Kapuni Lodge Fees

Please contact the trip leader by Tuesday (or by the date specified) if you are
interested in doing a trip the following weekend so leaders can organise transport
and adapt the route as necessary according to who is coming.
***** Please note - club evening time is now 7.30 p.m.*******
Please contact the trip leader by Tuesday of the weekend of the trip (or the date
specified) if you are interested in going, so leaders can organise transport and
adapt the route accordingly to experience and fitness
Wednesday 30
Club night – The Small-bore rifle
Donna Cram
of May
Hub, Hawera
shooting – target
06 2745778
practice. Get your eye p.d.cram@xtra.co.nz
in before the hunting
Queen’s birthday Tramping – three A moderate trip from
Maria Cunningham
weekend 2,3,4
days in
Puniwhakau to Omaru Ph 2788799
of June
Hut, then up to Pouri
Hut in Matemateongas @gmail.com
on Sunday night and
back out to Kohi
Saddle on Monday.
Wednesday the
Club night
Skiing at Sun Peaks,
Jim and Marilyn Finer
6 of June
British Columbia
Saturday the 9
Day walk – Te
Linking up several
Bob Burdoff
of June
Henui walkway,
tracks for a good 2-3
0273 409024
New Plymouth
hour winter walk.
Saturday and
Join with our younger Kevin Lockley
Sunday the 16-17
members on a hunting 06 2786845
trip with an overnight
stay in a woolshed.
Saturday the 30
Pot luck tea
Come and enjoy some Donna Cram
of June
Club conviviality at
06 2745778
Cram’s place, 1505
Auroa Road, from
Sunday the 1 of Rotokare Ramble Jenny will lead us on a Jenny Kerrisk
guided walk around
027 3107791
Wednesday the
4th of July
Club night
Sunday the 8th of
Day walk
Saturday the 14th
and Sunday the
15th of July
Mountain biking
Saturday and
Sunday the 21st
and 22nd of July
Overnight at
Kapuni Lodge
Sunday the 29th
of July
Day walk
Saturday and
Sunday the 4th
and 5th of August
Wednesday the
8th of August
this stunning local
Come and be inspired
by recent kayaking
and tramping trips in
the Marlborough
Sounds and mountainbiking the Heaphy.
Walk up Mangorei
track to Pouakai Hut
and venture out to
Tatangi or
Photographic Peak if
the weather is kind.
Check your bike over
with a bike mechanic
on the Saturday (tbc)
before heading to the
Lake Mangamahoe
mountain bike park on
the Sunday.
Come up for a
scrumptious midwinter Christmas
Phil Cram
06 2745778
Tramp into Daniel’s
private hunting lodge
in the Whenuakura
Winter climbing – Head up to
Central Plateau
Whakapapa (venue
tbc) on Friday night,
before attempting a
winter Tongariro
crossing and Ruapehu
summit, weather
Club night
Ever wondered what
(and closing date you learn on a
for photo
climbing course in the
Southern Alps? Come
Lois Sundy
06 2785363
Donna Cram
06 2745778
Ph 2788799
Daniel Gavin
027 4597027
Maria Cunningham
06 2788799
Jeremy Johnston
06 2729155
along and find out…
Sunday the 12th
of August
Day walk
Wednesday the
15th of August
Daniel Gavin/Maria
Ph 2788799
Trip reports
This is the last date to Jan Fleming
get your news into Jan 06 2784460
for the upcoming
Snowcraft course Two days learning the Kevin Lockley/Jeremy
basics of alpine skills. Johnston
06 2729155
Club night
Our annual photo
Alan Kerrisk
competition. Come
06 2722893
and see what a
talented bunch we
Winter Summit – A chance to get to the Jenny Kerrisk.
top. Refresh your
027 3107791
climbing skills or put
into practice what
you’ve learnt on
Easy tramp and
Tramp into Waiau
Donna Cram/Jeremy
overnight on
Gorge hut for
spectacular views.
