The Discussion was deferred to the next SATE User

SATE Users’ Group Meeting
June 25, 2002
SATE Users’ Group Mission Statement
Give Qwest the opportunity to communicate current plans for it’s testing environments.
Give the CLECs the opportunity to communicate their current and future testing needs.
Jointly present a list of CRs to CMP to ensure that future enhancements of Qwest environments meet
those stated CLECs’ needs.
Carrie Bousfield - Qwest, Michael Buck - Qwest, Pia Cajuguiran - Qwest, Bob Carias - Nightfire, Beth
Foster - Qwest, Wendy Green - Qwest, Michelle Koetke – Eschelon, Samantha Kratzet - Qwest, Wendy
Latta - Qwest, Becky Oliver - Worldcom, Sai Rao - AT&T, Candy Skaff - Eschelon
6/25 Meeting Agenda
Review of Meeting Minutes from the meeting held on 05/21/02
Review of Action Items
Raw Loop Data Query Scenarios in the Data Document (See Attachment)
Proposed VICKI Document Changes (See Attachment)
Status of proposed CMP CRs
2002 Meeting Schedule (all meetings scheduled on the Tuesday following the CMP Systems monthly
meeting from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. MST):
 07/23/02
 08/20/02 changed to 08/27/02
 09/24/02
Meeting Minutes from the meeting held on 05/21/02 were reviewed and accepted at the 06/25/02 meeting.
Raw Loop Data Query Scenarios in the Data Document
Pia Cajuguiran – Qwest: presented the current status of the RLDQ scenarios in the Data Document and
proposed the following reductions:
Currently, there are twenty-six RLDQ scenarios in each version of the Data Document. These twenty-six
RLDQ scenarios more than exceed the minimum test requirements a CLEC must test prior to going into
Controlled Production. Only one CLEC has tested RLDQ in SATE. From January 2002 through May
2002, this CLEC has submitted a total of twelve RLDQ transactions in SATE.
The proposed twelve RLDQ scenarios will not change the intent of the original SATE business
requirements for Raw Loop Data Query. CLECs will be able to test the same functionality with the
proposed twelve RLDQ scenarios. There will be no CLEC impacts if Qwest reduces the number of RLDQ
scenarios in the Data Document from twenty-six scenarios to twelve scenarios. Scenarios that were
previously tested by the CLEC(s) will be included in the twelve RLDQ scenarios that will be utilized going
forward. By removing the other fourteen scenarios, Qwest eliminates redundant data for this Pre-Order
Related Discussion
Becky Oliver - Worldcom: The minimum test requirements for RLDQ, what are they based on?
Wendy Green - Qwest: The minimum test requirements are based on the query types and responses a
CLEC must test for RLDQ. All queries and responses must be tested to be used in Production.
Bob Carias - Nightfire: How soon can this change take effect?
Pia Cajuguiran - Qwest: The July 15 publication of the Data Documents.
Bob Carias - Nightfire: I agree to the change.
Becky Oliver - Worldcom: I understand which scenarios Qwest would keep, but the ones that say
remove also say duplicates. Are they exact duplicates?
Pia Cajuguiran - Qwest: These scenarios are marked as duplicate because they test the same
functionality, but use different accounts.
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SATE Users’ Group Meeting
June 25, 2002
Becky Oliver - Worldcom: How did you get twelve scenarios?
Wendy Green - Qwest: Please refer to the attached document to see the list of twelve proposed
scenarios. They meet the minimum test criteria and show all regions.
Bob Carias - Nightfire: Is this to cleanup the Data Document for this Pre-Order function?
Pia Cajuguiran - Qwest: Yes, since only one user has tested these scenarios, Qwest did not want to
spend additional resources for the RLDQ scenario maintenance if they are not being utilized.
Becky Oliver - Worldcom: I have no issue with this proposal.
Pia Cajuguiran - Qwest: Does everyone agree to this change?
Bob Carias - Nightfire: Yes.
Becky Oliver - WorldCom: Yes.
Wendy Green – Qwest: We will take the silence from the other attendees as concurrence.
New format for the VICKI Path Document
Pia Cajuguiran – Qwest: Qwest has received feedback that the VICKI path document is confusing to read.
In response to this feedback, Qwest would like to propose a new format for the VICKI Path Document.
The following are the proposed changes:
 All “Test” path scenarios will be grouped together and listed sequentially.
 For “Test” path scenarios, the path numbers will change to T1 for Test 1, T2 for Test 2, T3 for Test 3,
 Remove the time delay columns for the “Test” path scenarios.
 Add a new paragraph in the Overview section for the Time Delays of the “Test” path scenarios. The
verbiage is as follows:
“TEST” Path Scenarios Time Delays
 For “Test” path scenarios that are manually processed, the time delays may vary.
 For “Test” path scenarios that are automatically processed, the time delays are approximately one
 All “Prod” path scenarios will be grouped together and listed sequentially.
 For “Prod” path scenarios, the path numbers will change to P1 for Production 1, P2 for Production 2,
P3 for Production 3, etc.
Related Discussion
Bob Carias - Nightfire: Can we hold off on this until the next SATE User’s group meeting so that we
have time to look over the changes and decide, considering not all normal attendees are present.
Wendy Green - Qwest: Does everyone agree to take an action item to review the proposal and we revisit it at the next meeting?
Becky Oliver – Worldcom: These seem okay to me, but I’m okay with reviewing it next month.
Pia Cajuguiran - Qwest: Once an agreement has been made, Qwest can have this change available in
the next publication of the VICKI Path Document.
Bob Carias – Nightfire: So in the July meeting, if we vote and if everyone agrees to this change, it will
be done in August?
