1 October 2012 (Microsoft Word format, 2.9mb)


Little Hulton and Walkden Community Committee

30 July 2012 6

– 8.10pm

St Paul Peel


Sylvia Phillips

Alice Smyth

Cllr E Burgoyne

Cllr Pat Ryan

Cllr Brendan Ryan

Cllr I Lindley

St Paul Peel (Chair)

Deputy Chair

Councillor Little Hulton

Councillor Little Hulton

Councillor Walkden North

Councillor Walkden South Ward

Cllr Bernard Pennington Councillor Walkden North

Aled Owen

Cath Hamilton

Irene Turton

Jennifer Reynolds

Dennis Reynolds

Ross Garner

Adrian Dunning

B Welsh

S Atkinson

B Lees

G Pyaty

J Naish

G Winstanley

Mavis Bonney

Zoe Bate

Margaret Malkin

Susan McWilliam

Dorothy Perry

Sandra Davies

B O Evans

Sue Lightup

Vinny Nash

Inspector Sue Downey

Matthew Fallon

Amy Morris

Sue Barry


Walkden HS

Kenyon Residents Association

Mountskip Residents Association



Anglican Churches


Armitage Residents

Armitage Residents

Armitage Residents

Armitage Residents

Armitage Residents

Armitage Residents

St Paul’s Community

The Wicheries/Quarry Pond Rd






Director CHSC

Neighbourhood Manager

Greater Manchester Police

Urban Vision

Salford Community Leisure

Neighbourhood Management Team mphillips30@yahoo.co.uk councillor.burgoyne@salford.gov.uk councillor.ryan@salford.gov.uk

228 0325

790 0484

790 0627 councillor.bryan@salford.gov.uk councillor.lindley@salford.gov.uk

790 0627

07800 741749 councillor.pennington@salford.gov.uk 790 4181 revrossgarner@gmail.com zopo@hotmail.co.uk sue.lightup@salford.gov.uk vincent.nash@salford.gov.uk suzanne.downey@gmp.police.uk matthew.fallon@urbanvision.org.uk amy.morris@scll.co.uk susan.barry@salford.gov.uk

264 7906

281 5095

793 2200

779 8071

856 5284

779 6050

737 9335

779 8071

Rev Stephen Radford Walkden Methodist Church

Pat Culpan

Drew Povey

Julie York

Claire Fewings

Methodist Church

Harrop Fold HS

Harrop Fold HS

Neighbourhood Development Officer

Tracy Jacobs

Cllr Richard Critchley

Community Development Worker

Councillor Walkden South Ward

Cllr V Burgoyne Councillor Little Hulton

Cllr Adrian Brocklehurst Councillor Walkden North

Abby Prince

Foyzul Gani


Health Improvement Team

1 Introductions and apologies

Description patricia_culpan@yahoo.co.uk andrew.povey@salford.gov.uk julie.york@salford.gov.uk claire.fewings@salford.gov.uk tracy.jacobs@salford.gov.uk councillor.critchley@salford.gov.uk councillor.vburgoyne@salford.gov.uk councillor.brocklehurst@salford.gov.uk abby.prince@salford.gov.uk foyzul.gani@salford.gov.uk

SP welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies given are noted above.

2 To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Community Committee held on

21 May 2012

The minutes from the community committee meeting on 21 May 2012 were agreed to be a true and accurate record.

3 Matters arising

The Big Local is holding a major lottery event for consultation on Saturday 18 August from 12 – 4pm at

Peel Park. (VN)

4 Presentation: Community Priorities

– Vinny Nash

( Report provided )

VN indicated priorities were devised following consultation with the community. There are a number of benefits such as developing voluntary organisations and increasing numbers at NPB and CC. Regular reports are made to community committee on outcomes of priorities. Deliverables were discussed including plans to improve the loopline, lottery award, summer activities for young people, illegal money lending month of action, food bank to be piloted, partnership work which has assisted a downward trend in burglary and launch of Facebook with 229 members. VN concluded by indicating how success is being measured.

