JOB DESCRIPTION – Updated: July 2015
There are very few jobs at Northwest as challenging, yet, at the same time, as interesting and rewarding as that of a
Student Assistant. SAs are an integral part of our Residential Life program. They are paraprofessionals who are required
to live within a community and work toward the goals and objectives set forth by the Department of Residential Life. To do
so involves energy, self-discipline, control and commitment. Among the skills and/or characteristics needed to be an SA
are: good judgment, knowledge of self, work under pressure, understanding of residents, time management, a sense of
humor, flexibility and an ability to communicate effectively. As an SA, you will have endless opportunities for learning new
skills, developing a greater respect of self and others, becoming more self-sufficient, and making and meeting new friends.
 completed 28 semester hours prior to beginning appointment as an SA
 Northwest cumulative GPA of 2.5 and a semester GPA of 2.0 which must be maintained throughout employment
 Agree not to accept any other paid employment or undertaking any other time commitments (i.e. Greek Recruitment,
social organizations, etc.) without the approval of the Hall / Complex Director. Any approved employment will be
limited to a maximum of 10 hours per week.
 SAs must take and receive credit for a minimum of 12 academic hours (in accordance with financial aid policy and
housing agreement stipulation) and a maximum of 16 hours per semester. Additional hours must be approved by the
Hall / Complex Director.
 recognize that the SA position is for the entire academic year and agree not to participate in any internship with any
department or student teach any semester while holding the SA position
 must live on the floor, in the building for which you are assigned for the duration of employment
Preferred Qualifications:
 Northwest Residence Hall living experience
 Strong communication skills
 Leadership experience
Physical Demands:
 Lift and move 25 pounds on occasion in sedentary and physical work environments
 Ability to observe and interpret printed notices, policy violations and other documents
 Ability to observe and evaluate aural cues for policy violation, fire alarm response and a person yelling for immediate
 Communicate in English effectively both orally and in print
 Evacuate residents from any residence hall without the use of an elevator (flights of stairs will number from 3 to 8).
Fire evacuations may occasionally include traversing all of the flights of stairs more than one time without the use of an
 Complete rounds in a building that is not equipped with an elevator
The SA
 position is considered primary above all other activities except academic work
 position requires a full academic year commitment
 is required to post a schedule of all class, work, outside commitments, etc. outside their room door
 is required to engage in meaningful conversation with each resident of their floor a minimum of once per week
Peer Advisor:
 help residents adjust to roommates, floor mates, the residence hall and the University
 establish, develop and maintain an open relationship with each member of your community
 assist residents in establishing relationships and a sense of community
 work cooperatively with residents to maintain the rights of all residents
 teach responsibility for one’s actions and consideration in a group living situation
 encourage through community development an appropriate academic environment
 encourage and support residents with their involvement in house council, programming, and campus activities
 role model positively and appropriately
 respect the dignity and individuality of each resident and encourage the same from others
 proactively assist residents with their personal and group concerns within your limits of training and capability
 keep confidences except when confidence may endanger the well-being of that individual or other individuals
 alert the Residence Hall Director regarding special needs or problems of individual residents
 all staff will answer or seek answers to questions within 24 hours
Resource Person:
 serve as a source of information about the operation of the University and its services
 know and understand the referral procedure for assistance with problem situations
 inform residents of procedures (i.e. work orders, custodial services, room changes, paint policy, etc.)
 maintain designated posting area
 provide active, passive, educational, social, cultural and other programs as stipulated on the by the Programming
 participate in the hall Improvement & Programming Board
 build a community on their floor and within their hall
Policy Implementer:
 interpret and provide rationale for University and residence hall rules, regulations and discipline procedures
 enforce all rules and regulations with consistency and fairness
 confront individuals or groups violating University and residence hall rules and regulations
 report all discipline situations to the Hall Director
 complete all necessary written reports as required in a timely manner
 follow all requirements of due process guaranteed to every student
Staff Member:
 communicate openly and honestly with residential life staff and all University Departments (i.e. PDC and University
 Attend weekly hall staff meetings
 Complete requirements of a student staff development plan as specified by your immediate supervisor
 function as a team member of the residential life staff in solving mutual concerns and making suggestions for
improving life in the halls
 maintain confidentiality concerning job-related issues and relationships with staff
 convey accurate information related to decisions and actions of other staff members
 support decisions and actions of staff members
 do not judge or form opinions based on rumor
 support programs presented by staff (i.e. attendance, help with publicity, word of mouth, etc.)
