Crime Scene Investigation Rubric

Team Leader
Sketch Artist
Each member is constantly working on some part of the
Each team member is communicating
The team asks about or presents a warrant (EC)
The team documents the crime scene before collecting any
The team does not step on, damage, or move any evidence
All team members wear gloves
The team cooperates and listens to one another’s ideas
Monitors time and progress of each group member
Assists members where necessary
Isolates the crime scene (warrant, witness statements)
Voices who goes first, second, third
Collects the evidence from the collector and maintains chain
of custody
Submits to lab technician and maintains chain of custody
Takes notes
Does not touch or move any evidence
Uses a ruler when taking pictures
Takes pictures from multiple angles
Takes at least 5 pictures
Is careful in taking pictures in best possible light and
Does not move or touch evidence
Measures evidences from immovable objects, at least 2
measurements per object
Sketches accurately and includes all necessary parts of the
o Furniture, body, 10 evidences
Collects evidence using gloves or tweezers when needed
Properly packages all evidence
No more than 1 evidence item per bag
Each bag is labeled properly, clearly, and carefully
No evidence is damaged
Does not touch or move evidence except for the ones
Seals all evidence
Gives the evidence to the team leader and maintains chain
of custody