06 2729155
Friday the 24th of
Saturday and
Sunday the 25th
and 26th of
Wednesday the
5th of September
Saturday the 8th
of September
Saturday and
Sunday the 15th
and 16th of
A series of pleasant
winter walks in New
Plymouth. Possibly
dog-friendly and
probable latte
Trips meeting –
Bring your ideas for
The Cottage, 125 some great spring
Finnerty Road,
trips to Daniel’s new
Jan Fleming
06 2784460
Youth Programme
It is anticipated that all youth eat together parents who go will be responsible for
tak Date
ing 16-17 June
Staying in a woolshed – TBA
unsure location at
present as two options
co 25-26 August Snow Craft
Mt Taranaki Ski Field
(Croc Jeremy)
One or two days
dependant on skills
learnt and weather
ow 15-16
Tramp to the hut
(Donna Jeremy)
5-7 October
Skiing Mt
Mt Ruapehu –
accommodation and ski
(Croc Jeremy)
hire required
2011 cost $109 lesson
hire ski lif tper day
$60 2 nights dependant
on where staying
Approximate cost
Kayak River
uth 24-25
(Croc Neil)
To be decided
Favourite activity
eat December
er as it encourages the youth to gel as a team. There may be time later on in the
programme times when they will need to rely on each other so teams and
togetherness will be important.
Parents are welcome use the cooking facilities that are set up. Families cost is
over and above the students cost ie: Patea Dam fees.
President’s Report (as presented to the AGM)
Good evening everyone, and welcome to the 84th Annual General Meeting of the
Mt Egmont Alpine Club.
First of all tonight I would like to acknowledge the passing during this last year of
two valued club members, our patron Mr Walter Fowlie and past President Bruce
Mouat. Walter and Bruce put a lot of time and effort over many years into the
club and touched many lives along the way, we will miss them but never forget
Club Nights
We have just the one club night a month now with most club nights being
reasonably supported, but still a little light on numbers on some occasions. It
would be especially appreciated if members could support the club nights when
we have a guest speaker etc come to visit us. We are also looking for members
or other people etc to fill in a club night, so if you have some ideas let us know.
Club Trips
This last year has seen most weekends catered for with a club trip, again there
has been a good variety of club trips catering for anyone with an interest in the
In most cases these trips have been well supported, and I would like to thank all
those members who come up with ideas and adventures for the club, it is much
appreciated. If you have an idea for a club trip or would like to lead one, please
bring along your idea to the quarterly trips meeting.
Open Climb
We had a successful Open Climb this year which was held on Saturday the 4th
of February. Although the weather wasn't the best, by all accounts everyone still
had a great time. The number of climbers was kept to a lower number of 80 with
70 taking part on the day along with club members as guides etc. With no major
problems we found the lower number of climbers made the day a lot more
manageable and enjoyable for everyone. A huge thank you especially to Jenny
Kerrisk for organizing and leading this major event on the club calendar, and
thank you also to all the club members who helped in many ways, many hands
make light work.
The last twelve months have been generally quiet involving mountain rescues
and searches etc. We have a number of club members involved with these
organizations and we are grateful for their commitment time and effort in
belonging to SAR and TACR.
Club Rooms
The club rooms came through the big move well and look really great, during the
year a working bee was held at the club rooms to install new spouting etc. This
was a major job but with a good turnout of helpers the job was completed on the
day. A new look sign was also updated and put on the front of the building and
looks really smart. The South Taranaki Deer Stalkers Association and Hawera
Camera Club hire the club rooms during the year for their meetings. Taggings
and vandalism have been minimal and may it stay that way!!
Kapuni Lodge
The Kapuni Lodge working bee was a great success, with general maintenance
jobs like the painting of window sills etc, and the installation of new spouting.
The major project was the building of the new deck, which is now completed and
looks great. A big thank you to all those members who donated their time and
skills. Thank you to Beck Helicopters for flying the wood and coal etc up to the
lodge. Bookings for the lodge have remained steady throughout the year with
Active Earth still regular users through the summer.
Web Page
A huge thank you to Alan Kerrisk who continues to do a fantastic job with the
club web site, this involves many hours of commitment and time during the year
on Alan's behalf. Alan you do us proud, thanks once again, hopefully we will
have another member come and lighten the load off you for the coming year.
Please keep your club trip reports, photos or any interesting news etc that the
web site can use coming in, it all helps to keep things interesting and fresh, and
makes Alan's job easier.
Thanks also to Jeff Rawson for his very cool updates from Scott Base Antarctica,
we all wish we could be with you!
Membership remains steady with 106 financial members, we are now
experiencing some growth with some new junior and family members coming on
board, a warm welcome to you all.
