SAT Quack Vocabulary Vocabulary instruction is an integral part of any English class. The Tennessee curriculum standards for English I include the following objective: CLE 3003.1.2: Employ a variety of strategies and resources to determine the definition, pronunciation, etymology, spelling, and usage of words and phrases. This standard is included during all four years of high school English. Vocabulary instruction is important because it can lead to better writing skills and improved standardized test scores. In order to meet these goals, students will be participating in SAT Quack Vocabulary. This unit focuses on words that regularly appear on the SAT, ACT, and other standardized tests. How does this work? Step One: Watch the DVD for each set of words (20 words per set). As you watch, begin filling out the Vocab Data sheet. List the vocab words and write each definition. Step Two: Create a Vocab PowerPoint that further explains the vocab words. Students have been divided into ten groups. Each group will be responsible for creating one PowerPoint and presenting it to the class. This PowerPoint will be equivalent to a test grade (200 points). See below for further instructions about the PowerPoint. Step Three: As each PowerPoint is presented, the rest of the class will fill out the rest of the Vocab Data Sheet. List the part of speech, synonyms, antonyms, and sentence for each word. You will be turning in each Vocab Data Sheet for a grade (on the same day you take the Vocab Quiz). Step Four: The group who created and presented the PowerPoint will complete a Group Cooperation Rubric so that I can evaluate how effectively each group member contributed to the assignment. Step Five: Study the Vocab Data Sheet to prepare for the Quiz. Many students find it helpful to make flash cards or use another study technique. Step Six: Take a Quiz over the words. Possible Step Seven (depends on the average grade on each Vocab Quiz): Take a Cumulative Test over all words. Keep your Vocab Data Sheets in section one of your notebook so you can study for the Cumulative Test. PowerPoint Guidelines The PowerPoint will be completed outside of class. Since this is a group assignment, it is essential for all group members to communicate with each other PRIOR to the due date. Each PowerPoint will contain 22-25 slides. I will show an example in class. Groups need to discuss: o Who will be responsible for which words? The most effective way to approach the project is to divide the words among the group members so that each person is responsible for a certain number of slides. (For example, each person will make 8-10 slides—one slide per word). o Who will be responsible for making the title slide and the conclusion slide? o Who will organize all of the individual members’ slides into one PowerPoint? o Who will spell check and proofread the compiled PowerPoint to make sure it is error free? More than one group member should spell check and proofread the presentation. o Who will make the works cited slide and proofread to make sure that it is in correct MLA format? More than one group member should spell check and proofread the works cited slide. o Who will make sure that the PowerPoint is saved as a 2003 version so that it can be opened at school? 1 Each PowerPoint must contain the following: o o o o Title slide: Include title of PowerPoint, first and last names of all group members, and an illustration. 20 slides—one per vocab word: Each slide should include: Word Part of speech Definition: Use the same definition that was provided on the SAT Quack DVD. Synonyms Antonyms Sentence that demonstrates understanding of the word and uses the word correctly Illustration(s): You may use clipart and/or Internet images. (You must indicate where your images came from on the works cited page). All items must be school-appropriate! Conclusion slide: Include a paragraph that correctly utilizes all twenty vocab words. The paragraph should demonstrate comprehension of the words. Works Cited slide: Use correct MLA format to list all sources that were used to create the PowerPoint. This includes any websites where illustrations were found. Before the first PowerPoint is due, you will receive further instructions and examples about how to make a works cited page in MLA format. Technical Issues/Presenting Your PowerPoint o Save your completed PowerPoint to a flash drive and/or e-mail it to me BEFORE o o o the due date so I can save it to my school computer prior to your group’s presentation. Your PowerPoint must be saved as a 2003 version or it will not open on the