
Summary of personal details….……………………………………………….....p. 2
Summary of academic career………………………………………………….....p. 2
University Education……….……..………………………………………...…......p. 3
Publications/Conference presentations......……………………………………. ...p. 4
Theses…………………………………………………………………………..........p. 10
Εditorials/Editorial Boards………………………………...……………………… ..p. 10
Indicative references……..……………………………....………………………….p. 11
Authored teaching material……………………………………………………… .p. 34
University Teaching………..………................................................………….....p. 35
Guest lectures/invited speaker/other…….………………………....…….….…....p. 39
Other lectures………………………………………………. …………………........p. 39
Supervision of PhD and other theses……………………….…………..……...... p. 39
Participation in research projects………………....………………………………...p. 40
Other research and consultancy…………...…………….……………………........p. 41
Other academic activities…………..…………………………………………. ........p. 41
Council membership of societies..……………………………………………....…..p. 42
Date of Birth: 10, December 1958
Place of Birth: Athens
Place of Residence: Chios island
Associate Professor
in Operations Management of Shipping companies
(elected June 2009, appointed October 2009)
Assistant Professor, University of the Aegean,
Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport
(elected 2003, tenured since May 2008).
2000- 2003
Senior Lecturer
Cardiff Business School,
Cardiff University
Lecturer B
Department of Maritime Studies and International
Transport (MASTS), Cardiff University
Teaching Fellow
( P.D. 407/80)
Department of Maritime Studies, University of Piraeus
2000- 2003
Programme Coordinator &
Admissions tutor (until handing-in notice in late 2003):
-MSc International Transport
-MSc Marine Policy
-Diploma in Port and Shipping Administration
1999- 2000
Director of Postgraduate Studies, MASTS
By decision of the Departmental Board (January 1995)
Director of the Centre for Shipping,Transport & Trade
(KENAMEP), University of Piraeus.
1. Degree in Economics, School of Economics,
University of Athens.
2. D.E.A. en Socio-Economie du Développement option
Economie, Université de Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne,
U.E.R. 15, Institut d’Etudes du Développement
Economique et Social. Paris, France.
3. PhD. in Maritime Studies, Department of Maritime
Studies, University of Piraeus.
Special Post-Graduate Student/ Researcher under
scholarship (E.M.Y) in Maritime Management, in the
Department of Maritime Studies, University of Piraeus.
- French: Sorbonne 1, 1976
- English: Michigan Proficiency 1974
1.1. Greek and International Shipping. 1994. Athens: Papazissis, 365 p.
Based on the 1992 Ph.D (infra, 11.2), (in Greek).
2.2. The present and the future of Greek shipping. 2010.(With G.Harlaftis and
J.Theotokas), Study number 10. Athens: Academy of Athens (in Greek)
2.1. Allages sto diethni katamerismo ergasias ke naftiliakes kriseis. (Changes
in the international division of labour and maritime crises). In Harlaftis, G.
Istoria ke Naftilia (History and Shipping). 2001. Athens: Staxi. pp. 367- 382.
Translated and revised from the 1995 article (infra, 3.1).
2.2. Shipping investment: an essay on constraints, risk and attitudes. Chapter
28 in Grammenos, C. ed. 2002. The Handbook of Maritime Economics and
Business. London: Lloyd’s of London Press. pp.623-641.
2.3. A fleet for the 21st century: modern Greek shipping, Chapter 2, in Pallis,
T. ed. 2007. Maritime Transport: The Greek Paradigm. Oxford: Elsevier,
2.4. Thanopoulou, H.A, and Theotokas, J. 2007. Small firms in a Global
Industry: the case of Greek Shipping (1975-2005). Economic Policy Studies,
vol.10. Athens: EMOP, pp.107-127.
2.5. Thanopoulou, H.A. 2008. “Sic transit…”? Dwelling on the
competitiveness of Greek shipping. In: Angelidis, M. et al. Athens: TypothytoGiorgos Dardanos, (in Greek), pp.345-372.
2.6. Investing in Twenty-First Century Shipping: An Essay on Perennial
Constraints, Risks and Great Expectations. Chapter 23 in Grammenos, C.
ed. 2010. The Handbook of Maritime Economics and Business. 2nd edition.
London: Lloyd’s of London Press. p.659-682. Revised and expanded version
of 2.2 supra.
2.7. G.Gratsos, Thanopoulou H. and Veenstra A. 2012. Dry Bulk Shipping, in
Talley, W. ed. Maritime Economics - A Blackwell Companion. Oxford: Wiley
Blackwell, pp.187-204.
3.1. Thanopoulou, H.A. 1995. The growth of fleets registered in the NewlyEmerging maritime countries and maritime crises. Maritime Policy and
Management 22, pp.51-62.
3.2. Gardner B.M, Pettit, S.J, and Thanopoulou, H.A. 1996. Shifting
challenges for British Maritime Policy. Marine Policy 20, pp. 517-524.
3.3. Thanopoulou, H.A.
1998. What price the flag? The terms of
competitiveness in shipping. Marine Policy 22, pp. 359-374.
3.4. Thanopoulou, H.A, Ryoo, D.K and Lee, T.W. 1999. Korean liner
shipping in the era of global alliances. Maritime Policy and Management 26,
pp. 209-229.
3.5. Ryoo, D.K and Thanopoulou, H.A. 1999. Liner Alliances in the
Globalisation Era: A strategic tool for Asian Container carriers. Maritime
Policy and Management 24, pp.349-367.
3.6. Tamvakis, M.N and Thanopoulou, H.A. 2000. Does quality pay? The
case of the dry bulk market. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and
Transportation Review 36, pp.297-307.