Youth Outdoor Adventures
This has now been running for several months, this new initiative was set up by
Kevin Lockley with assistance from Donna Cram and Jeremy Johnston. The
vision is to see young people enjoying and becoming confident in the outdoors
with a range of outdoors activities. A year planner for youth outdoor adventures
is now in place and attracts between 12 - 15 youth per event. The flip side of this,
is new members bringing in some young blood to the club and hopefully ensure
the clubs future.
Thank you Kevin, Donna and Jeremy for your commitment and time with this
new project, I am sure any other helpers would be most welcome.
Special Rotary Club Award
Congratulations to our life member Ross Corrigan who recently received the Paul
Harris Fellowship Award, in recognition for services to the community. This
award presented to Ross is a supreme award that is rarely awarded to someone
outside of Rotary, Ross the club is proud of your achievement.
I would like to personally thank the entire committee for their time and effort, that
they have put into the club over the last twelve months, your efforts are
appreciated by all members of the club.
Thank you to Donna Cram for doing the job of treasurer.
Special thanks must go to John Cooper, who is stepping down from his position
of running the club database. John has held this position for some years, and I
would think with some help coming from Helen. Thank you John for a job well
A big thank you to Helen Cooper who is stepping down as club secretary, Helen
has done a great job during the last twelve months and your efforts have been
much appreciated.
Thanks to Jan Fleming for continuing to edit and publish our bulletin.
Finally, Thank you to all club members who continue to belong and support the
club in many ways, not all names can be mentioned, but thank you everyone.
Best Wishes to you all and be safe in the outdoors.
David Sattler
Mt Egmont Alpine Club.
Club Trips
Always A Favorite - East Ridge Climb Anzac Day 25th April.
On Anzac Day Wednesday the 25th April, David Sattler made an ascent of the
mountain by the East Ridge route. With a fine weather forecast David left the
Plateau at 7.00am and headed up to the ski field to the Policeman rock 5,500ft. It
was a sluggish climb to that point, but after leaving the Policeman and getting
onto some good rock on the ridge along with a cool breeze the pace picked up.
Higher up the rock steepened but made for good climbing, along with amazing
views, finally the top of the sharks tooth 8,220ft was reached. The Sharks Tooth
is also known as South Peak and is 30ft lower then the actual summit. From
there a careful traverse along to the chimney the entry point which you descend
into the crater was made with the summit reached at 11.50am, with a number of
people about who ascended by the North Ridge route. After some lunch it was
time to descend, the plan was the Surrey Road route, but on reaching it, it looked
less desirable with no breeze. A small climb back up a rocky ledge brought David
to Pleasant Valley and a cool breeze again. From there a careful
traverse descending across the East Face was made. About an hour later the top
area of the Policeman was reached, then a descent down the long scoria slope
brought David to the top of the bottom ski field then back to the Plateau and car,
happy with another great trip on the hill.
The weather report was not the best as we set off for a weekend in Wellington on
Friday 27 April and at Levin we had our first rain, but on arrival at the Hutt Park
motor camp the weather cleared. Saturday morning was still showery but we
decided to visit the Karori wildlife centre (Zealandia) anyway. A couple of hours
were spent viewing the Interior displays before heading off to the outdoors. The
weather had cleared and was ideal for taking a walk around the lakes and
climbing to the lookout tower, on the way seeing the Kaka feeding, Takehe
feeding and checking out a couple of Tuatara. It is a great place to see and hear
many of our native birds with many Tui, Kakareke, Saddleback, Black robin and
Kaka among others flying around. With this visit taking most of the day we
headed home to the camp via Khandallah to view the McNairs house which we
built when we lived in Wellington. I think the terrain was an ‘eye opener’ to the
Hawera locals!!
Sunday was cloudy so a climb to Mt Kaukau for the views was out so a drive to
the South coast via Wainuiomata was undertaken. On the way we called in to the
Orongorongo Doc centre and checked out some tramps for next time. On to the
coast where it was blowing a gale. ( it seemed at times we needed 8 people in
our camper to keep it on the ground !!) after making a coffee it was time to head
for a more sheltered location and home. Although we didn’t undertake some of
the activities we had planned due to the weather, we still had a great time and
there is plenty more to do on another trip.
A great weekend and good company with the Mitchells, Flemings, Werner &
Yollanda and us the McNairs.
Saturday the 5th of May proved to be the perfect day weather wise for David
Sattler's trip taking in some of the upper slopes of the mountain.