school computers. I will go over how to do this in class. If you are absent for this explanation, you must see me (or your group members) PRIOR to your presentation date. You are strongly urged to “try out” your PowerPoint at least one class period BEFORE the due date. If you wait until the date of the presentation and the PowerPoint will not open, your group’s grade will automatically be lowered a letter grade (for every day that the presentation is delayed). Remember that this PowerPoint is equivalent to a test grade! Do not let your group’s grade suffer because of technical difficulties. Some group members may be more proficient at using PowerPoint than others. Help each other. If no one in your group knows how to use PowerPoint, the group should see me for a tutorial BEFORE your group’s due date. See the General Guidelines below. All group members must participate in the presentation. I suggest that each group member present the slides that he/she created. General Guidelines for PowerPoint Presentations o o o o o o Use text sparingly. Use a list format on each slide instead of long paragraphs. Think in terms of a key word outline, not a narrative Use a large font that can be seen from all areas of the classroom. When you are creating your slides, stand on the opposite side of the room from the computer. Can you read the text? If not, you need to use a larger size font. Use the pre-selected color schemes unless you are competent in picking coordinating and contrasting colors. You want to use font colors and background colors that complement each other (such as white font on a dark background or black font on a light background). Keep things simple and consistent. Remember—if the audience cannot read your slides because of font size or color choices, the entire PowerPoint is useless. Design with your AUDIENCE in mind. Use meaningful graphics. The whole point of a visual aid is to provide visual reinforcement for a concept or idea. Audio tools (such as music) are encouraged. You will receive bonus points if you add creative elements such as music and meaningful graphics. 2 o The overall principle in design is FORM FOLLOWS FUNCTION. Use of sound, graphics, animation, and other design elements should reinforce content and not simply serve to adorn slides or show off the presenter’s technical prowess. How will this be graded? o o o o 200 total points possible PowerPoint = 100 points: Does the PowerPoint contain all required elements? Does the PowerPoint use appropriate fonts, colors, graphics, sounds? Does the PowerPoint “work”? Are all slides visible and complete? Is the information school-appropriate? Have spelling, grammar, and mechanics errors been avoided? Spell check and proofread BEFORE your presentation! Does the PowerPoint include a works cited page in correct MLA format? Is the PowerPoint on time? (automatic deduction of one letter grade for each day that the PPT is late). Presentation = 75 points: Is each group member present? Does each group member contribute equally to the presentation? (You will be graded individually on your contribution). Does each group member thoroughly explain the information on his/her assigned slides? Does each group member use effective presentation strategies such as appropriate volume, good eye contact with the audience, and a pleasant tone? Group Cooperation Rubric = 25 points Did each group member contribute equally to the development of the PowerPoint? Did each group member contribute equally to the presentation? Group members should be honest in their assessment of each person’s contributions. In other words, your grade will be negatively affected if you let other group members do all of the work! IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are absent for your group’s PowerPoint presentation, you will be required to complete an individual alternate assignment to make up the test grade. Groups are more than welcome to come in and use the library computers before or after school. Do not procrastinate! The earlier you get started, the better your presentation will be. Good luck! 3 Due Dates/Quiz Dates/Vocab Words **Due dates are subject to change based on school activities and other interruptions that cannot be anticipated. If due dates must be pushed back for any reason, groups will be notified ASAP. Unit One o DVD = 8/16 o POWERPOINT DUE = 8/30 o Quiz = 8/31 (1st period); 9/1 (4th period) o Words = delineate, nefarious, vernacular, brawn, tout, enhance, hinder, efface, glutton, hiatus, querulous, engender, obliterate, copious, obscure, extol, pugnacious, quell, artisan, kindle