Cllr IL considered there was need to make people more aware of this meeting. He had attended a focus group including people from this area and most people were unaware of community committees. SP noted that many people were on holiday. VN indicated we constantly work to ensure the message is going ahead and suggested it may be better not to hold the meeting during key holiday times. Ideas for publicising the meeting were discussed including mailing list, website, newsletters, at events including City West ones,

790 5022

790 5022

779 8072

779 8070

790 0484


779 6674

779 8079


VN to bring plan back to cc in the autumn;


fliers in resident group shops, through Outreach and Engagement, the Advertiser.

Following a query re: cost of delivering the priorities, SL responded that all directorates have been asked about how they can contribute to support the priorities and their contribution is in kind as part of their normal working.

5 Crime and Anti Social Behaviour Update – Sue Downey

Figures were provided from 21 May to date. this year last year

Burglary residential

Burglary other, e.g. garden sheds

Robbery personal

Robbery business

Theft of motor vehicles

Theft from motor vehicles


































































Criminal damage LH









Burglary has been a problem for the last 3 years but now we have a 50% decline, the biggest reduction in

Salford. This is the result of lots of work in partnership, burglary plan through LPDG, work with residents’ groups, Homewatch, getting the message across re: insecurities and eviction of problem families (City

West). A few have been arrested and given good sentences. There were 35 arrests during the last period for burglary including lead and copper piping theft. Fire brigade will do home/fire risk assessments in hot


spot areas. Operation Madagascar is ongoing. 3 drugs warrants were executed recovering 100, 200 and

170 plants as a result of intelligence from people speaking to PCSOs, crimestoppers and answerphone messages.

There have been a few complaints at the Gateway but nothing like last year; there has been a 50% reduction. No dispersal order has been implemented as there is not the need or evidence for it. The 2 main offenders from last year are not coming to the attention of GMP any more. There have been no issues at KFC and McDonalds. Children are dropping litter, but will put it in bins when asked. PCSOs are present in the park. Young people do not appear to want to use the skateboard park. It was suggested that this may be because drinking takes place there.

Operation Brocade took place at the weekend. Staff are on duty until midnight on Fridays. They are getting few seizures of alcohol in the park partly because off licenses are more responsible and trading standards are carrying out more test purchases.

ZB reported that The Wicheries off Quarry Pond Road is very dark at night and thieves are going through her property, cutting through the driveway belonging to her. She has reported it.

AO enquired why those dropping litter could not be fined and SD responded that they do not see them; people do not drop litter when they see GMP/PSCOs about. VN stated 3 extra bins had been installed in the past 10 days and the cleaning team are looking at doing this area on a daily basis.

6 Sports Development update – Amy Morris

( Report provided )

AM discussed the activities taking place during the summer which are all based at Walkden High. 220 young people have registered so far. This is the first full week as some schools did not finish until last

Tuesday. Activities take place from 10am – 4pm each weekday at a cost of £1. An Olympic themed festival takes place on 17.8.12. Pay and play sessions e.g. a tennis week have been arranged. A pilot scheme for under 8s takes place at Boothstown for 2 hours per day. A satellite team of staff is available to work in parks if needed. There is free swimming at Fit City Worsley for 5 – 16 year olds; under-8s need adult accompaniment. AM has met with the HT of Harrop Fold re: possible football coaching in October.

CH was unhappy that all activities were in Walkden and not Little Hulton and there was nothing provided on Peel Park. AO indicated that rental charges were higher at Harrop Fold than Walkden HS. The meeting discussed issues of whether young people would travel to Walkden from Little Hulton and if activities should also be provided in LH.

AM agreed to put satellite staff in Peel Park from next week.

AS was not happy that the festival that took place every year in Peel Park was not being held this summer.

SD to discuss issue with ZB after meeting and speak to staff dealing with it;

MF to take details and follow up re: lighting;

AM to produce report on figures for next meeting;

AM to do breakdown of postcodes of attendees;

AM to email Easter reports and photos to VN to be sent out with minutes;

AM to send details of satellite activities to CH and IT for them to distribute;

SL to speak to colleagues in schools teams in

Child ren’s Services re: costs of Harrop Fold

/Walkden HS.