Helen and John Cooper, Jenny Kerrisk, Lois Sundy, Kathryn Jones, Bob Burford
and Maureen Simmons left the plateau around 9.00am heading for the original
Tahurangi hut site built in 1935 which sat at 5,400ft. Along the way John and
Helen pointed out where the old Nissen hut site was close by, which was
interesting as no one else was aware of it or its whereabouts. After a break at the
old Tahurangi site, we set off back to the new Tahurangi lodge and took the
higher route above the upper round the mountain track, leading us to Warwick's
Castle 5,372ft, this is a beautiful area which takes you through moss fields and
alpine tussock grasses.
After lunch we climbed up to and past Lion Rock, then a little higher up dropped
down and crossed below the Policeman Rock 5,500ft. Care had to be taken over
some of the rougher steeper terrain with the ground firm in places with remnants
of ice from the last snow fall and frosts.
Heading across the slopes above the ski field and Manganui Gorge we then
climbed up to Priests Fingers, a narrow rock ridge 5,200ft on the Curtis Ridge,
from here spectacular views are had of Kapuni Gorge, Fanthams Peak and the
rugged East Face of the mountain. On our way back down the ridge Helen and
John managed to locate another interesting historic hut site lower in the
leatherwood, Curtis Hut which was built way back in 1890! From there it was
back down to the plateau and the cars about 3.00pm, some of us stopped off at
the Mountain House for a coffee which was a fitting end to another awesome day
on the hill.
The Lodge is very tidy at the moment and the new deck has experienced its first
snow of the season.
John Cooper has made some refinements to the water tap at the tank, so it now
has a lid level with the platform over the tank and you don't have to reach down
to get to the tap. The lid is chained to the railing. These improvements should
make things easier to get at when under snow cover.
Dawson Falls Summit Track: We have had two working bees scrub cutting the
track, 14th April and 20th May. Starting from Lower Lake Dive turnoff, we have
made it up to a couple of corners above Hooker Shelter, using equipment
supplied by DoC, liaising with Tim Weston. Thanks to those who helped out with
the cutting and picking up trimmings off the track. Those of us new to it now
appreciate how hard it is on the body to use this gear when not experienced with
it. Special thanks to Richard Milne who was quite literally a tower of strength,
carrying scrub cutter(s) uphill and using one all day. The top part of the track can
be left until after winter snows have gone; we've done pretty well so far.
Jenny Kerrisk, Kapuni Lodge Subcommittee convener.
Fanthams Peak
Jenny Kerrisk and Daniel Gavin headed up from Dawson Falls into rather dark
clouds on Saturday 19th, with plans to stay at Kapuni Lodge and maybe climb
Fanthams Peak. Reaching the Lodge and finding John and Helen Cooper there
(making improvements to the water tap around the back) the clouds broke to
reveal the whole snow-clad mountain. John repaired a bit of spouting that had
moved a little and sent water over the top of the snow flashing above the
doorway, and by then the four of them were ready to head uphill.
The snow was soft for kicking steps in nearly as far as the Knoll, then pretty firm
above there. Helen took off for the summit while John and Jenny took the less
experienced Daniel up to Syme Hut. Finding softer snow for the descent, Daniel
experienced a wide range of snow conditions on the day and handled it very well,
along with a steady stream of instructions from his guides the whole time!
He even executed a text-book self arrest when going for a small slide in the soft
snow. A good learning experience, even though a bit nerve-wracking at the time.
By the time they returned to the Lodge to light the fire, Helen was only a few
minutes away, having been to the summit, so she and John headed on down.
Jenny Kerrisk
Club Walk – Sunday 27th May
This walk was to be Oakura Beach, led by Lois Sundy. The forecast was bad
and there were only two walkers to join Lois, so a decision was made to chance
the weather and do the Stratford Carrington Walkway which was the only walk
we could think of that would be sheltered from the strong winds, and provide
some shelter from the threatening rain. Lois and Jan picked up Marilyn soon
after 9.00 and we were walking by 9.30, led by Holly, Jan’s little dog. We
headed up the Western Loop, braved the gales to cross the field at the end of the
loop, and along the Patea river. Back out to the park again, we headed back
along the other side of the river, a return extension. By the time we got to King
Edward Park it was raining heavily, so we flagged the eastern loop – another 1 ½
hours, and retreated to the Inkpot Café for the mandatory latte.
An Interesting Find in Castle Rock’s Hut Book.
In early April Helen and I visited Castle Rock’s Hut on the Franz Josef Glacier.
The hut was opened in early 1974. In the hut we found photocopies of the
original hut book. Entries on the first page were particularly interesting.
