ACTION COMPONENT District Name School Name Student Achievement Lewis County Lewis County Central Elementary Priority Need Central Elementary 2009 CATS Assessment data indicates: Academic Index of 87 54.3% of 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students scored proficient or above in content areas 11. % novice 14.8% novice among free/reduced lunch participants 84% of K-3 students reached 2008 spring GRADE NCE of 50 80% of K-3 students reached benchmark level according to spring 2008 DIBELS School Consolidated Plan • X School District Preliminary Component Manager Current Date 12/08/09 X Revised Goal Assessment data will reflect: 2010 2011 Academic Index 3rd , 4th, and 5th grade students proficient or above in content areas Percent novice Percent novice free/reduced lunch participants 97 63.4 72.5 8.8 11.8 6.6 8.8 Percent of K-3 students reaching 50th percentile or above on GRADE assessment Percent of K-3 students reaching DIBELS benchmark level 95 100 90 95 Component • Page 1 of 12 • Draft of 3/6/16 Causes of the Need Not all students demonstrate proficiency. Objectives For Reaching the Goal 1. Highest priority causes: 1. Some assessments are not aligned to core content standards. 2. Students have difficulty communicating thoughts in writing. 3. School schedules still need to focus on the amount of time needed for all students to demonstrate mastery of essential skills. 4. Teachers do not use a variety, research based teaching strategies. 5. There is a lack of adequate identification, procedures, and strategies/programs for students requiring interventions. 6. Continue to work on intentional/explicit lesson/unit planning. 7. Continue to work on clear, concise, explicit curriculum documents. 8. There is a need to operationally define, as a learning community and with students, what “good” looks like. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. School Consolidated Plan • Component • Page 2 of 12 • Draft of 3/6/16 All LCCE students will receive a standards based curriculum in all content areas every day. (Curriculum) All LCCE students will receive a variety of researched based instructional practices in all content areas every day. (Instruction) All LCCE students will receive a variety of Assessments for (Formative) and of (Summative) Learning in all content areas every day at the DOK level of the standard addressed. (Assessment) Objective 4: All students will receive instruction using a Comprehensive Reading Program All LCCE students will receive assessments connected to PoS, CCA, and appropriate DOK levels. All LCCE students will take the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) test three times a year beginning Fall of 2009. Classroom instruction will be explicit and will include a developmentally appropriate balance of preteach/teach/reteach, review, guided practice, monitored class work and independent homework. All students will participate in the “Math Intervention Program: Voyager Math and V-Math” in addition to the core Math Trailblazers Program. Student assessments and work samples will be rigorous and DOK aligned as evidenced by assessment and student performance. Student work samples will continue to be analyzed by staff on an ongoing basis to reflect rigor. Objective 1: All LCCE students will receive standards/research based instruction in all content areas every day. (Curriculum) Activity Responsible Person Start Date End Date Teachers will work collaboratively during grade level meetings to develop a clear, concise curriculum pacing guide and annotated curriculum document according to PoS/AE/CC 4.1. Classroom teachers Fall 2009 ongoing Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring) Classroom teachers District Personnel Principal/Assist. Principal Fall 2009 on-going Administration and teachers will work collaboratively to set up a system of interventions for students not on grade level. All students will be assessed using a universal screener. Teachers will work collaboratively, during grade level meetings, to deconstruct content standards. Classroom teachers District Personnel Principal/Assist. Principal Fall 2009 on-going Administrators and teachers will analyze MAP reports to identify gaps in the curriculum. Classroom teachers District Personnel Principal/Assist. Principal Fall 2009 on-going School Consolidated Plan • Component • Page 3 of 12 • Draft of 3/6/16 Cost Fund Source Objective 2: All LCCE students will receive a variety of researched based instructional practices in all content areas every day. (Instruction) Activity Responsible Person Start Date End Date Teachers will create student friendly learning targets relative to their content that will be posted in the classroom and conveyed daily. Classroom teachers Fall 2009 ongoing Teachers will keep a collection of writing-to-learn samples in student working portfolios Classroom teachers Fall 2009 ongoing Teachers will utilize lesson-planning software to demonstrate meaningful and varied teaching strategies during classroom instruction. Lesson plans will be kept in a 3 ring binder and monitored monthly on a rotation schedule. Classroom Teachers (implementation) Fall 2009 ongoing Each teacher will be assigned a "Critical Friend" to come observe and both will reflect on the instructional practices observed and ways to improve. Teachers Fall 2008 On-going Teachers will participate in Promethean Board Interactive Design, Technology PD, offered through KEDC. Teachers Winter 2010 Ongoing School Consolidated Plan • Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring) Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring) Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring) Principal/Assist. Principal Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring) Component • Page 4 of 12 • Draft of 3/6/16 Cost Fund Source Teachers will use research based instructional practices in the classroom including, but not limited to: Classroom Teachers (implementation) -higher Dok level questions Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring) -equitable questioning system (sticks or seating chart) Fall 2009 ongoing -daily opportunities to practice writing-to-learn -posting