The OISE Math Trail for


The OISE Math Trail for


Teacher Candidates

Ron Lancaster

35 Oak Knoll Drive

Hamilton, ON

L8S 4C2

Senior Lecturer

Mathematics Education

Ontario Institute for Studies in

Education of the University of Toronto

© Ron Lancaster -


Welcome to the OISE Intermediate/Senior Math Trail! The location for this Trail is downtown

Toronto, a perfect place to visit while wearing a pair of mathematical glasses.

The idea behind a Math Trail as it is now commonly called is quite simple: students follow a planned route and answer or create mathematical questions related to what they encounter along the path.

Through this experience students are given the chance to connect the mathematics curriculum to many subjects including art, design, architecture, science, geography and history.

You are probably going to be incredibly busy during your practicum and the thought of taking your students on a Math Trail might end up being just that - a thought. The same might be true in your first few years of teaching. My hope is that at some point you will be able to take your students on a Math

Trail. When you do, I suggest you start with a short Trail right on the school property. This will allow you to avoid the complications of taking your students off campus and it will provide you with a relatively simple way of experimenting with the idea of taking your students outside.

In the meantime, please consider using some of the questions from this Trail with your students now.

Take photographs (where permitted) along the Trail and show them to your students when you assign the questions. You might even want to arrange the photographs with the accompanying questions around your classroom and have students move from one station to the next. Participating in a simulated Trail is not as good as actually being there, but it will provide your students with an opportunity to view the world through a mathematical lens.

At the end of this document you will find a bibliography and information about my work with Math

Trails. Happy Trails.

Ron Lancaster, Senior Lecturer in Mathematics Education

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT)


© Ron Lancaster -

The Trail

Our meeting point will in the courtyard behind the Commerce Court North building at 25 King

Street West. This building is located just west of Yonge Street. To get to the courtyard, enter the building and walk through to the opposite end and then exit the building.

Question 1

Walk to the large, circular area (during the summer there is a fountain here) in the middle of the courtyard. Look closely around the outside of this area and you should be able to find three huge concentric circles that look like the ones shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1

You are going to use this outdoor setting to answer the following few questions.

When the radius of a circle is repeatedly increased by the same amount each time, what happens to the circumference of the circle? How will it grow in size? Will it go up by the same amount each time or will it grow in some other manner?

(a) Use a tape measure to find the length of the line segments shown in Figure 2. These two lengths should be approximately the same and by measuring them you will have shown that this is indeed an appropriate setting for the above questions.

Figure 2

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(b) Use the tape measure to find the circumference of each of the three circles. Record your answers in Table 1.

While it might appear that your tape measure is not long enough to measure such a large circumference, there is in fact a way!

Table 1 circumference of the inner circle circumference of the middle circle circumference of the outer circle

(c) Use your results in part (b) to answer the questions posed at the beginning of this activity.


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Question 2

While I was planning this Trail I encountered a mother with her daughter in the area near the fountain.

The mother was sitting near the fountain reading a book and her daughter was running around and around the fountain. As I watched the daughter go around the fountain I began to think about how the distance between the mother and daughter changed over time.

Have two people in your group (let's call them Mahima and Deepti) play the role of the mother and her daughter. The person playing the role of the mother gets to sit at point M while the other person should start at point P and then move at a constant rate around the fountain in a counter-clockwise direction (see Figure 3).



P d

M ahima

Figure 3

(a) Let d represent the distance (in metres) between Mahima and Deepti (the length of line segment MD) and let t represent the time (in seconds). Graph the distance d versus the time t.

Since you have no actual data to work with, a precise graph is not required.

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(b) How would the graph in part (a) change if Deepti ran at a faster rate?

(c) How would the graph in part (a) change if, before Deepti began to run, Mahima moved to a point further away from P to stay in the shade?

Question 3

Suppose that a concert is to be held in this courtyard and that you are in charge of determining how many people could stand comfortably within this area.

(a) Decide by estimating, which of the following numbers is closest to the number of people who could gather in this area for the concert.

(i) 100 people

(ii) 1,000 people

(iii) 10,000 people

(iv) 100,000 people

(b) Develop a plan for determining an accurate estimate of the number of people who could stand in this area.


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Question 4

Enter Commerce Court North through the back door and stand under one of the beautiful chandeliers.

(a) Identify by name all the geometrical shapes that appear on the ceiling and on the floor.