Second entry in hut book
5/4/74 W. Fowlie, F. Bunel, Finally arrived at hut at 11-35 am after an epic trip.
Left terminal glacier at 8 am on 4th April. W Fowlie left and got helicopter to fly
Ferg out.
Seventh & eighth entries in hut book
10/5/74 W. Fowlie, M. Ewens, Dy Ewens (female), J. Waltten, W. Ken, Neil
Fowlie, T. Caines, Arrived 2 pm 1 chamois on way to hut. At 4 pm another 1
13/5/74 Above party off to Franz before weather craps again.
Helen and I were fortunate enough to have superb weather and climbed Mt
Moltke and Lemmer Peak. We also saw three Chamois above the hut and two on
the glacier on the way out.
John Cooper
Mountain Safety Council Courses
Alpine Introduction/Basic
These two courses run concurrently over the same weekends & are organised in
conjunction with the Wellington region.
Alpine Introduction. Suits those with little or no experience who encounter nontechnical snow & alpine terrain whilst tramping. You will learn to use equipment
including crampons & ice–axe, and to self-arrest & more.
Alpine Basic. For those with limited experience who intend to travel on nontechnical snow & alpine terrain & want entry-level instruction to mountaineering.
You will need to know how to use crampons & ice-axe & will learn use of
harness, knots for alpine use, belay, snow anchors, use of rope & more.
Dates: 2 courses to be run. Friday 3 August 2012 to Sunday 5 August 2012
Friday 7 September 2012 to Sunday 9 September 2012
Venue: Mt Ruapehu
Cost: $270.00 which includes accommodation & food.
For further information contact Phyllis Wiley ph 7539256
Or go to www.mountainsafety.org.nz, click on Wellington & register on-line.
Avalanche Awareness Course
Provides essential introductory information for decision-making about personal
safety when in avalanche terrain. Topics include mountain weather, decisionmaking, avalanche terrain, route-selection, companion-rescue & safety
equipment. Course is run by Todd Velvin, a registered Avalanche Awareness
Instructor & is in two parts: a lecture evening & a field day.
Dates: Lecture evening: Friday 20 July 2012 from 6 pm - 9 pm at the Fitzroy Surf
Club at the end of Nobs Line, Fitzroy, New Plymouth.
Field Day: Saturday 21 July 2012 at Maunganui Ski Field, Mt
Egmont/Taranaki. Meet at the Stratford Plateau at 8 am.
Cost: $150.00
For further information contact Phyllis Wiley ph 7539256 or email:
Or go to www.mountainsafety.org.nz, click on Taranaki & register on-line.
Note: Prior to the course is an information evening to be held at Kiwi Outdoors,
Ariki St, New Plymouth on Friday 8 June 2012 at 6pm. This will be an informal
evening with give-aways.
Mt Egmont Alpine Club Equipment
The Mt Egmont Alpine Club has climbing gear available to club members ONLY
for use on club trips and instruction courses etc, at very reasonable rates.
Fee for club members is $5/day/item with a max of $10/day for unlimited items.
Club Gear can be hired out at $10/day per item to non-members provided they
are with a club member. The club reserves the right to charge the full day rate
for all items that are not returned promptly. Gear Custodian,
Club Equipment Amnesty
Some items of club hire equipment appear to be missing, particularly some overtrousers and parkas, also a chest harness. If you have any of these or anything
else please return them immediately, no questions asked.
Gear custodian, Jeremy Johnston, Ph 062729155 or 0274366848,
MACPAC have opened a shop in New Plymouth on Devon Street and
they are offering club members a discount of 20% on products. I do
not think that will be on anything that is on sale or on a special but do
John Cooper has forwarded them a membership list and you must tell
them that you are a member of the club and have some form of ID on
you so that they can then check it against the list. They have some
fantastic products so please do support them and sometime later in the
year, they will be doing a club evening.
 The club has Beanies for Sale, embroidered with the club logo.
navy, $17. Contact Marilyn Finer, 06 2728138.
Black and
CLUB EVENINGS: Held at Mt. Egmont Alpine Club’s rooms at Hicks Park,
Hawera at 7.30 pm the first Wednesday of the month.
CLUB TRIPS: The Committee has decided trips in the future will depart from the
clubrooms. The clubrooms are easily accessible from the main road, and safe
parking. However, it is important to contact the trip leader beforehand, especially
if you require transport or are able to provide transport.