learning targets (must match CCA & classroom activities) -bell work (must match CCA standard & learning target) -inquiry based instruction -graphic organizers (example: compare/contrast, sequence, summarization, cause & effect – Thoughtful Classroom Tool Book) -an opportunity for students to read, write, and discuss their content -note taking/meaning making strategies -weekly modeling of answering open response -explicit instruction (I do, we do, you do) Objective 3: All LCCE students will receive a variety of Assessments for and of Learning in all content areas every day. (Assessment) Activity Responsible Person Start Date End Date Teachers will keep and organize samples of formative and summative assessments. Assessment folders will be shared during GLM’s. Classroom Teachers (implementation) Fall 2009 ongoing Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring) Professional development in “Assessment for Learning” and “Assessment of Learning.” Diane Johnson (facilitator) Classroom Teachers (implementation) Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring Teachers will create and maintain data boards to reflect the level students School Consolidated Plan • Classroom Teachers Component • Page 5 of 12 • Draft of 3/6/16 Aug 2009 Cost Fund Source are performing in the content areas of reading and math. (implementation) Fall 2009 ongoing Fall 2009 ongoing Fall 2009 ongoing Fall 2009 ongoing On going Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring) Teachers will meet with students to establish individual goals and discuss areas of strengths and weaknesses. Together the student and teacher will establish goals for improvement. (Goal Setting) Classroom Teachers (implementation) Teachers will provide students with specific feedback to assist them in understanding how to achieve the next level of performance in all content areas. Classroom Teachers (implementation) Teachers and administrators will use the results of the MAP assessment to develop RTI groups and make instructional decisions. Classroom teachers Teachers will analyze CATS and MAP test data to identify achievement strengths and weaknesses, gaps and overlaps to make necessary adjustments to curriculum maps and instructional practices. Principal Certified Staff 2004 Weekly Grade Level Meetings / PLC to analyze student work identify gap issues, and to design Common Assessments that are aligned to CCA. Classroom Teachers (implementation) Fall 2009 ongoing Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring) Principal/Asst Principal SEEK Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring) Purchase and train all teachers to utilize online instructional resource, Education City Principal Aug. 2009 On-going Train Building Level Team in PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports) and implement Principal Aug. 2009 On-going RTI reading teacher will train 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Para-educators using the Great Leaps reading intervention program. Principal Fall, 2009 On-going Teachers will participate in three school visits with Joyce Jackson, consultant for Thoughtful Education Principal Fall, 2009 On-going Para-educators will be trained to use an intervention program titled, One- RTI Math Teacher Fall, 2009 On-going School Consolidated Plan • RTI Reading Teacher Component • Page 6 of 12 • Draft of 3/6/16 PD Funds to-One Math. Para-educators will work with small groups of students 2-3 times per week. Para-educators Thoughtful Classroom Teacher Leaders will meet twice per week to plan using a backwards design. Teacher Leaders will provide staff PD on Essential Vocabulary and using a Compare/Contrast strategy. Teacher Leaders Teachers will use CCA to design common grade level assessments Classroom teachers Principal Fall, 2009 On-going Fall 2009 ongoing Fall 2009 ongoing Fall 2009 ongoing Fall 2008 On-going Fall 2009 ongoing Fall 2009 ongoing Fall 2009 ongoing Fall 2008 On-going Principal Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring) Teachers will plan and implement higher level Dok questions Classroom teachers Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring) Teachers will provide daily opportunities for students to respond, in writing, to higher Dok level questions Classroom Teachers (implementation) Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring) Teachers will use CCA to identify Essential Vocabulary Teachers Principal/Assist. Principal Teachers will analyze student work to make instructional decisions Classroom teachers Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring) Teachers will use Interim Performance Report assessment to identify instructional weaknesses and use data to design lesson plans that address gaps in student achievement. Classroom teachers MAP Leadership Team will randomly monitor testing sessions (shadowing/proctoring) to ensure testing fidelity. Classroom Teachers (implementation) Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring) Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring) Staff will implement the following strategies to reduce the academic gap among sub-populations (free/reduced vs. non-free/reduced and male vs. School Consolidated Plan • Teachers Component • Page 7 of 12 • Draft of 3/6/16 female): Principal/Assist. Principal Weekly Grade Level Meetings / PLC to analyze student work, identify gap issues, and to design Common Assessments that are aligned to CCA., Targeting novice/low apprentice students to receive extra instruction / Intervention Block for 30 minutes daily in reading and/or math Team Leadership meetings to identify student deficits and brainstorm immediate interventions Para-educators will utilize a monthly calendar, prepared by the RTI Math Teacher, to track consistency of the one-to-one math intervention program. Classroom teachers Teachers will model and instruct students to use the word “because” and use 7 or more words per sentence when speaking or writing. Classroom teachers RTI Math and RTI Reading Teacher will organize MAP assessment data, print reports and deliver Des Carte findings to teachers and Paraeducators in order to form flexible instructional groups. Classroom