Ideas for Reform Chapter 15, Section 4 pp. 541-545 DIRECTIONS: As you read answer the following questions. 1. What was the purpose of the New York Charity Organization Society? 2. Describe the social gospel movement. 3. What were the effects of the settlement house movement? 4. What was the purpose of sociology? 5. What as the goal of the nativist movement? 6. Why did nativists oppose immigration? 7. How did the temperance groups and purity crusaders differ from charity, social gospel and settlement movements? The Expansion of Education Chapter 16, Section 1 pp. 552-557 DIRECTIONS: As you read the section, answer the following questions. 1. What were schools like in the early 1900s? 2. What is literacy? Why was it so important to immigrants? 3. How did public schools help with the assimilation of new immigrants? 4. Describe how ONE philanthropist contributed to higher education. 5. How did educational opportunities for women change at this time? 6. Describe Booker T. Washington’s opinions on education. 7. How did WEB DuBois differ from Washington? 8. What was the Niagra Movement? The World of Jim Crow Chapter 16, Section 3 pp. 564-568 DIRECTIONS: As you read the section, answer the following questions. 1. How did poll taxes, literacy tests and grandfather clauses limit African American suffrage? 2. What were Jim Crow laws? 3. How did Plessy v. Ferguson contribute to the denial of equal rights to African Americans? 4. How was lynching used to intimidate African Americans? 5. When and why was the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) formed? 6. Describe the accomplishments of the NAACP. The Origins of Progressivism Chapter 18, Section 1 pp. 614-619 DIRECTIONS: As you read the section, answer the following questions. 1. What were some of the historical roots of the Progressive era? 2. Summarize the main beliefs of Progressives. 3. How did Henry George and Edward Bellamy influence the rise of progressivism? 4. Who were the “muckrakers”? 5. How did injunctions affect the growth of labor unions? 6. What factors prompted Americans to join reform organizations? 7. Identify some Progressive women’s groups and their causes. Progressive Legislation Chapter 18, Section 2 pp. 621-627 DIRECTIONS: As you read the section, answer the following questions 1. Summarize the Progressives’ views on regulating business. 2. Give examples of government reforms and social welfare programs at the municipal and state levels during the Progressive Era. a. Municipal = b. State = 3. Describe the effect of each of these reforms: a. Home rule = b. Direct primary = c. Initiative = 4. What reforms did Theodore Roosevelt achieve under his square deal? 5. Choose two constitutional amendments passed during the Progressive Era and explain how they expanded the role of government in citizens’ lives. a. b. Progressivism Under Taft and Wilson Chapter 18, Section 3 pp. 628-634 DIRECTIONS: As you read the section, answer the following questions 1. What progressive reforms did Taft achieve? 2. How did he offend conservationists, and what was the result? 3. What effect did the Bull Moose Party have on the election of 1912? 4. List the progressive reforms achieved by Wilson. 5. What reforms resulted from the establishment of the: a. Clayton Antitrust Act? b. Federal Trade Commission? c. Federal Reserve System? Suffrage at Last Chapter 18, Section 4 pp. 635-639 DIRECTIONS: As you read the section, answer the following questions 1. Describe how Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton worked together to lead the suffrage movement. 2. Why was the suffrage movement in need of new leadership after the turn of the century? 3. How did the National American Woman Suffrage Association and the Congressional Union differ in their tactics? 4. How do you think state-by-state efforts of suffragists affected the effort to win a constitutional amendment? 5. How did the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment come about? 6. Why did the battle take so long?