QMS Auditor/Lead Auditor Course - CII-IQ

QMS Auditor/Lead Auditor Course
Management Review Meeting
Date : 16 April 2010
Venue: Bangalore
1. Follow up action from previous Management Review held on 20 Dec 2008:
The Agenda and minutes of the last meeting were circulated to all. The following
were the salient decisions and the actions taken thereof
NRBPT Course reassessment (July 2008)
- The committee noted the actions taken
and suggested that Course director may
pursue with NRBPT to decide on the
actions taken and convey the renewal of
It was decided to conduct the next
internal audit within one month as it was
one year since the last audit was carried
Current position
All Non conformances were closed by
NRBPT and the course registration was
renewed upto 30 June 2011
It was decided that in the next year,
trainings may be imparted to all tutors
(AKL and CVR have already received
trainings on BCM. In addition, internal
training on ISO 9004:2009 version may
be arranged after the Standard is
It was decided that the LAC programme
should be re- designed to differentiate it
from other similar programmes on offer
in the market. The design could address
both contents and format.
As BCM has not taken off, these trainings
have been deferred.
IG carried out an audit of the course
delivery in Jan 2009 .3 non conformances
were raised, which have since been acted
upon and closed
ISO 9004 was published by ISO in Nov
2009. These trainings are still to be
Action still to be taken
2. Actions arising out of last Reassessment by NRBPT
2.1 NRBPT conducted a surveillance assessment of the LAC Course in Nov 2009 –
Office assessment on 27 Nov and Course delivery on 30 Nov 2009
2.2 No non conformances were raised. However observations have been raised for
further improvement. These are:
a) CII IQ may review the course content for value upgradation – for example
developing content for Service sector as the current examples are from
manufacturing sector
b) Stratification of results may be done tutor wise and section wise
c) Ensure QCI promotional material is given to the students
d) As the course has achieved hgh level of maturity, innovative methods may be
found to make the course different / more popular
Actions on these is still to be communicated to NABET
2. Actions arising out of last Reassessment byIRCA
2.1 IRCA conducted a surveillance assessment of the LAC Course delivery in March
2010 at Bangalore.
5 IRs and 3 Opportunities were raised:
The IRs and OIs in brief are as under, together with actions taken /proposed:
WI / 50 on Course presentation has been
a) Not displaying student output and amended
course materials during courses
b) multiple examples of outdated All documents have been sanitized and
course materials
now all references are to latest standards.
Workbook was got retyped n Word
format by outsourcing. Version of PPTs,
Course notes, Workbook, Tutor notes has
been changed to April 2010 and Pre –
course to Mar 2010
c) No session plan for Re-cap A generic Session plan has been prepared
and incorporated in tutor notes, and
references have been provided in all the
relevant Session plans
d) No session plan for Activities
A generic Session plan has been prepared
and incorporated in tutor notes, and
references have been provided in all the
relevant Session plans
e) No Model answers to E 01 and EO1 has been amended to delete
method of transfer of marks of references of ISO 9004 and the model
CA not explained
answers, marking scheme has been
prepared, and incorporated in Tutors
Manual. No action on transfer of marks
as these are adequately explained –
informed to IRCA
f) Course duration is longer by 6 Will be discussed during Management
hours and 2 days are 10.5 hours Review
leading to fatigue
g) Pre-course materials are too Standards ISO 9004 and 19011 deleted
extensive, pre exam is too lengthy
from pre-course. 19011 will be given
during course. Pre-exam reduced from 50
to 22 relevant questions
h) Pairing of definitions in slide 49 - Done
can have one more column for
students to fill up
Actions have been taken on all IRs and OIs, except on the suggestion to reduce the
course duration to 36 hours from the current 42 hours, which needs to be discussed
3. Changes in standards:
3.1 The Standard ISO 9001 was revised in Nov 2008. It was adopted by CII IQ in Mar
2009 and all courses subsequently have been conducted based on this by making
revisions in the PPT, Pre-course, Course materials and adopting the
IRCA revised exam papers.
The Standard ISO 9004 has been revised in Nov 2009. Suitable changes have been
incorporated in the above documents. However in view of delinking correspondence
with ISO 9001, a query has been sent to IRCA on how to approach the same, with a
request to amend IRCA 2245 Criteria document for QMS, which still contains
references of 2000 version of the Standards.
After the last IRCA assessments, changes have also been incorporatd in the CaseStudy Work book and the internal documents – Quality Manual, procedures, Tutor
5. Internal Audit:
5.1 An internal audit was carried out during the course held in Delhi in Jan 2009. A
total of 3Non conformances were raised. Actions had been taken on all the NCRs and
these had been closed.
6. Complaints: No complaints have been received in respect of the course content,
delivery or the process of certification.
7. Training: Tutors received trainings as planned on the following subjects
a) Business Excellence refresher course
b) Business Excellence transition to EFQM 2010 model
Future training needs or other means of competence development may be identified.
8. Tutor performance and delegate feedback – This has been satisfactory and
above targets in respect of all tutors
9. Corrective & Preventive actions – All corrective actions arising out of internal
audit and surveillance audits have been taken.
10. Document control – Due to difficulties of re-printing and distribution of
documents, every time a change is incorporated, an internal website ----------(http://cii-iq.weebly.com/index.html) has been created where all the current
documents together with the Amendment status will be updated for downloading by
tutors, administrator and staff. Presently it is being managed by Course Director, but
will be transferred to Course administrator shortly. In future physical distribution of
documents will be stopped and communication of changes will be only through email
giving reference to the web-site.
11. Members may discuss how in future the records of the LAC course should be
maintained, considering shortage of resources.
12. Any other business