3.7. Lirn, T.C, Thanopoulou, H.A and Beresford, A.K.C. 2003. Transhipment
Port Selection and Decision-Making Behaviour: Analysing the Taiwanese
Case. International Journal of Logistics 6, pp.229-244.
3.8. Lirn, T.C, Thanopoulou, H.A, Beynon, M.J and Beresford, A.K.C. 2004.
An Application of AHP on Transhipment Port Selection: A Global Perspective.
Maritime Economics & Logistics 6, pp.70-91.
3.9 Thanopoulou, H, Theotokas, J and Constantelou, A. 2010. Leading by
following: innovation and post war strategies of Greek shipowners.
International Journal of Maritime History, no 2, vol.22, pp.199-225.
3.10. Kohn, S. and Thanopoulou, H.A. 2011. A GAM assessment of quality
premia in the dry bulk time-charter market. Transportation Research Part E:
Logistics and Transportation Review. pp.709-721.
3.11 Using the AHP to derive Key Performance Indicators for evaluating
Greek Ferry Services: A focus on Central Aegean. 2012. (with Lagoudis, I.,
Lekakou, M. and Pantelaros, H.). International Journal of Decision Sciences,
Risk and Management, vol.3, pp.153-178.
3.12 Thanopoulou, Η. 2012. Bulk reefer market economics in a product life
cycle perspective. Maritime Policy and Management 39, pp.281-296.
4.1. Thanopoulou, H.A. 1996. Anticyclical Investment Strategies in Shipping:
the Greek case. In: Hensher, D. et al. eds. World Transport Research.
Oxford: Elsevier. Proceedings of 7th World Conference on Transport
Research, vol. 4. pp.209-220.
5.1. Port Selection and Decision-Making Behaviour: analysing the Taiwanese
case (with Lirn T.C. and Beresford A.K.C). In: Griffiths J. et al. eds. LRN
2002. Corby: Institute of Logistics and Transport, pp.181-186. (Initial version
of the 2003 article, 3.7, supra)
5.2. “Coastal Shipping Services in the Aegean Sea: Can passengers get
satisfaction?” (with I.N. Lagoudis, M.B. Lekakou and A.A. Pallis). In
Nikitakos N. (ed.). 2011. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
EU- East and South Asia Trade, Investment Logistics and E-Business.
Athens: I.Sideris
2.Electronic (Refereed)
5.3. Evaluating a ferry network through KPIs: the case of Greece. CD-ROM.
(with I.N. Lagoudis, M.B. Lekakou and G.Xiradakis). IAME Conference,
Dalian April 2-4, 2008
5.4. Bragoudakis, Z, Panagiotou, S. and Thanopoulou, H. 2010. Investment
strategy and Greek shipping earnings: exploring the pre & post “orderingfrenzy” period. ΙΑΜΕ, (International Association of Maritime Economists)
Conference Lisbon, July 7-9, 2010.
5.5. Panagiotou, S. and Thanopoulou, H. 2011. Measuring success: Greek
shipping vs. Greek shipping statistics. ECONSHIP, (European Conference on
Shipping Intermodalism and Ports ) Chios, June 22-24, 2011
5.6. Lirn, T.C and Thanopoulou, H. 2011. Shipyard selection in international
container shipping: assessing critical factors through AHP. ΙΑΜΕ,
(International Association of Maritime Economists) Conference Santiago,
Chile,, October 24- 28, 2011.
6.1. Book review for Maritime Policy and Management. 1998. 25, pp.202-3.
Review of Wild GP. International. 1996. The Reefer Market. London: Lloyd’s
Business Intelligence Centre, LLP.
7.1. “Two-tier dry market myths put to the test” (with M.Tamvakis). The Baltic,
(monthly journal of the Baltic Exchange). August 1998, pp.60-65. Summary of
the conference paper 9.8 and provisional results in a simplified form (t-tests
only) of the article 3.6 supra.
7.2. Essay. In: Roundtable, (Donovan, A. / Goss, R.. / Johnman, L. / Murphy,
H. / Ketels, C. / Pedraja, R. A De La. / Thanopoulou, H. / Valdaliso, J. M. /
Voogd, C. de), “Reviews of Stig Tenold, Tankers in Trouble: Norwegian
Shipping and the Crisis of the 1970s and 1980s. ” International Journal of
Maritime History. 2008, pp.389-426.
7.3. Exceptional developments –exceptional opportunities – exceptional
challenges. (In Greek). Naftika Chronika, August 2008.
8.1. Prosfora nafitikis ergasias. (Supply of sea-labour). Epistimoniki Skepsi,
5. January-February 1982, pp. 26-33.
8.2. Thanopoulou, H.A. and Theotokas, J. 1997. Pools in a Greek bulk
shipping perspective: asset play vs. synergy benefits. Occasional Paper
no..46, Cardiff University. ISSN 0967-5566, 36 pages, mimeo.
8.3. Thanopoulou, H.A. 2000. From Internationalism to globalisation: trends in
modern shipping. Journal of Maritime Research (electronic journal). ISSN
1469-1957 February 2000.
8.4. 21st century piracy stories. Naftika Chronika, May 2009.
*Excluding daily/Sunday press.
N.B. Many of the papers listed below have been the basis/first versions
for publications listed in the articles’ section or in the published
proceedings section of the C.V. ( indicated in brackets). Main type of
publication listed only for most.
9.1. Lirn, T.C and Thanopoulou, H. Shipyard selection in international
container shipping. Assessung critical factors through AHP. ΙΑΜΕ,
(International Association of Maritime Economists) Conference, Santiago,
Chile,, October 24- 28, 2011. (5.6 supra.)
