Long Term Plan 2013 to 2014 Year Group: 4 Autumn Term WK 1 WK 2 WK 3 LJ Writing SLURP! Splish Splash Splosh Viking Quest! Recipe Audience – Parents Purpose – On display at Café. Poetry Audience- Read poems to family during coffee morning. Purpose- To read to parents at coffee morning Persuasive speech Audience- Parents Purpose- To persuade other children in KS2 to save water. Explanation Audience – Next year’s Year 4 children. Purpose – To explain the water cycle. Non- Chronological Report (Horrible History) Audience – Themselves Purpose- To use your knowledge to win the ‘Viking Quest’ Ass week Persuasive Audience – Parents at ‘Wickersley Café’ Purpose – To persuade people to buy their juice drink. WK 4 WK 5 WK 6 WK 7 WK 8 WK 9 WK 10 WK 11 WK 12 WK 13 WK 14 Wk 15 Christmas week Narrative Audience – Fellow Viking warriors Purpose- To tell their Viking saga to other Vikings. Recount Audience – Year 4 children Purpose – to tell the story of the Vikings invasion of Lindisfarne ICT Poster Font/sound Research/ Power-Points Lead subject DT Geography History - I can identify the parts of a river and understand how land use is different along the river’s course. (Source, meander, mouth) and areas around (flood plains). I can explain the process of erosion and deposition (at either the coast or in a river)* I know how erosion, deposition and flooding can affect people* I can identify how a place where people live (settlement) has changed I use a time line to place events I have found out about. I understand that a time line can be divided into BC (Before Christ and AD Anno Domini) I select ingredients for my food product. I work in a safe and hygienic way. I measure out my ingredients by weight or quantity, using scales where appropriate. My food product is presented to impress the intended user. I can name the date of any significant event from the past that I have studied and place it in approximately the right place on a time line. I use evidence to describe the houses and settlements of people in the past. I use evidence to describe the culture and leisure activities from the past. Support subjects I identify where my evaluations have led to improvements in my products. I describe my food product in terms of taste, texture, flavour and relate this to the intended purpose of the food. over time and give some reasons for this, giving precise observations or research as evidence for this** I use both physical and human factors in my explanation. ** I can compare places where people live and give reasons for the differences. ** I use evidence to describe the clothes, way of life and actions of people in the past. I use evidence to describe buildings and their uses of people from the past. I use evidence to describe the things people believed in the past (attitudes and religion) I use evidence to describe what was important to people from the past. I use evidence to show how the lives of rich and poor people from the past differed. I use evidence to find out how any of the above may have changed during a time period. I use evidence to give reasons why changes may have occurred. I show on a time line, the changes that I have identified. I can describe some similarities and differences between some people, events and objects (artefacts) I have studied. I use documents, printed sources (e.g. archive materials) the Internet, databases, pictures, photographs, music, artefacts, historic buildings, visits to museums and galleries and visits to sites to collect evidence about the past. I ask, “What was it like for a... (child, rich person, etc) during… I suggest sources of evidence to help me answer questions. I present my findings about the past using my speaking, writing, maths, ICT, drama and drawing skills. I use dates and terms accurately. I discuss the most appropriate way to present my information, which I realise is for an audience ICT Science Music ICT RE Science Goal Wickersley Northfield Café. Visit/visitor N/A Enterprise Unit 4C Keeping Warm Unit 4D. Solids, liquids and how they can be separated Effective communication Negotiating and influencing Creativity and innovation Team work Problem solving Rap & poetry performance The Viking Quest Visit to Yorvik and The Dig Problem solving Positive attitude Creativity and innovation Ethical decisions Group work Taking lead Team work Leadership Team work Leadership Problem solving Effective communication Spring Term LJ Writing WK 1 WK 2 Ass week WK 3 WK 4 WK 5 WK 6 WK 7 WK 8 WK 9 WK 10 WK 11 WK 12 WK 13 Quakes and Shakes The Tunnel Lights, Camera…Action! Explanation Audience- Y3 children Purpose- to explain how earthquakes happen Letter Audience- Classmates Purpose- to understand different points of view. Narrative Audience- To share with other class Purpose- To recreate a scene from a story Information Leaflet Audience- Children at Wickersley Northfield Purpose- To help them with their friendships Narrative Audience – Entry to ROSCARs Purpose – To develop character and plot for an animation Playscript Audience – Year 4 children Purpose – To use for their animations Persuasive Audience – Film buffs Purpose – To persuade people to watch film Newspaper report Audience – Class Newspaper Purpose – To inform people of latest world events. Instructions Audience – Holiday makers travelling to earthquake hot spots. Purpose – To advise holiday makers of health & safety procedures ICT Comic Life Word-processing Animation Lead subject D&T- I generate ideas and recognise that my PSHE ICT I understand that my actions affect myself and others’, and care about other people's feelings and to try to see things from their points of view. 4b I think about the lives of people living in other places and times, and people with different values and customs. 