Multimedia Tools DGIM 705-W01 Course Outline INSTRUCTOR’S INFORMATION Name: Dafina O. Myrick E-mail: Website: Computer Lab Hours: By Appointment (via e-mail) Old Westbury Open Access Labs with Adobe Creative Suite 6 (CS6): Building Room Hours Ed Hall Rm 200 (West end of building) Rm 247 (East end of building) Art & Architecture Library Main Floor (West end of building) Harry Schure Hall Academic Computing Lab (ACL) 2nd Floor Wisser Memorial Library Main Floor 24 hours/day Call Prof Myrick for access M-TH 9am - 9pm FRI: 9am - 5pm SAT: 9am - 5pm SUN: CLOSED M-F: 8am - 11pm SAT: 8am - 6pm M-TH 8am - 10pm FRI: 8am - 5pm SAT: 9am - 5pm SUN: 1pm - 6pm NOTE: Though the hours above were posted at the ACL, and/or the NYIT Website, PLEASE CALL THE LOCATION TO ENSURE THE LABS ARE OPEN PRIOR TO YOUR DEPARTURE. COURSE INFORMATION Term and date: Spring 2015 Course number and section: DGIM 705-W01 Credits: 3 Meeting times: Tuesdays 6:00PM – 9:00PM Building and room number: Education Hall, Rm. 247 Prerequisites and co-requisites: ANIM 650 or DGIM 601 Revised 01.10.2015 1 REQUIRED TEXTS (including ISBN numbers) No Text Books are required for this course: SEE “DESCRIPTION OF ASSIGNMENTS” SECTION SEE “ADDITIONAL RESOURCES FOR FURTHER LEARNING” SECTION MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES • Portable Storage Device: USB flash drive or portable hard drive to save your work. • NYIT Iris Web Server Space: • Original media for Digital Publishing/Presentation projects. SEE “SCHEDULE OF DATES” • The Computer lab is equipped with Adobe InDesign CC (Windows Platform). • The Computer lab is equipped with Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows Platform). • The Computer lab is equipped with Microsoft PowerPoint (Windows Platform). COURSE DESCRIPTION FROM CATALOG This course focuses on the design and implementation of interactive computer projects. Students work with Macromedia Director* to produce their own interactive presentations including moving images, graphics, animation and sound. Interactive design issues, aesthetic issues, and technical considerations for multimedia are discussed *Students will work with Adobe InDesign & Photoshop, plus Microsoft PowerPoint COURSE GOALS AND INTRODUCTION This course focuses on the design and implementation of interactive computer projects. Students work with Adobe® InDesign, Photoshop, & Illustrator, to produce their own ebook, interactive PDF documents & forms, plus basic Apple® web apps. Students will also work with Adobe® Dreamweaver and Microsoft PowerPoint to produce online media-rich online presentations. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND INSTRUMENTS OF ASSESSMENT Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Plan, produce, and disseminate a self-promotion campaign. 2. Critique usability and function of today’s interactive media. 3. Locate and define tools and functions within the Adobe® InDesign, Photoshop, and Microsoft PowerPoint workspace. 4. Utilize Adobe® InDesign to create interactive documents and forms. 5. Embed video and image galleries into a PDF document. 6. Design and produce digital content for future Apple® Applications. 7. Design and produce an e-book publication. 8. Present their works and accomplishments utilizing Microsoft PowerPoint Revised 01.10.2015 2 Methods of assessment will include: 1. “The Great Campaign” – Self-Promotion Management 2. “Positive Interactive” – PDF Document with Interactive Media & Forms 3. “Book’Em” – e-book Publication [ EPUB ] 4. “Big Apple” – The Design of a Basic App [ Using InDesign Folio Builder & DSP ] 5. FINAL PROJECT: “U Marketing” GRADING FORMULA Letter Grade A B+ B C+ C Point Range 90 – 100 86 – 89 80 – 85 75 – 79 70 – 74 GPA 4.0 3.3 3.0 2.3 2.0 EXAMS AND QUIZZES Attendance and Participation - TOTAL 10% Homework - “The Great Campaign” – TOTAL 10% MICROSOFT POWERPOINT. Projects - TOTAL 80% 1. 2. 3. 