The Clubroom’s walls are always available to anyone who has photos to share of
club activities.
Note from the Editor
I have not included any photos in this bulletin, partly to save space, but also
because they are far better viewed on the club website in glorious colour.
There have been no new members, but one notable and regrettable resignation.
Berta Good (better known to members Berta Anderson) writes “it is with great
reluctance that after so many years of being a member of the Club I will have to
resign. We had a wonderful association starting with our time Dawson Falls
which was around 1973, and I will treasure all the memories we have made. I
wish the Mt Egmont Alpine Club all the very best and still hope to meet some of
you on ‘our mountain’ when on occasion I will be back in Taranaki”.
Keep Safe While Tramping
(abridged from article in Opunake and Coastal News)
As hopes fade for a missing Dunedin tramper the New Zealand Mountain Safety
Council are reminding anyone venturing into the outdoors to plan and prepare
well to ensure they have a safe and enjoyable trip, and follow the five simple
rules for staying safe in the outdoors:
1. Plan your trip thoroughly. Seek local knowledge and plan the route you will
take and the amount of time you can reasonably expect it to take.
2. Tell someone. Tell someone your plans and complete your Outdoors
Intentions at www.adventuresmart.org.nz. This website provides the mechanisms by
which you can leave comprehensive Outdoor Intentions information with
someone you trust before setting off on your trip, either hand it to person or email to a friend. At the very least, process and leave a date and time for when to
raise the alarm if you haven’t returned.
3. Be aware of the weather. NZs weather can be highly unpredictable. Check
the forecast and expect weather changes. Check track and hut conditions.
Beware of rivers – if in doubt STAY OUT .
4. Know your limits. Challenge yourself within your physical limits and
5. Take sufficient supplies. Make sure you have enough food, clothing,
equipment and emergency rations for the worst-case scenario. Take an
appropriate means of communication, such as a Mountain Radio or a Personal
Locator Beacon and know how to use them. Most people also take ell phones
with them in the outdoors but these should not be rlied upon in the back country
as coverage is often non-existent.
For further information about safety in the outdoors, courses and training,
information on intentions forms or communication devices, please visit
BULLETIN: Leaders of club trips (and private ones) are requested to supply a
trip report to The Editor before the deadline in the programme. Remember that
the sooner you write the story the easier it is! Also, leaders have power to
delegate!! Editor Jan Fleming, 136a Manawapou Road, Hawera. Phone/fax 06
2784460. E-Mail – janfleming@xtra.co.nz
Senior/Family subscription
Junior subscription (under 18) $30
To join, fill out a Nomination form (available at the Clubrooms or e-mail the Club),
sign as Nominee and get two club member to sign, one as proposer, one as
Seconder. Forward the form with payment to Treasurer.
Kapuni Lodge Fees
Non Members $20 Members $7 (Children 12yrs and under 1/2 price)
Taranaki Alpine Cliff Rescue organisation now has a website.
You can link to the URL at http://www.tacr.org.nz
Ross Corrigan
David Sattler
Publicity Officer
Alan Kerrisk
Ph 06 2784223
Ph 067648996
Ph 062722893
Club Captain
Marilyn Finer
Ph 062728138
Maria Cunningham Ph 062788799
Bulletin Editor
Equipment Hire
Jan Fleming
Jeremy Johnston
Kapuni Lodge
Marilyn Finer
Ph 062784460
Ph 062729155
Ph 062728138
Donna Cram
Ph 062745778
Box 62 Hawera
Please send us trip reports and information of relevance to the club to keep our
website lively and entertaining both for members and non-members who find us
on line. Don't forget the Gallery page, the photos are changed from time to time,
and if you have images you would like to share of a recent trip please e-mail
them to the website editors Alan Kerrisk at mteac@xtra.co.nz
Mt. Egmont Alpine Club would like to acknowledge the generous support
from the following local businesses and ask for member’s support of these
TSB Community Trust
Andy Harris Trust
Beck Helicopters Ltd
Industrial Chemistry Services
Join the Macpac Wilderness Club and redeem this voucher to
receive 25% off RRP on your first purchase.
As an MWC member, you’ll receive exclusive special offers and
10% off the RRP of all Macpac clothing and equipment.
MACPAC NEW PLYMOUTH, 66 Devon St West, Ph 06 7587209
Discount off RRP. Valid for one transaction only.
Expires 31 May 2012. Redeemable at Macpac NP only.