(b) Stand underneath one of the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Count the number of lights on each of the three levels and record your results in Table 2.

Table 2 number of lights on the lower level number of lights on the middle level number of lights on the upper level


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(c) Calculate the two ratios in Table 3. Are they the same? Did you expect them to be the same?


Table 3 ratio of the number of lights on the upper level to the number of lights on the middle level ratio of the number of lights on the middle level to the number of lights on the lower level

(d) Use your results from parts (b) and (c) to predict how many lights might be used if an extra level of lights were added above the existing upper level.

(e) Suppose that a multi-leveled chandelier is to be made and that the number of lights per level is to follow the same pattern exhibited by the chandelier in this building (the number of lights on the lowest level is 10 and after that the number per level is always double the previous level).

Explain whether it is possible to make a chandelier for which the total number of lights is equal to

(i) 99 lights?

(ii) 1,000 lights? for Wayne Gretzky’s home not a light light for sure

(iii) 1,000,000 lights? for a hotel in Las Vegas


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(f) Suppose that a chandelier has n levels. The lowest level has 10 lights and after that the number per level is always double the previous level. Let t n

represent the number of lights on the nth level and let s n

represent the total number of lights on all levels from the first to the last. Mark each of the following statements as true or false.

Table 4 statement t n

  n 1 t n

20 n

1 t n

  n t n

2 n 1 t


 s n n s n

   s n

 

T or F? s s n

 t n s n t n



© Ron Lancaster -

(g) What is a watt? What is a kilowatt-hour (kWh)?

(h) Assume that this chandelier uses 40-watt bulbs and that businesses in Toronto are currently paying on average 5 cents/kWh for electricity. Calculate the average cost of leaving this chandelier turned on for a 24-hour period.


© Ron Lancaster -

Return to the courtyard. Walk to the southwest corner and stop when you reach the family of elephants. These sculptures were created by the artist Derrick Stephen Hudson.

Question 5

(a) Decide by estimating, which ratio is closest to the ratio of the height of the mother elephant to the height of one of the babies.

1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 5:1, 6:1

(b) Visit the and use the information to determine the ratio of the height of the mother elephant to the height of one of the babies. Compare this answer with your estimate from part (a).

A building to visit next time you are in this area ...

Look in a westerly direction at the Ernst and Young Tower located at 222 Bay Street. The next time you are in this area, be sure to visit the lobby of this building. Arlene Stamp, a Canadian artist and former mathematics teacher, created all of the artwork that is on permanent display in the lobby of the building. The pattern of black and white squares that appears high up on the walls was created using the binary system (Base 2)! You can see another major commission (Sliding Pi) by Ms. Stamp at the

Downsview subway station. Throughout the cavernous station, she created a non-repeating design made up of thousands of small coloured titles using the decimal expansion of π.


© Ron Lancaster -

Walk to the southeast corner of the courtyard. Enter the building through the doors near the Running

Room store. You should see the JUMP Cafe and Bar to your left once you are inside the building.

To your right there are two flights of stairs leading to street level. Walk to the stairway on the left side and walk down to street level.

Question 6

(a) How are these steps different from most other steps? Describe how you would you find the slope of these steps. Describe how you would you find the slope of the stairway? Calculate these slopes?

(b) At the bottom of the stairs, turn right and stop at the top of the stairs that lead to the stores underground and the PATH. Measure the slope of these stairs and then the slope of the stairs on the left side that lead back up one level. Compare these slopes.


© Ron Lancaster -

Question 7

At the bottom of the stairs locate the large sign for Reitman's on your left side. The sign appears to consists of a number of small squares and four rectangles. Are the small "squares" actually square?

How do you know? For this exercise assume that they are!

(a) I recently showed students a photo of this sign and asked them to find several different ways of counting the number of small squares. Three different strategies emerged and the calculations are shown below. Explain the strategies that lead to these calculations.

(i) 3 8



(b) Let the area of each of the small squares be equal to one square unit. Determine the exact area of the four rectangles (combined) in terms of the area of a small square. Determine the area of each rectangle in terms of the area of a small square.


© Ron Lancaster -

Question 8

Walk in the direction of the Commerce Court Food and Shops. After a few steps, Rexall Pharma

Plus will be on your right side and Smart Set will be to your left. Stop when you reach the mmmuffins store.

(a) Using exponents, rewrite the name of this store. Does this alternative version require fewer characters?

(b) Fill in the cost for each item in Table 5 and then calculate the cost per ounce for each size.

