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Macbeth Act 4 Scene 1: Apparitions Worksheet

Act 4 Scene 1: The Apparitions
L.O. To comment on the way Shakespeare presents the apparitions and explore the devices he uses to subtly manipulate the reader.
Read the witches spell at the start of ACT 4.1; lines 1-43.
Write down three of the MOST DISGUSTING things they include in their spell. BONUS: draw a picture of each one.
The ingredients to the witchs’ potion, in Act 4.1 are all the entrails or body parts of loathed animals or human beings:
tongue, leg, liver, lips, scales, teeth, and so on. What might this imply about Macbeth?
Fill in the table below about the APPARITIONS shown to Macbeth
Direct Quote that
provides a
prophecy for
Meaning in
your own
Give stage direction quote
and sketch the apparition!
First Apparition:
Stage directions: ‘an armed head’
Second Apparition:
Stage directions:
“Be bloody, bold, and
resolute; laugh to scorn/The
power of man, for none of
woman born/Shall harm
Third Apparition:
Stage directions:
Fourth Apparition:
Stage directions: Enter a show of eight
kings, and the last with a glass in his
hand; Banquo’s Ghost following
Nothing said by this apparition
– why might this be the case?
Challenge: What
threat is
symbolised in the
imagery of the
apparition itself?