little hulton and walkden

Little Hulton and Walkden Community Committee
Monday 24 March 2014
6.00 pm
St Paul Peel
1. Introduction and apologies
2. To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Community
Committee held on 27 January 2014 (5 mins)
3. Matters arising (5 mins)
4. Big Local update – (5 mins)
5. Presentation: Healthier Together – Anne Godding (10 mins)
6. Presentation: Works on A580 East Lancs Road – Anna Sutton (10 mins)
7. Presentation: NM Stakeholder Consultation – Sue Woodgate (10 mins)
8. Presentation: Father’s Wellbeing project update – Heather Henry (10 mins)
Community Issues:
9. Crime and Anti Social Behaviour Update (Inspector Steve Bailey) (5 mins)
10. Urban Vision update – Jonathan Phillips (5 mins)
11. Health Improvement Team update including feedback from Health and Wellbeing
Task Group – Julie Pass (5 mins)
12. Sports Development update – Amy Morris (5 mins)
13. Recommendations arising from the meeting of the Little Hulton and Walkden
Budget Sub-Group held on 10 March 2014 (5 mins)
14. Recommendations arising from the meeting of the Neighbourhood Partnership
Board meeting held on 6 March 2014 (5 mins)
15. Positive Action Press Statements (5 mins)
16. Items for Community Committee 12 May 2014 (5 mins)
17. AOB
Little Hulton and Walkden Community Committee
27 January 2014
6 – 8pm
James Brindley Primary School
Sylvia Phillips
Cllr V Burgoyne
Cllr E Burgoyne
Cllr Iain Lindley
Cllr Brendan Ryan
Cllr Pat Ryan
Cllr Richard Critchley
Cllr Les Turner
Mavis Bonney
Carole Gallagher
Mr and Mrs B Niece
Mrs H Thorn Roe
Michael Corless
Adrian Dunning
Bob Bird
Jean Rawlings
Tony Aziz
Laurence Depares
Rev Stephen Radford
Rev Ross Garner
Rev Alan Kennedy
Thomas Cavanagh
Glenda Winstanley
Davina Johnson
S Atkinson
Dennis Reynolds
Jennifer Reynolds
Fiona Gregory
Ian Gregory
St Paul Peel (Chair)
Councillor Little Hulton
Councillor Little Hulton
Councillor Walkden South Ward
Councillor Walkden North
Councillor Little Hulton
Councillor Walkden South Ward
Councillor Walkden South Ward
St John The Baptist Church
Resident + Civic Trust
Worsley Civic Trust
English Democrats
Methodist Circuit
Walkden and Little Hulton Team Ministry
Walkden Congregational Church
Armitage Residents Association
Armitage Residents Association
228 0325
790 0484
790 0484
07800 741749
790 0627
790 0627
799 3433
M Miles
C Hogg
Mary Hogg
Tracy Eden
Sue Lightup
Sue Woodgate
Vinny Nash
Jordan Moore
Ginnette Johnston
Amy Morris
Julie Pass
Jonathan Phillips
Julie York
Alix Chester
Steve Jones
Carole Foster
Sue Barry
Cath Hamilton
Director CHSC
Neighbourhood Manager
Community Development Worker
Greater Manchester Police
Salford Community Leisure
Health Improvement Team
Urban Vision
Harrop Fold
Aldi UK
Healthy Communities Collaborative
Neighbourhood Management Team
Kenyon Residents Association
Introductions and apologies
SP welcomed everyone to the meeting and initiated introductions. Apologies given are noted above.
To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Community Committee held on
11 December 2013
Item 10: Cllr LT pointed out that it was him and not Cllr IL that thanked JP for the swiftness of his
responses to queries.
The minutes from the community committee meeting on 11 December 2013 were agreed to be a true and
accurate record.
793 2200
778 0229
779 8071
778 0738
856 5284
604 7686
779 8079
779 6050
790 5022
686 5459
779 8071
Matters arising
VN informed the meeting that Cllr Bernard Pennington was awarded the Order of the British Empire medal
in the New Year honours list. VN thanked Cllr Pennington on behalf of community committee for his 50+
SB to amend minutes from 11.12.14
years of service.