Table 5 size of coffee small (12 ounces) medium (16 ounces) large (20 ounces) cost cost per ounce

(c) How many more ounces of coffee does a customer get by buying

(i) a medium coffee instead of a small?

(ii) a large coffee instead of a medium?

(d) Suppose that mmmuffins were to add a new size (see Table 6) to the existing sizes for their cups of coffee. Based on your results from part (c), suggest the number of ounces for this new size. size extra large

Table 6 amount of coffee (ounces)


© Ron Lancaster -

Question 9

(a) Use the data from Table 5 to sketch the graph of the cost of a cup of coffee versus the size of the cup. Find the line of best fit for this data. How well does this line fit the data? cost of a cup of coffee




1 siz e of cup

5 10 15 20

(b) Use the line of the best fit that you determined in part (a) to predict what mmmuffins might charge for the hypothetical size discussed in Question 8, part (d).

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Walk along the hallway that leads from the mmmuffins store to the Herbal Magic store. Stop when you reach the escalators that go up to ground level.

Question 10

Have one member of your group ride up the escalator to the floor above and then stand in front of the down escalator. Have another member of your group stand still in front of the up escalator. At exactly the same time, have both people get on their escalators. Everyone else should watch these two people as they go for a ride. Which graph describes how the distance between the two people changed from the time that they got on the escalators to the time that they got off?


Figure 4 Figure 5

Figure 6 Figure 7

Figure 8 Figure 9

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Question 11

If the two people decided not to get on the escalators, then the left graph in the middle row would be the one that describes how the distance between them changes with time. Setting aside this graph and the one you selected in Question 10, describe what the two people could do in order to “make” each of the four remaining graphs (in other words so that a particular graph shows how the distance between the two people changes with time).

Table 7

Figure Description of how to make the graph


© Ron Lancaster -

Question 12

(a) How would the graph you selected in Question 10 change if the speed of both escalators were doubled? Redraw the graph in the space given below.

(b) How would the graph you selected in Question 10 change if the speed of one of the escalators were twice the speed of the other? Redraw the graph in the space given below.


© Ron Lancaster -

Question 13

Let P and Q represent the two people on the escalators (Figure 10). Let x represent the distance between P and A and also the distance between B and Q. Let y represent the distance between P and


(-1, 1) A(1, 1)



O(0, 0)


B(-1, -1)

(a) Develop a formula for y in terms of x.

Figure 10

(1, -1)

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(b) Use the TI-84 (or your favourite graphing utility) to graph y versus x for

0 2

. Draw the graph in the space given below. Compare this graph to the one you selected in Question 10.

Question 14

(a) Decide by estimating, which number in Table 8 is closest to the slope of the escalator.

(b) Decide by estimating, which angle in Table 9 is closest to the angle between the escalator and the ground.

Table 8





Table 9















40 0












© Ron Lancaster -

Question 15

Photograph 1 shows a triangle that appears on the left side of the escalator that goes down. After the

Trail use this photograph to answer the following questions. Compare your answers with your estimates from Question 14.

(a) Find the slope of the escalator.

(b) Determine the angle between the escalator and the ground.


Photograph 1

© Ron Lancaster -

Question 16

Write a question of your own for any grade level from 7 to 12 related to the geometric design on the ceiling above the escalators (on the lower level).

Go up the escalators to the main floor of the building, turn left and leave the building through the nearby doors. As soon as you are outside, look to your right and locate the window on the side of the building that resembles the shape shown in Figure 11. A window such as this one that consists of a rectangle surmounted by a semi-circle is called a Norman window.

24 radius semi-circle height width

Figure 11 Figure 12

Question 17

(a) Suppose the perimeter of a Norman window is 6 metres. If the width (Figure 12) of the window is 1 metre, find

(i) the radius of the semi-circle

(ii) the circumference of the semi-circle

(iii) the height of the rectangle

(iv) the area of the rectangle

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(b) Suppose the perimeter of a Norman window is 6 metres. Let the width of the window be x metres. Find the area (represented by y) of the window in terms of x.

(c) Referring to part (b), find the value of x for which y is as large as possible.

Question 18

(a) From where you are standing, locate each of the buildings (Table 10). Place a check mark beside each name once you have located it. To get a better view of all these buildings you might want to walk towards the southeast corner of King and Bay Streets.