4c I am aware of different types of relationships, including marriage and those between friends and families, and to develop 2a How to develop and refine ideas by bringing together, organizing and reorganizing, text tables, images and sound. 2b To create, test, improve and refine sequences of instructions to make things happen and to monitor events and respond to them. 2c To use simulations and explore models in order to answer ‘What if ?’ questions, to investigate and evaluate the effect of changing values and to identify patterns and relationships. 4a Review what they and others’ have done to help them develop ideas. 4b Describe and talk about the effectiveness of their work with ICT, comparing it with other methods and designs have to meet a range of different needs I make realistic plans to achieve my aims. I think ahead about the order of my work, choosing appropriate tools, equipment, materials, components and techniques. I clarify my ideas using labelled sketches and models to communicate the details of my designs. I use the most appropriate mouldable material suitable for the purpose of my product. I shape my product carefully, using techniques and tools that lead to a high quality finish. I use my art skills to apply texture or design to my product. My methods of working are precise so that products have a high quality finish. I make cuts (scissors, snips, saw) accurately I identify where my evaluations have led to improvements in my products. I describe the qualities of my material and say why it will be the most suitable choice. I join materials to make products using both permanent and temporary fastenings. I combine materials to add strength or visual appeal. the skills to be effective in relationships. 4e I realise the nature and consequences of racism, teasing, bullying and aggressive behaviours, and how to respond to them and ask for help. 4f I recognise and challenge stereotypes. 4g I know that differences and similarities between people arise from a number of factors, including cultural, ethnic, racial and religious diversity, gender and disability. 4h I know where individuals, families and groups can get help and support. considering the effect it has on others’. 4c Talk about how they could improve future work. Art D&T – set design Support subjects Geography Science Unit 4A Moving and Growing Goal To test our earthquake resistant buildings Create a friendship campaign celebrated with a friendship party. Show parents animations – cinema Visit/visitor Luisa (experience of Quakes) Interview Mrs Hales Winterhill CLC Unit 4F. Circuits and conductors Enterprise Team work Effective communication Initiative Risk Leadership Problem solving Team work Group work Leadership skills Effective communication Group work Summer Term WK 1 Ass week LJ Writing WK 2 WK 3 WK 4 WK 5 Zoologist for the day! Report Audience – visitors to Yorkshire Zoo Purpose – To inform visitors about their chosen animal and its habitat. Narrative Audience – Yorkshire Wildlife Park Purpose – To entertain staff and visitors. WK 6 WK 7 WK 8 A Bigger Picture Poetry Audience – Parents Purpose – To look at our environment in a different way. Persuasive letter Audience- Factory owner Purpose – To persuade to/not to build on Wickersley woods. Recount Audience – Parents and Carers through VLE Purpose – To reflect their exciting day. ICT Email Yorkshire Wildlife Park Research Drawing/Paint Lead subject Science – Habitats Unit 4B Art I use a number of sketches to base my work on. I use a viewfinder to help me in my sketching. I annotate my sketches in my art sketchbook to explain my ideas. I sketch lightly (so I do not need to use a rubber) I mix colours using tints and tones. I use watercolour paint to produce washes for backgrounds and then add detail. WK 9 WK 10 WK 11 Support subjects Art – Picture of animals in their habitats P4C Science Goal Unit 4E. Friction Mini Class Speeches given at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park and filmed Visit/visitor Yorkshire Wildlife Park Enterprise I experiment in creating mood and feelings with colour. Geography Art Exhibition for parents Woods Organisation and planning Effective communication Ethical decisions Positive attitude Effective Communtication Ethical decisions Positive attitude Year group 4: Non – negotiable Science QCA RE Rotherham SACRE RE Scheme of Work Year 4 Unit 4A. Moving and growing Unit 4D. Solids, liquids and how they can be separated Unit 4A Moving and Growing Unit 4C Keeping Warm Unit 4E. Friction Unit 4B. Habitats Unit 4F. Circuits and conductors Term 1 Christians and Hindus: how do Christians and Hindus use art, buildings and music in worship and community? MFL Term 2 Christian Values: what matters most to Christians and what matters most to me? Term 3 Christian and Hindu answers to questions: what is God like? What matters most in life? What happens when we die? French