Presentation: Healthy Communities Collaborative – Steve Jones
The Healthy Communities Collaborative is a programme commissioned by the health service regarding
cardio vascular disease and cancer. It encourages people to have health checks. The programme
commenced in the east of the city and from 1.4.14 they are commissioned to work with the rest of the area,
including Little Hulton. SJ is going to be recruiting and setting up teams. Workshops will be held and team
members will be supported to engage with the local community for a 6-month period. Priorities will be
defined by the teams; it will be locally driven. The aim of using local people is to make it fun and
interesting, working in pubs, community centres and events, talking to people who do not listen to a
corporate approach.
Anyone interested in helping to contact SJ;
SJ provided an example where one of their recruits was discussing the symptoms of lung cancer at an
event in a pub and the barmaid then went to her GP and was diagnosed with lung cancer. As a result she
has begun treatment, had surgery and is going to have chemo and radio therapy. The difference between
early and late diagnosis is significant.
SP added that there is a launch in St Paul Peel parish hall on 26 February. (Leaflets available)
SJ left contact details and provided their website details:
Feedback on Community Priorities – Vinny Nash
(Copies available & has also been put on Facebook)
VN indicated that this is the time of year when we consider priorities, key aims for the next 12 months.
These are adopted at the end of March as key priorities.
VN outlined the 2014/5 priorities including:
 Children and young people: There are high levels in all 3 wards compared with other areas of the
city. (AM to discuss activities later) Work in partnership with City West to push forward funding for
skate park in Madamswood.
 JM is part of the NEET group engaging with young people to ensure they have access to training
and activities.
 Older people: higher levels than other areas of the city; LH has highest level of carers in the city.
Connecting older people with existing provision, making sure they are aware of what is available
and raising awareness of support for carers.
To pass on any feedback on community
priorities to VN;
VN to send out to councillors for further
VN to send out community priorities with
 Targeted support and food banks for high levels of people in reduced financial circumstances.
Ongoing talks with the Mustard Tree at advanced level for food parcels and furniture in the area;
 Cutacre: there is a meeting 28.1.14 6-8pm. Information regarding the Aldi distribution hub will be
available, there are other potential tenants awaiting announcements.
 Improving health and wellbeing. (JP to discuss later).
 Reducing crime and fear of crime. Work re: hot spots and tackling ASB including work in the
Ellesmere Centre with retailers and detached work.
 Community engagement and empowerment, maintaining the LH Facebook site. Work with local
groups and faith groups and on increasing attendance at community committee.
 Lottery funding.
 Liaising with councillors re: improving the environment. Working with a group establishing a
Friends of Peel Park group who want to do some planning.
 The Mustard Tree is looking at a permanent presence at Brierley Community Centre, working with the
Neighbourhood Management Team and City West (CW). Adaptations to the building are required and they
need to put funding in place. CW owns the building and will provide it on a12-months at a time charity
rental basis. (VN).
 Community Committee endorsed the community priorities.
Progress on Credit Union – Rev Ross Garner
Rev RG introduced himself as team rector for Anglican churches in the area. He has been involved with
credit unions in previous parishes. The idea is to help people build up their own financial security by
attending the credit union and saving money. The credit union is a community owned self help bank, not a
charity. There is a credit union in Salford, formerly called River Valley, now Salford Credit Union. This has
about 5,000 members and their main base is in Lower Broughton, but this is not accessible to residents of
LH. They need to open up some collection points in this area that are part of Salford Credit Union. It is
planned to open one in LH at St Paul Peel on Thursday mornings at the same time as the Call Inn.
Hopefully later in the year they can also open in Cleggs Lane. Later this year they will also be opening at
Walkden Gateway.
Rev RG is looking for volunteers at collections points and to help publicise via leaflets and word of mouth.
7 – 8 people attended a meeting before Christmas and about 12 another meeting a couple of weeks ago.
They are liaising re: the next step, e.g. a public meeting.
Rev RG provided an example of interest rates for loans, e.g. Wonga has an annual APR of over 5,000%
while the credit union’s is no greater than 27%. Also the credit union does not have penalties for missed
Anyone interested in volunteering at the
credit union to contact Rev RG
payments. Credit union members need to save for 13 weeks before they are eligible to borrow.
They are aiming to open at St Paul Peel just after Easter.