Table 10

Name of building

Commerce Court West

Name of architectural firm

Toronto Dominion Centre

First Canadian Place

Scotia Plaza (historic component)

Scotia Plaza (modern component)

(b) After the Trail (or during if you have internet access on a smartphone) visit the website and look up the name of the architectural firm that designed each of the buildings listed in Table 10.


© Ron Lancaster -

(c) Study the design of the buildings listed in Table 10 and discuss how certain designs allow for a higher number of corner offices. Draw a diagram that shows a design that allows for more corner offices.

Cross King Street and walk to the northeast corner of King and Bay Streets. Turn right, walk in an easterly direction and stop when you reach the entrance to 44 King Street West. Go inside the building. Walk forward towards the old clock, turn right and enter the adjacent hall. Walk around the rotunda in a counter clockwise fashion until you locate a large collection of beautiful flags from all over the world on a nearby wall.

Question 19

(a) How many of these flags can you identify? Express your answer as a percentage.

(b) How many of these flags have a line of symmetry?

Use the nearby escalators to go down one level, turn left and stop at the nearby Investors Update area.

Question 20

(a) Watch the electronic sign as it cycles through the current financial numbers and record the numbers that appear on the screen for the exchange rate between US and Canadian dollars

(Table 11).

Table 11 country





© Ron Lancaster -

(b) See if there is anyone within your group who knows the meaning of the words BID and ASK.

If no one knows, determine the meaning after the Trail and record what you found out in the space given below and the source you used.

Question 21

On Friday, September 17 at 10:30 PM the following information was posted at the website

100 US Dollar = 103.272 Canadian Dollar

100 Canadian Dollar = 96.7380 US Dollar

(a) How much Canadian money would you need to buy $100 US dollars?

(b) Suppose that after purchasing the $100 US dollars you realized that you actually had enough

US money for an upcoming trip and so you went and exchanged the $100 US dollars back to

Canadian money. How much Canadian money would you get back if you made the exchange almost immediately after the first transaction? Would you end up with the exact same amount of money that you started with? If not, would you have more or less?

(c) Determine what happens if you continued to exchange your money back and forth from

Canadian dollars to US dollars for four more times. In the space given below, graph how much money you would have from the start to the end.


© Ron Lancaster -

Walk a short distance in the direction of the nearby Batteries and Gadgets store. Stop when you reach the Shoe Company store on your left side.

Question 22

Have someone in your group enter the store and locate one of the Women's Conversion Charts that displays shoe sizes in Canada and Europe, Last week they were posted at the rear of the store, near the stockroom door.

(a) Record the data displayed in this chart in Table 12.

Table 12

Women's shoe size in Canada x

Women's shoe size in Europe y

(b) In the space given below create a graph of the shoe size for women in Europe (represented by y) versus the shoe size for women in Canada (represented by x). Find the line of best fit for this data. How well does this line fit the data?

(c) Use the line of best fit that you determined in part (b) to predict the shoe size in Europe for a size 12 women's shoe in Canada.


© Ron Lancaster -

Locate the Teaopia store opposite the Shoe Company store.

Have someone in your group enter the store and locate the stand that contains five levels of tea cans, each arranged along the perimeter of a circle.

Question 23

(a) Starting from the top level and working your way down, count the number of cans per level and record your results in Table 13.

Table 13 level



3 number of cans



(b) Teaopia's Tea List brochure contains 100 varieties of premium loose leaf teas. Is there enough room on the stand to hold all these varieties?

(c) Let the circumference of the circle for the top level of the stand be 1 unit. Use your results from part (a) to determine the circumference of the circles on the other four levels in terms of this unit.

I hope you have enjoyed the Trail and that you get the opportunity to do one with your own students some day soon. Here is one more problem for you!.

Question 24

In the puzzle given below, each letter represents a digit from 0 to 9. Any given letter stands for just one digit (in other words the value of E cannot be say 3 and 9 at the same time) and two different letters cannot stand for the same digit (so N and D can’t both be say 7). Also the first letter of any word cannot be 0. There are 144 solutions to this puzzle. All you have to do is to find one of them!






