CpSc 120 LECTURE SYLLABUS INSTRUCTOR: Cathy Hochrine Spring 2007, Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 OFFICE/PHONE: 218 McAdams Hall, 656-5882 OFFICE HOURS: 10-11 MW or by appointment EMAIL: cashiel@cs.clemson.edu HOME PAGE: http://www.cs.clemson.edu/~cashiel CPSC 120 WEB PAGE: http://www.cs.clemson.edu/~120admin This course syllabus is my “condensed version”. My complete syllabus is on my web page located at http://www.cs.clemson.edu/~cashiel/SpringSyllabus.html. It contains more information about the course description, your computer id and email, the University’s cheating policy, and other more general topics. REQUIRED BOOK: Discovering Computers 2007 Shelly, Cashman, & Vermaat TESTS: There will be eight tests covering the reading and lecture material. The tests will include multiple choice and true/false types of questions and will be administered using Scantron answer forms which I will provide to you. The test must be turned in along with the answer form. The use of headphones (with music players, cell phones, etc.) are not allowed during the test. Tests start at the commencement of class – please make every effort to be in class on time. If you are absent from a test, a make-up may be given ONLY if a doctor's note or other supporting documentation is provided. There are only three acceptable reasons for an excused absence: (1) Official university function, (2) Illness, or (3) Death in the family. You must submit a written request on paper for an excused absence and drop off a copy of supporting, official documentation (which you can slide under my door if I am not in my office) If you do not have an excused, documented reason for missing a test, a make-up test will not be allowed. You will have an opportunity, however, to replace that zero test grade with the grade you receive on the final exam (see the Final Exam policy below). LAB: You will have a different instructor for lab, who will report to me your lab grade at the end of the semester. I have no control over lab classes, lab tas, or lab grades. It is departmental policy that if you fail the lab, you automatically fail the course. FINAL EXAM EXEMPTION: The final exam is cumulative. If you have an A in the course at the end of the semester, you automatically exempt the final. If not, the grade you receive on the final exam can be used to replace the lowest of your test grades. GRADING POLICY: 20% Lab 80% Exams (8 tests, each 10%) 89.5+ 79.5-89.4 69.5-79.4 59.5-69.4 59.4 or less A B C D F ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance is required and is important for understanding the material. You are allowed only 4 unexcused absences. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to get the notes and whatever announcements or news from a classmate.