École Gerald McShane School 6111 Maurice-Duplessis, Montreal-North, Quebec, H1G 1Y6 T: 514.321.1100 F: 514. 321.1448 www.geraldmcshane.ca October 1, 2015 Dear Parents & Guardians, September has come and gone and I am happy to say that it has been a great month! I am looking forward to many great days in October. www.emsb.qc.ca/johnpauli 1. PARENT BULLETIN BOARD: Outside the Main Office, there is a bulletin board that I have begun using to post useful/important information for parents. This can range from workshops for parents on a variety of subjects to school board information. I invite you to come take a look – there may be something of interest to you. 2. SCHOOL & LUNCH SUPERVISION FEES: Please be reminded that these fees are due immediately. If, for any reason, you have difficulty paying the fees, please contact the school and we can arrange a payment schedule. It is important to remember that the fees you pay go back to the students and the lunch supervision fees cover the costs of those who supervise your children during lunch. 3. STUDENT ABSENCES: Parents are asked to call in student absences as soon as possible. You may also leave a message on our school voicemail advising us of an absence. Please identify your child’s name as well as grade and/or teacher’s name. 4. MORNING ENTRY: Any student who arrives at school as of 7:45 is required to go to the school yard rather than Daycare since the teachers are out on supervision. This will facilitate morning entry and avoid the in-and-out of cars in the lot while students are walking to the yard. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. 5. LATE DROP OFF: Parents are reminded that any student who arrives after the bell must be brought to the Main Office so that we may record their arrival. STUDENTS ARE NOT TO BE LEFT IN THE PARKING LOT. 6. SKATING: Due to contract negotiations, there will be no skating offered to the students this year. 7. LHJQ HOCKEY TICKETS Gerald McShane School has received 150 tickets to see the Rangers de Montréal-Est vs the St Leonard arctic at the Aréna Garon on Wednesday October 14th at 7:30PM. If you would like free tickets to this game, please contact the school via your child’s agenda. Please include the number of tickets you’d like. First come, first served. 8. PARENTS IN YARD – AM Please be reminded that parents should not be in the school yard in the morning. You are asked to drop off your child at the schoolyard entrance. 9. COMMUNICATION WITH STUDENTS If you need to speak to your child during the day, please call or go to the Main Office. If the students are outside, please do not try to speak to them through the gate. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. 10. IMPORTANT DATES: Please see the October calendar for important dates and school events. Sincerely, Christina Chilelli Principal