REQUEST FOR ACTION BY THE ENGINEERING CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Academic Year 2008-2009 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ This form should be sent to the Chair of the Engineering Curriculum Committee (Alva Couch, Halligan 246, email:, at least two weeks before a regularly scheduled meeting of the Committee. To expedite the review process, please provide both a signed paper copy of the form and an electronic version of the document, preferably via electronic mail to If credit is desired in either Natural Science or Mathematical Science distribution area in Liberal Arts, one must obtain separate approval from the Academic Review Board(ARB). Please forward the course description to the chair of the ARB, currently Stephen Bailey (Anthropology). A copy should also be sent to the Collection Management Librarian of Tisch Library ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Name __Caroline Cao___ Department __Mechanical Engineering__ Extension _____72484________ Date ____March 6, 2008_____ Please circle or underline appropriate line(s) (1) Offer a new course or program that will be considered by the faculty. (2) Change the number of a course. (3) Change the title of a course. (4) Change the wording of a course or program description. (5) Other. ___________________________________________________ This request has been approved by the faculty of: ______Mechanical Engineering_____ Department _________________________________________ Signature of Department Chair 1 On this page or on attached pages, please describe changes, rationale, and resources required to implement the proposed changes. 1. New course or other requested changes. Please give department designation, course number, course title, and new Bulletin description. Note that the description should be about four printed lines and written in Bulletin language. For other requested changes, please give old designation, course number, course title, and old course description; follow this with a description of the requested changes. Attach additional pages if needed. (OLD) ENP 149 Human Factors of Medical Instrumentation and Devices This is a graduate level course designed for students who are interested in acquiring a broadbased knowledge in the human factors of medical instrumentation and devices. This course will approach the design and implementation of medical instrumentation and devices from the perspective of usability and accessibility. Topics to be covered will range from design guideline considerations, tools for usability and accessibility analysis, and emerging trends and technologies. Grading is based on research projects, in-class seminar discussions, and weekly inclass presentations of selected topics. (NEW) ENP 210 Human Factors in Medical Systems Advanced topics in medical error analysis, user-centred medical technology design, product development and testing, FDA requirements, patenting, simulation, displays and controls, computerisation, system implementation and maintenance, and product usability and accessibility. Classroom presentations and research projects. Pre-requisite: ENP 163 (course number pending). 2. Please describe the rationale and impact of the proposed changes and/or for offering the new course or courses. Indicate ways in which proposed changes affect existing or proposed programs of study both within and outside your department. When appropriate, indicate relationships between changes and practices at peer institutions, as well as relevance to School of Engineering strategic plans. There has been a dearth of graduate level courses, especially in the 200 level, in the mechanical engineering department for our graduate students. In the past, students have been forced to take courses from other departments at Tufts, and some times outside of Tufts. This course was first offered last year in response to persistent demand from our graduate students. Given the growth of the human factors graduate program and research program of the faculty, the need for an upper level graduate course in medical systems is clear. This advanced graduate course will build on the core required courses in the human factors program (ENP 162, ENP 163 (number pending)), with focus in the area of medical systems. Students whose thesis research is in this area will benefit from this course. A new course number is requested to reflect the advanced course content. 3. Please describe the resources required to implement the proposed changes, including plans for how these resources will be obtained. Include expected enrollments, class sizes, expected numbers of sections, and frequency of offering for each class. Describe modifications required in your department’s curriculum or instructor’s regular course 2 offerings to make the proposed changes possible. Identify whether required funding for resources is pending and/or dependent upon external grants. Where possible, compare resource requirements to existing requirements before the proposed changes. The change in course number will not require additional departmental resources. It will not alter the department’s curriculum or instructor’s regular course offerings in any way. The course will be taught in the fall semester each year. Enrollment in this course is expected to be primarily full-time and part-time graduate students in the human factors program and mechanical engineering department, with others from the computer science department (HCI program), and psychology department. Class size depends on the size of incoming graduate students each year, but is expected to be at least 6. Class will meet once a week for 3hours each week. 4. If additional resources are required, please attach a statement from the Dean of Engineering (or a designee) concerning the resources and how they will be provided. N/A. ________________________________________________________________________ Please fill out the attached Library Impact Study form if: (a) you are requesting that a new course be included in the curriculum or (b) you anticipate the need for substantial new library resources as a result of changes in the description of your course. ________________________________________________________________________ N/A. TUFTS UNIVERSITY ARTS AND SCIENCES LIBRARY LIBRARY IMPACT STATEMENTFOR UNDERGRADUATE COURSES Please furnish the information requested below and return this form to: Collection Management Librarian, Arts and Sciences Library, Tisch. (The Arts and Sciences Librarian is an ex officio member of the Committee on Curricula.) 1. Department or Program____________________________________________________ 2. Title of course 3. Suggested department course number ____________________________________ 4. Course will first be offered ____________________________________ 3 5. Instructor(s) _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 6. Campus telephone number ______________________________ 7. Anticipated enrollment ______________________________ 8. Open to undergraduates ______________________________ graduates ______________________________ 9. This course is primarily dependent on: Text Library resources _______ _______ 10. Brief description of topics to be covered 11. Description of any additional library resources needed to support this course. 4