CADAD WORKSHOP AND BUSINESS MEETING NO. 1, 2012 TEACHING AND EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND, BRISBANE STEVENS BONNIN ROOM, EMMANUEL COLLEGE THURSDAY, 19TH APRIL, 9.00 – 5.30 AND FRIDAY, 20TH APRIL, 2012, 9.00 – 4.00 PROGRAM Thursday 19th April Program 8.30 am Registration and coffee Chair 9.00 am Welcome and introductions 9.00 am CADAD AGM and Business meeting President’s report Secretary’s report Treasurer’s report Budget 2012 Election of Executive members announced CADAD Scholarship proposal Other Business: CADAD Professional Development Forum - 9 November, 2012 Melbourne (see separate agenda) 10.30 am Morning tea 11.00 am CADAD Projects 1. CADAD Benchmarking: Reports on Self review and partners (Denise Chalmers) and Case study of USC's Denise Ian Discussion experience of self-evaluating against the benchmarks for review (Kylie Redman) 30 min 2. Evaluating Teacher Preparation Programs: Trial and framework (ALTC strategic project) UWA, Curtin, ECU( Denise and Sue Stony) 30 min 3. Discussion 12.30 pm CADAD funded project: Trialling a Peer Assisted Teaching scheme in the Australian tertiary education sector which (Monash with ECU, USC, QUT, Griffith, USQ, UNE, Wollongong) 1.00 pm Lunch 2.00 Professional Development for Directors - discussion of proposal Page 1 of 5 Angela Carbone and others? for CADAD October meeting (Ian Solomonides, Stephen Marshall, Melanie Fleming, Trish McCluskey) 3.00-4.00 Tour of UQ Learning Spaces 4.00 With afternoon tea Updates on ALTC/OLT projects 1. Building leadership with the sessional staff standards framework - Natalie Brown, Jo McKenzie 5.00 CADAD website update and ALTC/ CADAD online hub: Supporting sessional teaching in Australian universities 5.30 Close 6.30 CADAD Dinner Mado Restaurant 15 Tribune Street, Southbank (07) 3844 7111 Gordon Joughin 2. Measuring and Reporting Teaching Quality (ALTC strategic project) – (Angela Carbone) 3. Others? 4. PATHE extension (written update – Heather Smigiel) NOTE: CADAD Executive Committee meeting, Wednesday, 18th November 2.00- 5.00. Venue TBC. Page 2 of 5 CADAD WORKSHOP AND MEETING NO. 1, 2012 TEACHING AND EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND, BRISBANE STEVENS BONNIN ROOM, EMMANUEL COLLEGE THURSDAY, 19TH APRIL, 9.00 – 5.30 AND FRIDAY, 20TH APRIL, 2012, 9.00 – 4.00 PROGRAM Friday, 20 November Program 8.30am Registration and coffee 9.00 Invited Speaker: Professor Debbie Terry, Vice Chancellor , UQ Possible topic: Exploring the relationship between academic development units and their stakeholders in a changing world 9.40 Questions and open discussion 10.30am Morning tea 11.00 Invited Speaker: Dr Carol Nicoll, TEQSA 11.30 Discussion on TEQSA, T & L standards and implications for CADAD Lunch 12.30 1.15 2.15 pm 3.15 pm Chair TBC Teaching and Assessment Quality Standards projects eg ‘External Moderation and coursework assessment’ project’ Discussion on Current Issues in Higher education: eg DIISR Performance indicators discussion paper and CADAD response/universities responses. consultation meetings, Paper - Mapping Learning and Teaching Standards in Australian Higher Education: and Issues and Option Paper. (2012) Krause, Barrie, and Scott Discussion on NNI initiative, PEI regional initiatives, OLT initiatives 3.30 pm Afternoon tea 4.00pm Close Page 3 of 5 TBC NNI update report and Regional PEI leaders, etc Next CADAD meeting: 25-26 October, Flinders University, Adelaide. CADAD Professional Development Day: 9 November, Melbourne, 9.00 – 5.00 Sessions and Presenters Professor Debbie Terry, Vice Chancellor, University of Queensland, Biography Professor Terry received a BA and PhD (1989) from the Australian National University, and joined the School of Psychology at The University of Queensland first as postdoctoral research fellow in 1990 and then as a lecturer in 1991. She was Deputy Head of School from 1997 to 1999, and, after serving as Professor of Social Psychology and Head of School from 2000 to 2005, was appointed Executive Dean, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences in January 2006. In February 2007, Professor Terry accepted an appointment to a half-time role as Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning), and in January 2008, Professor Terry was appointed as the inaugural Deputy ViceChancellor (Teaching and