© Ron Lancaster -



Math for America Math Trails in Manhattan

The National Math Trail

The Canadian Math Trail

Vancouver 2010 Olympic Math Trail

Math Trails

Math Trails

Welcome to the Welland Canal Math Trail

NCTM Journal Articles

"Designing Math Trails for the Elementary School". Kim Margaret Richardson, Teaching Children

Mathematics , August 2004

"Making Mathematics Real: The Boston Math Trail". M Rosenthal and Clement K Ampadu,

Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School , November 1999

"A Mathematics Trail at Phillips Exeter Academy". Vince Delisi and Ron Lancaster, The Mathematics

Teacher , March 1997


© Ron Lancaster -

Tales about my Trails by Ron Lancaster

I created my first Math Trail on Toronto's Centre Island in the summer of 1985 for teachers who were enrolled in an Additional Qualifications (AQ) course I taught at the Faculty of Education of the

University of Toronto. The suggestion to go to Centre Island came from Al Fleming, a well known mathematics teacher, who had developed a tradition of going to the island for the last class of his AQ courses. In the early 1990s I began to create Trails for teachers who attended the Phillips Exeter

Academy Mathematics, Science and Technology Conference in Exeter, New Hampshire. I developed these Trails with Vince Delisi, a good friend of mine, who now teaches at the Bishop Strachan School in Toronto. Vince and I created Trails on the Exeter campus, in the downtown area and in stores including Whirlygigs Toys and Exeter Candy.

In 1996 I began to develop Trails for my own students. At the time I was teaching at St. Mildred’s, an all-girls school in Oakville, and I was looking for new ways of making the study of mathematics more attractive to the young women in my classes. The first Trail that I created was set in the Financial

District of Toronto and the day was a major success. The students loved the active nature of the project, they enjoyed being able to work collaboratively and they were stunned at how much mathematics there is in the world around us. The following year my grades 7 and 8 students participated in three Trails. The first Trail took place in Toronto and I used it as a way of getting to know my students and as a way for my students to be exposed to the big ideas of the course. The second Trail was on the campus of the school and I used it to help students practice what they had learned to date. The third Trail was also in Toronto and this one was used to help students review everything we had done during the year. The third Trail also contained questions from the curriculum for the next year in an effort to give students a sense for what was to come.

Prior to joining the faculty of OISE I worked as an independent mathematics consultant for six years and through my work I ended up creating Trails in many locations throughout North America and

Asia. The settings for my Trails have literally been all over the map and have included shopping malls, parks, art museums, schools, farms, downtown areas of big and small cities and even a church in Kilgore Texas. Recently I have been creating Math Trails in Manhattan for Math for America.

Locations of these Trails include the Museum of Modern Art, The American Museum of Natural

History, Ellis Island, NYU, Columbia University, Madison Square Park and the Bronx Zoo. These

Trails can be downloaded for free at the Math for America website.

Many of the teachers I have worked with have created their own Trails and several have used the idea of a Trail as the basis of their Masters thesis. By now I have seen a tremendous amount of evidence that the idea works well for students in all grades, at all levels of learning and in all settings (co-ed, all-boys, all-girls schools).


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I would be delighted to discuss any issues with you regarding the logistics of organizing a Trail along with the assessment of student work. With regard to logistics, I have a few points to share with you.

Set up the Trail so that it forms a large circuit with the end of the Trail near the start. Put your students into very small groups (three or four students per group) and have the groups start the Trail in different locations. If they all move in the same direction around the circuit, there will never be a point when too many groups are in the same place at the same time. For supervision, ask parents and other teachers to join you. The best idea of all is to involve senior students as the guides and mentors.

If you are designing a Trail for students in say grade 9, have students from grade 12 help out. Be sure to check with officials at every site on the Trail. Ask for permission to be on the property and make sure that everyone knows what is going on.

There have been other people around the world who have developed their own Trails. Kay Toliver is one of the best-known Trail blazers and information about her work can be found at Several years ago I worked with Kay in Los Angeles and New Orleans and she was a pleasure to be with. Geoff Kavanagh, an Instructor at OISE/UT, was a real pioneer in the development of Math Trails and he was out with his students in downtown Toronto many years ago. Eric Muller, a Mathematics Professor at Brock University in Canada was another early Trail blazer. Many years ago he developed Math Trails in Niagara Falls and at the Welland Canal.

Other trail developers include close friends of mine such as Brigitte Bentele, who has developed

Trails in Manhattan; Larry Ottman, Lisa Ledwith and Marcia Wexler who have developed Trails in

Philadelphia; Diane Devine who has developed Trails in Boston and Carly Ziniuk who has developed

Trails in Toronto and in Ottawa at the National Gallery of Canada.

Ron Lancaster, Senior Lecturer in Mathematics Education

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT)

