end user questionnaire

(the consumer who uses purchased products in accordance with their consumer properties and
technical and economic characteristics)
Dear Sirs!
Our enterprise sends questionnaires to its customers to determine their demand in our
products and to satisfy their requirements at the most.
Please, be assured that the information received will be used exclusively to improve the
quality of the enterprise operation. Your opinion is of great value for us.
Thank you in advance for the time you have spent filling the questionnaire!
Steel melting production products
What kind of products have you bought
at our enterprise this year?
Cast billet ………………………………
Rolling production products
Reinforcing bars …………………………………
Round …………..........................................
Wire rod ……………………………………………
Square billet …………………………..
Pipe billet ………………………………
Pipe rolling production products
Seamless pipes …………………………………
Hardware production products
Steel cord ……………………………………
Hose wire ……
Bead bronze-plated wire …………
Various purpose wire ……………
Fiber ……………………………………………
Name and position
Telephone, fax number, E-mail
(for feedback)
If you purchase an analogous product
from a competitor, we ask you to indicate
the best of them.
If you are not ready to indicate a concrete
evaluate him anonymously in our questionnaire.
The competitor of steel melting production products
The competitor of rolling production products
The competitor of pipe rolling production products
The competitor of hardware production products
If you purchase products through an official representative of the plant (joint venture, trade houses, distributors), electronic
bidding platform. Indicate him
Questionnaire date
Open Joint Stock Company "Byelorussian Steel Works - management company of "Byelorussian Metallurgical Company"
We suggest 10-point scale for determination of the rating:
If you are satisfied completely, please, indicate 10 points. If you are unsatisfied completely,
please indicate 1. Other ratings (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) reflect the level of your approach to any rating
1. General satisfaction with products quality (from 1 to 10 points):
Products quality
Blooms, cast billet
Rolling production
BSW Competitor BSW
Hardware production products
BSW Competitor BSW Competitor
Seamless pipes
1.1 Functionality
1.2 Technical
1.3 Reliability
1.4 Packing
1.5 Marking
Your proposals on improvement of our products quality:
1. Have you rejected our products this year?
2.1 Indicate the products (product name)
2.2 Indicate the reason
2.3 Indicate the substituting product
2.4 Indicate the best analogous product
2.5 Indicate the main advantage of analogous product
2.6 Indicate the main disadvantage of analogous product
2. Your rating for accompanying technical documentation of our products
(from 1 to 10 points):
Blooms, cast billet
Rolling production
Seamless pipes
Hardware production products
BSW Competitor
3.1 Completeness
of documentation
3.2 Quality
of content
3.3 Quality
of execution
Please, give your recommendations to improve the quality of accompanying documentation of our
4. What new products, at your opinion, should be developed at our plant? Indicate the quantity you are ready to purchase.
Open Joint Stock Company "Byelorussian Steel Works - management company of "Byelorussian Metallurgical Company" holding"
5. Are you satisfied with? (from 1 to 10 points)
Hardware producSeamless pipes
tion products
BSW Competitor BSW Competitor BSW Competitor BSW Competitor
Blooms, cast billet
5.1 The quantity
of products
5.2 Terms and
conditions of payment
5.3 Time of delivery
5.4 Mode of delivery
5.5 Immediacy in providing
of services
Your proposals regarding delivery of goods
6. Assess the correlation “price/quality” of our production in comparison with competitors (from 1 to 10 points):
If rating of our product is below 8, indicate the reason of low correlation “price/quality” in comparison with competitors?
7. If you purchase products through an official representative of BSW (joint venture, trade
houses, distributors) electronic bidding platform or directly from BSW:
Are you satisfied with the cooperation? (from 1 to 10 points):
7.1 Completeness of assistance in solving of emerging
technical matters
7.2 Personnel competence
7.3 Immediacy of decision making
Your proposals regarding the improvement of cooperation while problems solving.
Open Joint Stock Company "Byelorussian Steel Works - management company of "Byelorussian Metallurgical Company"
8. Comparison of «BSW» steel products with similar products of other suppliers (from - 10
to +10 points):
What is the rating of our products in comparison with your suppliers?
Products rating scale
(- 10)
– considerably worse than the similar product of the competitor
– is at the same level with the similar product of the competitor
– considerably better than the similar product of the competitor
Other values ( -1 -2 -3 – 4-5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10
el of your approach to any rating.
+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 ) reflect the lev-
If the rating is from ( -1) to (-10) , indicate the reason of our products low rating.
If higher points are given to the competitor's same product in the questionnaire compared with our
products, then clearly specify the reason.
If it is possible, will you recommend our production to other consumers?
Are you ready to buy our products in future?
Thank you for your participation in filling the questionnaire!
Hoping for mutually advantageous relations we remain!
Open Joint Stock Company "Byelorussian Steel Works - management company of "Byelorussian Metallurgical Company"