9.2.Panagiotou, S. and Thanopoulou, H. Measuring success: Greek
shipping vs. Greek shipping statistics. ECONSHIP, (European Conference
on Shipping Intermodalism and Ports ) Chios, June 22-24, 2011
9.3. Bragoudakis, Z, Panagiotou, S. and Thanopoulou, H. Investment
strategy and Greek shipping earnings: exploring the pre & post “orderingfrenzy” period. ΙΑΜΕ, (International Association of Maritime Economists)
Conference Lisbon, July 7-9, 2010. (5.4. supra)
9. 4. Thanopoulou, H. Bulk reefer economics in a product life perspective.
ΙΑΜΕ, (International Association of Maritime Economists) Conference
Copenhagen, June 24-26, 2009. (Revised version published as 3.12
9.5 Kohn, S. and Thanopoulou, H. A GAM evaluation of 21 st century
quality rewards.: Dry bulk freight rates 2003-2007. ΙΑΜΕ, (International
Association of Maritime Economists) Conference Copenhagen, June
24-26, 2009, (paper 3.10 supra).
9.6. Followers or Innovators? Delving into the Post-war Strategies of
Greek, (with A.Constantelou and J.Theotokas) at the 5th International
Congress of Maritime History, Greenwich, UK, 23 June 2008 - 27 June
2008. (evolved into article 3.9 supra).
9.7. (In CD-ROM, 5.3 supra). Evaluating a ferry network through KPIs: the
case of the North Aegean, paper presented (with I.N. Lagoudis, M.B.
Lekakou and G.Xiradakis) at the IAME Conference, Dalian April 2-4,
9.8. (Final version published as 5.2 supra). “Coastal Shipping Services in
the Aegean Sea: Can passengers get satisfaction?”(with I.N. Lagoudis,
M.B. Lekakou and A.A. Pallis). Paper presented at the 2nd International
Conference on EU- East and South Asia Trade, Investment Logistics and
E-Business, October 2006.
9.9. (Final version published as 2.4 supra). “Small firms in a Global
Industry: the case of Greek Shipping (1974-2004)” (with I.Theotokas),
IMOP-EAEPE Joint Colloquium: The variety of Economic Institutions
under the many forms of capitalism, Athens, 12-13 May 2006.
9.10. (Interim version published as 5.1, thoroughly revised version
published as 3.8).“Port Selection and Decision-Making Behaviour:
analysing the Taiwanese case” (with Lirn T.C. and Beresford A.K.C),
Logistics Research Network , Birmingham, September 4-5, 2002.
9.11.“Beyond age: defining quality tonnage in bulk shipping”, (with
B.Gardner), SIG-2 (member of WCTR), International Workshop, 8-10
June 2000, Genoa, Italy.
“9.12. From deregulation to concentration? Prospects for the liner shipping
industry”, (with B.Gardner and R.Nair), International Conference of the
International Association of Maritime Economists, Halifax, Canada,
September 1999.
9.13. (Published as 8.3, supra). “From Internationalism to globalisation:
trends in modern shipping”, Paper delivered at the International
Conference: Globalisation and its critics. Contemporary Issues in
World Maritime Trade, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, July 9-10,
1999 (invited speaker).
9.14. (Final version published as 3.5). “Liner Alliances in the Globalisation
Era: A strategic tool for Asian Container carriers” (with D.K.Ryoo)
accepted for presentation at the International conference on World
Shipping & Shipping market facing the 21st century, organized by
Dalian Maritime University and IAME, 12-14 October 1998, China.
9.15.(Basis for the paper of revised methodology and form published as
3.6) “ Does Quality Pay? The Case of the Dry Bulk Market”, paper coauthored with M.Tamvakis,
8th World Conference on Transport
Research (WCTR), Antwerp, Belgium, July 1998.
9.16. (Final version published as 3.4, supra). “Korea Liner Shipping in the
era of global alliances”, with D.K.Ryoo and T.W.Lee, paper presented at
the IAME (International Association of Maritime Economists)
Conference, City University, London, September 1997.
9.17. (Published as 4.1, supra).“Anticyclical Investment Policy in Shipping:
the Greek case”, 7th World Conference on Transport Research
(WCTR), Sydney, Australia, July 1995 (presented on my behalf).
9.18. (Published as 3.1, supra).“Changes in the International Division of
Labour in Shipping and Maritime Crisis”, pp.1-20. Presented at the 3rd
International Conference on the Evolution of Maritime Transport in
Developing Countries. MARDCON (3), 24-26
May 1993, Alexandria,
(including full paper presentations)
10.1.“Maritime databases and research methodology: a case study of their
availability, accessibility and cost on methodology choice, Annual Meeting of
the International Maritime Statistics Forum, Cardiff, October 28-30, 1998.
(evolved partly into conference paper 9.9 supra).
10.2. “Setting the scene: new challenges for globalized shipping”,
Presentation at the 3rd Maritime Security Forum, Glyfada (Athens),
November 3, 2006.
10.3. “Good freight markets: For ever or with a sell-by date?”. Second
meeting of the EONE. Marine Club, Piraeus, February 1st 2007. (Meeting coordinator).
10.4. Georgoulis, G, Thanopoulou, H. And Vadelslander, T. Routing and Port
choices in an uncertain environment, ECONSHIP. Conference, Chios June
22-24, 2011. Special session, 23 June 2011.
11.1. La Marine Marchande Grecque dans la Marine Marchande Mondiale:
Les enjeux recents, (The Greek fleet in world shipping: crucial recent
developments) 122 p., Annex & bibl. Memoire de D.E.A., Universite Paris 1,
Pantheon-Sorbonne 1984.
11.2. Changes in the International Division of Labour in shipping. The case of
the Greek fleet, Ph.D. thesis, University of Piraeus, 1992, 372 p.
- Guest Editor (with M.Kavussanos), issues 2 and 3 (1999 and 2000) of
International Journal of Maritime Economics, The Netherlands.
