GAME BOOK IMMIGRATION TO AMERICA A vérifier : - date - « coach » - description of the journey paragraph 2 Niveau : 4ème à 2nde Objectifs : - lexique : champs lexical de l’immigration - Grammaire : prétérit (questions, affirmations, négations) - Phonétique : la prononciation de la terminaison « –ED » du prétérit : /id/ /d/ /t/ - Civilisation : la crise de la pomme de Terre en Irlande au XIXème siècle, l’immigration massive aux Etats-Unis et Ellis Island Compétences : compréhension écrite surtout, production écrite à la fin. RULES You are the hero of the story. That means that YOU make the decisions while reading. You are led to different paragraphs according to the decisions you take throughout the reading of the story. Start reading the introduction. You will know the main plot1 and choose which character you are. Then, follow the instructions and make your own decisions and answers; they will lead you to the paragraph you have to read next. Enjoy your adventure and good luck ! INTRODUCTION Dublin, Ireland, March 16th, 1874 You are a member of a family composed of the husband, the wife and two children : Jimmy, 9 years old and Mary, 6 years old. Choose which character you are according to their abilities. You can be a man or a woman. Sean O’Callaghan Strong but not very kind2 Megan O’Callaghan Very kind but not very strong 1 2 Plot = story kind = nice, sweet The crops3 have been very bad for a long time and only a few potatoes grew4. Many people in Ireland are dying from starvation5 and most of the people are very poor. This is called the “Great Famine”. You hear that some boats are leaving Ireland to cross the Atlantic ocean and arrive to America, the “New World”, where everything is possible. Even poor people can get rich or at least have a better life, food and a nice house. You can immigrate there with your family but it is not easy as tickets are very expensive and the living conditions on board are so awful6 that many people do not survive… If you decide to go to try to immigrate, go to paragraph 12. If you reckon7 its is safer and more courageous to stay in Ireland and try to survive here, go to paragraph 33. 1 Great ! The seller agrees with your price ! You have to prepare your journey8. Take enough food, drinks and covers for you and your family. Check if you have not forgotten anything. What is the corresponding answer to the question : “Did you forget the covers ?” “No, I haven’t” _____________________________________________________Go to paragraph 13. “No, I didn’t” _______________________________________________________Go to paragraph 9. “Yes, we did.” ______________________________________________________Go to paragraph 16. 2 You go on board for a 45-day-journey in horrible living conditions : … Will you and your family be strong enough to survive ? Find the negative sentences corresponding to the following sentences ? They came to America / Did we take the tickets ? / The journey was so hard ! - They did not come to America / Didn’t we take the tickets ? / The journey didn’t was so hard. _____Go to paragraph 4. 3 4 5 6 7 8 crops = productions in a field grow = become big starvation = lack of food awful = horrible reckon = think journey = trip - They didn’t come to America / Didn’t we take the tickets ? / The journey wasn’t so hard. _____Go to paragraph 10. - They didn’t came to America / We didn’t take the tickets / The journey was not so hard. _____Go to paragraph 23. 3 Stupid boy ! You are not a kind person like your wife… You do not convince them at all. On the contrary, they think you try to manipulate them and are angry at you ! They kick you out of their house. You do not have enough money and courage to take your family to the harbour where the boat leaves and stay in Ireland. Mary will be ill in spring and die in summer. Jimmy will die two years later, just before you are killed by other poor people who wanted the few potatoes that remained9 in your field. You do not know how long your wife / husband survived. Your adventure is over. 4 The living conditions on board were too hard for you and your family. Your poor daughter Mary did not survive the journey and your husband / wife is ill. You see the coast and feel that the American Dream is close and that everything is possible now ! Life will be better and much easier ! You finally arrive in Ellis Island, where all the candidates for immigration arrive. Then, they will be selected according to their health and money. Go to paragraph 22. 5 You go to buy a horse and a coach to travel to the harbour where you will take the boat to America. The seller agrees with your price only if you can answer the following question. How do you make a question in the past ? MOT INTERROGATIF + AUXILIAIRE DID + SUJET + VERBE ______________Go to paragraph 1. MOT INTERROGATIF + SUJET + AUXILIAIRE DID + VERBE _____________Go to paragraph 15. 9 remain = to be the last things 6 Wrong answer ! The captain does not trust10 you and wants too much money. It is not the price announced and you cannot offer it… You must convince him. How can you do that ? You threaten him. ___________________________________________________Go to paragraph 14. You talk to him kindly and play with is feelings. ___________________________Go to paragraph 25. 7 -“Oh Megan, seriously, you don’t think you can threaten us, slim as you are…”, Robert laughs at11 you. -“If you need to threaten us, that’s because you are not honest and you want to manipulate us !”, Lily adds. You do not have enough money and courage to take your family to the harbour where the boat leaves and stay in Ireland. Mary will be ill in spring and die in summer. Jimmy will die from starvation two years later, just before you are killed by other poor people who wanted the few potatoes that remained12 in your field. You do not know how long your wife / husband survived. Your adventure is over. 8 You are too kind to convince someone with your strength ! The captain laughs at13 you and kicks you out. You cannot take the boat. Your adventure is over. 9 Congratulations ! You made it ! You are at the harbour, ready to go to America ! You go and see the captain to buy the tickets for your family. Will you have enough money for four tickets ? He wants to test you before selling you the tickets. Ask the question corresponding to the answer : “I bought the tickets.” 