Health And SAFETY 1 Health and Safety Safety Statement……………….page 3 Policy statement on safety…….. page 4 Duties of Employees………….. page 5 Consultation and information….page 5 Hazards…………………………page 6 Fire procedures and 6 Other hazards (physical)……… 7 Use of school property & G…….page 8 Emergency closings…………….page 9 First Aid/Serious injuries……….page 9 Supervision…………………… 10 Lost property……………………page 10 Assault………………………….page 11 2 Safety Statement General Policy The Board of Management of Scoil Mhuire gan Smál, New Inn recognises the importance of the legislation enacted in the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 1989. This Safety Statement sets out the Safety Policy of the Board of Management of Scoil Mhuire gan Smál, New Inn and the means to achieve such a policy. The Board of Management’s aim is : To provide a safe, healthy and comfortable environment for pupils and staff alike. To develop an awareness of health and safety issues. This policy requires the co-operation of all involved in our school, the Board of Management, the staff, the pupils, secretarial and caretaking personnel and any visiting people from sales representatives to trades persons. It is our intention to review this statement at regular intervals to reflect changes in operational procedures and legal requirements. The Board of Management will carry out an annual safety audit. Accidents will be recorded in an Incident Report Book, this will be examined for recurring accidents to see if any safety measure could be put in place to reduce the recurrence of such events. ___________________________________ Chairperson of the Board of Management 3 Policy Statement on safety, health and welfare at work, of the Board of Management of Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál, New Inn. The members of the Board are: Chairperson Secretary Treasurer Principal Nov. 2011- 2015 Rev. Michael Kennedy Fiona Ryan Mary O’ Connor Fiona Ryan Teachers Rep. Teresa Harrington Parents Rep. Deirdre O’ Connor Parents Rep. Paul Perry Community Rep. Philly Fahey Community Rep. Michael (Taylor) Ryan Bishop’s Nominee Mary O’ Connor The Board of Management will ensure that, in so far as possible, the highest standards of safety shall prevail in our school. The Board wishes to ensure in so far as is practicable: The design, provision and maintenance of all areas are in a safe condition and are without risk to health. The design, provision and maintenance of access to and from places of work and play. The provision of systems of work that are planned, organised, performed and maintained in a manner deemed to be safe and without risk to health. The preparation and revision as necessary, of adequate plans to be followed in emergencies e.g. fire drill, injuries etc. The safety and prevention of risk to health at work in connection with the use of any article or substance. The obtaining where necessary, the services of a competent person for the purpose of ensuring the safety and health of the teachers and pupils. The continuing updating of the Safety Statement. The provision of arrangements for the selection of a Safety Officer. The Board of Management recognises its statutory obligations under legislation extends to employees, students, any person legitimately conducting school business and the general public. 4 Duties of Employees 1. It is the duty of every employee while at work: To take reasonable care for his/her own safety, health and welfare and that of any person who may be affected by his/her actions or omissions while at work. To co-operate with his/her employer and any other person to such extent as will enable his/her employer or other person to comply with any of the relevant statutory provisions. To use in the appropriate manner, any appliance or equipment or anything provided for securing his/her safety, health or welfare while at work. To report to the Board of Management, without undue delay, any defect in equipment, appliances, place of work or system of work which might endanger safety, health or welfare of himself/herself or those in his/her care. 2. No person will intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse any appliance, convenience, equipment or anything provided to aid teaching or ensure safety. 3. Employees will, by using available facilities and equipment provided, ensure that work practices are performed in the safest manner possible. Consultation and Information It is the policy of the Board of Management of Scoil Mhuire gan Smál, New Inn: To consult with staff in the preparation of the Health and Safety Statement and of the Hazard Control Forms To give a copy of Safety Statement to all present and future staff. That additional information or instructions regarding health, safety and welfare at work, not already contained in the document will be conveyed to all staff as it becomes available. That health, safety and welfare will form an integral part of any future staff training and development plans. 5 Hazards Hazards that can be rectified or minimised will be dealt with as a matter of urgency. Those that cannot, will be clearly indicated, and appropriate procedures listed beside them. The Board of Management, in consultation with the employees, will review and make recommendations on the elimination of such hazards. Specific Hazards Fire: Procedures and precautions It is the policy of Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál that: There are adequate fire extinguishers available at various locations throughout the school. All fire equipment is identified and regularly serviced. That staff are instructed in the use of fire extinguishers. Regular fire drills take place (one a term, 1st term - children and teachers are aware of the drill, 2nd term – teachers only are aware and 3rd term – a surprise drill) That all exits are clearly marked and free from obstruction. That all persons are aware of their assembly point outside in the event of a fire (infants exit at main front door and assemble at the top of the car park, 1st to 6th exit at the staff door and assemble at the bottom of the car park) That all electrical equipment is unplugged or turned off outside of school hours. That double adaptors are avoided unless absolutely necessary. That no child leaves the classroom or school building without letting the person in charge know. That there is a named Safety Officer in the school, (Teresa Harrington) who is responsible for organising fire drills, evacuation 6 procedures, checking school equipment and making safety recommendations to the Board of Management. On discovery of a fire that the Safety Officer sounds the fire signal and contacts the Fire Brigade. In the event of a fire that children know to inform the