4. “Positive Interactive” - (20%) INDESIGN . “Book’Em” - (20%) INDESIGN . “Big Apple” - (20%) INDESIGN . FINAL PROJECT: “U Marketing” - (20%) MICROSOFT POWERPOINT + .INDESIGN. . DESCRIPTION OF ASSIGNMENTS Each week, students will receive a handout that will include, but is not limited to: 1. Full description of assignment 2. Assignment tutorial (if applicable) 3. Online references for related and advanced instruction POLICY FOR MAKE-UP EXAMS AND MISSED OR LATE ASSIGNMENTS Students are responsible for reviewing the course calendar, planning ahead, and turning in assignments either early or on time. Students must submit all missed and late work by Friday following the due date of the class assignment. Works turned in by Friday will receive a one-letter grade deduction. (i.e. an assignment worth an “A” grade will be reduced to the grade of “B”). Revised 01.10.2015 3 ATTENDANCE POLICY Students are expected to be on time for each class and ready to actively participate in class exercises and discussions. You must contact your instructor in advance if you cannot arrive on time. Students arriving more than 15 minutes after the start of the class will be considered late; leaving early also will be counted as late. Three late instances are equivalent to one absence. Two unexcused absences will result in a half-grade deduction from your average (example: B becomes B-). Three absences, (excused or unexcused) may result in a withdrawal or failure of the course. NYIT E-MAIL All official announcements related to the course will be sent through NYIT e-mail. Students are expected to check their e-mail regularly. WITHDRAWAL POLICY A student may withdraw from a course without penalty through the end of the 8th week of class during a 14- or 15-week semester and through the 8th meeting during an 8week course cycle. After this, the student must be doing passing work in order to receive a W grade. Students who are not passing after the 8th week or equivalent will be assigned the grade of WF. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor of his/her intention to withdraw from a course. If a student has stopped attending class without completing all assignments and/or examinations, failing grades for the missing work may be factored into the final grade calculation and the instructor for the course may assign the grade of WF. The grade of F is used for students who have completed the course but whose quality of work is below the standard for passing. Withdrawal forms are available in departmental offices and once completed must be filed with the registrar. Students should be reminded that a W notation could negatively impact their eligibility for financial aid and/or V.A. benefits, as it may change the student’s enrollment status (full-time, part-time, less than part-time). International students may also jeopardize their visa status if they fail to maintain full-time status. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND PLAGIARISM POLICIES Each student enrolled in a course at NYIT agrees that, by taking such course, he or she consents to the submission of all required papers for textual similarity review to any commercial service engaged by NYIT to detect plagiarism. Each student also agrees Revised 01.10.2015 4 that all papers submitted to any such service may be included as source documents in the service’s database, solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. Plagiarism is the appropriation of all or part of someone else’s works (such as but not limited to writing, coding, programs, images, etc.) and offering it as one’s own. Cheating is using false pretenses, tricks, devices, artifices or deception to obtain credit on an examination or in a college course. If a faculty member determines that a student has committed academic dishonesty by plagiarism, cheating or in any other manner, the faculty has the academic right to 1) fail the student for the paper, assignment, project