Forensics – Chapters 1-3 Study Guide Helpers

Forensics – Chapters 1-3 Study Guide
1. What did the following scientists contribute to Forensic History:
a. Francis Galton:
b. Calvin Goddard:
Dr. Landsteiner:
d. Edmond Locard:
Hans Gross:
Matthieu Orfila:
g. Alphonse Bertillon:
h. Leone Lattes:
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle:
Albert Osborn:
2. What are the four federal crime labs and what types of evidence do they examine?
3. List three types of evidence that are examined by the following units:
a. Biology Unit
b. Physical Science Unit
c. Firearms Unit
4. What is a chain of custody is and why it is important? What are the minimal components of a
chain of custody?
5. What is the job of each of the key players in the criminal justice system: (Give 3 jobs for each)
a. Prosecutor/Lawyer
c. Judge
b. Jury
d. Investigator
6. What is the Frye Standard?
7. What are the Daubert rules of evidence?
8. What is a search warrant and what are the exceptions to it? What amendment is the search and
seizure amendment?
9. What is the difference between eyewitness testimony and expert testimony?
10. What is deductive reasoning and how is it used in Forensics?
11. What two court cases helped to solidify the search and seizure rules?
12. What are the four ways that a crime scene can be searched for evidence?
13. What three methods are used to record a crime scene?
14. What is physical evidence?
15. What is Locard’s Exchange Principle and why is it so important in Forensics?
16. What is the difference between Identification and Comparison?
17. What is the difference between Class Characteristics and Individual Characteristics?
18. What are the Class and Individual Characteristics of blood, fingerprints and guns/bullets?
19. Name any five components that must be on a rough sketch.
20. What is Forensic Science? (Class definition)
21. Why is it important for an investigator to obtain a search warrant?
22. What is a standard/reference sample? Why is it important to obtain one?
23. What does MMO stand for?