 settle staff conflicts privately
 work and support custodial and maintenance staff and explain their functions to residents
 all staff will take responsibility for keeping all living environments clean and pleasing in appearance
 assist in the maintenance of all safety and security features in the hall
 initiate, support and enforce safety and security policies and programs in the halls
Accurately perform the following administrative processes within the stated deadlines:
 room inventory, check-in, check-out, damage reports, interaction forms, programming paperwork, etc.
 evaluations of staff, programs and procedures
 written reports as requested by Residential Life staff
Active involvement is required in the following:
 fall and spring training, weekly staff meetings, staff selection and other meetings scheduled throughout the term of
 stay late and return early for hall closing/opening during University scheduled breaks and trimester
 perform scheduled duty to complete safety and security rounds and interact with residents throughout the building(s)
 8 desk hours in the first two trimesters of employment; 7 hours for subsequent trimesters and 1 hour in the resource
Miscellaneous Conditions of Employment:
 Return early and stay late for hall openings and closings, respectively. This includes returning early, prior to the start
of the fall trimester; staying late and/or returning early for University scheduled breaks during the trimester; staying late
and returning early for winter break and staying through the Monday following the spring semester finals week for end
of the year closing. It is the obligation of the RA/SA to inform their HD of their anticipated travel plans prior to making
travel plans. The RA/SA accepts full financial liability for the return/exchange of transportation tickets and other costs if
the staff member fails to confirm these dates prior to incurring such costs.
Maintain their Northwest e-mail account that is open and available to receive mail messages. The SA agrees to read
e-mail messages no less than twice per day. The SA also agrees to listen to voice mail messages no less than once
per day.
Remain on campus, present and available at least two weekends per month and special weekends as designated by
Residential Life staff
Report to immediate supervisor any overnight and weekend absences. All overnight and weekend absences must be
scheduled and approved prior to the date. Unexpected absences must be reported within 24 hours of return.
Agree that any involvement of the staff member in a violation of campus policy or local, state or federal law may
negatively impact the continued employment of that staff member.
Abide by all stipulations of the Residential Life Housing Agreement as would any other student. If a staff member
leaves the SA position, regardless of cause, the staff member will be granted a release of their housing agreement
upon request. The staff member remains responsible for any financial liability that results from breaking the Housing
Accept financial responsibility for any unearned portion of the SA scholarship and cash stipend if the staff member
leaves their position during the course of any semester. The amount billed will be based on a daily pro-ration chart.
Perform hall specific and other duties as assigned
Behavioral / Emotional Expectations for All Student Staff:
When in the opinion of the University a condition constitutes a clear and present danger to the health, safety, or security of
self and others, the University has the right to take whatever steps are necessary to remedy the situation. These steps
may include the termination of a staff member’s role within Residential Life and their occupancy of the premises. Action of
this nature is subject to review through normal University channels and remains in effect until reversed or rescinded.
 scholarship equivalent to the cost of a single room and the Silver meal plan per trimester
 per trimester stipend dependent on number of years of service up to but not excluding 3 years
 Workman’s Compensation Insurance is provided for injuries that occur while on the job
 meals and housing during August and January training
 break housing provided at no cost
 All Residential Life Student Staff positions make up 10 hours per week of the 20 hours students are allowed to work
through on campus employment.
Note: Remuneration is considered income and can affect Financial Aid awards—see Financial Aid Office for details!