and/or exam, and/or 2) fail the student for the course and/or 3) bring the student up on disciplinary charges, pursuant to Article VI, Academic Conduct Proceedings, of the Student Code of Conduct. LIBRARY RESOURCES All students can access the NYIT virtual library from both on and off campus at The same login you use to access NYIT e-mail and NYITConnect will also give you access to the library’s resources from off campus. On the upper left side of the library’s home page, select links for “Find Resources”, “Research Assistance”, “Services”, “Help”, and “About”. Using “Quick Links” on the right hand side of the home page will also assist you in navigating the library’s web pages. Should you have any questions, please look under “Research Assistance” to submit a web-based “Ask-A-Librarian” form. SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES NYIT adheres to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504. The Office of Disability Services actively supports students in the pursuit of their academic and career goals. Identification of oneself as an individual with disability is voluntary and confidential. Students wishing to receive accommodations, referrals and other services are encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Services as early in the semester as possible although requests can be made throughout the academic year. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES FOR FURTHER LEARNING Design Industry Resources Design Inspiration Best Online Mags: Best Interactive Books: Digital Resume Examples: Revised 01.10.2015 5 InDesign Resources Adobe InDesign CC Tutorials: Intro to Adobe InDesign: Online Magazine Resource: (limited courtesy): Photoshop Resources: Adobe Photoshop CC Tutorials: Top 25 Ps practices: Microsoft PowerPoint: 2013: 2011 (for Mac): Programming Question & Answer (Q & A) Resource: Revised 01.10.2015 6 SCHEDULE OF DATES DATE CLASS :: 01 01.20 2015 TENTATIVE TOPICS Introductions Syllabus Review Lab and Class Structure Review Design Lesson 1: I. The Art of Self-Promotion II. Project Management III. Technology is Your Friend READINGS/OTHER ASSIGNMENTS HOMEWORK: 1. Campaign Brainstorming a. Weaknesses & Strengths b. Works Evaluation c. Target Audience Analysis 2. Sketch Development LAB TIME: I. What is Adobe InDesign CC? II. PowerPoint Philosophy III. Workspace Familiarization CLASS :: 02 01.27 2015 HOMEWORK CRITIQUE: Group Critique[ FEEDBACK ] I. Microsoft PowerPoint a. Basic Tools b. Master Slide & Templates c. Inserting Text d. Animating Text e. Slide Transitions HOMEWORK: 1. PowerPoint Experiment a. Re-Introduction b. Pitch for PDF, Ebook, & App NOTE: Presentation may exclude Multi-media Elements: [ i.e. Images, Videos, & Timeline Graph ] LAB TIME: PowerPoint Experiment CLASS :: 03 02.03 2015 HOMEWORK CRITIQUE: Group Critique[ FEEDBACK ] HOMEWORK: “The Great Campaign” I. Microsoft PowerPoint a. Styling Text b. Creating & Editing Graphs c. Inserting Images d. Inserting Movies e. Inserting Audio f. Inserting Hyperlinks 1. SEE HANDOUT LAB TIME: PowerPoint Experiment Revised 01.10.2015 7 CLASS :: 04 MILESTONE CRITIQUE “The Great Campaign” 1. Complete Cover Page 02.10 2015 M-1 HOMEWORK: Planning “Positive Interactive”: I. Cover Page a. Image, Text, & Links Layout b. Sketch Full Idea c. Browse Images d. Browse Fonts II. InDesign a. Setting Up a Document b. Tool Review c. Inserting Embedded Images d. Inserting Text e. Creating Interactivity LAB TIME: Tweak Image with Photoshop Learn available actions for Photoshop & InDesign compatibility Work on Cover Page CLASS :: 05 02.17 2014 Creating “Positive Interactive”: I. Table of Contents a. Image, Text, & Links Layout b. Sketch Full Idea c. Browse Images d. Browse Fonts HOMEWORK: 1. Complete Table of Contents II. InDesign a. Setting Up a Document b. Tool Review c. Inserting Columns & Rows d. Inserting Text e. Creating Interactivity LAB TIME: Tweak Layout