- Editorials as Guest Editor (with M.Kavussanos), issues 2 and 3 (1999 and
2000) International Journal of Maritime Economics, The Netherlands (now
Maritime Economics and Logistics, Palgrave).
- Member of the Editorial Board of Maritime Economics and Logistics,
Palgrave, Macmillan, (formerly International Journal of Maritime Economics)
for a number of years until 2009.
- Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Shipping, Τrade and Transport
(formerly Aegean Working Papers) since 2006.
At various periods/dates:
i.Reviewer for Transportation Research Board (TRB, division of the
National Research Council of the USA) (since 2007-)
ii. Referee of various papers for international academic journals such as:
-Maritime Policy and Management
(Taylor and Francis,Informa)
-Maritime Economics and Logistics (Palgrave, Macmillan)
-Transport Policy (Elsevier)
-International Journal of Refrigeration (Elsevier)
-Research in Transportation Economics (Elsevier)
iii. Reviewer for various international conferences.
H.A. IN INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS (excludes references in
publications in Greek)
(N.B. The list includes known references in international publications in English. For clarity
purposes, titles and dates of such publications are included in bold while titles of authored or coauthored works to which reference has been made are between quotes. (cf. the lists above for full
details). Cross-referencing of Chapters in the same volume by other contributing authors is not
included nor eventual references of co-authors to co-authored work).
1. Acosta, M., Coronado, D. and Cerban, M.M. (Universidad de Cadiz).
2007. Port competitiveness in container traffic from an internal point of
view: the experience of the Port of Algeciras Bay. Maritime Policy and
Management 34, pp.501-520. Reference to Lirn, T.C, Thanopoulou,
H.A, Beynon, M.J and Beresford, A.K.C. 2004. “An Application of AHP
on Transhipment Port Selection: A Global Perspective”. Maritime
Economics & Logistics 6, pp.70-91.
2. Acosta, M., Coronado, D. and Cerban, M.M. (Universidad de Cadiz)
2010. Bunkering competition and competitiveness at the ports of the
Gibraltar Strait, Journal of Transport Geography. In press.
Reference to Lirn, T.C, Thanopoulou, H.A, Beynon, M.J and
Beresford, A.K.C. 2004. “An Application of AHP on Transhipment Port
Selection: A Global Perspective”. Maritime Economics & Logistics 6,
pp.70-91 and to Lirn, T.C, Thanopoulou, H.A and Beresford, A.K.C.
2003. «Transhipment Port Selection and Decision-Making Behaviour:
Analysing the Taiwanese Case». International Journal of Logistics 6,
3. Ademuni-Odeke, Dr. (1998). Bareboat Charter (Ship) Registration.
The Hague/London: Kluwer Law International. Reference pτo
Thanopoulou, H.A. 1995. “The growth of fleets registered in the NewlyEmerging maritime countries and maritime crises”. Maritime Policy and
Management 22, pp.51-62.
4. Airries, C.A. (Ball State University) 2001. Regional production,
information-communication technology and the developmental state:
the rise of Singapore as a global container hub. Geoforum 32, 235254. Reference to Ryoo, D.K and Thanopoulou, H.A. 1999. “Liner
Alliances in the Globalization Era: A Strategic Tool for Asian Container
Carriers”. Maritime Policy and Management 26, pp.349-367.
5. Alizadeh, A. and Nomikos, N. (City University) 2006. Trading
Strategies in the Markets for Tankers. Maritime Policy and
Management 33, 119-140 . Reference to Thanopoulou, H.A, 2002.
«Shipping investment: an essay on constraints, risk and attitudes».
Chapter 28 to
Grammenos, C. ed. The Handbook of Maritime
Economics and Business. London: Lloyd’s of London Press. pp.623641.
6. Alizadeh, A, (City University) and Talley, W.K. (Old Dominion
University). 2011. Vessel and voyage determinants of tanker freight
rates and contract times. Transport Policy.(In press) Reference to
Tamvakis, M.N and Thanopoulou, H.A. 2000. “Does quality pay? The
case of the dry bulk market”. Transportation Research Part E:
Logistics and Transportation Review 36, pp.297-307.
7. Alvarez, J.F, Tsilingiris, P. Engebrethsen, E.S., Kakalis, N.M.P. 2011.
Robust fleet sizing and deployment for industrial and independent bulk
ocean shipping companies. INFOR 49, pp.93-107. Reference to
Tamvakis, M.N and Thanopoulou, H.A. 2000. “Does quality pay? The
case of the dry bulk market”. Transportation Research Part E:
Logistics and Transportation Review 36, pp.297-307.
8. Baird, AJ. (Napier University) 2005.
Optimising the container
transhipment hub location in northern Europe. Journal of Transport
Geography xxx xxx–xxx. Reference to Lirn, T.C, Thanopoulou, H.A,
Beynon, M.J and Beresford, A.K.C. 2004. «An Application of AHP on
Transhipment Port Selection: A Global Perspective. » Maritime
Economics & Logistics 6, pp.70-91.
9. Bauchet, P. 2000. Stratégie des entreprises multinationales de
transport et nouvelle économie: Le projet de la Revue économique á
l'aube du XXIe siècle. Revue économique, 51, pp. 1095-1124.
Reference to Thanopoulou, H.A. et al. 1999. “Korean liner shipping in
the era of global alliances”. Maritime Policy and Management 26,
10. Benacchio, M., Ferrari, C. and Musso, E. 2007 (University of
Genova), The liner shipping industry and EU competition rules.
Transport Policy, 14, pp.1-10. Reference to Ryoo, D.K and
Thanopoulou, H.A. 1999. “Liner Alliances in the Globalization Era: A
Strategic Tool for Asian Container Carriers”. Maritime Policy and
Management 26, pp.349-367.