Crime and Anti Social Behaviour Update – Ginette Johnston
GJ stated that on the whole LH, WN and WS are doing well in terms of crime.
Anyone interested in being in a homewatch
scheme to contact GJ;
The main crime is burglary dwellings. Last year there were 108 in all 3 wards, compared to 197 in 2012, a
reduction of 45%.
Burglary other: 117 in 2013, 133 in 2012, a reduction of 12%.
Robbery has increased slightly, mainly in businesses, with 30 last year compared to 25 the year before, an
increase of 20%. A number of people have been arrested.
Vehicle theft: 42 in 2013, 56 the year before. A number of vehicles have been taken this month and GMP
has someone in custody they believe is responsible.
Theft from motor vehicles: 110 last year, a reduction of 7.5%.
There is an issue of ASB around the Ellesmere Centre, Gateway and Whittle Street. Many officers are
working with KFC, McDonalds and the Gateway and on identifying those responsible for ASB, in
conjunction with partners, e.g. housing.
GMP Twitter provides crime updates re: the area and crime alerts.
GMP is looking to increase the number of home watches in all 3 wards.
An issue of parking at the Redeemed Church of Christ was raised, which is above the dentist near the
police station. People are parking inconsiderately including across someone’s garage. A member of the
congregation was abusive when asked to move their vehicle. One resident is afraid to go out on a Sunday
in case he can’t get back in. The road is unadopted.
Verbal abuse has been experienced from pupils at Walkden High around the school / Mereclough Avenue.
GJ indicated that PC Hatton is assigned to come down to the school and monitor at the beginning and end
of the school day. VN has spoken to Urban Vision at 4pm today and a meeting is to be called with school
GJ to follow up with Pastor Tundi;
GJ to discuss with PC Hatton;
and GMP colleagues re: a number of issues including parking.
Cllr LT requested information on detection rates of crimes.
GJ to obtain figures re: crime detection rates;
Urban Vision update – Jonathan Phillips
JP apologised for being unable to produce the queries record for this meeting. There were 42 queries
from councillors and residents which hopefully he managed to answer.
Anyone with any queries to discuss with JP
after the meeting;
There is a 13 ton weight limit on Old Clough Lane but there are 40 ton wagons using the road from 4am.
One of the companies is a recycling company from Sharp Street which uses the road 5 days and week and
sometimes Saturday mornings.
To give details to JP to follow up;
JP to enquire when the 40mph speed limit is
to be reviewed;
Health Improvement Team update including feedback from Health and Wellbeing Task Group –
Julie Pass
JP provided an update on activities during the past quarter where they engaged in many areas with
community members from babies to older people. Work took place with Walkden High and Harrop Fold re:
healthy eating. A cookery group was held at Bridgewater with key messages re: diet and portion control.
Exercise for all included kurling and bike rides, introduction to gym equipment and two get up and look
fabulous courses were held. The health bus was at LH precinct for Stoptober. A very successful Christmas
party was held at St Paul Peel including Christmas dinner, present and free raffle. The HIT organised
health checks for local businesses and cancer awareness sessions, with another one next month.
Before Christmas brief intervention for 60 people was carried out in association with McMillan. Information
stands were at Tesco and the Gateway re: the ‘flu jab.
The LH Red Pepper in conjunction with schools and parents is the most successful in the city with very
good attendance and supportive parents. It is being held at Bridgewater and North Walkden this term.
Children exercise while parents learn about nutrition. A pilot with NHS is being run for the next 10 weeks
developing motivational texts for parents reminding them that support is there. This will then be evaluated.
The Health and Wellbeing Task Group has been engaging with residents who have lost care packages.
Ideas include luncheon clubs and intergenerational choir, for which they are looking at applying for funding
from the clinical commissioning group.
It was suggested that the HIT works in partnership with the church re: the luncheon club as there is already
one there.
There is a neighbourhood event re: the clinical commissioning group on Tuesday 18 February from 6 -8pm
at Walkden Gateway. Tea and biscuits are provided. It is necessary to book a place by contacting Karen
Kennedy. (leaflet & contact details provided)
Sports Development update – Amy Morris
Free swimming lessons are being provided for children in the community. Harrop Fold is participating.
