WILDLIFE AND FISHERIES BIOLOGY (WFB) ADVISORS A-B Bill Bowerman wbowerm@clemson.edu G12I Lehotsky 656-6192 C Bryan Brown bbrown3@clemson.edu 234 Lehotsky 656-7333 D-G Rickie Davis jrdvs@clemson.edu 250 Lehotsky 656-0179 H-K Jeff Foltz jwfoltz@clemson.edu 118 Lehotsky 656-5330 L-M Alan Johnson alanj@clemson.edu G12A Lehotsky 656-4390 N-S Drew Lanham lanhamj@clemson.edu 244 Lehotsky 656-7294 T-Z Greg Yarrow gyarrow@clemson.edu 272C Lehotsky 656-7370 If you are unable to find your advisor and need a question answered about the WFB Curriculum, you may contact Amy Sanders in 102 Barre Hall or call her at 656-4840 or email at amybs@clemson.edu .