American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Project Selection Packet For the Tulsa Urbanized Area Introduction Under the provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) the Tulsa Urbanized Area is expected to receive approximately $22 million in federal funds for projects that are ready to go and that will maximize job creation and economic benefit. INCOG is soliciting projects for funding in communities in the Tulsa Urbanized Area based on the criteria and schedule below. In general, it is expected that no single project or entity will be allocated more than 70% of the total funds available. Once projects have been selected and amended to the Transportation Improvement Program, the project information will be transmitted to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) which will be the agency responsible for administering the project including all associated requirements of ARRA as well as bidding and letting the project. Project Requirements and Selection Criteria Eligible projects must have a Federal Functional Classification as Urban Collector/Arterial or Rural Collector (Major)/Arterial under the Highway Functional Classification System. (Bridges are eligible for funding regardless of the roadway classification). Current Federal Functional Classification maps are available at: Also, projects must conform with the regional transportation plan, Destination 2030, at: All state and federal requirements in conjunction with the use of federal funds (i.e., ADA, Davis-Bacon, NEPA, etc.) must be met, including ODOT design specifications. Projects will be awarded at 100% federal share up to the award amount. Any and all additional costs over the awarded federal share will be the responsibility of the applicant. Federal funds will be available for obligation until September 30, 2010. Projects funded under this program must be completed by February 17, 2012, therefore INCOG requires the project agreements between ODOT and the recipient to be executed no later than August 17, 2009. INCOG reserves the right to reprogram awarded funds on projects that fail to have executed agreements by August 17, 2009. According to Section 1511 of the ARRA, for funds made available to local governments for infrastructure investments, the mayor or other chief executive, as appropriate, must certify that the infrastructure investment has received the full review and vetting required by law and that the chief executive accepts responsibility that the infrastructure investment is an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars. A description of the investment, estimated total cost, and the amount of ARRA funds used shall be provided and published on the ARRA website. Funds may not be provided to local agencies until this certification is made and posted on the website. A certification letter must be submitted with the project application and a sample letter is attached to this Project Selection Packet. According to the ARRA, each grant recipient is required to submit periodic reports according to the schedule below with the following information: Amount of federal funds appropriated, allocated, obligated and outlayed Number of projects put out to bid and the amount of federal funds associated with each project Number of projects awarded contracts and the amount of federal funds associated Number of projects begun work under contracts and federal funds associated Number of projects completed under contracts and federal funds associated Number of direct and in-direct jobs created or sustained by federal funds provided under this appropriation and, to the extent possible, the estimated indirect jobs created or sustained in the associated supplying industries, including the number of job-years created and the total increase in employment since the date of enactment Actual aggregate expenditures by each grant recipient for funding under the program from enactment on February 17, 2009, until September 30, 2010 as compared to the level of such expenditures that were planned to occur during such period Grant recipients may ask the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or ODOT to prepare the reports on their behalf with the necessary information provided by the grant recipient. The following criteria from the ARRA will be used to select projects: Three-year completion priority - Priority shall be given to projects that are projected for completion by February 17, 2012. Economically Distressed Areas - Priority shall be given to projects that are located in economically distressed areas as defined by section 301 of the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended (42 U.S.C. 3161). Expeditious project delivery (Section 1602) - Preference shall be given to projects that can be started and completed expeditiously. Project Schedule Project applications must be submitted to INCOG no later than 12:00 pm (Noon) on Wednesday, March 18, 2009. They can be submitted in hardcopy to: INCOG Transportation Planning Division, 201 West 5th Street, Suite 600, Tulsa, OK 74103, or by email to: Please contact Tim Armer or Rich Brierre at 918-584-7526 prior to submitting the application to review the project and application for completeness. Solicitation for Projects March 4, 2009 Applications Due March 18, 2009 Policy Committee Selection and TIP Amendment March 26, 2009 Board of Directors Endorsement and TIP Approval April 9, 2009 INCOG Notification to ODOT April 10, 2009 90-Day Report Due May 17, 2009 Project agreements with ODOT Executed August 17, 2009 180-Day Report Due August 17, 2009 1-Year Report Due February 17, 2010 2-Years Report Due February 17, 2011 Project Completion February 17, 2012 3-Years Report Due February 17, 2012 Project Checklist Project applications must have the following information to be considered a complete application prior to submittal. A Completed Project Application Form An Infrastructure Investment Certification Letter signed by the Mayor or Chief Executive (see attached sample letter) Engineer’s Estimate from a Licensed Professional Engineer Project Location Map (or Footprint Map) NEPA Clearance Document, If Available American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Project Application Form for the Tulsa Urbanized Area Contact Name Title of Contact Person Contact Email Contact Phone Name of Sponsoring Entity Mailing Address Project Name Project Description Please provide a detailed description of the project including the location, type of work, extent of the project, and purpose of the project. Estimated Project Start Date Estimated Project Completion Date Estimated Total Cost Please attach a current engineer’s estimate. Also, be sure to account for the 6% ODOT Administrative fee and any contingency. NEPA Clearance In the most applicable space provided to the right, please describe the clearance that has been received or if it has not been cleared, the status of the clearance process. Environmental Clearance is completed and federal approval obtained. Environmental Clearance is in process in compliance with federal requirements Environmental Clearance has not been initiated. Design Firm Name Design Status In the most applicable space provided to the right, please describe the status of the design process. Right-of-Way Clearance In the most applicable space provided to the right, please describe the status of the right-of-way acquisition, if applicable. Utility Relocation Please describe the status of any utility relocation. Final design completed and approved by ODOT Preliminary design more is 90% completed. Design is underway with selected consultant, or inhouse, per ODOT approved process Right-of-way acquisition is completed or is not required. Additional rightof-way is required. Utility relocation plans are completed or no relocation is required. Utility relocation will be required and has not been initiated. Sample Certification Letter Mr. Robert Nabors Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board Chairman The Office of Management and Budget 725 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20503 Dear Chairman Nabors: As the Mayor [or Chief Executive officer] of [Sponsoring Entity Name], I am hereby submitting this letter certifying that the following infrastructure investment has received the full review and vetting required by law. Further, I accept the responsibility that the following infrastructure investment is an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars. [Provide the Project Name – Provide a full project description in this space and the total estimated cost of the project] This project will use 100% ARRA funds. Sincerely, [Name of Mayor or Chief Executive] [Title]