VN explained that the lottery event on 18.8.12 was replacing this; we do not have the funding.

DP commented there was also nothing for the elderly in LH; she had been informed the over 60s club was full.

PR thanked AM for her report.

7 Health Improvement Team update – Foyzul Gani

FG has sent apologies for the meeting.

8 Youth Service report – Abby Prince

( Report provided )

AP has sent apologies for the meeting. VN discussed the report AP had produced for this meeting.

Activities are provided at Bridgewater YC from 1 – 3 and 6 – 8 pm. 40 – 50 young people are working with the YS and there are plenty of activities for the young people in LH.

9 Urban Vision report – Mathew Fallon

MF discussed the programmed highways works for July 2012, listing areas scheduled for micro asphalt road resurfacing. 61 potholes were repaired and a street light repaired in Broadway in June 2012. Planning applications received and awaiting decision and land and property being disposed of were listed.

Devolved Budget schemes at Manchester Road/Cleggs Lane, Hilltop Road and Ellis Crescent have been completed, consultation has been completed re: Old Clough Lane and to take place re: Guild Avenue.

GW raised the problem of double parking on Madamswood Road. Tenants on one side of the road park outside their houses and those on the other side also park as there is no off road parking for them. There is a lump of concrete in the middle of the road. This causes a problem for ambulances. GW has photos.

A suggestion was made that zig zag lines were continued outside the school to prevent parents parking there. They will not use the car park over the green. 5 – 7 year olds were reported to be running in and out of cars outside the houses facing the bungalows and throwing balls.

IT enquired about the planning application for a path which had failed and has to go back to planning.

VN to take DP ’s details and request TJ discuss activities for older people with her;

VN to discuss with traffic person from Urban

Vision, send the photos and suggest they visit at peak times;

MF to take contact details and investigate;

MF to make enquiries re: path and email IT with further info;

10 Recommendations arising from the meeting of the Little Hulton and Walkden Neighbourhood

Partnership Board held on 12 July 2012

( Minutes provided )


SL to discuss time of NPB meetings with Cllr

The OSS was discussed. VN indicated in the current climate we now need to look at other ways of doing things, working in partnership with other services as too many buildings close together is not the best use of resources. SL stated there is recognition it is important to have public access in the area and is working on it. NPB considered family health and community priority health targets, YS, hot spots, SCL summer programme and City West Young Bobbies programme.

Cllr IL raised the lack of councillor attendance at NPB and considered the time of the meetings was not convenient for elected members. SL indicated timing the meeting is difficult as we have to try to meet the needs of all NPB members.

11 Recommendations arising from the meeting of the Little Hulton and Walkden Budget Sub-Group held on 16 July 2012

( minutes provided )

VN went through the July applications.

Community Committee approved the decisions made at the budget group meeting of 16.7.12. and the amendments from the previous meeting.

SL clarified that there were rules around publications, particularly around election times where they have to be examined to ensure they are not politically biased.

12 Recommendations arising from the meeting of the Little Hulton and Walkden Highways Devolved

Group held on 5 July 2012

( minutes provided )

Requests from 2011/2 have been completed or are in the process of being done. Guild Avenue has been advertised.

2012/3 requests were discussed. Highways devolved requested approval from Community Committee to spend £1,200 on a scheme in Shaving Lane to alleviate parking problems.

Community Committee approved this spend.

Schemes to remove some of the yellow lines on Sandwich St and road markings at Beck Grove/Rydal crescent will go to consultation and the request for a crossing outside the newsagent on Manchester Road was not considered to be appropriate. Everyone in the group has been contacted about the proposal for

Sharp St. These schemes will be brought back to community committee before any money is spent.

Urban Vision has requested 2 years worth of schemes to assist planning.

VB, Chair of NPB;


13 Positive Action Press Statements

Burglary has fallen dramatically due to partnership work;

Lottery festival.