10 11 12 13 trust = have confidence in laugh at = mock remain = to be the last things laugh at = mock “What did you buy ?” ________________________________________________Go to paragraph 19. “What have you bought ?” _____________________________________________Go to paragraph 6. 10 The living conditions on board were hard for you and your family, but you were well prepared and are all healthy and happy. You see the coast and feel that the American Dream is close14 and that everything is possible now ! Life will be better and much easier here ! You are full of hope ! You finally arrive in Ellis Island, where all the candidates for immigration arrive. Then, they will be selected according to their health and money. Go to paragraph 18. 11 -“Who do you think you are ?! So many people try to go to America. No money, no boat, get out of here !!” the captain shouts at you. You cannot take the boat. Your adventure is over. 12 You need to reach the coast to take the boat. But it is far away ! You will need a horse and a coach15 to get there. It is too expensive for your family. Therefore, you have to convince someone to share the coach and the fees with you. Your friends and neighbours, Robert and Lily Mac Arthur and their two children, may want to go on the adventure with you. They believe it is too dangerous and too expensive, that is why you have to convince them. How will you do that ? You try to talk with them calmly, and to be very kind. ___________________Go to paragraph 17. You threaten16 them. _______________________________________________ Go to paragraph 27. 13 14 15 16 close = near, next to coach = car attached to a horse threaten = if they do not agree, you fight The journey is much longer than you thought ! You expected17 it to last only two days but four days after, you are still on the road, and have finished all the food and drinks you prepared and are all starving now ! You cannot go on18 like this. Mary becomes ill so you have to stop. She will die during the trip back home. Jimmy will die from starvation two years later, just before you are killed by other poor people who wanted the few potatoes that remained19 in your field. You do not know how long your wife / husband survived. Your adventure is over. 14 If you are Sean, go to paragraph 32. If you are Megan, go to paragraph 8. 15 -“I can’t reduce the price, sorry”, the seller says. -“But we can’t offered it and we really need it to go to the harbour !” you reply. -“A horse and a coach are expensive and times are hard here. If you can’t pay that much, I’ll find other people.” You do not have enough money and courage to take your family to the harbour where the boat leaves and stay in Ireland. Mary will be ill in spring and die in summer. Jimmy will die from starvation two years later, just before you are killed by other poor people who wanted the few potatoes that remained20 in your field. You do not know how long your wife / husband survived. Your adventure is over. 16 The journey is a bit longer than you thought ! You expected21 it to last only two days but three days after, you are still on the road, and have finished all the food and drinks you prepared and are all starving now ! 17 18 19 20 21 expect = “s’attendre à” go on = continue remain = to be the last things remain = to be the last things expect = “s’attendre à” You decide to go on22 even though Mary is ill. As you arrive in the harbour, she dies. You husband / wife is getting ill too but you choose to take the boat. Go to paragraph 9. 17 If you are Sean, go to paragraph 3. If you are Megan, go to paragraph 24. 18 You must now pass23 the test to get to America ! You see from the island the city of New York but cannot reach it if you are not selected… Around you are many people from many different nationalities : Italian, English, Dutch…They all had a long and painful journey from Europe to the “New World”, are exhausted24, hungry, and both excited because full of hope25 and sad because they would like to start their new life in America soon. You are having your first test. Which line is composed of irregular verbs only ? Go / see / come / reach / meet / have ____________________________________Go to paragraph 26. Be / buy / tell / say / understand / make __________________________________Go to paragraph 28. 19 -“Excellent answer, the captain says, happy. Here are your four tickets. But before you go, I must warn you that the living conditions on board are extremely awful : no bed, many diseases26, too many people…” -“Thanks for your warning, but we want to try”, you reply. -“Okay. Good bye and good luck.” Go to paragraph 2. 20 22 23 24 25 26 go on = continue pass a test = succeed exhausted = extremely tired hope = « espoir » disease = illness -“Calm down, Sean. We understand your pain and we feel the same. Life here in Ireland is too hard for us too. We do not have food. The kids are starving and so we are”, Robert says to make you relax. -“Alice told me that her son Raymond went there and guess what ? He has his own shop now ! He works hard but earns27 a lot of money and is so happy ! I really believe we should go !” Lily adds. The Mac Arthurs are happy to join your family in the adventure to America ! But they ask you a last question to make sure of your good intentions. Which sentences are correct ? He did not want to leave / He did want to leave / Did he wanted to leave ? ___Go to paragraph 21. He didn’t want to leave / He wanted to leave / Did he want to leave ? _______Go to paragraph 5. 