Level I_2_Technical Drawings - DeLand-ENG

Career Academy Integrated Unit Plan
Academy Name: Engineering Academy
School: Deland High School
Integrated Unit Plan Title: Technical Drawings
Courses to integrate: Geometry, Geometry Honors, Engineering Technology I
Grade Level: 9 (Level I)
Timeline & Duration: 2 weeks
Unit Summary: Students will learn transformations (reflection, rotation, and translation) in Geometry, along with how to
recreate congruent figures isometrically on paper. Activities in Engineering Technology I will reinforce this learning by
introducing modify commands mirror, rotate, and move, along with how to use the relative coordinate system vs.
Cartesian coordinate system. Students will also use AutoCAD to recreate isometric drawings for parts.
Driving Question: How might the features of one figure be useful when solving problems about a congruent figure?
Overview of Activities/Lessons per Course
Geometry (Regular & Honors)
Engineering Technology I
Students will use constructions to define and
illustrate reflection, rotation, translation, and
symmetry using graph paper and isometric drawing
Students will learn modify commands for
AutoCAD, such as mirror, rotate, and move.
Students will learn relative coordinate system, and
connect with translation. As time allows, students
will apply this skill to writing G-code for CNC.
Students will recreate figures isometrically using
Anchor Event
Students will sketch models isometrically on paper and also using AutoCAD.
Lesson Instructions for Geometry (Regular and Honors): Isometric Drawings
Standards (Performance Tasks or Course Frameworks or Sunshine State Standards ): MAFS.912.G-CO.1.2,
MAFS.912.G-CO.1.3, MAFS.912.G-CO.1.4, MAFS.912.G-CO.1.5, LACC.910.RST.3.7, LACC.910.2.4
Rigor & Relevance Quadrant: B (Application)
Instructions to Teacher: Instruct students to complete the Cornell Vocabulary sheet using the beige words and boxes
from page 544-568. Prepare worksheet packets for translation, reflection, rotation, and symmetry using Kuta Software and
math-aids. Demonstrate using transparencies of coordinate plane how to construct translations, reflections, rotations, and
symmetry using Geometric Shapes template. Prepare isometric dot paper packet using the booklet: “Spatial Visualization”
Pages 74-76, 87-89. Demonstrate using transparencies of isometric dot paper how to move using this format. Prepare
lesson for isometric orthographic drawing handouts using booklet “Spatial Visualization” pages 37-48. Students can work
in pairs to complete activities. Demonstrate how to do the front, side and top views using transparencies and ¼” cubes.
Computer software can be used to demonstrate or have students construct isometric drawings, website:
Instructions to Students: Complete vocabulary sheet completely and all transformation handouts, textbook, and
computer assignments. Work productively and respectfully in group activity. Handle all materials appropriately.
Instructions for Student Accommodations: Hands on activity, group and individual activities.
Formative Assessments: Classroom observations, discussions, completion of class work assignments from textbook
and related handout packets on transformations. Completion of isometric orthographic project.
Summative Assessment(s): Project packet can be formative or summative and quiz or test on isometric drawings
including vocabulary. Website: http://worksheets.tutorvista.com/isometric-orthographic-drawings-worksheet.html can be
used for either assessment.
Approximate Length of Time for Activity: 2 weeks (50 minute class periods).
Materials Needed: Transparencies, worksheet packets, class set of Geometric shapes templates, graph paper, isometric
dot paper, 6” ruler or straight edge. Geometry textbook, Cornell vocabulary handouts, 1” and ¼” plastic cubes. Student
computers with internet if doing interactive websites.
Resources Needed: Use the following websites: http://www.kutasoftware.com/freeige.html and http://www.mathaids.com/Geometry/Transformations/ to prepare worksheet packets.
Use website: http://www.pearlandisd.org/webpages/druley/files/isometric_worksheet.jpg to practice drawings on isometric
dot paper and booklet: “Spatial Visualization”, Middle Grades Mathematics Project, Addison-Wesley Publishing company,
1986, ISBN 0-201-21477-6.
Attachments: Cornell note-taking vocabulary sheet
Lesson Instructions for Engineering Technology I: Transformations in AutoCAD
Standards (Performance Tasks or Course Frameworks or Sunshine State Standards ): 02.01.2, 02.01.3, 03.01,
03.04, 03.05, 03.06, 07.06, 09.01, 11.01.
Rigor & Relevance Quadrant: B (Application).
Instructions to Teacher: Using the AutoCAD platform, teach modify commands mirror, rotation, and move. Show
students how to use grips. Relate positioning to relative coordinate system in addition to the Cartesian coordinate system.
As time allows, also show scale (dilation).
Instructions to Students: You will learn certain modify commands that relate to the transformations you are learning in
Geometry. Use these commands to create a part drawing of your own, and label each command as you had used them.
Also, explain in your own words how relative coordinates work.
Instructions for Student Accommodations: Hands-on learning, visuals.
Formative Assessments: Students exercises for AutoCAD work.
Summative Assessment(s): Independent drawing showing transformations.
Approximate Length of Time for Activity: 3 class periods, 1 period to teach and 2 periods for students to complete
Materials Needed: Computer, AutoCAD, paper, pencil, ruler, compass, protractor.
Resources Needed: Geometry textbook for problem banks.
Attachments: None.
Lesson Instructions for Engineering Technology I: Isometric Drawings
Standards (Performance Tasks or Course Frameworks or Sunshine State Standards ): 03.01, 03.04, 03.05, 03.06,
09.01, 11.01.
Rigor & Relevance Quadrant: B (Application).
Instructions to Teacher: Using AutoCAD, show students how to convert the orthographic screen into isometric mode,
and 2D model space (dots). Show students how to create isometric part drawings. Include isometric dimensioning and
Instructions to Students: In Geometry, you had sketched on paper some isometric figures. After learning how to use
isometric mode in AutoCAD, recreate these figures to scale. Add dimensions and text.
Instructions for Student Accommodations: Hands-on learning, visuals.
Formative Assessments: AutoCAD exercises. Also, Kelvin Kubes may be used to add more practice.
Summative Assessment(s): Recreation of isometric sketch completed in Geometry class.
Approximate Length of Time for Activity: 4 class periods. 1 period to teach isometric drawing in AutoCAD, 1 day for
practice, and 2 days for recreating sketch plus adding dimensions and text.
Materials Needed: Computer, AutoCAD, paper, pencil, ruler, compass, protractor. Kelvin Kubes, if necessary for added
Resources Needed: Geometry textbook.
Attachments: None.