Macbeth Act IV Study Guide

Act IV
Scene i
What are the witches doing at the beginning of this scene?
EXPLAIN these Significant lines ______
“Double, double, toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.”
EXPLAIN these Significant lines ______
“By the pricking of my thumbs,
Something wicked this way comes.”
Describe each prediction:
Apparition 1 –
Prediction 1 –
Apparition 2 –
Prediction 2 –
Apparition 3 –
Prediction 3 –
What does Macbeth ask after he receives the 3 apparitions and their predictions?
Apparition 4 –
What does the fourth apparition imply?
What does Lennox tell Macbeth about Macduff?
What does Macbeth say he will do while Macduff is gone?
Scene ii
Why is Lady Macduff so upset?
Scene iii
How is Macduff received by Malcolm?
What information does Ross bring to Macduff?