Tweak Style Work on Table of Contents Revised 01.10.2015 8 CLASS :: 06 02.24 2015 Creating “Positive Interactive”: I. Multimedia Page a. Image Gallery, Text, Video, & Links Layout b. Sketch Full Idea c. Browse Images d. Browse Videos HOMEWORK: 1. Complete Multimedia Page II. InDesign a. Setting Up a Page b. Tool Review c. Inserting Image States d. Inserting Video e. Creating Interactivity LAB TIME: Tweak Layout Tweak Style Work on Multimedia Page CLASS :: 07 03.03 2015 Creating “Positive Interactive”: I. Author Page a. Image , Text, & Social Media Button Layout b. Sketch Full Idea c. Browse Images d. Browse Videos HOMEWORK: 1. Complete Author Page II. InDesign a. Setting Up a Page b. Tool Review c. Inserting Image States d. Inserting Text e. Creating Interactive Buttons LAB TIME: Tweak Layout Tweak Style Work on Author Page Revised 01.10.2015 9 CLASS :: 08 MILESTONE CRITIQUES HOMEWORK: “Positive Interactive” 1. Complete Cover Page 03.10 2015 M-2 Planning “Book’Em”: I. E-book Cover Page a. Image, Text, & Links Layout b. Sketch Full Idea c. Browse Images d. Browse Fonts II. InDesign a. Set-Up Fixed Layout e-book b. Tool Review c. Inserting Images d. Inserting Text e. Creating Interactivity LAB TIME: Tweak Image with Photoshop Learn available actions for Photoshop & InDesign compatibility Work on Cover Page CLASS :: 09 03.24 2015 Creating “Book’Em”: I. E-book Introduction & Dedication a. Image, Text, & Links Layout b. Sketch Full Idea c. Browse Images d. Browse Fonts HOMEWORK: 1. Work on Intro & Dedication Page 2. Work on Chapter Intro Page II. E-book Chapter Image a. Large Image an/or Video b. Sketch Full Idea c. Browse Images d. Browse Fonts III. InDesign a. Tool Review b. Inserting Images c. Inserting Videos d. Inserting Text e. Creating Interactivity Revised 01.10.2015 10 LAB TIME: Tweak Image with Photoshop Learn available actions for Photoshop & InDesign compatibility Work on Intro & Dedication Page Work on Chapter Intro Page CLASS :: 10 03.31 2015 Creating “Book’Em”: I. E-book Back Cover a. Image, Text, & Links Layout b. Sketch Full Idea c. Browse Images d. Browse Fonts HOMEWORK: 1. Complete e-book II. InDesign a. Tool Review b. Inserting Images c. Inserting Text d. Creating Interactivity LAB TIME: Tweak Image with Photoshop Work on Back Cover Work to complete e-book Revised 01.10.2015 11 CLASS :: 11 MILESTONE CRITIQUE “Book’Em” 1. Flesh Out Ideas for App 2. Finalize Content & Navigation 04.07 2015 M-3 HOMEWORK: Planning “Big Apple”: I. App Registration and Developer Requirements Review II. Cover Page a. Image, Text, & Links Layout b. Sketch Full Idea III. Thumbnail a. Image, Text, & Links Layout b. Sketch Full Idea IV. Icon a. Image, Text, & Links Layout b. Sketch Full Idea LAB TIME: Flesh Out Ideas for App Determine Content & Navigation CLASS :: 12 04.14 2015 “Big Apple” PITCH & FEEDBACK HOMEWORK: Creating “Big Apple”: 1. Review DPS/Folio Tutorials 2. Complete 1st version of App I. Re-sketch Ideas [ for all pages ] For each e-book component: a. Browse Images b. Browse Fonts c. Browse Videos II. Review Rules for Apps LAB TIME: Place layout boxes for text, images, & media Revised 01.10.2015 12 CLASS :: 13 04.21 2015 CLASS :: 14 “Big Apple” REVIEW HOMEWORK: LAB TIME: Place/Edit final media [ text, images, video, & navigation ] inside layout boxes. 1. Complete “Big Apple” MILESTONE CRITIQUE “Big Apple” 04.28 2015 M-4 CLASS :: 15 05.05 2015 LAB TIME: I. Open Question & Answer II. DEMOS III. One-on-Ones HOMEWORK: 1. “U Marketing” CAMPAIGN a. Work Interactive PDF b. Work Ebook c. Work App [ Design Only ] d. Work PowerPoint LAB TIME: HOMEWORK: I. Open Question & Answer II. DEMOS III. One-on-Ones 1. “U Marketing” FINAL a. Finish Interactive PDF b. Finish Ebook c. Finish App [ Design Only ] d. Finish PowerPoint SEE Milestone Handout CLASS :: 16 FINAL PROJECT: “U Marketing” Presentation 05.12 2015 SEE Final Presentation Handout M-5 FINAL Revised 01.10.2015 13