14 Items for Community Committee – 1 October 2012

IT reported that a CCTV camera doesn’t work properly at the park on Eastham Way. It does not swing round so cannot see who is causing damage to the park.

Cllr IL proposed inviting Children’s Services to give an update on school places, possibly in October.

15 AOB

The issue of the excessive heat at the GPs at the Gateway was raised. Heating cannot be controlled from the building; they have to phone someone up to control it. Last Tuesday it was on the winter setting. One of the patients collapsed. SL indicated she is on the Gateway Board. Also there is water wastage when washing hands as the system is automatic and cannot be turned off.

28 people in one grove have received letters from City West to say they will have to contribute to payments for grass cutting. Cllr BR indicated they are currently consulting re: this and will be bringing it in after

November. IT stated that they will work out costs and subsidise costs for private houses so City West tenants are not paying their share.

SP notified the meeting that a drama group is starting up again at St Paul Peel. A member of the previous drama group is going to do a dinner theatre for 10 – 16 year olds and drama group for adults from 8 –

10pm, with the view of putting on a show. They are hoping to come to the lottery event on 18.8.12.

IT indicates she is really pleased that Mount Skip has been brought into the lottery after the lottery group have revised their boundaries. SP stated that her area is also now included.

16 Next meeting

Monday 1 October 2012 at 6pm at Walkden Gateway

VN to speak to John Laycock re: CCTV camera;

VN to request John Laycock discusses camera with IT;

VN to invite John Laycock to next meeting;

SL to investigate problem with heating at


VN to invite City West to next meeting to provide update;


Little Hulton & Walkden Neighbourhood Partnership Board

Actions arising from meeting 13.9.12


Cllr V Burgoyne

Paul Bland

Cllr B Ryan

Sue Downey

Sylvia Phillips

Dr Clive Boyce

Daniel Mulvihill

Sue Barry

Councillor LH (chair)


Councillor LH


Chair CC



Admin, NM Team (Minutes) councillor.vburgoyne@salford.gov.uk

vincent.nash@salford.gov.uk paul.bland@salford.gov.uk councillor.bryan@salford.gov.uk

suzanne.davis@gmp.police.uk smphillips30@yahoo.co.uk clive.boyce@nhs.net daniel.mulvihill@salford.gov.uk susan.barry@salford.gov.uk

790 0484

779 8086

778 0773

790 0627

856 5284

288 0325


603 6808

779 8071


Kay Mahoney

Cllr Iain Lindley

Sue Lightup

Janet Roberts

Martyn Hague

Karen Proctor

Cllr Pat Ryan

Cllr E Burgoyne

Claire Fewings

Damian Dallimore

Foyzul Gani

Rebecca Whittle

Hannah Dobrowolska



Introductions and



Matters arising from NPB meeting held on 12.7.12

Urban Vision

Councillor WS

Strat director, CHSC


City West


Councillor LH

Councillor LH kaye.mahoney@urbanvision.org.uk councillor.lindley@salford.gov.uk sue.lightup@salford.gov.uk



Karen.Proctor@salford.nhs.uk councillor.ryan@salford.gov.uk


779 8364


775 9589

212 4839

212 5654

790 0627

790 0484

Neighbourhood Development Officer claire.fewings@salford.gov.uk

Community Safety Damian Dallimore@salford.gov.uk


City West

NHS foyzul.gani@salford.gov.uk

779 8072

686 5805

779 8079 rebecca.whittle@citywest.org.uk


605 7210


Cllr VB welcomed everyone and initiated introductions. Apologies given are noted above.

The minutes were agreed to be a correct record.

(p1) OSS

OSS is no longer open as a point of contact, apart from for Skills and Work clients. This was necessitated by financial restrictions. Some of the OSS work around IT provision and CVs has been taken up by Walkden College and there is also a presence in LH Library. There is a plan to move the

HIT overspill currently at the Health Centre to the OSS.

(p2) Restorative Justice

Action by


3 .

