Business – Practical Examples of using Blooms Taxonomy

National Qualifications
Questions and Tasks to develop skills
Remembering - Recalling information
Tasks – the pupils could:
Make a list of …..
Name and describe …..
Make a facts chart …..
Write what you can remember about …..
Make a chart showing …..
Take part in a quiz at the end of topic
Match the word with a description of the term
Take a case study/passage underline the important terms
Questions – the pupils could be asked:
How many ….. ?
What is ….. ?
Can you name ….. ?
What is the meaning of ….. ?
Is it true or false ….. ?
Identify who …..
Name all the …..
Identify the …..
Understanding - Explaining ideas or concepts
Tasks – the pupils could:
Write in their own words …..
Report to the class …..
Reorganise in order of …..
Write a brief outline of …..
Write a summary …..
Prepare a flow chart to illustrate ……
Interpret …..
Outline the main points …..
Research a particular business to find out facts relating to a topic
Questions – the pupils could be asked:
Can you write in your own words ….. ?
How would you explain ….. ?
Can you write a brief outline ….. ?
What do you think could have happened next ….. ?
Can you summarise ….. ?
Who do you think ..... ?
What was the main idea …..?
Clarify why ….. ?
Illustrate ….. ?
Can you estimate ..... ?
Explain why ….. ?
Applying- Using information in another familiar situation
Tasks – the pupils could:
Create a diagram/flow chart …..
Take a collection of photographs to demonstrate a particular point …..
Create a puzzle game about the Topic …..
Write notes about a topic for others …..
Create questions for an interview
Carry out an interview
Prepare a letter …..
Manipulate data …..
Construct a template on the computer ……
Calculate …..
Compile a factfile …..
Questions – the pupils could be asked:
Can you write in your own words ….. ?
How would you explain …..?
Can you write a brief outline ….. ?
What do you think could have happened if ….. ?
Who do you think ….. ?
What was the main idea ….. ?
Clarify why ….. ?
Illustrate the ….. ?
Using your understanding of A how would that effect B ?
Analysing - Breaking information into parts to explore understandings and relationships
Tasks – the pupils could:
Design a questionnaire …..
Write a commercial/advertising slogan …..
Make flow chart to show the critical stages …..
Devise an play about the study area.
Write a biography …..
Prepare a report about the area of study …..
Survey classmates to find out what they think about a particular topic. Analyse the results in the form of a
graph and draw conclusions
Complete a Decision Making Model to help make a decision …..
Compare …..
Debate …..
Analyse …..
Investigate …..
Discuss …..
Question reasons for …..
Questions – the pupils could be asked:
If ….. happened, what might have happened to …..?
How is A similar to B ?
How is A in no way similar to B ?
What do you see as other possible outcomes?
Why did these changes occur?
Can you explain what must have happened when ….. ?
What are some or the problems of ….. ?
Can you distinguish between ….. ?
What were the motives behind ….. ?
What was the turning point of ….. ?
What was the problem with ….. ?
What do you see as the link between ….. ?
Evaluating - Justifying a decision or course of action
Tasks – the pupils could:
Conduct a debate …..
Create a business guide on how to …..
Form a panel to discuss views …..
Write a letter to a …..
Write a half-year …..
Prepare a case to present your view about …..
Prepare a list of criteria to judge …..
Evaluate …..
Asses …..
Justify …..
Recommend …..
Investigate …..
Questions – the pupils could be asked:
Is there a better solution to ….. ?
Judge the success of …..
What do you think about …..?
Can you defend the business’ position on ….. ?
Can you justify the government’s position on ….. ?
Do you think ….. is a good or bad thing?
How do you think the situation should have been handled …..?
What changes to ….. would you recommend?
Do you believe ….. ?
How do you think it would effect the ..... if…..?
How effective is ….. ?
Creating - Generating new ideas, products, or ways of viewing things
Tasks – the pupils could:
Create …..
Write an TV advert, song, jingle to …..
Design a magazine cover for …..
Forecast …..
Sell an idea to the class …..
Devise a way to …..
Develop a new …..
Set up a …..
Compose ….
Questions – the pupils could be asked:
Can you design a ….. ?
Can you see a possible solution to …. ?
If you had access to all resources, how would you deal with …. ?
Why don't you devise your own way to …. ?
What would happen if ….. ?
How many ways can you ….. ?
Can you create new and unusual uses for …..?
Can you develop a proposal which would ….. ?