
SATE Users’ Group Meeting
February 26, 2002
SATE Users’ Group Mission Statement
1. Give Qwest the opportunity to communicate current plans for it’s testing environments.
2. Give the CLECs the opportunity to communicate their current and future testing needs.
3. Jointly present a list of CRs to CMP to ensure that future enhancements of Qwest environments meet
those stated CLECs’ needs.
Bob Carias-Nightfire, Chris Black-KPMG, Curt Carland-HP, Michael Buck-Qwest, Ian ColemanAllegiance, Wendy Green-Qwest, Johanna Hunter-Qwest, Samantha Kratzet-Qwest, Wendy Latta-Qwest,
Donna Osbourne-Miller, AT&T, Ken Wilson-AT&T, Louise Ng-HP, Sunil Segal-HP
3/26 Meeting Agenda:
 Review of Meeting Minutes from the meeting held on 2/26/02
 Review of Meeting Minutes from the meeting held on 2/12/02
 Review of Action Items
 Feedback on VICKI
 Review of VICKI Data Path Document
 Discuss the feasibility of a GUI for VICKI.
 Flowthrough Discussion
 Support to CLECs for Flowthrough LSRs.
 Status of proposed CMP CRs
 Review of IMA CMP CRs that impact SATE
 Status of HP test on SATE
 Walk-ons
 2002 Meeting Schedule (all meetings scheduled on the Tuesday following the CMP Systems monthly
meeting from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. MST):
* 3/26/02
* 5/21/02
* 4/23/02
* 6/25/02
Meeting Minutes from the meeting held on 2/12/02 were reviewed and accepted at the 2/26/02 meeting.
Feedback on VICKI
 The members of the SATE Users’ Group have agreed to the removal of the Feedback on VICKI topic
from the meeting agenda, since no CLECs have used VICKI in SATE yet. HP noted that they did use
VICKI in SATE testing, but not for all products. If necessary in the future, the topic will be added to
the agenda.
Flowthrough Discussion
 The members of the SATE Users’ Group have agreed to the removal of the Flowthrough Discussion
topic from the meeting agenda, since no CLECs have used Flow Through in SATE yet. If necessary in
the future, the topic will be added to the agenda.
 Additionally, feedback currently goes through the IMA EDI Implementation team.
 The SATE Users’ were informed that the Flowthrough functionality is up and working.
 Per question from Bob Carias-Nightfire, Data Document version 9.04a was created for HP testing with
no CLECs impacted by this version.
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SATE Users’ Group Meeting
February 26, 2002
Discussion of proposed CMP CRs
 The SATE specific CMP CRs will be prioritized in the March (3/21) meeting per the discussion
mentioned in the previous section.
 Qwest has issued a CR for every product in production not currently supported by SATE
(approximately 30 CRs).
 The list of IMA CMP CRs that impact SATE will be completed and discussed in the March CMP
meeting. This schedule was approved by the SATE User’ Group.
Status of HP testing
 HP has done testing of VICKI and tests were successful. HP may do further testing in VICKI at a
future date.
 HP has completed phase 1 & 2 testing and phase 3 have been run, but the latter has not yet been
 Phase 1 of the test measured against the PID at 93%.
 Phase 2 of the test was against EDI for BPL testing. Results will be provided to the TAG.
 HP is continuing to work on resolving whether phase 4 testing will commence and if so, when.
 Bob Carias, Nightfire, inquired as to why Qwest picked up the sponsorship of the CR to add FBDL to
SATE. While a CLEC (AT&T) stepped forward to sponsor the addition of Loop/Line Splitting to
SATE, which Nightfire requested, Qwest sponsored the FBDL CR since no CLEC stepped forward.
 Ian Coleman, Allegiance, requested that in the CMP meeting when the CLECs vote to prioritize the
SATE CRs, that each product has a list of the order volumes currently in production. Also, could the
products that are not frequently used be grouped together for the CMP CR voting? Wendy GreenQwest agreed to update the product CRs with this information (see New Action Items).
New Action Items
 Wendy Green, Qwest, will research if CR #122701-5 could be prioritized out of cycle.
 Wendy Green, Qwest, will research if a CR has been opened to add the EEL product to SATE.
 Wendy Green, Qwest, will add the current production order volumes to each of the CRs for new
product addition to SATE.
 Wendy Green, Qwest, will add a “Yes/No” column to the IMA candidate list in order to indicate
whether a CR is SATE Impacting.
 Wendy Green, Qwest, will add new SATE CRs that were created outside of the SATE Users’ Group
participants to the list of CRs discussed in this meeting.
