Learning Targets - Kenston Local Schools

Learning Targets:
Objective #1:
I can define for you the following terms:
A Constitutional Convention is:
I can describe for you why a Constitutional Convention was held in Philadelphia:
The delegates met in Philadelphia because:
I can identify the individuals involved with the Constitutional Convention:
The people involved included:
Therefore I CAN 
Explain why delegates met for the Constitutional Convention:
Objective #2
I can define for you the following terms:
The Virginia Plan was:
The New Jersey Plan was:
The Three-Fifths Compromise
I can list the issues that divided the delegates at the Constitutional Convention:
The issues that divided the Convention included:
I can explain the details of the Great Compromise:
The details of the Great Compromise included:
I can explain the issues surrounding the Three-Fifths Compromise:
The southern delegates wanted:______________________________________________
The issues involving the slave trade included:___________________________________
Therefore I CAN 
Explain the main issues and results of the Constitutional Convention.
Objective #3
I can define for you the following terms:
The word Federalism means:
The legislative branch of government is responsible
The executive branch of government is responsible for:
The judicial branch of government is responsible for:
Checks and balances refers to:
Based upon the above definitions, I CAN describe ways the federal government is
balanced under the U.S. Constitution