Children aged 5 and over who cannot swim 10 metres are eligible for an intensive 5 day swimming course
during February half term at Fit City Walkden.
The half term programme at Walkden High is the final one if this financial year. It takes place from 17 – 21
February for children aged 8+ at a cost of £1 per day. Leaflets have been distributed, including to all
primary schools. There are no park activities because of the weather.
SCL has submitted an application for the next financial year across the 2 wards. AM pointed out that
11,000 of this was for venue hire. She has spoken to the NM Teams in LH and Worsley re: looking at
prices. Worsley has approved the bid providing it runs at Walkden High. VN has discussed with Nick Page
and other colleagues.
At Easter there will be park sessions and a project with the HIT.
Recommendations arising from the meeting of the Little Hulton and Walkden Budget Sub-Group,
held on 13 January 2014
(proforma provided)
There were 4 applications:
(1) Cycling project, Wheels for all. Just over £2,000 agreed across 3 wards.
(2) Hand on Heart for Defibrillators for primary schools. Approved across 3 wards.
(3) Salford Community Leisure. £14,000 agreed across all 3 wards.
(4) Late application from IYSS for £5,000 for detached workers/diversionary activities to alleviate ASB
problems by diverting people away from the Ellesmere Centre. This was agreed, to be
implemented over a12 week period.
There is only a few hundred pounds remaining in the budget to be spent this financial year. We are not
sure of the budget for next year; it will be set on 25 February.
All members agreed to the Budget Group recommendations.
To publicise the intensive swimming course;
To contact AM if not on distribution list for
Recommendations arising from the meeting of the Little Hulton and Walkden Highways Devolved
Sub-Group held on 16 January 2014
(minutes provided)
VN discussed schemes from the above meeting.
Speed humps with a flat top were proposed at Madamswood Road, taking the pinch points out. Work will
be carried out in March/April with consultation before. This was agreed at a cost of £24,000.
£33,000 of the budget has been spent with another £17,000 to be spent before the end of March. A
number of schemes are being drawn up. The next Highways Devolved meeting will take place on 13.2.14.
to apportion the final money.
All members agreed to the Devolved Budget Group recommendations.
GW requested the school be included in the Madamswood Road consultation. VN agreed this will be done.
Peel Lane mini roundabout – the road markings were badly worn and the light out. The light has been fixed
and road markings scheduled for within the next 4 weeks. (VN)
SP stated the drains at Cleggs Lane / Armitage were blocked.
VN to request drains are unblocked again;
It was mentioned that water covers the pavement from Tynes Bank to Sheerwater Drive every time it rains.
This has been reported several times and nothing has been done.
VN to report problem;
Cllr RC reported significant problems with the roads in Walkden which required work. VN indicated that
Urban Vision was in the process of organising engineers to carry out the work.
Rev RG raised flooding on footpaths and the old railway line at Worsley Road North going towards Ashton
Field. This is about 1 foot deep in the winter and impassable.
SP considered the job at Cleggs Lane was not satisfactory.
VN clarified that the speed limit would remain at 20mph at Madamswood when the work has been
JP to take details and follow up;
Discussion arose re: inconsiderate parking on unadopted land and at schools.
It was mentioned that people keep cutting the bolts which prevent motor cycle access at Trent Drive. VN
stated the new system will be more robust.
Positive Action Press Statements
JY reported that following the last 2 really good Ofsted reports Harrop Fold has taken in 42 students from
other areas in this academic year. Numbers look really high for next year. A party for senior citizens went
well. The choir carried out lots of fund raising. They are also raising money for their music department and
have raised £2,700 to help provide instrumental tuition for those who cannot afford it.
Harrop Fold is working with 2 charities, 1 to sustain support for the Philippines and another for an
Oncology unit for long term cancer patients in conjunction with Radio Manchester. A 24-hour sponsored
event will also be held in the summer.
A production of ‘You can’t stop the beat’ takes place at Harrop Fold on 26, 27 and 28 February at a cost of
£3, concessions £2.
The credit union. (Cllr VB)
NHS commissioning group 18.1.14. (VB)
Items for Community Committee – 24 March 2014
VN proposed inviting John Davis and members of the Lottery Board to the next meeting. The area plan
has been completed and they are looking at drawing down the money this summer. This was agreed.
