PreAP Chemistry Syllabus Mrs. Jessica Kite, ECHS@MC Allison

PreAP Chemistry Syllabus
Mrs. Jessica Kite, ECHS@MC
Allison Fine Arts Building, Room 111
(210) 913-1547
Course Description: Pre-AP Chemistry includes the study of quantitative and qualitative analysis and basic
principles in inorganic chemistry. We will explore the fundamental facts, laws, principles, theories, and concepts of
chemistry. We will examine atomic structure, periodic properties of matter, chemical bonding, and states of matter,
stoichiometry, and properties of solutions.
Text and Materials: Chemistry by Addison-Wesley, Prentice Hall, 2002. ISBN: 0-13-054384-5, binder with tabs,
bound composite book, scientific calculator
Lab: Labs are fundamental to learning chemistry, not only the accuracy and precision of the lab but also the written
record of the work. Each student will keep their own written record of each lab in their lab journal.
Methods of Instruction:
 Students develop problem-solving skills that will enable them to reach independent, scientific conclusions.
 Students will analyze issues that pertain to science and society.
 Students will work in collaborative groups to collect data that will verify hypothesis, compare results, and
communicate conclusions in a formal written process. Each student will physically manipulate equipment
and materials.
Grading: 60% of the grade is summative and will come from tests, quizzes, and projects. 40% of the grade will
come from written lab reports and binder checks which include any daily work. A minimum of six and a maximum
of ten grades will be taken each six weeks. One major project will be assigned in the fall semester over elements and
one project will be assigned in the spring over nuclear chemistry. Homework is not given, although lab reports will
sometimes need to be completed outside of class, so it is the student’s reponsibility to study and stay on top of
material covered in class.
Tutorials: Tutoring is available every morning at 8 am and after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:10 to 5
pm. Mandatory tutorials will be given if a six weeks average falls below a 75. They will also be given for
assignments that are less than a 70 or if an assignment is not turned in on time. Lunch tutorials will be given for
failing grades.
Late Work Policy:
-One school day late- A maximum grade of 70- mandatory tutorial will be assigned to complete work
-Two school days late- A maximum grade of 60- parents will be contacted
-Three school days late- A maximum grade of 50
After 3 days, work will be given a 0, mandatory tutorials will be assigned for three days, and parents will be
Retake Policy:
-All summative work can be retaken if the grade is below a 70. In order to retake an exam, the student must
complete two hours of tutorials before or after school. Then they must come in for a third hour to retake the exam.
The tutorials and retake must be completed within one week of the first exam. The maximum grade allowed on a
retake is a 70.
Fall Semester Labs:
Lab Safety and Scientific Method
1.) Scientific Method Lab
Metric System and Conversions
2.) Measurement Lab
Atomic Structure and Periodic
Chemical Bonding
Chemical Formulas
Chemical Equations and Reactions
Spring Semester Labs:
Mole Concept
Solutions and Solubility
Acids and Bases
Gas Laws
Nuclear Chemistry
Density Lab
Classification of Matter Lab
Properties and Changes of Matter Lab
Separating Mixtures Lab
Calculating Average Atomic Mass Lab
Periodic Trends Lab
Comparing Ionic and Covalent
Compounds Lab
10.) VSEPR Theory
11.) Naming Ionic Compounds Lab
12.) Law of Conservation of Mass Lab
13.) Types of Chemical Reactions Lab
14.) Activity Series of Metal Lab
15.) Moles of a Substance Lab
16.) Empirical Formula Lab
17.) Limiting Reactants and Percent Yeild Lab
18.) Supersaturation of Solutions Lab
19.) Concentration and Dilution Lab
20.) Solubility Lab
21.) Henry’s Law of Solubility Lab
22.) pH Lab
23.) Titration Lab
24.) Gas Laws Lab
25.) Ideal Gas Law Lab
26.) Measuring Food Calories Lab
27.) Endothermic/Exothermic Reactions
28.) Specific Heat of a Metal Lab
29.) Heating Curve of Water Lab
30.) Nuclear Half-Life Lab
Binder Checks: There will be a binder check every six weeks. All warm-ups, daily assignments, and notes must be
in the binder. 25% of the grade will be the warm-ups, 25% from the printed notes, and 50% from daily work.
Calendar: Subject to change. All notes must be printed and read before the start of a unit. Exams will be
cumulative (means anything from beginning of year is fair game on each exam). Review sheets will be given out a
week before each exam and it is highly suggested that each student take the time to study the material on the review