
Employee Council Meeting Notes, Miller-Ward Alumni House, September
15, 2010:
Angie Duprey, Employee Council President:
This is the 40th Anniversary of Employee Council, and past presidents will be invited
this year to share their challenges & successes during their tenures.
Angie discussed this year’s theme, “A Voice for Employees”.
The 2010-2011 Employee Council Board:
Angie Duprey, President
Jessica Perlove, President-Elect
Stacey Green – Treasurer
Percy Hampton – Historian
Nancy Bossert – Secretary
Margie Bernardo – Membership Chair
The Employee Council’s website has been re-designed to include minutes & future
webcasts, as well as a News You Can Use link. There are also links to the University
Senate, Commissions and more under Resources.
“Hot Topics” will be coming soon, a new forum for submissions of university hot topic
areas, but must be submitted along with solutions.
Steve Everett, University Senate Chair:
The University Senate welcomes representative from Employee Council to increase the
flow of information between employees & the Senate.
The Senate is a governance group comprised of four categories:
1. Elected Faculty – 18 members
2. Student Body – 12 members
3. Specified Activities – 12 members (with 6 from Employee Council) includes
Campus Development, Fringe Benefits, Transportation/Parking
4. Rotating Dean
Bylaws of Senate:
1. Recommendations on all general University issues
2. Reviews changes to policies before implementation, development & review
3. Considers & recommends on matters referred by the President and Board of
4. Recommendations for Honorary Degrees
5. Recommendations for University Administration
A new “Council Concerns” newsletter will serve the issues of the Senate & Employee
Council. Plans are being made for video documentation and transmission of each
The Senate projects for this year include developing a Grievance Policy, creating a
smoke-free campus environment, and working with Matthew Early on safety concerns &
President James Wagner:
The importance of Employee Council lies in the fact that Emory is an organization of
people, not just positions. The purpose is to work together for shared governance, and
the satisfaction of being engaged with a common purpose.
Shared governance & accountability can be achieved by people creatively coming up
with motivations and principles. When shared governance works, trust grows and more
responsibility can be given at the deepest level of an organization.
With the issue of parking at Emory, we subsidize what it takes to get people to Emory,
instead of cars.
Peter Barnes, Vice President, Human Resources:
With the new health care reforms, Emory pays over $160 million this year to insure
37,000 lives. There are currently around 5500 dependents who are 26 years old or
younger, and if they decide to join the plan it will cost over 5 ½ million to support.
Emory is consolidating the core network, and is encouraging the use of Emory
physicians and affiliates to create the Emory Provider Network, with lower co-pays.
Smoke-Free Campus: Emory will be an anti-tobacco campus by next year with no
smoking allowed anywhere on campus. In 2011 Emory Healthcare is charging a
surcharge to employees who smoke, and in 2012 the University will follow suit.
The “Breathe” campaign for lung health has been very successful.
The Hardship Fund is funded by Emory employees to give back to Emory employees in
financial crisis.
Learning Services has both Management Development & Supervisor Development
programs available.
Angie Duprey:
Let your constituents know you are their Employee Council rep, and current Hot Topics
are Smoke-Free Campus and Childcare.