Promotion Lesson Plan

Lyndsay Thompson
EDU 685 Global Education
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Promotion
Grade Level: 11
Subject: Business Information
Developed By: Lyndsay Thompson
Unit: 10 Promotions (Part 1 & 2)
Part 1 of Unit 10 Promotions explains the 3 basic types of promotion; Advertising, publicity and sales. Lesson will
include short overview of definitions and strategies along with links to media examples. Part 1 finishes with student
taught examples through presentations.
Part 2 of Unit 10 Promotions connects strategies with reaching the target market to the media mix in a discussion.
Students will read an article from America’s Marketing Association (AMA) and provide a blog discussing different
techniques to target a market and how the media mix plays a role in a marketing strategy. The students finish with
research resulting in an advertisement that encompasses both strategies to reach target markets and a thoroughly
explored media mix using a web 2.0 tool.
A reflection blog will wrap up Unit 10 part 1 & 2.
Length of lesson: 1-2 Week(s)
Pre Planning
Big Idea (s)
Understand the concepts and strategies needed to communicate information about products, services, images, and/or
ideas to achieve a desired outcome.
Essential Questions:
Compare the different promotional strategies and their related media activities. Which is most effective and why?
How does a target market affect types of communication?
What is the connection between the marketing media mix, target market and promotion? Why is it important?
What do global differences mean in choosing strategies to promote?
New NH Core Content Expectations:
Nature and Scope 10.1 M: 1, 8
10.1.1 Explain the difference between advertising, publicity, and sales promotion.
10.1.2 Identify strategies of reaching target markets through the use of media and promotional activities and
its link to ROI.
Advertising 10.2 M: 1, 8
10.2.1 Describe the strategies of different advertising techniques and the importance of the media mix in an
advertising campaign.
10.2.2 Prepare print advertisements.
All students will be able to dispute all types of promotions.
All students will classify strategies for understanding and reaching the target market.
All students will comprehend the techniques and importance of the media mix.
All students will create and explain their own promotions using a web 2.0 tool.
All students will become aware of difference between cultures and how it relates to global marketing.
Lyndsay Thompson
EDU 685 Global Education
Lesson Plan
Brief Description of Summative Assessment
First Assignment: Student will be assigned to groups. Groups will be separated by types of promotions. Students will
explore their promotion type then work together to develop a presentation to teach their promotion types and related
strategies to reach target markets. Presentation work and individual participation will be monitored through Google
docs. Second Assignment: Students will choose a product or service. Students will showcase their understanding of
the marketing media mix with the use of web 2.0 tools such as glogster, prezi, scratch, voice thread, teacher tube etc.
Finding the target market will be researched and evident in the advertisement. Last assignment will be a blog
reflection discussing what promotional strategy students would use to take their product or service to a global market.
Lesson Opening:
Describe the opening activity. It should establish a purpose, be engaging and activate prior knowledge.
Include a plan for explicitly sharing learning objectives, summative assessment and learning outcome expectations.
5 Coca-Cola products (coke, diet coke, sprite, minute maid, vitamin water) pictured on board. Student chooses the
cola product that best describes their personality. This leads to a discussion about advertising, branding, target
Class Discussion to discover different types of promotion
 Local Bank Raise Money:
 Celebrities like Hallmark:
 Discounts at Subway:
Group Discussion to work on understanding the differences between promotions.
 Pepsi is cancerous:
 Toms shoes donates shoes:
 Buying a car is easy:
Technology: Web 2.0 Connection
The use of videos, articles and websites will help explain main points of promotions. The use of Google docs will
disclose individual student involvement and extent of preparation. Google doc also provides a venue for students to
collaborate together and prepare a presentation. Students will research using the internet and other means to develop a
target market and media mix for their advertisement. Student will use an approved Web 2.0 tool to prepare an
advertisement for the class to view. Lastly student will prepare a reflection and post it to their blog.
Global Connection:
Students will be asked to do a reflection on their advertisement that encompasses the strategies they would use to
move their service or product global.
Check for Understanding
Class discussion will divulge content understanding. The group discussion will allow students to explore content
among peers. Presentations will reiterate and showcase students understanding of content. Student will disclose
discovers from class discussion and articles thought blog entries. Student will showcase understanding of different
strategies of reaching the target market based of types of research for advertisement. Advertisement will be a vehicle
for students to prove their perceptive of the marketing mix. Blog will disclose students understanding of global
Lyndsay Thompson
EDU 685 Global Education
Lesson Plan
Student will be introduced to new vocabulary through an introduction that includes both visual and verbal examples.
Then student will be involved in a class discussion which will lead to a group discussion. The group will be assigned
an assignment which will allow peers to help learn from each other. Students will be assessed by their presentation of
information and participation in blogs. Student will choose a web 2.0 tool to design their own advertisement with
guidelines make the target market and media mix apparent.
Extended Practice:
Class work will include discussions. Students choose a real time promotion strategy and blog about the target market
and media mix as homework.
Students will understand the concepts and strategies needed to communicate information to potential customers based
on researching the potential customer’s needs and wants. This is necessary before learning Unit 11 Selling, where
students will learn personalized communication that influences purchase decisions based on these customer’s needs
and wants.