nearest teacher. That evacuation takes place as quickly and quietly as possible. That the teacher takes the roll book with him/her and calls the roll as soon as all are assembled outside. That no one re-enters the building, except in search of a missing person. Recommendations Prior to this policy being reviewed it was recommended that signs for “Fire Assembly Point” be purchased and placed in front car park. Other Hazards The Board of Management in consultation with its teaching staff has identified the following areas as requiring special attention, in order to prevent injury or damage to persons on the premises: Physical Hazards; The corridor : To be kept as dry as possible, non-slip mats are places at all entrances. Litter: All litter is gathered daily, classroom bins emptied daily, children are actively encouraged to be litter conscious. Toilets: Toilets are cleaned daily. Clean towels, soap and sanitary disposal units are always available. The introduction of electronic hand dryers is under review. Separate toilet facilities are available for the teaching staff. Water: Drinking water is on tap in each classroom and in the school yard. Non drinking water in the toilet areas is clearly marked. 7 School Building: The building is regularly checked for faults such as loose roof tiles, loose plaster or flaking paint, electrical fittings, uneven surfaces in the yard, protruding units of furniture. Hall and P.E. Equipment: All P.E. equipment is safely stored after use. Children are trained how to lift and carry equipment properly. Science Equipment: All equipment is clearly marked and age appropriate. Electrical Fittings: No naked wires are in use. The use of double adaptors is actively discouraged. Coiled cable is used where possible. Sockets in classrooms have been moved to ensure the shortest amount of wire is in use and therefore reduce tripping over cables etc. Doorways: All doorways are kept free from obstruction at all times. Classrooms: 1. Classes are kept as aired as possible to reduce the risk of spreading germs. 2. Children are required to keep their school bags out of the passage-ways between desks. 3. Children asked to cut off any strings or dangling objects attached to their bags which could get caught in doors or cause one to trip. 4. Children are taught the correct way to pass scissors and are required to remain seated while engaging in any activity involving a scissors. Cleaning agents: All cleaning agents, disinfectants, weed killers etc. are clearly marked and stored out of reach of children. Infectious Diseases: Children are required to notify the school if they come in contact with any infectious disease and are requested to remain at home while they are potential carriers of the infection. Use of school property & grounds The school building, yard, hall and green field are under the trusteeship of the Sisters of Mercy and may only be used for educational purposes. 8 Emergency closings The school must be in operation for at least 183 days in the year as per Department guidelines, except in exceptional circumstances. E.g:In the interest of public health written recommendation of the Medical Officer is required Rule 62. Should other exceptional circumstances arise e.g: failure of heating system or vandalism the Board of Management may close the school even if the school cannot be kept open for 183 days under the terms of Rule 60. First Aid Procedures/Serious Injury Procedures The medical officer (Mrs.O’ Dwyer) is responsible for ensuring that the medical box is kept well stocked and that it contains the phone numbers of the local hospital and emergency numbers. The medical box is kept in the staff room and always returned to its rightful place after use. Contents of Medical Box: Plasters, Savlon/Dettol, Vinegar, Antiseptic wipes, scissors, tweezers, cotton bandages, tape, sling, cotton wool, Antiseptic cream and disposable gloves . 9 In the event of a serious accident; Send for the medical box Alert another teacher to organise supervision of other children. Treat the casualty as far as possible (1) ABC, (2) Stop bleeding, (3) Broken bones Notify the parents. Contact the hospital/ambulance. All serious accidents to be reported in the accident book. Supervision Our school recognises that adequate supervision is intrinsic to the safety of children at school. The teachers accept that they have a duty of care over pupils during school hours (9.30am – 3.10pm) and in accordance with Rule 124(4) all teachers will be present to exercise the required supervision of their classes at that time. It is recognised that mid morning break and lunch break require extra supervision and a teacher is always on supervision during these times. The rota for yard supervision is on display in the staff room. Each teacher has a red card. In the event of an emergency and the teacher being unable to do yard supervision for whatever reason this red card is passed on to another teacher to alert them that further yard supervision is required. Lost property Daily, unclaimed items are retrieved from school yard & classrooms and are brought to each class to be identified & claimed, after lunch break. If items of clothing are unclaimed they are washed and placed in a box in the disabled toilet and used as spare clothing. 10 Unclaimed objects, eg: lunchboxes, are kept in classroom for several days, at the end of which they are recycled or disposed of if unsuitable for re-use. Assault School management has a duty of care to the school and will be responsible for overseeing the response to an assault. It is recognised that assaults may occur on teachers or pupils, by adults or children. Assaults may take the form of physical, verbal, technological abuse or intimidation. A. STAFF ASSAULTED BY PUPIL a) Staff alert another teacher or principal (use red-card if possible) b) Attempt to calm the situation c) Attend to any First Aid if necessary or alert medical services. d) Remove child from situation and interview them if appropriate & record e) Contact parent f) Interview staff member and record. g) Follow procedure for gross misbehaviour in “Code of Discipline”. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ASSAULT ON CHILD BY AN ADULT Try to remove the child and bring to a safe location. Attend to any First Aid needs if necessary. Attempt to calm the situation if safe and appropriate. Get another adult, preferably staff member, to help Interview both parties if safe and record. Contact Gardai, Social Services if necessary. Inform parent of child of complaints procedure. 11 C. ASSAULT ON A CHILD BY A CHILD Follow bullying procedures & gross misbehaviour procedures in “Code of Disipline” Ratified by: Fr. Michael Kennedy, Chairperson, B.O.M. Date:26/5/08 12