Teachers (implementation) Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) Building Level Team will meet once a month to analyze student behavior reports Classroom Teachers (implementation) Fall 2009 ongoing Fall 2009 ongoing Fall 2009 ongoing Fall 2009 ongoing Fall 2008 On-going Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring) Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring) Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring) Principal/Asst. Principal (monitoring) Reduce the F/R Lunch Approved subgroup achievement gap though equitable core and intervention instruction. School Consolidated Plan • Teachers Principal/Assist. Principal Component • Page 8 of 12 • Draft of 3/6/16 Activity Responsible Person Start Date End Date Principal will observe RF program (Tier I, Tier II, Tier III) a minimum of 3-5 times per week on a scheduled basis in order to gain greater knowledge of program, attend PD related to the RF program, and gain program knowledge for job-embedded observation of instruction. Principal January, 2008 On-going Primary teachers will receive Reading First Professional Development as required by Reading First Grant. (All primary and special education teachers who teach the core program will receive a minimum of 40 hrs of PD, principal 20 hrs, and RF Coach 80 hrs.) Teachers, Reading Coach Summer, 2005 On-going Aug. 2004 On-going PD will focus on Thoughtful Classroom which will include active engagement for critical learning Analysis of Group Reading Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation (GRADE) in order to plan instruction for diverse learners Required core, supplemental, and intervention reading program update/new teacher trainings. Explicit lesson planning Primary teachers will actively participate in embedded professional development focused around RF concepts including research, modeled lessons, core, supplemental and intervention strategies that will meet the needs of all LCCE students School Consolidated Plan • Administration RF Coach Principal Exemplary teachers Component • Page 9 of 12 • Draft of 3/6/16 Cost Fund Source Reading First Grant GRADE and DIBELS assessments will be administered three times per year (Fall, Winter, Spring) to track progress toward RF benchmark goals. Certified Staff Faculty will implement all components/activities as outlined and required by the RF grant. Principal Teachers will continue use of a progress monitoring schedule for DIBELS that will reflect students needing progress monitoring on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly basis. RF Coach All Students will receive 90 minutes of uninterrupted reading/language arts instruction daily. (Primary students not reaching RF benchmarks during the ninety minute core reading session will receive a 30 min. supplemental reading session and, if needed, an additional 30 min. intervention strategy session daily by certified staff to ensure all students will reach reading proficiency.) Teacher will increase active engagement during Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III instruction. Principal Students not reaching proficiency levels in reading will receive intervention instruction beyond the Tier I, Tier II, Tier III programs through additional support services. Principal Literacy Centers will provide a choice of activities that will address varied learning styles and student identified needs. Principal Fall Annually Spring Annually August 2005 On going January, 2008 On-going August 2004 On going August 2005 On going August 2007 On going Principal August On going Certified Staff 2007 RF Coaches Certified Teachers Counselor RF Coach Certified Staff RF Coach Provide frequent opportunities for student selfassessment of performance and guide students toward becoming independent learners through self –reflection and development of projects/activities that address individual interest and needs. School Consolidated Plan • RF Coach Component • Page 10 of 12 • Draft of 3/6/16 SEEK Maintain data boards as a visual tool to monitor student progress toward benchmark goals and drive instructional planning. Principal Provide opportunities for student ownership in the classroom through student work displays, personal art for decoration, seating, classroom rules, expectations, unique inspiring reading nooks, etc. Principal Reading First funds have/will continue to provide materials/equipment necessary to carry out the core, supplemental, and intervention programs to address the literacy needs of all LCCE students. Principal, DIBELS and GRADE benchmarks/goals have been established by the developer for students at all primary levels RF Coach Principal School Consolidated Plan • November, 2006 On going August 2007 On going August, 2004 June, 2008 August, 2005 On-going Certified Staff Staff RF Coach Component • Page 11 of 12 • Draft of 3/6/16 Instructio nal Funds/Fu nd Raisers/R F Funds \ Objective 4: Increase the number of parents involved in the development of their children’s educational plan through increased home/school/community communication. Activity Responsible Person Start Date End Date Home Liaison will aid in communication with the parents of identified at risk primary students through home visits and instructional material distribution to families and recruit parents for GED Programs and to attend the Commonwealth Institute for Parent Leadership each year. Home Liaison Fall, 2005 On going Title I Parent members participate in all Success for All “Solutions” meetings to address and plan intervention strategies for student academic/behavior problems. (RF Intervention Component) Principal Fall, 2005 On going NA Fund Source Principal Family Support Team Home Liaison RTI Math Teacher will organize a Family Math Night to present two grade appropriate math games for parents to use at home with their children (Make and Take) RTI Math Teacher Winter, 2009 Winter, 2009 RTI Reading Teacher will write a section for the school newsletter/local newspaper to inform parents of activities to help their children in the area of reading at home. RTI Reading Teacher Fall, 2009 On going School Consolidated Plan • Cost Component • Page 12 of 12 • Draft of 3/6/16