United Utilities has submitted a planning application to create access for vehicles for Tynes Bank /
Parsonage Road to run maintenance vehicles on an infrequent basis to Roe Green. Cllr IL has contacted
United Utilities with concerns that they have not consulted with everyone only with Roe Green residents
and he considers there should be a wider consultation. Also, he is anxious re: how frequent the access
would be as the loopline is well used by health walkers and as a route to schools. The planning application
is just for the entrance from Tynes Bank to the loopline. Cllr IL suggested inviting united Utilities to the
March meeting.
VN stated that SL has been area co-ordinator for the last 5 years and this is her last meeting. Sue
Woodgate will be taking over. SP thanked SL on behalf of community committee for her input and time and
Cllr IL to send details to VN & VN to follow
said she would be missed.
VN pointed out there were major budget implications for the council for the next 12 months. The
Neighbourhood Management function will continue but there will be 4 Neighbourhood Managers instead of
the present 8. There will be 4 primary areas: Little Hulton and Walkden, Eccles, Ordsall and East Salford
and 4 secondary areas: Worsley/Boothstown, Claremont/Weaste, Swinton and Irlam.
VN to update once information is available;
Rev RG raised the consultation re: the Neighbourhood area document. There are 20 pieces of land in our
area for possible development. SL added that anyone can put forward suggestions for areas of
VN stated that the biscuits and juice at this meeting had been provided by Aldi. VN introduced Alix
Chester, the regional manager for Aldi. AC stated that Aldi is a German company formed in 1913. A store
is opening in Walkden on 27 February at 8am. There will be a golden ticket prize for the first customer. AC
is involved with the Red Pepper programme and healthy eating. VN thanked Alex for the biscuits and
The lack of manual road sweepers was raised. There is litter from takeaways and on Sheerwater Drive. VN
stated there are still some road sweepers but there has been a reduction in the number of operatives.
Also it was reported that the road on Ridyard Street has been narrowed and the pavement is too narrow
for mechanical sweepers. This needs cleaning by hand.
VN to take contact details & follow up, then
report back;
A complaint was made that bin men dropped litter out of containers when they empty bins at Armitage and
they do not pick it up.
VN to speak to assistant director of
Cllr IL stated that there are council officers who can issue fixed penalty notices and PCSOs can also do
this. He considers that if people are fined this may help as word would get round.
Anyone wishing to speak to AC to see her
after the meeting;
Next meeting
Monday 24 March 2014 at 6pm, St Paul Peel
Little Hulton & Walkden Neighbourhood Partnership Board
Actions arising from meeting 6.3.14
Cllr V Burgoyne
Cllr E Burgoyne
Vinny Nash
Paul Bland
Rebecca West
Kim Lawton
Imtiyaz Ugaradar
Sue Barry
Sue Woodgate
Foyzul Gani
Julie Pass
Karen Proctor
Alix Chester
1. Introductions and
2. Matters arising from NPB
meeting held on 5.12.13
Councillor LH (chair)
Councillor LH
Neighbourhood Manager
City West
Admin, NM Team (Minutes)
Assistant Director: Targeted
790 0484
790 0484
779 8086
778 0773
605 7814
703 3757
603 6877
779 8071
778 0229
779 8079
779 1525
212 5654
Cllr VB welcomed everyone and initiated introductions. Apologies given are noted above.
Cllr VB informed the meeting that Irene Turton sadly passed away yesterday. We will be short of a very
hard working person who has helped us in Walkden over the years. She will be sadly missed.
The minutes of the Neighbourhood Partnership Board held on 5 December 2013 were agreed to be a
correct record.
(p1) Cutacre
VN + Cllr VB attended a meeting in January. Aldi is now on site; they are starting the foundations for
the warehouse. Construction of another ½ million square foot warehouse should start in May. £1
million of roads will be implemented from April. The M61 slip road will be redesigned over the next 2-3
years. They estimate approx 6,000 jobs will be available over the next 5 years and in about 6 – 12
months the area should be in a position to be able to start training people up. The lottery wants to tie in
some of their activities. Cllr VB added that the country park was going to be huge with ponds,
walkways and cycling routes. Cllr EB stated an application is going in to build up to 100 units of
accommodation near the Dunmare.