Pia Cajuguiran - Qwest: Yes, that is correct.
The Discussion was deferred to the next SATE User Group Meeting
Status of proposed CMP CRs
SCR021902 - 13 - SATE - Add ELL/UNE Combination: IspPackaged in 11.0.
SCR052902 - 01 - Add sample EDI (X12) Responses to the SATE Documentation: Pending Qwest LOE.
SCR122701 - 2 - SATE Data - NPA/NXXes: Completed and CLEC tested in the SATE 10.0 release.
SCR122701 - 5 - SATE - Increase Hours of Availability: The Morning hours has been extended to 6 a.m.
instead of 8 a.m. and has been tested. The evening hours is packaged for 11.0.
SCR122701 - 6 - SATE - Add Facility Based Directory Listings: Is packaged for 11.0.
Related Discussion
Wendy Green - Qwest: Just a reminder that the prioritizations of the SATE CRs for release 12.0 will
occur in August. As a result, CRs must be entered by August 1, 2002 to be available for prioritization.
Bob Carias - Nightfire: Concerning SCR052902-01 – Add sample EDI (X12) reponse to the SATE
documentation, why is this still in clarification?
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SATE Users’ Group Meeting
June 25, 2002
Wendy Green - Qwest: Based on the systems meeting last week, we realized that the scope is larger
than we thought so we need to get a new LOE.
Michael Buck - Qwest: This CR will be updated to ‘presented’.
Bob Carias - Nightfire: This will be done out of cycle?
Wendy Green - Qwest: Yes
Becky Oliver - Worldcom: Are these CRs specific only to SATE?
Wendy Green - Qwest: Yes. These CRs are non-IMA production impacting.
Michael Buck - Qwest: The mechanics for SATE voting is like IMA voting. These CRs will be
reviewed in the August meeting. We will be sending out a ballot. CLECs will have two to three
business days to respond and once we receive the ballot, we will tabulate and send out the response by
the end of August.
Becky Oliver - Worldcom: I appreciate the additional information. I will need to discuss this with my
counterparts. I am concerned that prioritization will affect SATE’s ability to mirror production.
Wendy Green – Qwest: We at Qwest also have that concern. When we provide candidates and
recommend how they should be ranked, the CLECs want the flexibility to vote a SATE specific CR
higher than an IMA CR that is not critical in SATE. We reviewed the SATE prioritization several
months ago in the SATE User’s Group meeting and this was the SATE CRs prioritization result.
Michael Buck - Qwest: Your point is valid, this could be brought forward at the monthly CMP
meeting. However, those on the call who have been involved, you’ll remember that we’ve had this
discussion multiple times before and the result is exactly what Wendy has described.
Becky Oliver - Worldcom: Where can I locate this CR process?
Michael Buck - Qwest: The url is Go to the
active system requirements for the interactive reports containing the SATE CRs.
Bob Carias - Nightfire: Should we add this to the EDI Implementation Guidelines?
Wendy Green - Qwest: As this is already in the CMP process, it would be dual maintenance to put in
Samantha Kratzet - Qwest: Should we send out the meeting minutes from the February SATE Users’
group meeting?
Bob Carias - Nightfire: This documentation would be helpful.
Wendy Green - Qwest: I believe this information was added to the Master Redline.
Michael Buck - Qwest: I can provide you the url at a later time for the Master Redline.
Becky Oliver – Worldcom: We’ve been looking at PO-19B, they’ve forwarded the results of the
meeting minutes with that, but I think seeing them would be helpful for the others on the call.
Wendy Green - Qwest: I will include them when I send out next month’s packet.
Bob Carias - Nightfire: Do we have specific scenarios that shows the enhance functionality in IMA to test
in SATE?
Wendy Green - Qwest: A new section was added in the Data Document for Release 10.0 to test the new
IMA functionality in SATE. Please refer to the June publication of the Data Document.
Bob Carias - Nightfire: I will review the Data Document again to test the new functionality available in
SATE and provide feedback at next month’s meeting.
New Action Items
1. Wendy Green - Qwest: Will provide the meeting minutes from the February SATE User’s Group
2. Wendy Green - Qwest: Will provide the date when EDI documentation will be updated and provided to
the CLECs with EDI examples of responses out of cycle.
3. Michael Buck - Qwest: Will provide the url for the Master Redline document.
4. John Paul - Accenture: To confirm FBDL issue is resolved.
Old Action Items
1. Wendy Green - Qwest: Will work with John Paul - Accenture to determine why he received an error
message within a FOC.
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SATE Users’ Group Meeting
June 25, 2002
06/25/02 - This issue has been resolved. FBDL response called DESRES can have error message
associated with it. This issue will remain open, pending John Paul attendance, to confirm that this issue
was resolved.
2. Wendy Green - Qwest: Will review the EDI documentation to ensure the option of negative 997 testing
is clear.
06/25/02 - Pending until the 11.0 publication of the Implementation Guide as this is the next scheduled
publication. This statement will be added to the 11.0 EDI IMA Implementation Guidelines.
Closed Action Items
1. Wendy Green - Qwest, will investigate the possibility of providing the CLECs with EDI examples of
responses out of cycle.
06/25/02 - Closed: Qwest is working this CR# SCR052902-01. This impacts documentation only and a
completion date has not been determined.
2. Donna Osbourne-Miller - AT&T and Bob Carias – Nightfire, will create a CR for the EDI response
06/25/02: Closed: CR# SCR052902-01 was created.
The next SATE Users’ Group Meeting will be held on July 23, 2002
from 9:00am – 11:00am MST.
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