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SATE Users’ Group Meeting
February 26, 2002
Old Action Items
 Qwest will make the list of prioritized IMA CMP System CRs available to the SATE Users’ Group.
02/26/02 Update: Qwest was asked for clarification as to the purpose of this action item. This was
purposed in order that the SATE Users’ Group participants take a look at the prioritized package for
the top 10-15 SATE impacting CRs and review in detail potential impacts before voting. Additionally,
since these CRs have not been prioritized the action item cannot be completed until after 3/4/02 when
the final prioritized list will be published.
Related Discussion during 2/26/02 meeting:
Ian Coleman, Allegiance: CLECs do not have AI’s until CRs are packaged and can be added into
Michael Buck, Qwest: CRs need to be prioritized before being placed in a release.
Ian Coleman, Allegiance: Which CRs will automatically be added to SATE?
Wendy Green, Qwest: Those CRs will be included in the list of IMA CRs that are SATE impacting or
SATE specific. The CLECs will prioritize the CRs.
Donna Osborne-Miller, AT&T: Will the SATE Users’ Group prioritize the SATE CRs or will these
occur in CMP? Wendy Green, Qwest, responded that the SATE CRs will be prioritized in CMP as
agreed to by the CMP community, however, will be prioritized and voted upon separately from the
Bob Carias, Nightfire: How will all CLECs know about CRs if not all CLECs attend the SATE Users’
Group meeting?
Michael Buck, Qwest: They will be notified of the CRs at the CMP meeting.
Wendy Green, Qwest: Would it help to add new CRs to the Users’ Group meeting minutes? (The
Users’ Group agreed that it would not add sufficient value for CRs to be added to the meeting
Wendy Green, Qwest: The prioritization meeting will be held on 3/21/02.
Wendy Green, Qwest: How early would the CLECs like to see the SATE impacting and SATE specific
CR list? (CLECs agreed that they will wait until the prioritization meeting to see the list).
Wendy Green, Qwest: Do the CLECs need further support for Flow Through? (CLECs answer “No”).
The Data Documents 9.05, 9.06 and 9.07 are updated to support Flow Through data.
Bob Carias, Nightfire: Why doesn’t SATE mirror IMA for all products supported?
Wendy Green, Qwest: Qwest first wanted to add products to SATE that the CLECs were currently
Michael Buck, Qwest: As Jeff Thompson indicated in previous CMP sessions, all products in IMA
could be placed into SATE (even those not currently ordered by CLECs today), however this would
reduce the SATE users’ flexibility in adding additional non-product functionality to SATE.
Louise Ng, HP: How will SATE only CRs get prioritized when IMA only and IMA/SATE-impacting
CRs exist? Wendy Green, Qwest, clarified that all SATE impacting CRs (whether IMA/SATE or
SATE only) will be combined into one prioritization/voting group. Additionally, IMA only CRs with
no impact to SATE will be automatically placed into SATE once implemented into IMA production.
This process will allow CLECs the flexibility to prioritize SATE only functional enhancements ahead
of IMA changes, if CLECs so desire.
Closed Action Items
 The members of the SATE Users’ Group will review the Data Request process to decide if a generic
process for requesting all data changes is sufficient, or whether specific instructions for data path
requests are needed.
02/26/02 Complete: The SATE Users’ Group agreed that the generic process for all data changes in
the Implementation Guide is sufficient. Ian Coleman confirmed the generic Data Request process
 Donna Montarone, Qwest, will include the CMP CR numbers in the list of SATE CMP CRs that are
included in the SATE Users’ Group Meeting Minutes.
02/26/02 Complete
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SATE Users’ Group Meeting
February 26, 2002
Qwest will reschedule the remaining SATE Users’ Group Meetings to occur on the Tuesday following
the CMP System meetings instead of the second Tuesday of each month.
02/26/02 Complete
Michael Buck, Qwest CMP team, will check into the feasibility of modifying the CMP System
meeting agenda so that all SATE discussion items will occur at one time, preferably in the morning.
02/26/02 Complete: Michael was successful in moving this portion of the meeting forward in the day,
however, it did not make it into the morning session. Michael agreed to continue to work towards
making this occur in the morning session. User Group agreed to close this action item.
Wendy Green, Qwest, will contact HP to invite them to the next SATE Users’ Group meeting to
provide a status on their SATE test.
02/26/02 Complete: HP representatives attended the 2/26/02 meeting.
The next SATE Users’ Group Meeting will be held on March 26, 2002
from 9:00am – 11:00am MST.
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