Action by
 Cllr VB to bring maps to next meeting;
 VN to send date of next Cutacre meeting to RW and City West to attend;
Cllr VB
(p2) Integrated care programme
City West (CW) is holding a health check event on 17.3.14 at Bridgewater YC. This will be a free drop
in service with many different partners providing regular checks such as diabetes, blood tests. Their
aim is to hold these in every neighbourhood area in LH. (RW)
PB attended the community assets meeting; his colleague Louise is attending all these meetings and
will feed back.
(p4) Youth Enterprise Scheme
 IU to check with Danny M re: meeting with CB to discuss scheme and report back;
(p3) Parking issues
An application from St Paul Peel for uniforms for a Junior PCSO scheme is going to Budget Group on
10.3.14. Steve Broom, PCSO is leading on this scheme, which will be trialled here. It worked well in
Irlam as a different way of educating people. (VN) An application has been submitted for a 20mph
speed limit around the school. (Cllr VB)
3. Review of Community
Priorities - Partnership
(p3) Free swimming lessons at Fit City Worsley targeting at those who were unable to swim 25 yards
were very successful again. Money from the Clinical Commissioning fund will continue to provide free
swimming in school holidays.
‘Community Committee Priorities LH&W 2014/2015’ distributed
VN discussed priorities at Community Committee and they were received positively and have been
agreed in principle.
RW informed the meeting that CW is in the process of reviewing their Neighbourhood plans and has
produced a service plan for this financial year which includes part of these priorities.
Headline priority 1 – Children and young people:
 1.1 Activities for young people have been funded from LH / Walkden and Worsley / Boothstown
community committees. PB tried to negotiate with Walkden High re: fees but they would not move
on charges. 200+ young people per day participate.
 Possibility of lottery funding for skate park was raised (RW).
 To keep working with residents groups;
Headline priority 2 – Older people:
 There is a need to ensure older people who are isolated are signposted to groups, particularly now
moderate care needs won’t be catered for in the same way.
 Cllr VB received information from the Transport for GM Committee that ring and ride is going to
continue with a crossover of boundaries in a 5-6 mile radius. There will be an exception for
journeys of 6+ miles where no other transport is available and they will take people to bus
stops/metro links. Ring and ride fares are to be revised and operation times to change from
Monday to Friday 9.30 – 12.52 to 8am – 6pm.
Cllr VB
 Cllr VB to pass email onto VN for distribution;
 Changing ethos means 3rd sector will have a massive part to play and people are expected do
more voluntarily.
 CW is providing a free health check 17.3.14 11am – 4pm at Bridgewater YC.
Headline priority 3 – Reducing worklessness/challenging poverty/dealing with welfare reform:
(‘Skills & Work Locality Information February 2014’ distributed)
This document came out yesterday. They are produced every month for the previous month.
 P1: JSA has decreased slightly.
 P2: There is a negligible decrease in 18 – 24 year olds on JSA in LH and WS but an increase in
WN and a slight decline in JSA for 6 months+.
 P3: LH has decreased by 2.3, WS and WN negligible. LH is above the national and NW average
(twice the NW average). Lone parents are down by 0.2 in all areas. % is higher than the NW and
National average. LH was 2nd highest but work including that by Tim Rumley and Brook has
 P4: LH is 4th highest for child poverty. CW is in the process of reviewing the food bank, with
information re: age groups, referrals, support received and what impact it has had. There has been
a huge increase in the last 12 months and CW cannot sustain it. Now they are asking people to
provide evidence. CW is looking at other avenues, e.g. working with Trussle Trust and Mustard
Tree. Individuals can ask for food parcels from DHP. Many donations have been received recently
including £3,000 from M and S for Christmas parcels, which they also packed. (RW)
 P5: The NEET design group works across the city. There has been a small increase in LH. Work is
ongoing with various agencies and monitored regularly re: increases/improvement.
 Affordable credit and Credit Union is being looked into.
 VN to speak to Skills and Work re: trends;
 RW to pass on info re: review of food bank once completed and bring to next meeting;
Headline priority 4 – Improving health and wellbeing:
 Apologies have been received from HIT. Much work is being carried out including brief intervention,
smoking cessation and healthy eating.