Health targets/Family weight / Every contact counts / Foyzul Gani

4. Community Priorities

Document – Possible impact of forthcoming welfare changes – Partners

2 offenders were given reparation work where they tidied and cleaned the park in the summer holidays.

This was overseen by the YOS and was a good outcome. Another case will take place shortly. This system, where members of the community oversee the panel for low level crime, is running well in

Salford. (SD) This is a 6 month pilot and we are on the fourth case in Salford.

A report will be produced with the intention of continuing the pilot. (VN)

(p3) GPs are being encouraged to refer in through GP neighbourhood meetings. (CB)

(p6) VB spoke to elected members re: attending NPB. For various reasons such as holidays, sickness and work they are not able to attend every meeting but will come when they can.


VB to arrange meeting with VN re: community priorities as a matter of urgency;

FG sent his apologies for the meeting.

FG is meeting Hillary Pollard from IYSS next week following on from his meeting with Danny Mulvihill.

Andy Campbell is to meet Jane Warren assistant head Walkden High next week. The Health &

Wellbeing task group is set for 23 October 2-4pm. ( FG via email )

VN met with Kris Mackay 13.12 am and is meeting with Dr CB re: the Health and Wellbeing group. Kris is hoping to launch this in LH and Walkden at the end of October. These have been set up elsewhere in Salford with success. (VN) Hillary Pollard will be attending for YS. (DM)


FG to email report re: fast food outlets on Liverpool Road 14.9.12;

VN to speak to KMcK to ensure elected members are included in the Health and

Wellbeing group;

Health and Wellbeing group to be raised at CC;

VN to speak to FG to ensure info re: Walkden High and work on food outlets is distributed as a matter of urgency.

(‘ Welfare Reform Act 2012 and the impact on Salford’ distributed


The Welfare Reform Act 2012 will directly impact on a number of individuals and we may need innovative approaches to help people overcome resulting problems. A transition period runs from 2013

– 2017.

Project 200 involves NM Team working with faith groups, Cleggs Lane Methodist and St Paul Peel, re: food parcels of non perishable goods. (VN) The meeting discussed giving people in poverty and of high need as much help as possible, including educating them re: making nutritious meals at low cost and use of money with food for children a priority. CB raised a scheme where discarded food, e.g. fruit and veg were donated by large supermarkets to be re-sold. BR felt this act would impact on the amount of council tax received by the council as some people who lose benefits won’t be able to pay.



Community Safety

Update – Sue Downey

( Quad of aims distributed )

VN discussed purpose and benefits then deliverables.

130 people per day attended WH during the summer. The showcase at the end of the holidays was successful. Free holiday activities will continue at half term. They are looking to direct people towards paid sessions but keep costs down and also to local football teams. A record number attended Worsley pool for free swimming with 36,000, an increase of 14% in all pools (PB)

YS activities were providing during the summer with 30-40 people attending. This will be carried on during the winter. DM is setting up a media project. (DM)

The large number of skateboarders who gathered outside the Gateway have been redirected to Parr

Fold Park. (VN)

ASB satisfaction surveys were completed and LH came back as high for perception of ASB. This is due to noise nuisance and litter, not young people on the streets. There has been a 30% decrease in

Salford West. (SD)

The lottery board should be in place within the next 2-4 weeks who will be able to draw down the money and use it for things that will impact upon the area. (VN) VB attended a lottery meeting last night where a few people put their names down to be on the board. Discussion took place re: sustainable projects. (VB)

18 young people were interviewed for apprenticeships and SCL is taking 12 on. This involves 3 months unpaid at college an d then placements at Fit City, trying to place them at local ones. SCL’s new website is going live in November. (PB)

GPs are struggling to get people who don’t visit the surgery to attend for health checks involving physical measurements and blood tests for diseases that could affect them if they are left. These health checks are available for women aged 45 – 70 and men aged 40 – 70. Health buses have been out. The meeting discussed how this message could be sent out e.g. via schools, website.