21 -“Wrong answer !” Lily says. -“We don’t trust you any more and we don’t want to join you”, Robert says. -“Sorry and good luck.” You do not have enough money and courage to take your family to the harbour where the boat leaves and stay in Ireland. Mary will be ill in spring and die in summer. Jimmy will die from starvation two years later, just before you are killed by other poor people who wanted the few potatoes that remained28 in your field. You do not know how long your wife / husband survived. Your adventure is over. 22 You must now pass29 the test to get to America ! You see from the island the city of New York but cannot reach it if you are not selected… Around you are many people from many different nationalities : Italian, English, Dutch…They all had a long and painful journey from Europe to the “New World”, are exhausted30, hungry, and both excited because full of hope31 and sad because they would like to start their new life in America soon. You look very tired and sick. Consequently, you will have to pass several tests. This is the first one. What are the correct pronunciations of the “-ED” ? 1) We immigrated /id/ to America. 27 28 29 30 31 earn = get money remain = to be the last things pass a test = succeed exhausted = extremely tired hope = “espoir” We passed /t/ the tests. We managed /d/ to cross the Atlantic ocean. Go to paragraph 26. 2) We immigrated /ed/ to America. We passed /t/ the tests. We managed /id/ to cross the Atlantic ocean. Go to paragraph 30. 23 The living conditions on board were much too hard for your family. Your children became ill from the beginning of the journey and died in your arms before arriving to Ellis Island. Your husband / wife feels very weak and you do not know if she / he will manage to survive until the end of the trip to America. As you want to steal a piece of bread to feed her / him, a dirty poor man takes a knife off his jacket and stabs32 you. The American Dream is over for you. 24 You are so kind that they believe you and are happy to join your family in the adventure to America ! But they ask you a last question to make sure of your good intentions. Which sentences are correct ? He did not want to leave / He did want to leave / Did he wanted to leave ? ___Go to paragraph 21. He didn’t want to leave / He wanted to leave / Did he want to leave ? _______Go to paragraph 5. 25 If you are Sean, go to paragraph 11. If you are Megan, go to paragraph 31. 26 32 stab = kill with a knife Either you look healthy but did not answer well or your answer was correct but you look too exhausted, sick and sad to pass immediately. However, you have a second chance ! Choose the sentences in which the verb must be conjugated into the preterit tense. I never (go) to America. / You (be) sick for 5 days. _________________________Go to paragraph 30. Yesterday, they (arrive) in Ellis Island. / He (buy) a shop two years ago. _______ Go to paragraph 28. 27 If you are Sean, go to paragraph 20. If you are Megan, go to paragraph 7. 28 Congratulations ! You made it !! You and your family are officially new American citizens ! You can now live the American Dream; if you work hard and want to succeed, you can do it !! New York city, June 4th 1797 Jimmy is now 32 years old. He married another Irish immigrant met in America eight years ago. Her name is Kate. They have two children : Tom, 7 years old and Margaret, 5 years old. They ask you how you came to America. Write a paragraph (200 words) about what you tell them : your trip from Ireland to America. Use the preterit. 29 After Mary, it is you husband’s / wife’s turn to die… You feel extremely depressed and do not know what to do to survive. But life must go on33 for you and Jimmy. You ask help to your neighbours and friends but nobody can escape from the Great Famine. You become ill and die two years later. Jimmy is 11 years old and will be raised by old poor aunt Janet. You do not know how long he will survive. He may decide to go to America when he will be old enough… Your adventure is over. 30 33 go on = continue Wrong answer again !! You cannot immigrate to America. You can go back to Ireland, but you do not have enough money for that. Therefore34, you must stay in Ellis Island, with all the passengers waiting to take their tests and all the sick, old, handicapped people that did not pass the test and will all die from the disease that spread quickly on the island… Your adventure is over. What a pity35, you were so close to the end… 31 You are so charming and nice that you manage to seduce the captain, who gives you the four tickets. -“But I must warn you that the living conditions on board are extremely awful : no bed, disease, too many people…” -“Thanks for your warning, but we want to try.” -“Okay. Good bye and good luck.” Go to paragraph 2. 32 You take the captain by his shirt, raise him up the ground and shout at him with anger. He feels very impressed and afraid. -“Alright, here are your four tickets.” -“Thanks”, you let him go. -“But I must warn you that the living conditions on board are extremely awful : no bed, disease, too many people…” -“Thanks, but we want to try.” -“Okay. Good bye and good luck.” Go to paragraph 2. 33 Mary is too skinny36. She needs food but you did not produce enough potatoes, have no money any more and cannot buy anything. She dies from starvation in spring. Your wife / husband is very ill too. You can change your mind and decide to migrate to America _____ Go to paragraph 12. You can decide to fight and resist in your country ______________ Go to paragraph 29. 34 35 36 therefore = consequently what a pity = too bad = « dommage » skinny = very slim FINAL QUIZZ What is the Great Famine (place, date, causes, consequences…) ? How long was a journey from Europe to America ? What were the living conditions on board ? Describe Ellis Island (place, what happened…). What is the “American Dream” ?