 The Health Task group meeting on 17.3.14 has been cancelled as it clashes with something
else.(Cllr VB)
Headline priority 5 – Reducing crime and fear of crime
 CSRT is working very hard in terms of working with agencies to provide support for young people.
Unfortunately they also have to go down the eviction route.
 Burglary has reduced in the last 6 – 8 months. GMP Twitter accesses about 3,000 people with
information, e.g. ensuring sheds are locked and warning of bogus officials.
 VN to speak to GJ, GMP re: home watch and obtain figures;
Headline priority 6 – Community engagement and empowerment:
 Neighbourhood Management currently has 8 areas in Salford. We are currently in a 45 day
consultation period to change this. The proposal is a move to 4 areas with 4.5 Neighbourhood
Managers (NMs).
The 4 areas are:
East Salford: with one NM and one Neighbourhood Development Officer (NDO);
Ordsall and Langworthy & Claremont/Weaste: 1 NM and 1 NDO;
Eccles and Winton & Irlam and Cadishead & Swinton and Pendlebury: 1.5 NM and 1 NDO;
LH and Walkden & Worsley/Boothtown: 1 NM and 1 NDO;
In this area we have been carrying out this structure since November.
By the end of April we should have a clear idea of when this structure will be implemented.
Community Development Workers (CDWs) will be going under the HIT as health will be funding.
 JM is working with Walkden Community Group
 VN to keep group informed;
Headline priority 7 – Improving the environment, highways and transportation:
 Work is ongoing with regeneration partners and we are working closely with CW as there are not
the resources for clean ups that there used to be.
 SNAP weeks are being done closely with CW;
 CW has changed the way they carry out inspections and now have legacy action weeks. They
want to see less litter and are asking people what they want. CW provided funds for a sweepathon
on Armitage. 30 – 40 volunteers swept up and picked up litter. They are working closely with the
Princes Trust, who will carry out projects CW request. CW is going to pass fly tipping and litter on
Armitage over to the Princes Trust as a project. (RW)
 PB met with Urban Vision late last week re: the loopline. They are working towards having the
whole of the loopline resurfaced. Gate access from Worsley Pool has been agreed and a bike gate
will be implemented. A 3 metre wide pathway is being considered which hopefully will run the whole
length of the loopline. This will cost £2 million and will be carried out over time. So far the Monton
and LH ends have been completed; the middle area is still to be done.
 RW to bring info to NPB/LPDG;
 RW to speak to enterprise scheme re: Skills and Work document;
 To contact VN with any ideas for community priorities;
 VN to send out Skills and Work document with minutes;
 VN to put RW on mailing list for Skills and Work document;
In Bloom
VN indicated that people said they were not happy with the barrier baskets, so they have been
removed. Some hanging baskets are provided at a cost of £1,000.
A project plan is going to Budget Group with approx £5,000 for the forthcoming year. Jordan M has
spoken to 8 groups and said the poppy scatter group has applied. Groups can apply for £500 each; if
agreed they will obtain the money and organise and carry out the scheme themselves. After the Budget
Group VN will send the schemes to the Councillors to check they are happy with them.
Cllr VB mentioned that the display that used to be in front of Peel Park was not replaced with shrubs
last September and now this area is a mass of weeds. Cllr VB wants this done this spring and thinks it
is part of Environmental Service’s budget. She suggested the Friends of Peel Park group could be
 VN to email Annie Surtees re: replacing shrubs in Peel Park;
 VN to request JM chase up Friends of Peel Park group;
4. AOB
5. Date of next meeting
Salford Foundation has carried out a garden clear up at Guild Hall and painting. Work is ongoing with
Environmental Services re: schedule for grass cutting.
YS detached workers have started work at the Ellesmere Centre on Friday evenings over the last
couple of weeks. The Ellesmere Centre was flagged up as an area of asb concern. A partnership
group has been formed with NM, GMP, Tesco, Subway, McDonalds, KFC, CW which VN chairs and 3
meetings have taken place. At the last Budget Group it was agreed to use £5,000 for activities at the
Ellesmere Centre. Rob Fulton has been there with the bus engaging with young people and providing
diversionary activities. Warnings have been carried out with Sara Dunnett and incidents are now lower
compared to what they were.
3.6.14 at 4-6pm at Walkden Gateway Community Room 3