Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy Mr. Nathan Boles, 9th grade English Nathan.Boles@eagleslanding.org High School Office: 678-818-1012 Purpose of the Course and Class Objectives: The aim of this course is to introduce students to work at the high school level. This course will set the foundations to thoroughly prepare each student for upper level English courses and collegiate work through directed reading and comprehension. Students will be introduced to literary analysis and analytical writing through the study of short stories, plays, poetry and novels. Students will learn the fundamentals of tragedy, poetry, and the novel through the study of classic literature. Students will apply the elements of composition in a variety of mediums. Students will learn how to write logical, wellorganized paragraphs and short essays that incorporate the five paragraph structure. Students will review and apply the basic grammatical elements through continued practice. Students will learn proper documentation techniques for formal and analytical essays (MLA citation). Students will be introduced to literary elements and will incorporate these elements into a minimum of two formal essays each semester. Vocabulary words and PSAT strategies are practiced weekly. Supplies that are needed by the first week of school: 1 ½” or 2” Three-ring binder with pockets Folder with pockets and 3-rings Journal-spiral single-subject notebook or journal type notebook Blue or black ink pens Insertable tab dividers(5) Loose-leaf paper Highlighter(1-any color) 3” x 5” notecards Texts(should be ordered at the end of the previous year) Optional-tissues, bag of individually wrapped candy (no gum please) It will be necessary to have access to a dictionary and thesaurus throughout the year. We will also be doing projects that will require poster board. At least a week’s notice will be given before required. Evaluation and grading: This course is based on a point system. The amount of points possible for an assignment will vary, depending on its significance to the class; however, the following is a general and approximate guideline: Major tests, projects and writing assignments – (50% of grade) Quizzes and vocabulary – (25% of grade) Homework and daily work – (10% of grade) Final Exams (Fall & Spring Semesters) (15% of grade) Tests: There will be several unit tests. These tests will be over both material covered in class and materials read outside of class. Tests will consist of multiple choice questions, true/false questions, matching questions, identify questions and of course the ever popular—essay questions. Quizzes: There will be quizzes given throughout the year. Students will not always (but usually will) be notified in advance of these quizzes. Writing Portfolio/Journal: Each student will keep a writing portfolio/journal that includes responses to biblical discussion topics as well as literature. Students will write at least one journal entry per week which will usually take the form of an initial response to a work of literature. In-class/At-home Assignments: Students will have weekly homework assignments. Students will also be responsible for outside reading and studying. Group/Individual Presentations: Some units require collaborative work. In-class Participation: Discussions are crucial to the success of this class. Each week a quiz grade will be given based on class participation. You earn points for paying attention, keeping up with the reading, adding observations, asking relevant questions, taking notes, etc. You will lose points for being unprepared, getting offtopic, treating another student discourteously, or not paying attention. Classroom Rules: 1. Be in class on time. 2. Follow directions. 3. Respect others in both your words and your actions. 4. Follow the policies set forth in your ELCA Student Handbook. A warning will be issued with a first offense by a student. The second offense will result in demerits as assigned by the student handbook. The continual offenses will result in parent contact. General Policies: 1. Attendance: Students are expected to provide notification/documentation of absences. Students will be responsible for make-up work. 2. Make-Up Policy: If it is necessary to be absent from class, there is a limited amount of time to complete missing work. A. NO MAKE-UPS WILL BE GIVEN DURING CLASS-NO EXCEPTIONS. Work can be completed after school on pre-set days. B. It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to approach the teacher and find out any work that was missed and to schedule a time to complete this work. The teacher will not approach students with this information. Refer to posted weekly syllabus for assignment summary. C. Any work due on the day of an absence is due at the beginning of class on the day you return. I will not ask for the assignments. D. The time for questioning about missed work is before or after class or school. The matter will not be addressed during class. E. The time allotment for make-up work to be completed in accordance with the ELCA handbook. Any test or work not made up before this time limit will become a PERMANENT zero. F. If a student is absent for the class period before a test, quiz or project is due, the student is still responsible for that material unless new material was given the day the student was absent. G. A school-sponsored event will follow the same restrictions as an excused absence from class. The teacher must be notified prior to the planned date of absence. H. Make-up work will only be allowed for EXCUSED absences. Absences are excused according to ELCA policies. Any unexcused absences or unexcused tardies will result in an automatic zero. THESE POLICIES WILL BE ENFORCED OUT OF CONCERN FOR THE STUDENTS’ EDUCATION. THE POLICIES ARE DESIGNED TO DISCOURAGE PROCRASTINATION AND PROMOTE THE BEST POSSIBLE RESULTS ON MAKE-UP WORK. 3. Academic Honesty: Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated and will be dealt with according to the ELCA handbook. Just don’t do it! Help Class: Help Class is by appointment only. If help is needed, contact me the day before--either by email or before/after class and school. I cannot help you if you do not ask questions. I am at school everyday until at least 3:30. Parents and students feel free to email me anytime at: nathan.boles@eagleslanding.org DISCLAIMER: This syllabus provides a general plan for the course. Deviations may be necessary. The scheduling and contents of this syllabus are subject to change. The following are the major works that we will consider this year. You will need to acquire a copy of each. I will also provide supplemental readings (either in hand-out form or from the Literature book). Some of the works we read may contain pejorative terms. The English Department here at ELCA strives to teach classic literary works that prepare our students academically and personally. One of the reasons we approach such works is that we want students to encounter issues such as gender bias, poverty, violence, and racism from a Christian viewpoint rather than the secular one they will encounter as they begin collegiate work. Fall Semester: Frankenstein(Shelley) The Miracle Worker(in Literature book) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde(Stevenson) The Count of Monte Cristo(Dumas) Poetry(Literature book) Spring Semester: Poetry(Literature book) Pride and Prejudice(Austen) Romeo and Juliet(Shakespeare Made Easy edition) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(Twain; Editor-Gribben) Selected Short Stories(Literature book)