11. Bergantino, A. (Univ. of Bari) and Veenstra A. (Erasmus University
Rotterdam) 2002. Interconnection and Co-ordination: An Application
of Network Theory to Liner Shipping. International Journal of
Maritime Economics 4, pp.231-248. Reference to Thanopoulou, H.A.
et al. 1999. “Korean liner shipping in the era of global alliances”.
Maritime Policy and Management 26, pp.209-229.
12. and Bergantino, A. (Univ. of Bari) and Veenstra A. (Erasmus
University Rotterdam) op.cit.. Reference to Ryoo, D.K and
Thanopoulou, H.A. 1999. “Liner Alliances in the Globalization Era: A
Strategic Tool for Asian Container Carriers”. Maritime Policy and
Management 26, pp.349-367.
13. Brautaset, C. (University of Bergen) and Tenold, S. ( Norwegian
School of
Business and Shipping Administration),
'Globalisation and Norwegian shipping policy, 1850-2000. Business
History 50, pp.565 — 582, Reference to Thanopoulou, H.A. 2000.
From Internationalism to globalisation: trends in modern shipping.
Journal of Maritime Research, February 2000.
14. Broeze, F. (University of Western Australia). 1998. Containerization
and Globalisation of Liner Shipping, Research in Maritime History
14, pp.385-423 Reference pτην υποpημείωpη 16, p.391 to
Thanopoulou, H.A. et al. 1999. “Korean liner shipping in the era of
global alliances”. Maritime Policy and Management 26, pp.209-229.
15. Broeze, F. 1998. At Sea and Ashore: A critical review of the
Historiography of Modern Shipping since 1970s. NEHA Bulletin voor
de economische geschhiedenis 13, p.3-37, Reference to κείμενο
“Broeze and Thanopoulou mapped the broadest outlines of this sea
change in the shipping balance of power” and Reference pτην
υποpημείωpη 50 to Thanopoulou, H.A. 1995. “The growth of fleets
registered in the Newly-Emerging maritime countries and maritime
crises”. Maritime Policy and Management 22, pp.51-62.
16. Brooks, M. and Trifts, V. (Dalhousie University). 2008. Short sea
shipping in North America: understanding the requirements of Atlantic
Canadian shippers. Maritime Policy & Management 35, pp.145 –
158. Reference to Lirn, T.C, Thanopoulou, H.A, Beynon, M.J and
Beresford, A.K.C. 2004. “An Application of AHP on Transhipment Port
Selection: A Global Perspective”. Maritime Economics & Logistics 6,
17. Brooks, M. (Dalhousie University) and Pallis, A. (University of the
Aegean). 2008. Assessing port governance models: process and
performance. Maritime Policy & Management 35, pp.411 – 432.
Reference to Lirn, T.C, Thanopoulou, H.A and Beresford, A.K.C. 2003.
«Transhipment Port Selection and Decision-Making Behaviour:
Analysing the Taiwanese Case». International Journal of Logistics 6,
18. Ibid. and to Lirn, T.C, Thanopoulou, H.A, Beynon, M.J and Beresford,
A.K.C. 2004. “An Application of AHP on Transhipment Port Selection:
A Global Perspective”. Maritime Economics & Logistics 6, pp.70-91.
19. Brooks, M.R (Dalhousie University) Schellinck, T. and Pallis, A.A.
(University of the Aegean) 2011. A systematic approach for
evaluating port effectiveness. Maritime Policy and Management 38,
pp.315-334. Reference to Lirn, T.C, Thanopoulou, H.A and
Beresford, A.K.C. 2003. «Transhipment Port Selection and DecisionMaking Behaviour: Analysing the Taiwanese Case». International
Journal of Logistics 6, pp.229-244.
20. Chang, Y.T., Lee, S.Y. and Tongzon, J.L. (Inha University). 2008.
Port selection factors by shipping lines: Different perspectives between
trunk liners and feeder service providers. Marine Policy 32, 877-885.
In press. Reference to Lirn, T.C, Thanopoulou, H.A, Beynon, M.J and
Beresford, A.K.C. 2004. “An Application of AHP on Transhipment Port
Selection: A Global Perspective”. Maritime Economics & Logistics 6,
21. Chou, C.C., Yih, J.M., Wong, C.P., Chang, H.T, Chen, M.H,
Chang, H. W, Lai, H.W., Lin, C.Y.. SWOT Analysis of operation
strategies of the world’s top 20 carriers. Applied Mechanics and
Materials 178-181, pp. 2863-2866. Reference to Ryoo, D.K and
Thanopoulou, H.A. 1999. “Liner Alliances in the Globalization Era: A
Strategic Tool for Asian Container Carriers”. Maritime Policy and
Management 26, pp.349-367.
22. Cameron A. and Palan, R. The Imagined Economy: Mapping
transformations in the contemporary state. Chapter 9, in Brenner, N.
et al. (eds.) 2003. State/Space. A Reader. Oxford: Blakwell
Publishing. Reference pτo Thanopoulou, H.A. 1998. What price the
flag? The terms of competitiveness in shipping. Marine Policy 22,
23. Coronado, D., Acosta,M., del Mar Cerbán, M. And del Pilar López, M.
2006. Economic Impact of the Container Traffic at the Port of
Algeciras Bay, Springer, Reference to Chapter 1, p.21 to Ryoo, D.K
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OTHER PAPERS (numbering continued)
Aksel, Ι. (Istanbul University) and Akça, C. (Istanbul
University), (2006). Effects of Globalisation on Maritime industry;
Mergers, Acquisitions. 4th International Logistics and Supply Chain
Congress, İzmir, Kasım-Aralık 2006. Reference to Thanopoulou, H.A.
