Practice Test

Name ________________________________
Assignment: Practice Test (# 106, 10 pt) due at start of class 5/23
1. Directions: Write the correct letter under the alien using the taxonomy chart.
2. Directions: Use the dichotomous key to label the correct kingdom to sports team.
1a. Organism is prokaryotic ……..… go to 2
1b. Organism is eukaryotic ……..…. go to 3
2a. Organism is microscopic …..…. go to 4
2b. Organism is not microscopic ..… Spurs
3a. Organism is always multicellular …go to 5
3b. Organism is sometimes unicellular … go to 6
4a. Organism lives in extreme environments … Mavericks
4b. Organism does not live in extreme environments … Cavaliers
5a. Organism is always an autotroph ……... Lakers
5b. Organism is not always an autotroph …. Bulls
6a. Organism is a decomposer …………….. Pistons
6b. Organism is not a decomposer ……….... Blazers
What is which Kingdom?
Eubacteria: _________________________________________
Archaebacteria: ______________________________________
Protist: _____________________________________________
Fungi: _____________________________________________
Plant: ______________________________________________
Animal: ____________________________________________
3. Define the following:
4. List the types of Desert biomes:
5. What is the most southern biome? ______________________________________
6. List the biomes found in the United States _________________________________________
7. From the Planet Earth Videos, Name an organism, an adaptation and why the adaptation helps
the organism survive.
Movie name: ________________________________________
Organism: __________________________________________
Adaptation and why the adaptation helps the organism survive:
8. List the 6 kingdoms: ___________________________________________________________
9. What kingdom are humans in? _________________________________________
10. What kingdom are mushrooms in? ___________________________________________
11. How are fungi different from plants?
12. Directions:
Step 1: Fill in the boxes below with the following organism (use each one once)
grass, mushroom, cat, grasshopper, bacteria, blue jay
Step 2: fill in the arrows that represent energy
13. What role do decomposers play in a food web? Why are decomposers important? (2 pt)
14. What role do producers play in a food web? Why are producers important? (2 pt)
15. Define the following:
Primary consumer
Secondary consumer
Tertiary consumer