Welfare Reform Act to be a standing item on NPB agenda;

VN to discuss message re: health checks to be distributed with CB;

Crime figures were provided from the 30.7.12 to 10.9.12:

There has been a slight increase in burglary. 50% of thefts from motor vehicles, mainly Sat Navs, are


due to insecurities. PCSOs have revisited victims and put leaflets through re locking vehicles. current last time

Burglary (dwelling) LH





2 up 4 up 8


(other, e.g. sheds)









4 up 8 up 2 up 3



Robbery (business)

Theft from MV

Theft of MV






































11 up 2 up 1 up 2 up 2 no change no change no change up 3 up 2 no change down 2 up 1 up 1 up 1

Criminal damage












7 no change no change up 7 up 5

2 warrants have been executed on Manchester Road West, with 1,000 litres of red diesel seized worth

£27,000. An individual has been arrested on suspicion of money laundering. 50 wraps of

Amphetamine were seized in LH; 3 people are on bail pending forensics.

A number of travellers moved into the area and were on Dukesgate playing fields. Police are unable to move them on unless they are causing ASB/damage. If they are on common land the council has to arrange an eviction order. Uniquin, a specialist managing agency, obtained an eviction order giving them 24 hours notice to move. GMP checked car insurances and tax and served Section 59 in connection with vehicles on common land. The travellers have gone now. If they return GMP has a specialist plan with the council. SD indicated there was an incorrect message on Facebook; SD has contacted relevant personnel.


6 . AOB

7 . Date of next meeting

It was agreed at a meeting 14.8.12 that Gateway staff put up no skateboarding signs at the Gateway and put bins there. GMP + YS have been engaging with youths, moving them on to Parr Fold Park to play on the skateboarding area there. (SD) A further meeting which took place with Gateway management, Jordan Moore and GMP reported only 1 minor incident during the last 4-5 weeks.

Jordan is working positively with the young people. Putting in for money for the lottery to put a DJ hub at CSV has been discussed. This is tentative and at early stages. (VN)

PB has forwarded SCL’s quarterly report. Libraries and community centres are involved and there is plenty going on.


at 4pm at Walkden Gateway





Bridgwater Youth Centre Update Report Community Committee

The summer scheme at Bridgewater was success. It was well attended and due to the range of options available on the programme we attracted both male and female young people aged 11 to 16, as well as a number of newcomers.

During the Summer Scheme Bridgwater Youth Centre remained open as usual on Tuesday,

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evening sessions. These sessions were very well attended.

Youth Day in Little Hulton: This is taking place on 30 October 12pm

– 3pm (school half - term) along with a graffiti project, in partnership with the Lowry. The day itself will involve young people making winter hanging baskets. The green facing Bridgewater youth centre will be the hub of activities, where residents can come and work alongside young people to create a basket, and take away. B/Water centre are currently exploring opportunities in partnership with Community Leisure Dance and Drama workshops.

Youth Forum: This group of young people are planning a fund raising event on the 28 September, by having a MacMillan Coffee Morning, at the Bridgewater Youth Centre. They are raising money for

Macmillan Cancer Care, and Manchester Children’s Hospital Charity. A member of the youth forum designed the poster. (See attached)

Group work programmes that we run at St Georges High School ended on a very positive note as the summer holidays approached, in which 10 young boys from the school successfully completed their 4 week programme with Eccles Fire and Rescue Service. Young people were awarded certificates from the Fire Service. In addition, those who attended and completed their First Aid, Emergency Life

Support and CPR were given an additional certificate.

Detached Team: The Detached team as well as doing their usual Friday nights – ran a 6 week summer programme. Mountain Biking, Canoeing on Bridgewater Canal, Outdoor adventure (Kelly

Kettle) this involves young people sitting around a small fire with a kettle, and are taught about fire safety in the outdoors, the law, and the impact on wild life, and lives by careless outdoor fires.

Running alongside this was a ‘Respect My Park Project’ this was a cleanup operation in Parrfold

Park, Walkden, covering the Football Court, Skate Board Park, and the Pond Area, this was in partnership with Salford Park Rangers Team.

The detached team’s Youth Forum also took part in summer activities.

Abby Prince


