What you need to do to receive a grade on the Pobre Ana exam

Big Question: How changes the attitude of Ana over time in the book?
Background: Ana begins in with a poor attitude of her life and family, thinking that she is poor. Ana goes to
Mexico and truly sees what is poverty. Ana meets key people, namely Patricia and Ricardo, who help her to see the
light. She returns with a better attitude and to do good things with her life.
What you need to do to receive a grade on the Pobre Ana exam question:
Opening: What is Ana like in Capítulo 1. What does she to indicate her personality and life perspective?
How do her family and friends contribute to her outlook?
Mid: What opportunity receives Ana? Why is it special? Describe this.
Mid: Who are Patricia and Ricardo. How help they to Ana? Ricardo especially helps Ana to realize
something; what tells he to her?
End: Attitude of Ana changes how? How does Ana show her change of attitude? How is Ana with her
new perspective on life?
Just a Few of the Vocabulary You Must Use: se da cuenta de que, cambia, queja, quejona, viaje, paga, perspectiva,
actitud, ayuda a, le dice, conoce a, and Many Others.
What you need to do to receive a grade on the Pobre Ana exam question:
Opening: What is Ana like in Capítulo 1. What does she to indicate her personality and life perspective?
How do her family and friends contribute to her outlook?
Mid: What opportunity receives Ana? Why is it special? Describe this.
Mid: Who are Patricia and Ricardo. How help they to Ana? Ricardo especially helps Ana to realize
something; what tells he to her?
End: Attitude of Ana changes how? How does Ana show her change of attitude? How is Ana with her
new perspective on life?
Just a Few of the Vocabulary You Must Use: se da cuenta de que, cambia, queja, quejona, viaje, paga, perspectiva,
actitud, ayuda a, le dice, conoce a, and Many Others.
What you need to do to receive a grade on the Pobre Ana exam question:
Opening: What is Ana like in Capítulo 1. What does she to indicate her personality and life perspective?
How do her family and friends contribute to her outlook?
Mid: What opportunity receives Ana? Why is it special? Describe this.
Mid: Who are Patricia and Ricardo. How help they to Ana? Ricardo especially helps Ana to realize
something; what tells he to her?
End: Attitude of Ana changes how? How does Ana show her change of attitude? How is Ana with her
new perspective on life?
Just a Few of the Vocabulary You Must Use: se da cuenta de que (she realizes that), cambia (she changes) de
actitud, queja, quejona, viaje, paga, perspectiva, actitud, ayuda a, le dice, conoce a, pobre, rica, pobreza, and others
you have learned.