins when two air masses with different densities come into contact. The more buoyant air mass in the denser air mass is a high potential energy system. As the buoyant air begins to rise, potential energy is changed to kinetic energy. And as the rising air mass leaves the ground, a low-pressure area is created. This is another high potential energy system. Surrounding air is pushed into the low-pressure area, so potential energy is again changed to kinetic energy. Then, the process repeats. In the end, winds rushing toward the point of rising air, combined with strong winds in the upper atmosphere spinning the rising air mass, results in the tornado.