Act II

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Macbeth Act V Study Guide
1. What has happened to Lady Macbeth? Explain her mental deterioration.
She dies – she was sleepwalking and guilt was catching up with her. Her conscience caused
2. Explain how Macbeth reacts to the news about his wife’s end. Compare and contrast his
reaction to Macduff’s when he learns of his family’s death.
He acts very indifferent and is preoccupied with the meaningless nature of life.
3. Explain how all the apparitions come true:
a. How has “No man born of woman” killed Macbeth?
Macduff was born by C-Section, not through natural childbirth. He was the one who killed
b. How have the woods moved?
The soldiers hid behind tree branches and moved toward the castle.
4. What was the outcome of the duel between Macbeteh and Young Siward? Why did it have
to end this way?
Young Siward died – he was born naturally.
5. Who does finally kill Macbeth? How can this be so (see 3A)?
Macduff – he was not born naturally. His mother had a C-Section
6. Who will rule Scotland?