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2010. Some Effects of hinterland infrastructure pricing on port
competitiveness: The case of Antwerp. 12th WCTR, July 11-15, 2010
, Lisbon, Portugal. Reference to Lirn, T.C, Thanopoulou, H.A, Beynon,
M.J and Beresford, A.K.C. 2004. “An Application of AHP on
Transhipment Port Selection: A Global Perspective”. Maritime
Economics & Logistics 6, pp.70-91.
Blonigen, B.A. and Wilson, W.W. (University of Oregon).
2006. International Trade, Transportation Networks and Port Choice.
Reference to Lirn, T.C, Thanopoulou, H.A and Beresford, A.K.C. 2003.
Transhipment Port Selection and Decision-Making Behaviour:
Analysing the Taiwanese Case. International Journal of Logistics 6,
Botter, R.C and de Moura, D.A. (Universidade de São Paulo),
2006. Analise da competitividade da industria maritime brasileira.
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the era of global alliances”. Maritime Policy and Management 26,
Cariou P. (Université de Nantes), 2002. Strategic Alliances in
Liner Shipping: An analysis of Operational Synergies. Paper presented
at the IAME Conference, Panama, 2002. Reference to Ryoo, D.K and
Thanopoulou, H.A. 1999. “Liner Alliances in the Globalization Era: A
Strategic Tool for Asian Container Carriers”. Maritime Policy and
Management 26, pp.349-367.
Chang, C.C (National Ocean University of Taiwan) and
Hwang, C.C. (National Chiao-Tung University), 2005. Analysis on
vessel registration and operational performance of bulk shipping firms.
Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation
Studies 5, pp.631-646. Reference to Tamvakis, M.N and
Thanopoulou, H.A. 2000. “Does quality pay? The case of the dry bulk
market”. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation
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Thanopoulou, H.A. 1998. What price the flag? The terms of
competitiveness in shipping. Marine Policy 22, pp.359-374
Zhang, A. (University of British Columbia). 2008. The impact
of hinterland access conditions on rivalry between ports.
OECD/International transport Forum, Discussion paper. 2008-8.
Reference to Lirn, T.C, Thanopoulou, H.A, Beynon, M.J and Beresford,
A.K.C. 2004. “An Application of AHP on Transhipment Port Selection:
A Global Perspective”. Maritime Economics & Logistics 6, pp.70-91.
organizations, committees etc.
(without numbering)
- OECD, Final Report on Competition Policy in Liner Shipping,
DSTI/DOT/(2002), 2. OECD: 2002. Reference to Ryoo, D.K. and
Thanopoulou, H.A. 1999. “Liner Alliances in the Globalization Era: A Strategic
Tool for Asian Container Carriers”. Maritime Policy and Management 26,
- Public Financing and charging practices of seaports in the EU. Final. ISL:
Bremen, June. Report.
dy_en.pdf (by Psaraftis, H. included supra).
- O’Keefe, D. Evolution de la flotte de haute mer qui appuie le commerce
international canadien. 54F0002XIF. Division des transports. Ottawa, K1A
0T6. Reference to Thanopoulou, H.A. 1995. “The growth of fleets registered
in the Newly-Emerging maritime countries and maritime crises”. Maritime
Policy and Management 22, pp.51-62.
-, accessed 12/2004.
January 2006.
- For the impact of published work see also link through buttton Liner Shipping,
accessed from January 2002 until January 2005.)
ΙV. INDICATIVE REFERENCES in Ph.D theses (excluding references in
Greek PhD theses or theses under my supervision)
-Cariou, P. 2000. Les alliances stratégiques dans le transport maritime de
lignes reguliéres: efficacité ou pouvoir de marché? Univ. de Nantes.
Reference to Ryoo, D.K. and Thanopoulou, H.A. 1999. “Liner Alliances in the
Globalization Era: A Strategic Tool for Asian Container Carriers”. Maritime
Policy and Management 26, pp.349-367
- Olivier, D. 2005. The Globalisation of Port Business: an Asian Perspective.
Hong Kong University. Reference to Ryoo, D.K. and Thanopoulou, H.A.
1999. “Liner Alliances in the Globalization Era: A Strategic Tool for Asian
Container Carriers”. Maritime Policy and Management 26, pp.349-367.
- Agarwal, Richa. 2007. Network design and alliance formation. Unpublished
Ph.D. Thesis. School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology. Reference to Ryoo, D.K. and Thanopoulou,
H.A. 1999. “Liner Alliances in the Globalization Era: A Strategic Tool for Asian
Container Carriers”. Maritime Policy and Management 26, pp.349-367.
-Kohn, S. 2008. Generalized Additive Models in the context of Shipping
Economis. Niversity of Leicester. Reference to Tamvakis, M.N and
Thanopoulou, H.A. 2000. “Does quality pay? The case of the dry bulk
market”. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation
Review 36, pp.297-307.
AUTHORED LECTURE NOTES distributed to students as full volumes.
- Lectures in Special Shipping Issues, University of Piraeus, 1995, mimeo.
- Lectures in Introduction to Shipping Economics, University of
1995, mimeo,
-Lectures in Ship and Cargo Management (with Cpt.George Georgoulis)
University of the Aegean, 2010, (electronic Lecture notes with interactive
- 1990/1991/1992, tutorials/seminars on:
* Maritime Management
* Maritime Economics and Policy,
at the Department of Management and at the Department of Economics,
University of Piraeus
- 1993/1994 Autumn semester:
* weekly lectures in Maritime Economics, a 7th semester course at the
University of Piraeus, Department of Maritime Studies, and in Maritime
Economics I, a 4th semester course.
- 1993/1994 Spring semester:
*Lectures in Maritime Economics, a 4th semester course at the University
of Piraeus, Department of Maritime Studies as above.
