Mythology Webquest

Task: You will be going on an Internet search
in order to learn more about modern-day
allusions to mythology.
Follow the steps in the WebQuest – they will lead you to sources for this
information. You should first save a copy of this page to your own login. You will
type your answers to each of these questions, and then print out the document
when you are finished. (Your final product should be no longer than two pages.)
Do not cut and paste any information onto this document. All answers must be
typed directly and in your own words.
Section One – Famous Stories
Visit this site to read the story of Ceres.
Who is Ceres?
What type of food gets its name from Ceres?
Visit this site to read the story of Nike.
Who is Nike?
Why was Nike chosen as the name of a shoe manufacturing company?
Visit this site to read the story of Pegasus:
Who is Pegasus?
Why was the name Pegasus chosen for this company?
Updated 01/29/2009
Section Two - Trivia
Use an Internet search engine to determine the answers to these questions, and
then search again to explain the connection between the answer and ancient
4. What is the highest grossing movie of all time?
5. What was the first national brand of sugar free gum?
6. What did the Snickers Almond bar used to be called?
7. What world famous theatre is located in the heart of Harlem in New York City?
8. What is the school nickname for Michigan State University?
Section Three – Vocabulary
9. What is the connection between the word “January” and ancient mythology?
10. What is the connection between the word “museum” and ancient mythology?
Updated 01/29/2009