Unit Two o DVD = 9/3 o POWERPOINT DUE = 9/13 o Quiz = 9/14 (1st period); 9/15 (4th period) o Words = corroborate, amorous, decorous, expedite, idyllic, juxtapose, incandescent, exasperate, discordant, volatile, distend, fecund, sage, vacuous, deride, benevolent, scrutinize, histrionic, didactic, assail Unit Three o DVD = 9/20 o POWERPOINT DUE = 9/27 o Quiz = 9/28 (1st period); 9/29 (4th period) o Words = bucolic, pretentious, gullible, convivial, discrete, discreet, fabricate, gesticulate, laud, belabor, reiterate, conflagration, induce, soporific, anarchy, strident, nonchalant, malleable, ludicrous, abridge Unit Four o DVD = 10/11 o POWERPOINT DUE = 10/18 o Quiz = 10/19 (1st period); 10/20 (4th period) o Words = lethargy, recondite, conspicuous, archaic, imminent, predator, coalesce, exalt, exult, extraneous, incantation, assuage, insuperable, assiduous, indulgent, avarice, squander, penurious, debunk, eccentric Unit Five o DVD = 10/25 o POWERPOINT DUE = 11/1 o Quiz = 11/3 (1st period); 11/4 (4th period) o Words = prevaricate, imperceptible, diverse, desiccate, loquacious, maudlin, farcical, vibrant, virulent, contemptuous, enigma, labyrinth, lucid, repudiate, superficial, primordial, mellifluous, provincial, contrite, incessant Unit Six o DVD = 11/8 o POWERPOINT DUE = 11/15 o Quiz = 11/16 (1st period); 11/17 (4th period) o Words = foible, lacerate, harangue, exact, abash, tact, uncouth, fetish, phobia, masticate, laconic, malevolent, meander, apex, nadir, disseminate, emaciated, puissant, citadel, atrophy Unit Seven o DVD = 11/29 o POWERPOINT DUE = 12/6 o Quiz =12/7 (1st period); 12/8 (4th period) 4 o Words = austere, ornate, cerebral, incommodious, noisome, cacophony, veritable, verbatim, concurrent, evade, impede, askew, queue, accolade, torrid, trepidation, fraught, temerity, wane, oust Unit Eight o DVD = 1/10 o POWERPOINT DUE = 1/18 o Quiz = 1/19 (1st period); 1/20 (4th period) o Words = connoisseur, asunder, raze, blighted, aghast, milieu, arduous, coterie, awry, table, harried, irascible, congenial, boisterous, chimerical, vertigo, fallacious, impasse, zeal, berate Unit Nine o DVD = 1/24 o POWERPOINT DUE = 1/31 o Quiz = 2/1 (1st period); 2/2 (4th period) o Words = vacillate, lassitude, garrulous, myriad, noxious, accost, beatific, nuance, quagmire, somber, unawares, suffrage, cloister, docile, surfeit, incongruous, aloof, harrowing, chronic, accentuate Unit Ten o DVD = 2/7 o POWERPOINT DUE = 2/14 o Quiz =2/15 (1st period); 2/16 (4th period) o Words = truncate, baneful, circumspect, admonish, tantamount, neologism, respite, capitulate, aphorism, confute, dexterous, entice, indolent, perfunctory, vapid, visage, slovenly, stolid, taciturn, egregious Cumulative Test (depends on the average grade on each Vocab Quiz): 2/22 (1st period); 2/23 (4th period) 5 1st Period: Groups will randomly draw to determine PowerPoint due dates. Each group needs to choose a team leader. The team leader is responsible for communicating with all group members and delegating responsibilities. Tell me who your team leader is before you leave today. Group _____ Team Leader: Kevin Barrett Jack Bosse Kari Anna Byrnes Group _____ Team Leader: Marissa Vasquez Brad White Group _____ Team Leader: Jonas Cooper Jackson Downs Luke Duross Group _____ Team Leader: Max Yorro Michael Zipay Group _____ Team Leader: Peyton Fox Keaton Gibson Mason Grear Group _____ Team Leader: Parker Hatcliff Haley Hatfield Luke Hilliard Group _____ Team Leader: Andre Hillsman LaShay Johnson-Clay Jenny Liu Group _____ Team Leader: Zach Long Summer McCord Ben Meyer Group _____ Team Leader: Pete Nelson Adam Raymer Alexis Reece Group _____ Team Leader: Alex Ropp J.T. Spradley Peyton Tracy 6 4th Period: Groups will randomly draw to determine PowerPoint due dates. Each group needs to choose a team leader. The team leader is responsible for communicating with all group members and delegating responsibilities. Tell me who your team leader is before you leave today. Group _____ Team Leader: McKenzie Abernathy Austin Armstrong Zach Ayo Group _____ Team Leader: Spencer Thompson Austin Tipton Group _____ Team Leader: Brent Balachandran Tony Bennett Cody Bunch Group _____ Team Leader: Mackenzie White Jonathan Young Group _____ Team Leader: Ryan Eagle Sydney Flannery Coyle Gregory Group _____ Team Leader: Seth Harrell James Hobbs Judah Holt Group _____ Team Leader: Savanna Hoover Abigail Jones Chelsea Jones Group _____ Team Leader: Zane Jones Danny Mullane Zach Peaden Group _____ Team Leader: Ben Pleace John Poole Group _____ Team Leader: Sarah Priddy Lauren Stewart 7