- 1994/1995 Autumn semester:
*weekly lectures in Introduction to Maritime Economics, a lst semester
course, Department of Maritime Studies, University of Piraeus.
- 1994/1995 Spring semester:
* weekly lectures in Special Shipping Issues, an 8th semester course,
Department of Maritime Studies, University of Piraeus.
* lectures in International Shipping Policy (co-teacher), Department of
Maritime Studies, University of Piraeus.
Academic year 2004-2005, Department of Shipping Trade and Transport,
University of the Aegean
 Shipping Economics to the MSc students
 Operations Management
undergraduate students.
 Ship and Cargo Management, to Year 3 undergraduate students
 Introduction to Maritime Studies, to Year 1 undergraduate students
 Maritime History, final year undergraduate students.
Academic year 2005-2006, Department of Shipping Trade and Transport,
University of the Aegean
 Shipping Economics to the MSc students
 Operations Management of
undergraduate students, elective.
 Ship and Cargo Management, to Year 3 ( also offered optionally to year
2) undergraduate students
 Introduction to Maritime Studies, to Year 1 undergraduate students
 Maritime History, final year undergraduate students, elective.
Academic years 2006-2007 until academic year 2010-2011, Department
of Shipping Trade and Transport, University of the Aegean (as above for
2005-2006, on sabbatical for the autumn semester 2008-2009).
- 1995/1996 Autumn semester:
*Maritime Transport: Bulk Shipping, to the MSc and final year students,
Department of Maritime Studies and International Transport, weekly
*Transport Modes and Concepts A, (co-teacher), to Level 1 BSc students,
Department of Maritime Studies and International Transport, weekly
- 1995/1996 Spring semester:
* Business Economics to Level 1 BSc students, Department of Maritime
Studies and International Transport, weekly lectures and seminars
*Transport Modes and Concepts B, (co-teacher), to Level 1 BSc students,
Department of Maritime Studies and International Transport, weekly lectures.
-1996/1997 Autumn Semester
Economics of Bulk Shipping to the MSc and final year students,
Department of Maritime Studies and International Transport, weekly
* Transport Modes and Concepts (double module), (co-teacher), to Level
1 BSc students, Department of Maritime Studies and International
Transport, introductory lecture and participation in field visit.
1996/1997 Spring semester
* Transport Modes and Concepts (double module), (co-teacher), to Level
1 BSc
students, Department of Maritime Studies and International Transport,
lectures for 8 weeks.
* Business Economics to Level 1 BSc students, Department of Maritime
Studies and International Transport, weekly lectures and seminars.
* Fieldwork module ( Level 2 BSc students), Department of Maritime Studies
International Transport, seminars and fieldtrip to the Continent (coteacher).
Autumn and Spring semesters 1997-1998
* Shipping Economics to the MSc International Transport, Department of
Maritime Studies and International Transport, weekly lectures (Autumn
* Transport Modes: Economics and Policy II to the final year students for
the BSc in International Transport and the BSc in Maritime studies (part of
the quadruple module), Department of Maritime Studies and International
* Transport Modes and Concepts (double module), (part), to Level 1 BSc
students, Department of Maritime Studies and International Transport,
weekly lectures for 8 weeks.
* Business Economics to Level 1 BSc students, Department of Maritime
Studies and International Transport, weekly lectures and seminars as
part of the Theory and Applications of Economics double module.
Autumn and Spring semesters 1998-1999
Shipping Economics to the MSc International Transport (as above)
Transport Modes: Economics and Policy II (as above)
Transport Modes and Concepts (double module), (part)
Business Economics (as above for 1997-8)
Transport Research Methods (for the second semester Field Trip of the
Maritime Studies students)
Autumn and Spring semesters 1999-2000
Shipping Economics to the MSc International Transport
Transport Modes: Economics and Policy II (part, as above)
Transport Modes and Concepts (double module), (part, as above)
Transport Research Methods (for the second semester Field Trip of the
Maritime Studies students)
Academic year 2000- 2001, Cardiff Business School:
 Shipping Economics to the MSc International Transport (as above)
 Transport Modes: Economics and Policy II (part, as above)
 Transport Modes and Concepts (part, as above)
 Applied Economics (second semester)
Academic year 2001-2002, Cardiff Business School
Shipping Economics to the MSc International Transport (as above)
Transport Modes: Economics and Policy II (as above)
Transport Modes and Concepts (part only)
Applied Economics (part only)
Academic year 2002-2003, Cardiff Business School.
 Shipping Economics to the MSc International Transport, MSc Marine
Policy and DPSA students
 Transport Modes: Economics and Policy II, (part) final year BSc
International Transport
 Transport Modes and Concepts, Year 1, BSc Business
Administration with Transport Management
Academic year 2003-2004, Cardiff Business School
 Shipping Economics to the MSc International Transport, MSc Marine
Policy and DPSA students
 Transport Economics and Policy, final year BSc students.
 Transport Modes and Concepts, Year 1,
Administration with Transport Management, part.
BSc Business
Academic year 2007-2008, Shipping Market Analysis, Post graduate module,
Spring semester, University of Newcastle, School of Marine Technology.
Academic year 2008-2009 first half of the Shipping Market Analysis and Risk
Management, postgraduate and undergraduate module, Spring semester,
University of Newcastle
Academic year 2009-2010, first half of the Shipping Market Analysis and
Risk Management, postgraduate and undergraduate module, Spring semester,
University of Newcastle
- University of the Aegean, Department of Shipping and Business Services ,
Chios, Greece. July 1999. Invited Lecturer at the Post-Graduate Programme.
- National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, UK- Goldsmiths College, University
of London, Open Museum series of lectures, May 2000.
-2008 to 2010, Guest lecturer, Shipping Market Analysis, Post-graduate
module, Spring semester, University of Newcastle (cf. supra).