Learning). The position was retitled Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) from 1 January 2009. Her primary research interests are in the areas of attitudes, social influence, persuasion, group processes, and intergroup relations. She also has applied research interests in organisational and health psychology. She has published widely in these areas, and is co-editor of "The theory of reasoned action: Its application to AIDS-preventive behaviour" (1993), "Attitudes, behavior, and social context: The role of group norms and group membership" (1999), and "Social identity processes in organisational contexts" (2001). Professor Terry is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, a Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society, previous chair of the Australian Research Council's College of Experts in the social, behavioural and economic sciences, past President of the Society for Australasian Social Psychology, and she currently holds editorial positions with the British Journal of Psychology and the European Journal of Social Psychology. Dr Carol Nicoll, Chief Commissioner, TEQSA Biography Dr Carol Nicoll is the inaugural Chief Commissioner of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency and will administer the statutory body's new powers over some 190 providers from January 2012. Nicoll has a wealth of experience in the education sector, including as a secondary school teacher and university academic. Since joining the Commonwealth public service in 1999 she has held positions as head of the team that developed the higher education reform package, Our Universities: Backing Australia’s Future; manager of the Funding Branch in the Higher Education Group; Minister-Counsellor for Education, Science and Training; Group Manager of the Industry Skills Development Group; and Group Manager of National Education System Group in the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations and more recently the CEO of the Australian Learning and Teaching Council. The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) regulates and assures the quality of Australia’s large, diverse and complex higher education sector. EQSA will undertake both compliance assessments and quality assessments. Compliance assessments involve auditing a Page 4 of 5 particular provider’s compliance against the Threshold Standards for registration as a higher education provider. Quality assessments can either be an assessment of the quality of an individual provider or a review of an issue across a number of providers (a thematic review). ALTC projects Identification of indicators and measures of impact on teacher preparation programs in HE (ALTC strategic priority project) Reported by Denise Chalmers and Sue Stony. The TPP Effectiveness Indicator Framework is intended to be one tool to assist academic developers to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of their teacher preparation programs, to understand the factors influencing the effectiveness of such programs on teacher behaviours, student approaches to learning and institutional culture, and to enhance sector-wide understanding of the different purposes and impacts of different types of teacher preparation programs (TPPs). It is not intended that all indicators be addressed, but rather that academic developers select those of particular interest, identify date which will provide evidence of the indicator and systematically collect and analyse the relevant data over time. A Teaching Preparation Program (TPP) Effectiveness indicator Framework (Draft) has been developed and was presented to the academic development community at a workshop following the HERDSA 2011 Conference for discussion and feedback. The revised Framework is now ready for trial. Eight teams have nominated to participate in the trial which will occur between October and December 2011. The session will focus on the revised framework and the trial experiences and materials Discussion on issues in Higher Education 1. DEEWR/DIISRT Discussion papers on Performance indicators and responses from CADAD and Universities. 2. Mapping Learning and Teaching Standards in Australian Higher Education: and Issues and Option Paper. (2012) Krause, Barrie, and Scott (sent to members in March) 3. Assessment standards and verification Page 5 of 5