UNIT 7 SYLLABUS The Progressive Movement 1890-1914 Name: Goal 7: The Progressive Movement in the United States (1890-1914) – The learner will analyze the economic, political, and social reforms of the Progressive Period. 7.01: Explain the conditions that led to the rise of Progressivism. 7.02: Analyze how different groups of Americans made economic and political gains in the Progressive Period. 7.03: Evaluate the effects of racial segregation on different regions and segments of the United States’ society. 7.04: Examine the impact of technological changes on economic, social, and cultural life in the United States. Date Topic Homework 10/15 Muckrakers 10/16 PSAT Watch Iron Jawed Angels 10/17 Railroads, Factory, BB Reforms Finish Vocabulary Flashcards 10/18 Trading Cards Finish Vocabulary Flashcards 10/22 Trade Trading Cards Finish Vocabulary Flashcards 10/23 Governmental, Societal, Prez. Reforms Finish Vocabulary Flashcards 10/24 Graphic Organizer Unit 7 Vocabulary Flashcards Due Flashcard Quiz Finish Cornell Notes Finish Test Corrections 10/25 Unit 7 Cornell Notes Due Unit 4 & 5 Test Corrections Due Unit 7 Test People (pink) 1.Muckraker- authors who wrote about the bad societal conditions during the Gilded Age 2.Ida M. Tarbell-muckraker who wrote about Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company –History of Standard Oil 3.Lincoln Steffens-muckraker who Wrote about political corruption in cities-Shame of the Cities 4.Upton Sinclair-muckraker who Wrote about the meat industry-The Jungle 5.Jacob Riis-muckraker who Wrote about & photographed urban poor and tenement houses-How the Other Half Lives 6.Lewis Hine-muckraker who photographed child labor 7.Frank Norris-muckraker who wrote about RR monopolies-The Octopus 8.John Spargo-muckraker who wrote about child labor-Bitter Cry of the Children 9.Jane Addams/Hull House-Settlement House in Chicago for urban poor & immigrants to go to learn English , hygiene, & job-skills 10.Carrie A. Nation-temperance leader who used her hatchet to chop up bars 11.Thomas Nast-muckraker/political cartoonist whose drawings criticized corruption in government & political machines 12.Booker T. Washington- African American leader who believed in ECONOMIC equality Started Tuskegee Institute 13.W.E.B. Dubois- African American leader who believed in immediate integration—early creator of the NAACP—wrote The Crisis (anti-lynching newspaper); One of the leaders of the Niagara Movement(an early Civil Rights organization) 14.Ida B. Wells-Muckraker who wrote about lynching 15.Robert Lafollette-Progressive Senator (example of a state-level progressive) 16.Marcus Garvey/ “Back to Africa” Movement-Black nationalist who believed that African Americans should return to Africa 17.Alice Paul/Lucy Burns- Started the National Women’s Party and eventually got the 19th Amendment passed 18.Stalwart-liked the Spoils System & didn’t want to see it changed 19.Halfbreed-wanted to reform the Spoils System 20.Gifford Pinchot- Appointed as Head of Forest Service by Teddy Roosevelt—Fired by Taft 21.Margaret Sanger-founded Planned Parenthood and started the modern birth control movement Laws/Policy (green) 22.Progressive Amendment--16th Amendment-Income Tax 23.Progressive Amendment-17th Amendment-people elect their Senators 24.Progressive Amendment-18th Amendment (Volstead Act)-prohibition (made alcohol illegal) 25.Progressive Amendment-19th Amendment- woman’s suffrage 26.1924 Native American Suffrage Act-Native Americans gain right to vote 27.Mann Act 1910/ Elkins Act 1903--illegal for RR’s to give rebates 28.Clayton AntiTrust Act- Enforced/strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act—stronger 29.Direct Primary- Each political party votes for candidate they want to run for president 30.Initiative- Voters place prospective laws on the ballot to get voter feedback 31.Referendum- law-makers place prospective laws on the ballot to seek voter feedback 32.Recall- Election to remove official from office 33.Pendleton Civil Service Act 1883-reformed the Spoils System—you now have to take the Civil Service exam to be qualified to work for the Government 34.Meat Inspection Act- Set codes for meat-packing industry 35.Pure Food & Drug Act- Accurately label products—set standards for food labeling Political Parties (purple) 36.Bull Moose Party (Progressive Party)-led by Teddy Roosevelt during the election of 1912 who wanted to pass more Progressive reforms Other Important Vocabulary (Blue) 37.Progressive Movement (Early 1900’s Reform)-people looked at society during the Gilded Age and worked to change those problems 38.Settlement House movement-community centers in slum neighborhoods that gave help to Immigrants & urban poor (started by Jane Addams) 39.Social Gospel Movement-preached Gospel through service to the poor--Settlement Houses were examples of this Other Important Vocabulary, Continued (Blue) 40.Great Migration (1910-1930)- African American migration to Northern cities 41.Niagara Movement- Conference led by WEB Du Bois that led to creation of NAACP 42.The NAACP- Organization working for rights for African Americans 43.Prohibition-evolved from the temperance movement to make alcohol illegal—resulted in the 18th Amendment