-Academic year, 2008/9. External Shipping MBA dissertation examiner for
Copenhagen Business School.
- 2008, June. Guest lecture, Athens University of Economics and Business.
- 2008, Autumn semester, Sabbatical guest, City University, Cass Business
School, Centre for Shipping Trade and Finance, London.
- Transportnet. Transport Markets and Business. Univ. of the Aegean
Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport, October 2007.
- Various lectures since 1986 in seminar programmes organised by the
Research Centre of the University of Piraeus and other educational
organisations in Piraeus, Greece.
- Supervision of a large number of MSc theses both in Greece and the UK
- Internal examiner/sole supervisor/member of the supervision panel for a
number of PhD theses in the UK and in Greece.
Participation in various projects – at a variety of levels - in the areas of port
and shipping and Chapter/Sub-chapter/annex contributions in any resulting
volumes including:
- Feasibility study for the Port works in the Port of Igoumenitsa, (EEC
funded port works). Collective study, submitted and approved by the Greek
Ministry of Urban Planning, Public Works and of the Environment, Athens
-Feasibility study for the Port works in the Port of Rhodes collective work,
submitted to and approved by the Greek Ministry of Urban Planning, Public
Works and of the Environment, Athens 1993, (Chapter 5, Revenues).
- Project for the Education of Unemployed University Graduates in the
Transport of Dangerous Goods, collective work, Research Centre of the
University of Piraeus School of Industrial Studies Studies (now the University
of Piraeus), Piraeus 1989.
-1990. Participation in the research project, Perspectives for the
transhipment in the port of Piraeus. Project undertaken by the Research
Centre of the University of Piraeus.
-1991. Participation (assistant) in the project, Recent developments in
Greek ship repairing activity, Research Centre of the University of Piraeus.
-1994. Contribution to the project, The Economics of Bulk Shipping Pools,
Erasmus University Rotterdam, 1994, (Contribution submitted as : Pools in
Greek-owned bulk shipping, Report, by J. Theotokas with the co-operation
and introductory assistance of H. Thanopoulou).
-1996. British Shipping Policy 1945-1995, part of a wider project/paper
intended for the Department of Transport (Training Division), United Kingdom.
- 2005-2011. Participation in the project team of the third and fourth phase of
the project “Student Placements”,
Department of Shipping, Trade and
-Participation in the Research Project of the University of the Aegean for the
Institute of Local government, 2008.
-Expert Referee, Research Council of Norway 2007 and 2008.
-Member of the project for the Study No 10 of the Academy of Athens (cf.
Supra 2.2.), 2008-2010.
- Elected in 1995: Director of the Centre for Shipping, Transport, Environment
and Trade, (CESTET) formed in that year (see page 2 supra).
-Organised the participation of the Department of Maritime Studies (University
of Piraeus) in the wider proposal for Research task 6.1.1/2, Analysis of
Supply and Demand of Shipping Services in an international consortium.
(Proposal under the E.U. 4th Framework Programme, RTD, 1995). The
project proposal was successful; after my appointment in Cardiff, the Piraeus
participation had to be led by another member of the Piraeus project team.
- Secured the financial support of the Baltic Exchange in London for the
1998 Bulk Shipping Rates research (see above, under publications).
- Attendance (as guest of the Greek delegation in May 1999) of the work of
the IMO Maritime Safety Committee, IMO.
-Chair of the Academic Assembly of Cardiff University, 1998-1999. Elected
April 1998.
-Member of the University of Wales Cardiff Senate in 1997 ( and ex-officio
member 1998-1999 as Chair of the Academic Assembly).
-Member of Cardiff University Court 1999-2002, appointed by the ViceChancellor (as Member of Senate).
-Responsible for the Periodic Review of the schemes MSc International
Transport, MSc Marine Policy in autumn 2000 and author of the relevant MSc
-Member of the Undergraduate Student Panel (MASTS, Cardiff University)
-Member of the Postgraduate Student Panel, MSc International Transport,
MSc Marine Policy, /DPSA, Cardiff Business School until 2002-3.
-Library representative of the Department of Maritime Studies and
International Transport, Cardiff University during 1997-2000.
-Organiser of various invited external lectures, Department of Maritime
Studies and
International Transport, Cardiff University and in the Cardiff
Business School.
-Member of the Faculty Library Committee, School of Management and
Administration, University of the Aegean, since autumn 2004 to date.
- Responsible for the Erasmus student exchange programme, Department of
Shipping, Trade and Transport, University of the Aegean, for the spring
semester 2006-7, (deputising ).
-Deputy Co-ordinator for the Erasmus student exchange programme at
Faculty Level, School of Management and Administration, University of the
Aegean, since the spring semester 2006-2007, appointed by Senate
-Member of Steering Committees of International conferences
-Chair of sessions of international Conferences in Greece and abroad.
-Chair (coordinator) of the 2nd EONE meeting, “Accidental or systematic
factors behind the freight market boom?”, January 2007.
-Organizer (with N.Ventikos) of the Special Session, Risk Analysis and
Management, ECONSHIP, (European Conference on Shipping
Intermodalism and Ports ) Chios, June 22-24, 2011.
-Member of the Senate of the University of the Aegean, Academic Year
-Initiator on behalf of the University/Department in 2010 of the creation of a
cooperation network between 3 shipping related libraries concluded in 2011.
-EONE (Association of Greek Maritime Economists). Member until early 2012.
Founding member. Council member of the first Council of the Association in
2006, of the second Council in the June 2008 election and of the third
October 2010 election until end 2011.
-IAME (International Association of Maritime Economists), Member of the
Council 2008-2010. (Elected in China in April 2008).
- “Efkranti” Award 2008.
DATE: June 2012